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Show I SMEARED INK Tlie DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., March 14, 1969 NEW SLOW MOVING VEHICLE EMBLEM IS IN USE AT DIGWAY The new Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem is miw being used on the alwve Koll vehicles that normally travel at speeds slower than regular traffic. The positive recognition of slow moving vehicles by motorists, at a safe distance, helps reduce the number of collisions from the rear. Easier Seal Research W'hat is hope? According to two University of Kansas researchers, it is .'oinpoiiuded of an awareness of the limitations of realitv, encouragement, worrying and mourning, adults. IN A three-yea- r W1IAT IS striking in these study sup- a from the Eas- - replies is that the child directly ported by grant ter Seal Research Foundation, expresses a desire for some future Beatrice A. Wright, Pli.D. and state of affairs without consider-Frankli- n C. Slmutz, Ph.D., set ing reality questions in any way, out to remedy what they descrih- - the researchers stated. Even ed as the scientific neglect of when the hope was challenged as socoiLsequeiilialahiunanpheiKHiie- - by such followup questions non as hoping, and to deter- - Do you know' what kinds qf mine the role of hope in the things you have to do to lie a treatment of crippled children. policeman?' or 'Are there any of As one step in determining these things that you hope for the elements of hoping, the re- - that you dont think you'll le searchers sought to establish the able to do?' the lack of concern distinction letween wishing and of the child with such issues was hoping. Pointing out that hope dramatic. is significant in human planning The researchers found sharp and integration of behaviour, contrasts in adults responses, psychologists Wright and Shontz which were typically supported said: "Common usage suggests by lroth the persons desires and that the distinction between hope reality considerations. On the basis of their inter-whic-h and wishes reflects the degree to the person believes that a views, the research team conclud-desire- d outcome could actually ed that hoping involves four cognitive-affectiv- e tasks, includ- occur, "Wishes are most likely to ing reality surveillance - aware-reflea low level of probability, ness of the limitations of reality, When a wish comes true, it is an intellectual functioodirected cause' for surprise and sometimes toward coordinating bWeUwith incredulity. reality in order to BY CONTRAST, when - a fillinent of hope is realized, there is relief as a base fi from tension and a .feeling of encouragemei satisfaction, but rarely amaze- - side of coo ment." with reality As subjects for- their study, reality), whic1 the investigators selected stu- - tains and coi dents at a school for crippled worrying the children, their parents, teachers part of intellec and therapists. The children vari- - which forces ed in age and sex and suffered examine reality, from a numlier of handicapping the emotional conditions. having to, reli ' In depth interviews, the re- - prepares the pei archers observed iirmortsnt dif-- of reappraising v ferences between the children and ing hope suhstitutioi i ct i,- COLOR TV with SOLID STATE RELIABILITY e components at 17 vital points is available only on Motorola color TV. This means and it can you get extra dependable performance, mean fewer service problems. If service is ever needed, works slide out back of set like a drawer. Solid-stat- 23-iBig rectangular in.) picture. n. (measured diagonally; 295-s- q. VHF and UHF. Lighted channel indicators for Power 24,000 volt chassis (design average) provides vivid, clear picture, (Qor prjtes start Automatic degausser reduces impurities in color. onoff controls. j at Pull-pus- h fit QTDRDIL Quasar Color. TV The Creators of Tootle's most experienced servicemen back every sale Radio Electric And Hardware 14 North Main Street 882-066- 4 |