Show Discharged 4 Agreeable to adjournment on Wednesday the examination of Tremayne or George Cole and Mrs Johnson charged with the burglary of Cook Glaunelds butcher shop some time since was resumed on Thursday before Commissioner Pearson in the City Hall The result re-sult was as fearedthe discharge of the accused As before stated the officers feel conlident they have the guilty parties but they were unable to secure evidence strong enough to justify the binding of the parties over to await the action of the grand jury It was not thought that Mrs Johnson had any active part in the robbery but it was believed that by bringing her into the trial some newtestimony might be elicited which would implicate her husband who is believed to be the pal Tremayne Tremayne or Cole it v ill be remembered has been bound over in 1000 on a charge of the Kaysville burglary The business of thc gang certainly shows the handiwork of the professional profes-sional and it will not be surprising if Tremayne escapes on the trial by jury |