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Show I UNIVERSITY 07-- I iDESERET SAMPLER Friday, March 14, 1969 Ft. Douglas, Ut 84113 DESERET TEST CENTER Dugway, Ut 84022 Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing Com-pany, Tooele, Utah, a private firm, in no way connect- ed with the Department of the Army. Opinions ex-- pressed by publisher and writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearancof adyer- - tisements in this publication does not umsitute an en- dorsement by the Department of the Army of the pro ducts or services advertised. Burns Awarded DTC Dining-I- n Bronze Slur General Chesarek Assumes Command of Air Materiel Command General Ferdinand . Chesarek assumed command of the Materiel Command March 10. ill an official ceremony at North Area, Fort Mver, Arlington, Va. THE HONORABLE Stanley R. Resor, Secretary of the Army, and General William C. Westmoreland, Chief of Staff of the Army, participated in the ceremonies in which the command changed hands from General Frank S. Besson, to General Chesarek, West Pointer, who Became the second Commanding a Officer in AMC's Brief year history. Earlier Monday at a swearing- in ceremony in the PL'ntagon, Cencrul Chesarek, the former assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, received his fourth star to go along with the new The Dugway Parent-Teachassignment from General Westmoreland. is sponsoring two Association More than 500 military and appearances of the Welter State civilian guests attended the cereCollege Orchestra on Wednesof the in the day, March 19. gymnasium mony The concerts will lie performHistoric Army Post just across the Potomac River from the ed at 2:(X) p.m. for Dugway High School students and at 7:30 Nation's Capital. MILITARY District p.m. for all post personnel. Both THE of Washington's fumed United concerts will lie presented at the Post Chapel. States Army Band, and Troops of Michael Masoian, president its 1st Battalion (Reinforced), of the Dugway PTA also an3rd Infantry (The Old Guard) nounced that there will le a presented the colors and passed in evicw during the colorful short Business meeting of the PTA prior to the start of the ceremonies. General Besson, AMC's first concert. The purpose of the and only commander to this meeting which will lie held at date, has lieen named Chairman 7:15 p.m. in the Post Chapel will lie to elect two members to of a new Department of Defense to Review Board, a nominating committee Joint Logistics established to conduct a study select a slate of officers to lie of worldwide logistics systems voted on at the April meeting. U.S. Army Medal change-of-comina- Chief Warrant Officer CW2 Charles Bums, W3 153 646. United States Army was presented the Brone Star Medal by Colonel Charles M. Shadle, Post Commander of DPG in ceremonies held March II, 1969. CW2 Bums received his award for distinguishing himself by outstanding meritorious service in connection with ground operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam during the period December 1967 to December 1908. Through his untiring efforts and professional ability, he con- sistently obtained outstanding re- suits. He was quick to grasp the implications of new problems with which he was faced as a of the ever changing result situations inherent in a counterinsurgency operation and to find wavs and means to solve those Weber Stale to Present Concerts er Keegan Awarded DPG Certificate SpA-ialis- t Four Thomas D. 645 15, 65th Keegan, RA MP Platoon received the Dug- way Proving (.round certificate achievement from Colonel Charles M. Shadle, Post Com- mander of DPG. 117 received Specialist Keegan his award for outstanding ser- vice as Military Policeman during the period October 1, 1968 to March 5, 1969. Special- ist Keegan arrived at Dugway with no previous experience in Military Police work. He im- mediately tiegan to familiarize himself with the fundamentals of his new assignment. Working initially as Main Gate Cuard and Assistant Patrol- man. Specialist Keegan displayed the initiative and ability to quickly and thoroughly. Iiis interest, desire to excel and professional approach led to his assignment as Patrol Supervisor. In this capacity. Specialist produced consistently prompt and effective results. SFCNunn Receives Army Commendation Sergeant First Class Marion C. Nunn, RA 380 729 36, Headquarters and Headquarters Corn- pany received the Army Com-o- f mendation Medal from Colonel Charles M. Shadle, Post Cominander of DPG. SFC Nunn received his award for meritorious service during the penoc August 1967 to January During this period he distinguished himself in support 0f military operations against communist aggression in the Republic of Vietnam, Im 1Ie asttely vente 1tond,llons "(i.inted d- - btln 10 superior results. Throng hgenee and determination he nvanably accomplidied every gently lasIwlth dl,sPatch ,,d ffflden-lear- H.s unrelenting loyalty initia- . ,ve Perfveran; brought h,,m w,de acclaim and inspired 0t ers t0 striv Jor maximum achievement Selflessly ,,d arduous hours, he 1,,nS has tnbuted Pficantly to the success of the allied effort. Specialist Keegan's willingness IIis perform- to work independently and with- unfK lne out immediate supervision, conjil- - nle was,.1? KceP,nS of the military ed with his courteous response fme1 reflects a"d distinct cre-in- g !rv,ce diverse to situations, are in keepwith the finest traditions of dd HPn himself and the United States Army. the Military Police Corps. work-Keeg- NEW E-- 8 Francis Oyler, Range Safety Branch has his new E-- stripes pinned on hv COL Charles M. Shadle, Dugway post commander and Mrs. Oyler in ceremonies held this past week. 8 xv .11 UCCIUCIIDIC rsi 1 Utah taxpayers who find it to their advantage to itemize Federal income tax deductions should not overlook the special expenses which also can lie de- ducted, Roland V. Wise, District Director of Internal Revenue for Utah, said today. These include union member- ship dues, employment agency fees and alimony payments. Mr. Wise, said that alimony or sepa- rate maintenance payments are deductible if they are to lie made periodically under a di- vorce decree or other court order, Payments made for child sup- port, however, are not deductible expense although they may lie counted in determining if a taxpayer has provided more than one-haa dependent's support. The costs associated with the management of property held for the production of income are also deductible, Mr. Wise said. These would include investment counsel fees, amounts spent for a safe deposit box to hold stocks and bonds, and appraisal fees to establish the amount of a taxable transaction such as a casualty loss. Mr. W!-said commuting expenses are not deductible as they are legally classified as personal expenses. Other personal expenses which are not deductible are losses from the sale of a personal residence or family car, home repairs, and insurance, attorney fees for the preparation of a will and the cost of a safe deposit box used to keep personal belongings. Publication 504 Income Tax Deductions for Alimony Payand Publication 529 ments, Other Page 2 Deductions, furnish more detailed information on this subject. For free copies send a post card to the District Director, Internal Revenue Service, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101. Dugways Blood Drive Begins Mar. 25 at OOM Utah. .Secretary: Eugene G. Clark, Deseret Test Center, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. OUTGOING officers are: Chairman: Ralph Dyment, U. S. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah. Vice Chairman: Mr. Eldon Alsop, USDA, Western Lalxiratory, Salt Lake Citv, Utah. terially contributed to the efforts of the United States mission to the Republic of Vietnam to assist that country in ridding itself of the communist threat to its freedom. His initiative, zeal, sound and devotion to duty have been in the highest tradi- - DCWC Hosts Speaker, Seniors Secretary: Ronald J. Searle, U. S. Bureau of Recbiiiiilion, Salt Luke Citv. Utah. THE Ogden-Sa- lt ter represents a Lake Chapwide range of government agencies in the area formed for the pnrjxise of discussing metluxls to reduce and prevent accidental loss of manpower and material. In cooperation with slate, county, and city governments and private industry the chapter convenes monthly with a host agency to discuss current trends in accident prevention and gain information to be ajiplicd within individual organizations and the community in general. were provided by Bonita Ilaslem hostesses Mrs. and Mrs. Sue Southwick. Career Night was held March 13 for the Dugway High School Seniors at the Dugway Officers' Open Mess. This has Iiecoine an annual affair, and was once a great success. again The D.C.W.C. provided sjicakers on a variety of subjects which were of interest to the seniors. Special emphasis was cm the fields of education, law enforcement, civil service, science (meteorology in particular), computer program- SOLDIER OF THE MONTH SP4 John A. Russom, 65th MP Platoon is congratulated by COL Charles M. Shadle, Dugway Post Commander on his being selected as Soldier of the Month. SP4 Russom received a certificate and a twenty-fiv- e dollar Savings Bond on his selection. ming, nursing, Air Defense Course cosmetology, sec- retarial and the military services. Started for NCOs Tlu first Deseret Test Center Dining-I- n Ceremony will lie held Wednesday evening, March 26, commencing promptly at 1830 hours at the Fort Douglas Officers' Open Mess. Major General Robert II. McCutcheson, USAF, Commander, Ogden Air Materiel Area, llill AFB, will lie the guest speaker for the occasion. His address will lie The United States Air Force, Past and Prelude" at the Dining-I- n Ceremony which is a formal stag dinner meeting to foster and continue the level of respectful comradeship that traditionally and instinctively exists lietwcen military mci. and lietween the services. All ufficers assigned to Deseret Test Center, as well as all AUSA Meeting Mai. 19 Jet le,,anl activities located at Dug- 1 Or way are invited to attend the function with those officers I,le to attend submitting their winter Meeting f the regrets in writing to COL Ro- - Utah of the Association Chapter rt,w deputy command- tle United States Army (AUSA) will lie held March The Dining-I- n Ceremony can 19 at the FortWednesday,officers lie found in the traditions of Onen Mess each of the services. The Army Major General Robert H. with pride to the "Gary Cutcheon, USAF, Commanding as the General. OwensCavalryRegime.it Ogden Air Materiel Area, first recorded unit to conduct a AFB will lhe principal nil, Dining-I- n Ceremony along these of tbe evening. The sub--lines. The Air Force notes that A h wiU of hij General of the Armies H. II. ject Briefing of the Ogden Air preceded his famous (eriel Area ' H Wing-Din- g affairs with a rigid- As in st meetings of the !y formal Dining-I- n Ceremony. AUSA, this event has been of the Anny Air gd as Guest Night which Corps with the Royal Air Force means thal aU menibera should and established strengthened pIan hringing a guest. The greater uniformity for these af- hedule of events will start fai as lias die spirited com- - al 1830 hours with dinner at raderie with the Royal Canadian 1W5 hours followed ir by the Force. The Navy and Mar-- dress by GEN McCutcheon at ine Corps have established their 21(X) hours. MG McCutcheon is own formal mess occasions which a World War n veteran oliserve many of the rituals and and has KTVed in many impor. formalities of the Dining-l- n lant t.apacities with the u. S. eremnnv. Air Force including that of Com- The Air Force is hosting the mander of the Air Materiel Ceremony this mouth mand in Spain with COL Muldrow designat- - Director of Procurement Policy ed as President of the Mess and fur the Secretary of Defense. CPT Bruce F. Eakle as ar- The president of the Utah H s plan- ranKtlnel,ls Chapter, Harrison S. Brothers, d a ,,ed ere" also announced that the ln,l,K'l1 !, April a." ,n0n' eath ,,,art':r meetin8 of lhe AUSA will be vices rotating as host. It is held al Dugway Proving Ground planned to hold Dining-I- n Cere- - m April 16 with MG John G. immies for Hayes, as principal speaker. er-J?- Mc-pom- ts ld ad-A- T Debbie Duncan Winner of Dugways Oratorical Contest The Dugway Oratorical Contest sponsored by The American Legion Post 131 took place at Dugways High School, Feb. 21, under the direction and supervision of Donald S. Ilalladay and Blaine B. Keller, principal of Dugwav High School. The winner of the contest was Debbie Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Farrcn J. Duncan, 195 A East 5th Ave., Dugway. Miss Duncan after winning the first place in the post competition was sent to Granger High School Feb. 25. to participate in the District Competition, where she ranked very oigh in contest with other schools, such as Highland, Skyview and eight others. For her efforts during Dug-way- s competition, Debbie was awarded a S25 Savings Bond and transportation to the District Competition. Second place at Dugway's outest was taken by Sam son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady II. McEvoy, Dugway, who received $10, in third place came Jess Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Taylor, Dugway, receiving $5, and in fourth place came Shelley Lyn Bush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David D. Bush of Clover, who was presented with a certificate of appreciation. . All the contestants were judged by a professional staff of judges, consisting of Frank ' J. Bush, representing The American Legion, who has had a keen interest and judged many such contests for toastmasters, schools, legion, etc. Mike Masioan, head of the Youth Activities on post, and a long time member of the Toastmasters Club, and John Johnson, president of Dugway's Toastmasters Club. received All participants certificates of appreciation. Mc-Evo- v, 1 .. FORT BLISS, Tex. (ANF) The Armys first Air Defense Artillery NCO Candidate School officially opened in January at Fort Bliss. The school will prepare men for positions as squad leaders on the Quad 50 and Duster" automathe 2 tic weapons. The first group of 76 candidates began the course with promotions to the rank of E--4. Additional promotions will be awarded for outstanding performance during the course. Candidates will spend the Anal two months of course work as trainees in the operation and maintenance of air defense artillery pieces. 11-4- ob i , In freshments officers for 1969. Newly elected officers are: Chairman: Mr. Eldon Alsop, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Western Lalioratory, Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. VICE ClIAIRMANi Ronald J. Searle, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Salt Lake City, The energetic application of his extensive knowledge has ma- The highlight of the Dugway College Womens Club meeting on the evening of February 13 was a visit bv Mr. lack Barrv of DTC Headquarters; He is an avid rockhoimd and fonner resident of Dugway. Many friends and memliers of the D.C.W.C. and the Dugway Gem and Mineral Society were present as Mr. Barry gave a most interesting talk on the geology of this area, which was once a part of ancient Lake Bonneville. Mr. Barrys fine collection of topaz gems was very much admired, and much interest was shown in his extraordinary collection of trilobite fossils. A display of fine geodes and gems was arranged by the Gem and Mineral Society. Delicious re- lf Lake Area The Ogden-Sa- lt Chapter of the Federal Safety Council recently elected new - problems. The Annual American Red Cross Blood Drive will lie held soon at the Officers Open Mess. The Blood Drive will be held Tuesday, March 25 from 10 a.in. until 5 p.m. Blood drives have een conducted through this past year of 1968 to replenish the supply of blood of the Red Cross, 127 pints brlab are The last blood drive sponsor- - Qf wxi t0 donated, ed by the Inlerinouiituin F :1 of Dugwav ross Center took place neariy wJjj 1e assjstjn aB,jn tbjs vear four mths ago. Twenty-seve- n as in previous Wood drives held pints of blood were donated at last ycr Anyone can gjve blood that time. but must not have high blood This years blood drive for pressure, dialietes and other di1969 will lie held in the Ballroom seases. of the Officers Open Mess. lLt. ' Refreshments will lie served Peter Varney, Materiel Test Di- - fre at the Officer's Open Tiess! vision Dugway is the project of- - Evervone is t.0Itliallv vitcf, t0 ficer for this year. The mam of- 1j1ooj al this fjrst drive fice at Hill Air Force Base, Og-- JJJJ" Federal Safety Council Elect New Officers for 69 Colonel Charles CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT M. Shadle, commanding officer at Dugway Proving Cround is presenting a DTC Certificate of Achievement to Sergeant Rodney C. Seely, from the 65th MP Platoon, prior to his departure for Korea. Ceremony Scheduled for March 26 ORATORICAL "CONTEST Shown above are: the commander of The American Post No. 131, Wilson Garrard who presented Savings Bonds to Dugway High School students for being winners of The American Legion Oratorical Contest. Winners are (I to r): Jess R. Taylor, Debbie Duncan, Sam McEvoy and Sliellev Busli. |