Show i I j J30UKOFSKY It D STET BERG 1 > New C 1 o ing Store E BOUKOFSKY for Twelve Years engaged in the Liquor Busi UP npssin this City wishes to inform his Friends and the Public that ness hereafter he will be identified with the Firm of i BOUKOFSKY t STERNBERG 9 1 170 l Ta Lla S TR E E ors WHO OPEN WITS s A WELL EL OrE l STOOK OP FALL AND WINTER 018THIN j Consislicg of Mens Youths Soys nod Childrens CaSS llJere Suits Ulsters UI assist tag Reversible Overcoats s HATS CAPS BLANKETS Ad all kinds of > f = p = i y t T 7 f T r TV T x i y i v nr LT I GENT PURi > J 1SIX1N O GOODS USOOIJ AND SHOIESss Also a fine line of Trunks Valises Portmanteaus etc in every style Choice Biuofls of Cigars ° no8 f I House Cheapest e = II Z II LTJ v Jr1 I Q z I 11I < I 1 ro I C f 0 BY GOODS E wH P 2 J WJ IW Z t p XiKT T 0 VV lV Y c BJWALL PAPERDINWOODESY IFORMITOHEL i r UPHOLSTERY HDINWOODBYSFURNITURE I ft2V f r f Iy I y = = CttSS eoWrsrfJlI FURNITURE WINDOW CORNICES WINDOW SHADES Carpets Wall F per Lists tutuin Laan5 < i1lj IBM FE A T SHE f r e MATTSES 5l I 1 > hoi tery wins > f iJ J > rajt ir > T2u erfnl I Whb T < > Mini Me fn iitch REFRIGERATORS BABY CA 4F RTAjCVf t Sf i w TOLF ALE AND R ril 1 L i p HENRY BIB WOODSY l 1 r Y 12 1Lt1 1 < it < i I I I ti t tr r fluted fJruar of a Tailors No so MAIH STREET I OLD CONSTITUTION BUILDING iI i I Opposite Z C M I I i i Merchant Tailorsa Ye wish to inform our Customers and tne Public that we lave just received the Largest and Best Selected Goods ever received in Utah l in the Tailoring Line consisting of American Ill I t English Scotch and French Manufacture for 4 SPRIJSrG 8 STJII IMIBB I WEAR Ii First Class Suits Made to Order on the Shortest Possible j Notice for the Lowest Possible Price PERFE3BCT FIT GUARANrEED j All conresDondence should be addressed to e United Orderjof TailorsSaltlLakeCityj t 1 i I LILLIJSfER Y I BUTTON BOYAN 138 iMiAxisr ST Manufacturers Importers and Jobbers of all kinds of MILLEKTERY GOODS A Complete and Well Selected Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS In TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS STRAWS CHIPS AND PORCUPINES And an Endless Variety of I CHILDRDNS HATS A A Full Line of Fancy Goods Hair Goods Trimmings S SalinsJGrna nxents Ribbons Etc AT WHOLESALE PRICES A very large assortment ot LADIES STRAW HATS from 25e up LADIES SHADE HATS from 20c up BONNET ERAMES from 15c up a 2 BUTTON at BOY AN 128 Main St 52d A IDnual Conference I IIOICE VARIETY OF NEW SPRING GOODS LOW PRICES 4181 GALL AND GET BARGAINS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL + so BARNES DAVIS Successors to DAY CO r HERMAN SEGALL On1he Wrong Side of the Street HOOPER ANI5 JEUDREimas BLOCK 13egs to announce to the Public that his Stock is now Complete I And offers the following articles atE at-E STERN P IR TOES I 0 LADIES AND GENTS KI GLOVES o j JOSEPHINE SEAMLESS 2 34 and 6 B g r COUPE Jouvrx > y t o S and 10 B o 0 FOSTER PATENT and 7 Hcos 0 3r d BERNHARD MOUSQUETAEIE r eo < A Splendid assortment ot tvd H LISLE THREAD AND SILK GLOVES H ffI O LTIST STYLES IN NFGKWEAU I Z a o m LADIES MER1MO UNDERWEAR I GO And in Immense Variety of o 1 V E I L T 3ST C3 r Gg = g CLARK ElDREOGE CO r Hooper < feldredge Block t WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES t 4i 4 i FANCY ANJj StArLEt Crockery Glassware Tinware Woodenware s Brushes Glass Paints Oils and Nails FOEKSsOyrrHEs RAKES AND OTHER GARDEN TOOLS y i We guarantee the fullest satisfaction as regards prices quality of good careful filling of orders prompt ship J ment etc I I r DANIEL DImNl u iiassftliDD Founder r i CASTINGS Of rJl Qdndflj i for Mining Milli t Sates 3 t ing Etc i STOVE GRATES SflD GENERAL R IIS a On short notice Cast and Wronht Iron Fenciq t BLACKSIDTHING a Of all kinds FtE PAOTORYf l Oat Br oak peft of White HOUi aU t 4 1U90k Bout or TOtmlcnd HoD SALT LAKE ors t ra OBe x47L 4 list f I Lumber Yard RAND 4 R-AND j r 1 1 1t < PLANING t MILL s 1 HALF BLOCK EAST OF DEPOT t t f Lumber Doors t Lath Sasli Shingles Mouldings 9 i r Ceiling Francs i j i Flooring Picket f Hardware Knstie < r i Sash Weights Glass etc I t r Alt Sills promptly Filled finite Contractors blanntactnrcrs 1it iI a 9 Taylor Honej Awtro I + Late Latimer Taylor S Co d1 PO Box629 itt feIG f fr fif r CHRISTMAS 1881 j1J t f 1 NEW YEARS 1882 1 9 r j uj f kg g 1iEAJ8i1tJJi i 142 MJHURT STREET j Has got a Larger and Finer Stock than J offer including i GOLD 1 AND SILVER WATCHES j n 14 Carat Gold Ladies Neck and i Guml Chains Gents Gold and Silver t Sil-ver Vest Chains Fine Gold Brace lets Ladies Gold Sets in Diamonds Turquoise Pearl Cameo Garnet Amethyst and Roman Gold J F DIAMOND EARRINGS f AND l i i FINGER RINGS tlt t + J Solid Silverware the Very Latest Patterns Fine Opera Glasses Gold I and Silver Spectacles EyeGlasses Fine Assortment > f EightDay Walnut Wal-nut Clocks try Stock of Jewelryand t Silverware is warranted First Class in every respect and am selling at a a Reasonable Price Come in and See for Yourselves C 41 NUNN E VETERINARY SURGEON i orsnoB AT I Carrington Youngs Livery Stables and a 4 his Drug Store 1272 ElmballBloct a All Diseases Incidental to Hor3es and Cattle i Skillfully Treated Also Manufscturcr of the Celebrated + ELAOE OILS A Remedy which Every Household should r have They are for Human and animal use The greatest Liver Invigorator and Pile Medicine Medi-cine in the Market Try them thats all t Ask your druggist for them or send to C W NUNN 1272 Kimball Block I PQBor 965 s25 a JAMES PAYNE 4 140 lAIN STREET Dealer in CUSTOM MADE Hf AND Ladies J Misses Gents jl 4 Sole anent for the famous P III 1 LN 1 T REDDISH GOODS + R B P1 A J R11ST G I Neatly and Promptly attended to ° I PRICES ALWAYS > HEASONAB 4 BIG ROOT 140 MAIN STREET 1 A E rf W MlNING f ATENTS Full sets of blanks for application for Minint f Patents approved form to bs 1 at tl1A aERJ tD Ollie lad j k i l r |