Show VETOED I President Arthur has displayed more wisdom and courage and manhood man-hood and statesmanship than either house of Congress dared manifest He has vetoed the antiChinese immigration im-migration bill and sent it back to the Senate with a disapproving message mes-sage that ought to make the alleged grave senators and able representatives representa-tives ashamed of themselves for having passed so disgraceful a measure meas-ure Perhaps now that congressmen congress-men have had time to reflect upon the folly of the attempted legislation legisla-tion enough of them will prove worthy the n ime of American citi zen to defeat the attempt that will be made to pass the bill over the Presidents veto At least it is hoped Congress will not announce that twothirds of its members are demagogues who care nothing for the country except as it is useful to keep them in office If Congress wiil go to work and pass a law for shipping to the XorthPole the eight ur ten thousand hoodlums and whiskydrinking blatherskite wide mouthed sandlotters of California who ae doing more harm to that state than fifty times their number of Chinese would do we would hear i nothing of the Mongolian evil and it is hoped would hear nothing from the hoodlums and sand loiters The loafers and rowdies may make California Cali-fornia think there are too many Chinese in the State but California is only one of thirtyeight states in the Union and the twentieth in the number of her population hence the foolishness of fifty millions of people bowing to a few thousand roughs and the republic being committed com-mitted to action that reverses the wise humane and noble policy that it has pursued since it became a nation |