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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., March 14, 1969 Recognition of Beauty Editorial Can Be Taught? "Need A Million Dollars? Come and Listen to Dr. Pingree Mar. 2 at Sandy SPECIAL Opportunity Knocks by Cisela Blake, Asst. Service Club Director One reads so much about many young adults and teenagers trying to live their own way of life in search for love and beauty. 22 Due to an initial shortage of policemen and the ever increasing growth, in size and population, of our major cities there is still a critical need for law enforcement personnel throughout the country. IN AN EFFORT to help relieve this shortage the Department of Defense has instituted a continuing program erf assisting civilian police agencies in bringing their forces up to strength. Under it, servicemen who receive a firm employment or training offer from a legally constituted City, County, State, or Federal Government law enforcement can be released up to 90 days earlier than their scheduled separation dates. Under this program officials of police agencies may interview and examine prospective candidates at military installa- tions, but servicemen also are encouraged to make direct arrangements with any qualified police agency of their choice. The program is open only to those assigned in the continental United States. However, anyone who is assigned overseas and is interested in becoming a police officer can contact any police agency for employment details but he cannot supply for early release until he has completed his obligated tour. IF YOU ARE interested in serving on a particular force such as the one in yoffr hometown, you should write to the police agency where you are seeking employment, requesting additional information. Those interested in working for a Federal law enforcement agency should contact their educational officer for additional information. If you apply for employment as a police officer you can expect to Ire asked to complete a detailed application form, take a written examination, undergo a physical examination, and participate in a personal interview with police officials. Your service will assist in this processing by providing physical examination and written test facilities. ONCE YOU have received a firm offer of employment or notice of training, you should contact your personnel officer who will assist you in applying for early separation. However, you cannot supply earlier than 180 days before your scheduled date of separation. Remember, you must make application for early release. And in order to do so you must have a firm offer of employment from an authorized police agency. Alreve all, make sure that you have lieen counseled concerning fraudulent separation, for a mistake now could follow you the rest of your life. The tragic alxxit their quest is, that they only can achieve that beauty by taking trips" via drugs. And thus, for a few min.n, or hours of exhilaration, they slowly destroy their health. Professor David R. Pingree, a Lecturer in Finance at the WE HUMAN BEINCS should University of Utah's College of Business will Ire speaking at the be able to experience beauty March Acres Club 171 1 21 8 Service the at on Sandy Monday, p.m. X 11C through out awareness that Cod subject: Investments, Stocks and Bonds. Professor Pingree is a has given us natural senses to native of Salt Lake City and has received his A.B. degree from a n i discover Inanity. Look and lis- Stanford University in 1939, and his Master of Business Administen! Did you ever stand on top tration degree from Harvard University in 1941. N of a mountain and look up, A former resident from Dug-wa- y He has lieen active in husi- down and around? What quietness, ness and financial circles in Salt has won her wings and Lake City since 1946. He was a serenity and closeness to Cod! is now a stewardess with Delta Did you ever wade through the Airlines. registered representative with sand by the ocean and listen to Victoria Irby is the daughter J. A. Hugle Company, Salt Lake the sound of the waves? Are they of Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Van L. City: and is currently a nienilrer not telling us something? of the Board of Directors of the Irby who were stationed at Dug-wa- y Bank of Ben Lomond, Ogden, in 1968. LTC Irby was atHere we do not experience tached to the CBR Weapons and a meinlier of the Loan Comthe quietness of the mountains; Orientation Course mittee for the Universitys Cre- Dugway the thundering of the waves Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah. dit Union. k Professor Pingree won the Miss Irby completed the however, spells out beauty, infinity and closeness to Cod too. Distinguished Teaching Award training course at Delta's Look at a tree! Listen to the Stewardess School, Atlanta Airin 1968 when he was chosen by birds singing! Watch children at port and is now proudly wearing Faculty and students for his play! There is beauty around the chic uniform and hat of the outstanding ability as an instructor. you, there is love - the love of nations fifth largest airline. God. He is presently a Lieutenant Miss Irby who is based in Commander in the U.S. Naval Atlanta, attended Jacksonville But how do you experience Reserve. So if you are still tryHigh School in Jacksonville, Ala., make to first million that lreanty living in a big city with and graduated from Dugway High ing no trees, mountains, and rivers, School at Dugway. She is an $$$$$$. come to the service club and oceans to look at? Music and listen to what Dr. Pingree alumna of the University of Utah. is one way to experience beauty. has to say! LTC Irby and wife now reListen to music composed by side at 21 Baltzell Gate Road, our great masters. Close your DR. DAVID R. PINGREE Ft. McClellan, Ala. eyes and go on a trip. An example are compositions great rivers, like SmetDO YOU KNOW ana's Moldau, Old Man RBeautiful Ohio, Listen iver, YOU CAN BUY A NEW to the Moldau. Through the sound of the music you can FALCON imagine the flow of the river, A meeting was held by Dugways golfers Monday night where it starts, when it roars OR March 10, at the Sandy Acres Service Club, where new suggestions through the Colden City'! and were given to this years golf program. The members of the Frank when it finally pours into the Skill Golf Club showed great response to the proposals that were PER MONTH WITH NORMAL DOWN PAYMENT Black Sea. given during the meeting. V YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING A NEW CAR The most important suggesHOW MAGNIFICENT and YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF how inspiring those musical trips tions were such as: the rulers RIDE TO TAKE A DEMONSTRATION were to govern the can lie! Your mind is lifted, FMANCMG AVAILABLE) (100 and on a few of the course holes. The hody strengthened your idea of a winter and summer rules reality retained. were also brought up, it was to To recognize beauty can be find out whether or not the golfBut is it being taught? taught. ers of Dugway would favor a The 63th MP Platoon (Svc) 278 N. Main Lets start with our children summer rule in tournament play. lost another shift supervisor by later that in order now, they may WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Summer rule is where the way of overseas assignment. Sp4 lie aide to pass on their knowledge Ixall is played without improveThomas D. Keegan departed for to the next generation. ment of the lie, and the winter a tour of duty in Vietnam on one is just the opposite, of the Mar 6, 1969. Sp4 Keegan came inemlrers present, most seemed to the 65th Oct. 1, 1968 as a to prefer the summer rule. photographer and after proving The Handicap system was also himself in his duty assignment, discussed. The Advisory Council he was promoted to the position are trying to set up an effected of shift supervisor. Sp4 Keegan and his wife will lie spending his way of governing the handicap of the golfers, whatever the CounThurs.f Fri. 30 days leave at their home in cil decides will Ire for the beneNew fersev. Sat. &lSun. fit of the golfers in the handicap The end of February brought 151 North Main tournaments, said PFC John W. several promotions and appoint Pleasent, meinlier of the Advi- - nients in the nlatoon. On Feb. 19, 1969, four men were proinot- sory Council. These proposals have not ed to Specialist Four. Tliev were: yet been approved, but its rec- - John A. Russom. Jerry L. Wixoin, SEI SHAKER PEPPER SALT & ommended to all memlrers to Timothy R.. Shore and Thomas -DECORATED TILE EAR watch for items concerning the L. Snow. Sharp Looking Wood Design ASH TRAY improvement of the game at NECKLACES On Feb. 26, Sp4 Jack N. Dugway's Golf Course, added PFC Pleasent. Winegartlen was promoted to Acting Corporal and Spl Donald 1 Full End Counter Howard was promoted to Acting Crippling strikes one family Sergpant. on Sole in five, according to the National Sgt Howard has assumed Easter Seal Society for Crippled the position of shift supervisor. Children and Adults. The soAlso on the 26th, CPL n forward a KITCHEN UTENSILS ciety, which carries was appointed to Platoon of direct d program NCO. Sp4 Wixoin was services, education, and research, Training Large 2 Pound Jar is conducting its annual Easter appointed as Platoon represenSeal Campaign for funds March tative to the Enlisted Men's Mens Council to the Sandy Acres Ser1 to April 6. vice Club. TrivJ pi 5K10S pc Tlip OI rx Ueitll . four-wee- j News 1969 49.20 FOR 4-DO- For Dugway s Golfers PRIMERS LONG RIFLE A Shotsholl Primora SHIUI MINI MAO Lowest Price Any Where . .. 5 Box Limit. Rif I and Pistol hwNlred 110-POUN- D EXERCISE BARBELL SETS With Dumboll EQUIPMENT SPECIALS Doorway Gym 9 I .22 6-SH- 398 tarins (kill pall, xiljr noiseless. Plastic covered . . . rustproof. 29S rt. 5.00, CAL. REVOLVER OT shot 22 caliber . . . shoots as fast as you pull the trigger . . i deep blue 6 finish. Res 20.00 Value NOW BONNEVILLE MOTORS Another Cprnet Big Value Sale RINGS at Wine-garde- 4831 RED DOT RIFLE POWDER POWDER In Stock I and 15 Cans Bring own container for small amounts year-roun- DRESS SHIRTS Only White Perm. Press One Group Compare this Low Price New Spring Color BOWLS Limit 1 Per Customer SALAD SERVER 2 Pc. Ladies Flannel GOWNS & Stainless Steel 1.98 Value BATH TOWELS Assorted Colors P.J.s 1.00 Value to 2.99 Limit 4 SHAMPOO HAIR SPRAY (O 1.49 Value Why pay more Open Daily 9 to 8 li, and Styles Values 7T New Modern Curl Size Giant 20-o- z. CLASS -TONES PROMOTED TO SERGEANT FIRST CBRWOC is beW. SFC Jones, George Newly promoted CBRwOG F. Them, ing congratulated bv Colonel Eugene bis Commandant, and SCM Eugene A. Mickle on Reg. 29 While They Last Extra Rich Lather 2 Full Quarts ' per customer cTsycf J Shop Cornet and save Open Sundays SPORT CENTERS |