Show I rELEGRAPHIC NEWS A Tony Wedding New York 11D Ogden Mills son of D 0 Mills and Miss Ruth Livingston Living-ston daughter of the late Maturin Livingston Liv-ingston were married at 1 pm this afternoon in Grace Church by Rev Dr Henry 0 Potter rector of the church The chancel vas decorated with groups of palms red and white callas and otter plants The coachman of the bridal party wore button hole boquels of lilies of the valley The bestman was Mr Boerum the ushers were Geraldine Redmond H S Hoyt and Carrol Bail I ies The bridesmaids were Miss Gertrude Ger-trude A Hoyt Miss Ogden Miss Estelle Livingston Miss Cornelia Bailies the dresses were made of white brocade with full French trains The front of the dresses were Jplam white satin draped with three rows of white cut crystal fringe the corsages were cut to a point and were boardered by wide English collars of crystal embroidery em-broidery iTie trufiante drapery of the skirts were caught up with white lilacs Tho sleeves were of Jace with panes of cut crystal 1he bridesmaids also wore long gloves and tul a veils fastened with lilac and Carrie i 1 irge bouquets of pink roses tied with pink tain libbun The bride was attired in a rube of heavy white satin the front of which was thickly veiled with crystal embroidered lace The dress was made with a very long train and was garnished with natural lilacs J and appe blossorrs The veil of point lace was of nearly equal length with the train and was fastened with white ostrich tips Three diamond stars and three diamond crescents a necklace of large brilliants and a diamond broach were also worn The usual bocquet was carried by the bride Mrs Maturin Livingston the prides mother wore a dress of white brocaded silk trimmed with point lac Tne organist or-ganist S P Warren played the Nuptial March from Oberon Weberd Jubilee Overture and the wedding music of MendelsBhon and Wagner The church was filled with a large and fashionable atsembly After the ceremony thpre was a reception for the relatives and intimate friends at the house of the brides mother No 30 West 2ith street The presents were numerous and of the costliest cost-liest kind A necklace of very large pearls was given by the groom The i bride and groom will sell for Europe on the 24th acd will spend sometime with I Mr George Cavendie Beninese sister of the bride in London I |