Show A SPICY LITTLE DRAMA Dramatis Personoo The Duchess of Montrose and an Unknown Scene Old Bond Street Special to THE HERALD pxominor Cable LONDON Tune 2nA spicy little drama in one act and two scenes was performed yesterday afternoon in Old Bond street Her grace the Duchess of Montrose and an unknown but beautiful ladyin mourning were the dramatis peisonos The lady wa gazing into a shop window when a magnificent magnif-icent carriage with two ponderous footmen foot-men and a bewigged coachmen in attendance attend-ance drove by In it sat her grace The duchess suddenly caught sight of the unknown un-known lady she sprang to her feet pulled the dignified coachman by the coat ordered order-ed him to stop and dashed out of tho carriage car-riage toward tho lady on the sidewalk who seemed to turn pale and tried to escape Tho duchess seized her by thearm and poured forth a stream of excited words not to be found in the book of Com mon Prayer The lady remained passive the duchess stamping her foot with rage and finally raised her parasol to strike Then the lady shrieked The spectators acted the part of a Greek chorus and interfered in the action of the piece The lady took refuge in a neighboring shop leaving no trace behind Tho affair is the talk of the clubs but the matter is being hushed up |