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Show The PI GWAY SAMPLER, Fri., March 14, 1969 Students Make 1)I1S Honor Roll .37 Thirty-seve- n stmlehts at Dugway High School made the high school Honor Roll at the end of the first semester with four seniors, one freshman and one seventh grader having a perfect four point average for Ixrth the term and semester. Those making the honor roll are listed Mow. ou. liVs. Prince Receives pjjj yacancies DTC Certificate The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is very much interested in all those people being released from active duty, for a new program which provides to all personnel interested an opportunity to serve in the FBI, even without the possession of a college degree. ALL OF THE investigation work in the Bureau is performed by Special Agents, but there art many other positions of a clerical nature, such as typist, file clerk, messenger, fingerprint clerk, telephone and teletype operator and receptionist. Each one plays a vital part in the important and interesting work of FBI. Most of these jols are in Washington, D.C., although some clerical vacancies occur from time to time in the FBI field offices ip various major U.S. cities. The FBI does hot financially assist persons who desire to attend college or conduct schools to qualify applicants for employment. However, Washington, has numerous educational - MP PROMOTED Platoon Sergeant Jesus Gomes, 65th MP Platoon has his new SFC stripes taped on by his wife Emma as Dugway Commander COL Charles M. Shadle surveys her work. Incoming Officers As of March 10, 1969 facilities particularly adapted for Government employees so that they can attend business Approx Arrival Mar 69 Apr 69 Jul 69 May 69 Apr 69 Jun 69 Jun 69 Apr 69 Mav 69 Mar 69 Jun 69 May 69 Apr 69 Mar 69 Mar 69 Mar 69 Jun 69 Jun 69 schools, universities, colleges, and professional schools during their spare time and thereby coutinue their education. The FBI has alwavs urged its emof ployees to take advantage these educatimial facilities as means of and equipping them for positions of greater responsibilities, such as a Special Agent. Both agent and receive periodic personnel within grade salary increases in each salary grade after completing the required waiting period, provided that work performance is at an acceptable level of competence. FOR ALL those interested, they should keep in mind that no previous experience is necessary' since employees are assigned to existing vacancies when they euteT on duty and receive training in their assigned duties. For further information visit . the Education Center at Dug-wa- THE YOUNG non-age- denotes DTC, Fort Douglas, Ut assignment Young, fun shoes with a sunny disposition. All the of chari- SUBSTANTIATION RIC RAC 7750 7755 Dugways Teen Cluh Opens Soda Shop On Trial Basis The Teen Club Sixla Shop lie open on a trial liasis during hours not associated with Youth Activity programs. Although the soda shop is far from being completed, it does offer soft drinks, iee cream, candy and a chance to get away from it all and meet with friends. New additions are lieing made daily to the list of items that can lie purchased and soon hamburgers, hot dogs and sounds (music) will lie available for eating and listening enjoyment. So make a date to make it to the sixla shop and keep in touch with the latest additions. Current Temporary Hours: Fri.: Tliurs.: Wed: and Sunday afSat.: o'clock. ternoon: BROWNS 24 Nerth Meia its ColorTelevision ASPEN Packard Bell Picture Tube Warranty Wireless Color Roto Remote Control (For Controls set ONOFF; Adjusts models ). volume level; Changes channels in one direction. Exclusive patented design and construction makes unit drop proofshock proof. The Ski Club Award of the month goes to Shaun County for his spectacular demonstration at the "J" Bar Area in Park i able to really show how to crash City, no one else having - 730 North Main - 882-202- 8 Friday, Mar. 14 A&W Root Beer Seriously, everyone was sorry to bear ulxtut l.is accident not only lieca.isc of the general inconvenience lint also Ix'euuse it will keep him off of his skis inr awhile. We look forward to seeing ABOUT THAT silver lining? hi.n back ou the slopes ukiii BIG BLAST IT' went very Either we'll have fantastic spring well, and for the third weekend skiing until July, or they'll find in a row the weather was beau- - most of Salt laike City spread tiful. As anyone who was on this out around Wcmlovcr if a liad last trip could tell you. the news thaw comes. Congratulations to those who reports of great quantities of snow at the lixul areas have not have become more involved in or committed to the sport of exaggerated in the least. At Park City for example, skiing. The Hurleys have in.tfit-thcy'at the point nl having to ted themselves, Helen Cixiper cut giant trenches in the .now has cut her payday run time just so the lilts can opt i.ile. bv three hours, Al Walter has learned to avoid all olistaclcs but This has already bee.i nci at some other ureas in the Inter-- other people, the lla.ibys were seen skiing, and tile Jed" girt mountain Region. It makes for a pu-itIiimw a new pair of limits so be could full when a skier winks ImiiMlf letter walk down the while line tumbling into a giant slit trench or main street. Park City, or by miming into a chair nm- Get Mime sun in your Tuce. too. SKI! turning a couple ol people. More children and adults with physical handicaps arc rehabilitated today than ever liefore, according to the National Easter Seal Society which is conducting its campaign March 1 to April 6. Sandwiches etc. etc. Open at 11:00 a.m. GDlfGCil re 180 sq. in. Color Picture. Custom Table 18" V Model TV with hardwood cabinet and 5 x 3" ovsl high fidelity front facing speaker. - COSOJM0O M Domm COM porary Watnta 23 V In. Color SMaq. TVPtehrro Award Modal Conaolono TV wrth 4 BCANDlA" Swtvtl aaa 4" high Molity front lacing apoahar. Ramon Control Handy wireless Roto Remote Control 1; 0; Drive Inn Ix-e- o I BRENTWOOD CR-43- B With 6-- 8; 0; Dugways Ski Club News ' Contemporary Walnut TV REEXLISTMEXT SFC William A. Boudreaux, Headquarters and Headquarters Company takes the oath of enlistment for a period of three years. MAJ Louis T. Bowring, Executive Officer administers the oath to Boudreaux. and bum. a Season Opening! will said. To help taxpayers avoid this mistake cm 1968 returns, IRS has requested all charitable organizations selling tickets to fund raising affairs to clearly indicate on the ticket the amount that is' deductible. Identifying the deductible portion of the ticket price should end this problem, Mr. Wise said. nt Outgoing Officers as of March 10, 1969 table contributions is one of the most frequent problems encountered in the audit of tax returns, Roland V, Wise, District Director of Internal Revenue, reminded Utah taxpayers today. Another problem in the contribution area that appeared on lust yeVr's' returns was the claim of. the, full amount (laid for a ticket to a charity trail, theatre lienefit, or banquet as a charitable contribution. Mr.. Wise said that only that part of the ticket price in excess of the value received by the buyer may Ire considered a charitable contribution. WHEN $10 is paid for a ticket to a charity lranquet and the meal would normally cost St. then only $fi may Ire considered a charitable gift." he colors. 1 Hold . i U.S. Army. by Julia Clark Its serendipity time at our. March luncheon. Mrs. Nick Nai has, scholarship chairman, has announced that there will be a White Elephant Auction to raise money for the scholarship fund. All members are requested ta donate any items that are new,' used and in reasonably good con- -' dition. This is the ideal way to get rid of your husband's Creat-AuOphelia's elephant foot umbrella stand. Suggestion of items you may bring are: used items, baby equipment, hand-mad- e baked goods, sewing equipment, paper back books, toys, old jewelry, wedding gifts that you've never found a use for or that umbrella stand. If you would like to send your donation earlier call Mrs. Nahas, Mrs. K. H. Malone or Mrs. Larry Fields. PLEASE REMEMBER to bring extra cash to this luncheon, because who knows, an elephant foot umbrella stand may be jusf the thing to put those paper flowers you bought at a bazaar three years ago. The luncheon will be March 17, 1230 hours at the OOM. We will have SP Brunett as our guest speaker with slides of Dont archeological diggings. forget the monthly coffee which will be March 4, at 1000 hours. On February 4, Mrs. Calvin Creasey and Mrs. Harold Watters, were hostesses for our monthly coffee. A valentine theme was used for the serving table. Mrs. Dale King, president, welcomed Mrs. Charles Bums, Mrs. Thomas Dowdy and Mrs. Richard Chapman to our club. SFC PRINCE'S devotion to duty has contributed greatly to the continued success of the Goods Shipping and EquipMaTnt Div services resixi.isib.bty. counselmg Meteorologist ! perat.ve. chIeeri?1- Army Aviation hnn has earned attitude devoted Welf & Morale of ADPS Plans Off. the respect and confidence those with whom he has served. The outstanding service renMeteorologist dered by SFC . Prince reflects Eng Equip Repr. great credit upon himself, the Deseret Test Center, and the Hospital United States Arn.v. Hospital CBRWOC MAJOR AND Mrs. Thomas CBRWOC S. Dowdy came to Dugway from CBRWOC Fort Sam Houston. Previously, they had been stationed in Baum-- , holder, Germany for three years. They have one daughter Kris-Th- e Drama Club play Books tina Kathleen, two and a half Duty nd Crooks is finally underway, years old. Joyce is a native of The play is a three act com- - Michigan and attended Michigan edy, which will lie put on at State University. She enjoys rneet-th- e High School Gymnasium, fog new people, traveling, ganlcn-Th- e exact date for the play has ing, bike riding and sewing, not yet been decided, but will CWO and Mrs. Charles W.' be announced later. Bums have Five children Charles, Sponsoring the play will lie fourteen; Pamela, thirteen; Tho-th- e Drama Club with Mr. Halla- - mas, eleven; James, six and Tim-da- y advising them. othy, five. Mr. Burns was pre- The cast was chosen from the viously assigned in Vietnam, members of the Drama Club. Deb- - Susie is from Mississippi and is bie Barton and Chris Raychel very accomplished in linking. She are playing the lead characters, also enjoys rock hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chap-an- d Tryouts took place January 10 14. Rehearsals began and the man came to Dugway from Fort cast is in the process of learning Walton Beach, Florida. Mr their lines. Chapman is an engineer witi The Drama Club hopes that Vitro Services. They have two the play will be a big success sons, Charles Brent, four and and are looking forward to its Richard Evan, two. Susan is a native of South Carolina. production. Failure . of some taxpayers to sulnitantiute their charitable contributions caused the loss of all or part of the amount they claimed as a deduction last year. newsiest styles, the luckiest 1 Assignment Test Director Pictorial Officer Chief, Ops. Br. Contributions. Require Proof fi Brows you can tell Proposed y. ACTIVISTS Sergeant First Class Carl L. Prince, RA 162 354 74, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, received a Deseret Test Center certificate of achievement from Colonel Charles M. Shadle, Post Commander of DPG. SFC PRINCE received his award for outstanding performance of duty from January 20, 1968 to February 28. 1969. As Movement Control Supervisor, he has been responsible for the Household Coods and Personal Effects Program for Deseret Test Center. He has demonstrated initiative, leadership, and exemplary devotion to duty which have contributed greatly to the effective and timely movement of household goods of military members of this command. His meticulous attention to detail has lreen instrumental in bringing standards into the household goods program which have received recognition by inspectors from military Traffic Management and terminal service and representatives of Sixth Desert Drifts Brentwood CR-63- 24JfcW,17"H,16D. sm $299 mi, gov 95 ME ir rcos - Silvar - coast VTSao m ftetara. ASTRO CQ UJ 1ft" V ASTRO in. plctuf. litPortable Color TV Fidalrty tpaahar. Mumpacl Riaatic Cabmat. Oval High FtfaMySpMkarpfua Earphona Jacfc. Hi impact ftaaue Cabmai. SI" W, IS M, 15H D. SPARKS Appliance and RorlaMa Colar TV Sancton and 4" High Station SilKton and S n. igtt o. $279 95 TV 33 North Main Street - Phone Repair 1 your $50 VJoirOh off Groceries with the purchase of any 1 Toastmasters Sponsor's Third-AnnuSpeech Contest For D.II.S. What I Gan Do As is the theme at An the third annual speech contest spun- sored by the Dugwav chapter Toastmasters International. students will emu- pete for prize money ilou.iteil bv Fust-priz- e the Dugway Toustimisli-ramounts to Sl.i.OO, sivoml- prize is SIO.IX), ami tliinl-priis $5.(X). All students enmpeliug will receive a cerlilicate of participation in this animal event. Toastmasters International is e 882-364- Bddqd choice of(iD8 I al Merj an organization devoted to veloping effective communication through speaking, listening and thinking. Ilie annual speech cun-o- f test aids young people in paring for hxlay's communication demands. Tlie students arc scheduled to participate in the event ut The Officers (.lull ou March 24, 1969 at 7:30 pan. Hie public is invited to attend this contest and ! heur !xlay:s youth tomorrow's leaders. Psedl during the month of (Sear March at mmevoOD 278 North Main 50 Gift Certificate will be redeemed at Albertson's Sale Starts Thursday, March 6th Market. . |