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Show Religion Class Convention Well Attended by the Wards of the Bear River Stake A convention of tho lihir River Stake religious classes was held at the stake tabernacle In this city last Sunday, October Octob-er 21, at 10 a. m. amV2:30 p.m. The morning meeting was presided pre-sided over by Superintendent Niels Nielsen and was given over to the hearing of reports of the stake and various wards. Win, A. Morton of the general board gave a most Inspiring talk on religious class-work. The afternoon services were presided over by Stake President Presi-dent M. 11. Welling. Singing "America". Prayer by 0. A. Seagar. Announcements were made, after which Mayor M. D. Evans explained the second Liberty Lib-erty Loan and encouraged the people to bo loyul to same. Elder Morton then Illustrated what Joy comes from being loyal even at tho price of sacrifice. sacri-fice. He encouraged all religion class workers to be faithful in their work and promised blessings bless-ings from such work. Prof. J. E. Hickman of tho B. Y.. College indorsed what had been said and , stated time .the religion clauses - would- yet-VsltfnaVllrsl!.' Singing, "For the Strength of tho Hills Yo Bless Thee"; Benediction by Brother Facer. The convention was a most spirited and Interesting gathering |