Show AS EDITOR AND AN EDITOR The Now York Vail and Express the property and personal organ of that pious old humbug ELLIOTT F SnnpAnn who was said by his fatherinlaw Commodore VAX DnnniLT to be more kinds of fool than he had ever before seen denounces tIle three Republican Senators who had courage cour-age beyond party fealty and discipline and voted against the EDMONDS bill for stealing the property of the Mormon churcn SnnpAKn tells them that their action ac-tion will not help them to reelection as if a man must be a thief and scoundrel in order or-der to secure his election on the Republican I ticket It doesnt matter much what the fellow SnrrAKD sajs Ho is tho guy and laughing stock of the newspaper fraternity from one end of the republic to tho other If it were not for tbe money left to his wife by V AxuEmnLT SUEPAJID could get before the public only as any other crank gets therethrough his suppression by tho police A few years ago he passed two r lays in this city and the fit being on him 0 air himself he ground out several col i nuns of rot which he carted to the sanctum i f a local newspaper Wading through the dreary insane stuff the managing editor I Respectfully declined the truck although tho writer had a millionaire for a wife But 6 34 t HEPAKD was not toTe put off in that way hence he opened negotiations for space that put a new phase on tho case and the newspaper man counted ho lines of the literary effort as he would in the case ofa quack doctors uad or a remedy for a nameless disorder at regular advertising rates SIIEPAKDS paper came to SHOO wo believer and 80 much of Commodore VAXDEUBIITS money being paid into the newspapers coffers the childish stuff which might have been better written in tho insane asylum actually actu-ally appeared as a paid advertisement The proofreader and SUEPAKU are perhaps the only persons who ever read it That was before the soninlaw owned a newspaper and it may be that the incident is what led him to purchase the Mail and Express j he might concluded that if he had to pay regular advertising rates whenever he got into print his ambition would necessarily have to be curbed or tho VAO > EKBILT millions mill-ions would be insufficient to meet the newspaper bills It is cheaper to advertise himself an ass on his own press and i with his own types than pay others for doing it Wosayit doesnt matter what Colonel HEPAKD and his Wail and Distress say about men or measures for both arc without with-out influence It does however concern the public when the New York Sun speaks Tho Sun discusses tho EDMUXDS robbery bill in its peculiarly forcible manner denouncing de-nouncing the measure as it deserves to be denounced and on this very matter of the three Republicans whose sense of justice and right would not permit them to approve ap-prove the contemplated theft Editor DANA says The three dissenting Republican Senators arc to be congratulated upon having sufficient firmness firm-ness and courage to resist the commands of Mr EDMONDS Wo do not think that they will over have cause to regret it nor will the Democratic party deserve anything else than honor for resisting an oppressive and unjust measure Let the Republicans get and keep all the credit they can from sentimentalists and fanatics for passing It The Democratic party Is true to tho constitution In refusing to punish religious opinion by conllscation The Republicans attempt at-tempt to divert attention from the real character charac-ter of their proceeding by proposing to use for the maintenance of common schools in Utah the funds arising from the conllcation of the property held for church purposes by apart a-part of the inhabitants of Utah The virtuous attitude of the Republican party in the matter suggests burgiar who assumes airs of moral superiority because he has dropped a part of the swag into the contribution box The church of Latterday Saints has few friends anywhere and perhaps none among enlightened en-lightened men and women Yet whatever have been Its errors Its Impostures or Its crimes the mass of its believers have teen honest menand women industrious and thriving colonists But had It been composed entirely of jailbirds there would still have been no necessity for confiscating their church property It Is not right to do evil that good may come The Republican Re-publican party may yet have cause to regret that it has disregarded justice for a little cheap I applause |