Show TELEGEAPHIO t + a HEW GUITEAU GOMPI ICA TIOlfB The Assassin Repudiates His Sisters Action New York llThe Heralds Chicago Chi-cago on the new phase of the Guiteau case says This is n new and entirely unexpected un-expected turn of affairs It is not known whether Guiteau will not be brought here or not The rase requires a trial by jury before Judge Loomis and the ques tion will again come up as to whether Guitesu was insane at the time of the shooting of President Garfield Its not known that newly discovered evidence will be introduced in the trial of the case in Chicago and many witnesses who were not at Washington will be in attendance here The case will come up regularly in the next term of the county court in May Washington HThe following has been furnished for publication To the Agent of the Associated Press Mrs Francis M Seoville nccordingto I newspaper reoorts has impudently filed a petition in Chicago f r conservator of my estate The absurdity of her pretensions preten-sions is apparent from the fact that I dont live in Illinois and have not fur nearly three year Beside I am not a lunatic This was officially decided on my trial I have lived in Washington for over a year and this is my legal residence resi-dence Tbo court had better dismiss the petition peremptorily The Scovilles are a nuisance and I want n < thing to do with them I Signed CHAS GUITEAU Chicago 11The only points in Mrs Scovilles bill not covered last night were her statements that Guiteau is receiving re-ceiving 15 a day from sales of autographs auto-graphs and photos and that she believe Guiteau is about to negotiate or that he has negotiated tor the sale of his body after execution The petition of Mrs Scoville was filed this afternoon in the county court Judge Loom says he cant issue an order for any one not a resident of this state EO that he will not issue the order or warrant war-rant If they want Guiteau tried for insanity in-sanity they must bring him here The case will be further considered on Saturday Satur-day |