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Show (I Citizens' Party I Nominees I Tickets Named for Gar- I - land. Tremonton and I Brigham City I According to call the Citizens' I Party met In primary capacity I at the ward chapel Monday I . evening and placed In nomina- I tlton the nominees for the com- I Ing municipal election to be I held In this city November fith, I 1917. . I The primary was well nttend- I ed and a harmonious spirit I prevailed. A number of ladies I were present. The meeting was I called to order by Party Chalr- I man T. II. Edwards. Mayor I M. D. Evans was chosen cluilr- I man and W. F. Persson was I named as secretary. Chuirman I ISvans read the call and asked I the furtlicr pleasure of the prl- I mary. A motion carried to I nominate the city officials to be I voted upon by acclamation. I In the following order the I Citizens' Party ticket was I named: I For Mayor, L. W. Proston. I For 4-year Councilman, John I Richards. For 2-year Councilman, J. W. . Chambers, Jr. a: - . .,.- jpS'-i- For 2-year Councilman, John I ' W. Garrett. I For.2-yoar Councilman, R. T. I Shaw. I For City Recordor, Ezra Jon- I sen. I For City Treasurer, Mrs. M. I D. Evans. I All the above nominees ex- I except R. T. Shaw had no op- I . ponent8 In the primary, but I when .Mr. Shaw's name was I presented, tho names of George I Henrlo and R. V. Daniels were I. placed as candidates for the 2- I year-term councilman. Mr. I Shaw won out in tho balloting I. and was tho unanimous choice I of the primary for the 2-year I councilman. I Tho matter of an emblem for I the party was dispensed with I and tho nominees were given I power to fill vacancies. I T. II. Edwards was noml- I nated to succeed himself as I . chairman of the Citizens' Party I for the coming two years. I After a few remarks by Ilold- I over Councilman T. W. Innes I the primary adjourned. I I The town of Tremonton has I named Its ticket for tho Novem- I her election, as follows: I For President of Town I Board, Chas. McCIure. I For Trustees, Win. H. Stone, I Matthew Dear, David Holm- I gren, Dr. J. A. King. I I Brigham City has named an I aggregation of "young" men to I look after the affairs of that city I for tho next two years at least. I Tho ticket is iv result of a union I of both parties. The tlckee fol- I lows: I Mayor I JOHN W. PETERS I Two-year Councilman I SPERRY W. LAWSON I Two-year Councilman I JOHN W, PHILLIPS I Two-year Councilman I A. M. HANSEN I Four-year Cluncllman I C. 0. ROSKELLEY I Recorder 1 I NOBLE FISHBURN I Treasurer' I TRIESTE BOX |