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Show Noise Bombarding Us Daily Can Affect The Way We Feel Have you had that noiseated feelini'n lately? ' interval of time, acoustic clam- a ge would result. Du you feel headachy, irritable, frustrated, and just not able to get your work done as well as you would like? Then listen around you. It could just lie the fault of that power mower, jackhammer, booming rock music, mucous radio, or screeching plane overhead. We are paying a high price for the rising noise level of our society today. NOISE, defined as an unwanted sound that irritates, is measured in decibels, units that descrilie levels erf acoustic pressure, power aud intensity. About 33 deciliels (db) is acceptable for a classroom; 60 for a sports arena; 00 can lie tolerated only for 100 can cause short periods; physical discomfort. The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., March 14, 1969: service-connecte- According to a survey made MEDICAL investigators have that excessive noise can by the makers of Bayer Aspirin, interfere with your digestion, a power mower alone has 107 break up your sleep, tire you dli; a kitchen blender, 93. In a out, and add to your nervous quiet suburban home, a blendstrain. er, an automatic dishwasher (60-7- 0 db), garbage disposal unit According to the U.S. Public Health Service, noise may (70 dli) and refrigerator (30-4- 0 db) as well as a radio, air condiadversely affect as many as 16 million U.S. workers. But most tioner and washing machine ofr .ii at Americans are unaware that may te noises at home can lie just as once. Wlule some sounds drown harmful. Measuring home noises. out others, the typical result is Dr. Lee E. Farr of the Univer- an average decibel level of 80, sity of Texas found the kitchen much higher than that of a sports arena, and equivalent to that of to lie the loudest room of all. The sound is at such a level a big city street comer. No wonof intensity, Dr. Farr reported, der, more housewives are reach"that if one were exposed to it ing for the aspirin bottle to refor a full working day over an. lieve the headaches. ST.VKI to $12,3(X). Cl post-Korea- Bill education and training and, for the first time in history, granting the widows of those who died and the wives of veterans who are totally ami :l permanently disabled as the result of military service up to months of VA educational assistance. Regardless of the munlier of dependents, the maximum allowance payable to an eligible widow or wife is $130 a month for fulltime institutional training. Pertaining to the programs operated by VA. the year-end report siiuunari.ed: Latest Books At ost Library 1 wing The following books are now available at Dugway's post library: THE SHADOW of Blooming Grove Wamfo G. Harding in his Time, by Francis Russell. Francis Russell's seven hundred-page biography of the President who has come to lie rated last in the heart of his country men chronicles, a fascinating era in American history which provides a remarkable portrait-bot- h comic and oddly touching - of the affable goodliearted mediocrity who was "everylxxly's second choice at the deadlock Republican convention. Looking at My Heart, by Dr. Philip Blaiberg. IS THE story of the second man to receive a heart in place of his own at the hands of Dr. Dr. Blaiberg Chris Barnard. tells it as it really was, holding nothing back. His deed may have aroused our distant fascination, but his words on paper make us share one of the truly great adventures of the human heart. The People on Second Street by Jenny Moore. The wife of an Episcopal Hood Drugs One Cent Sale Continues This Week TtMMpn S. MAIN eeil i New legislation and expanded service to the largest veteran pi'pul.ili.ni in history highlighted a Veterans Administration sear-en- d rcorl on developments in the affairs of former armed forces persiiunel. LEGISLATION DURING 196S was marked by maiir and new expanded xeterau lieuefit laws passed in the second session oi the MDtli Congress. Among these laws were measures: 1 Raising income limitations fur all pensioners aud monthly payments for 1.2 million lieucficiaries liegiimiug Jan. 1. disability compensation payments effective the disd lirst of the year for nearly two million abled veterans, with those rated 10 per cent disabled receiving an iuvicasc from $3(X) to $4X) in monthly compensation, and those rated 10 to 90 per cent riS. fixing an eight per cent increase. 'HIKING THE VA home loan guaranty maximum from shown 34 SECOND SECTION Veterans Achieved Many Gains During 1968 S bishop lovingly recalls their slum years in a parish. THE CAT Who Turned On And Off, by Lilian Jackson Braun author of The Cat Who Ate Danish Modem. Lilian Jackson Braun is noted fur genuity humor and bright writing as well as for her way with cats. She shows why in this mystery in which the setting is as colorful as the story. All-Ti- by alioiit George Sullivan. It in BRIEFING by VA representatives oi American servicemen in Vietnam on their veteran benefits, plus counseling interviews with 52.IXXI disabled serx icemen in 176 U.S. military hospitals, aud veteran lieuefit orientation of more than 5(X),(XX) servicemen of 3(X) separation points throughout the country. lieginniug last February oi veterans assistance centers in 21 major cities. Staffed by representatives of the VA, civil service commission, department of lalior and other agen- 344.IXX) Greats tells the immortals Hall of Fame. BORN TO Trouble, a novel by Joyce Stranger, author oi The Running Foxes. A heart wanning light, story of the joys and heartaches of wresting a living from the laud and of the deep bond that exists between man and his animals. The Joys of Yiddish, by Leo Rosten. This is a book to be read and laughed over, no less than consulted - a contribution to linguistics, a must for lovers of English, a treasury of delights for anyone intrigued by the sparkling interplay (4 language and life. p cies. the VSVACs offered employment, education and oilier veteran lienefit information, counseling and placement service to returning Vietnam era veterans, particularly the educaintertionally disadvantaged. More than 160,(XX) veterans were y centers and viewed ami offered assistance at these service in 1968. at 57 VA regional offices providing USV AC-tyOF $4.5 billion in compensation and pension lienefits to 4.6 million veterans and survivors. of the $2 billion-a-yea- r pension program for totally disabled veterans and widows who meet the income limitatiims. the seven millionth GI home loan, bringing to nearly $72 trillion the total value of these guaranteed VA loans since' '1944. During this period, VA also has made more than 293, (XX) direct loans with a face value of alwut $2.8 billion. IN FORCE of more thaii four million government life insurance policies by WAVI, WWII and Korean conflict veterans. In addition, approximately 3.7 million GIs held more than $36 billion worth of Servicemens Group Life Insurance policies supervised by VA. or continuance in post Korean GI Bill educaone-ste- multi-agenc- Safely Zone : : 0 V I laiwreuce E. Smith, Safety Officer 1 Strange, isn't it: we are more afraid of getting a ticket than of getting killed. ;: THE MERE SIGHT of a highway patrol car jolts us into . The taint outline of a tall antenna on a car driving more ."Soil yards ahead slows down traffic for miles around, keeps every1 to signal his turn. one in his own lane, reminds Olli'ii. the pubi c don't really have to do anything; they just have to lie there; . by sali-ly- Act. they cant lie. LAST YEAR, there were only enough highway patrolmen ami state policeman to have one for about every 125 miles of road at auv one time. Do you lliiuk that's too many? Or not enough? laist year, some 1,00(1 people were killed on the highway and almost 2 million were uiureil. IS Til AT too mail) ? Or not enough? Clearly, it was criminal to have lost those 53,(XX) people last year. This year, the total xxill probably lie even higher. Aud even more criminal. So xx hen you ask, "Why aren't they out chasing criminals?" Tile answer is olivious: tlicv are. IT ALSO sei'ins obvious that if there were more highway patrolmen there might lie fewer highway funerals. So it might lie a good idea to look around for a police car xxheu xou'rc driving. II vou don't see one. invent one. Pretend he's oil your tail. Drive aceordingly. And don't worry; it's not the silliest game on the mail. In faet. we in the Safety Division have the inside information on some of the silliest, most dangerous, suicidal, criminal driving you can imagine. We always wish that more patrolmen were on hand. Because every time we see this kind of driver, we hope that a cop catches up with him. Ahead of the undertaker. The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: Saving ii the key to independence! Whan you save your hard earned mono) at your credit union, it provides generous dividends Savings at your credit union provides availability and safety. Credit union members work, loan and save together not for 'profit not for charity but for mutual service. - -- tion and training of nearly 8fX),(XX) veterans and servicemen who received $575 million in educational assistance allowances from VA. Additionally, 17, (XX) disabled veterans underwent vocational rehabilitation training. Approximately 42,(XX) sons and daughters of veterans who died or who are permanently and totally disabled as the result of service, received VA educational benefits under the War Orphans Act. is a key to the future" Dugwoy FederaJ Credit Union, 2 "Savings 522-257- the Week 0 gppgjijfljGiisMHl 2 YEARS PARTS ft LABOR DISPOSABLE FOIL OVEN LINERS included! When the oven becomes soiled simply replace the foil liners at the sides, back, top and bottom. Saves endless drudgery of scouring and scrubbing. Oven door, racks and rack guides also remove for quick, easy cleaning. 2-Sp- M4r cle Automatic Mcaltimcr clock starts and stops cooking while youre away New recessed, seamless cooktop contains spills and is at a more convenient work level WASHER GENTLE d broiler lets you adjust the heat instead of changing broiling level New NORMAL high-spee- Labeled oven rack guides tell best position for single or double-rac- k baking ... or broiling PERMA PRESS Two large 8" and two 6" removable units with infinite heats I ISA shown 470 Tooeles Largest and No Down Payment Most Modern Furniture & Appliance Store 'Vt.SL.OLt Service &Jkm AL D 36 Months to Pay IF(u)irin)Dl?uMre 54 South Main 0 OK plug-i- n surface Tmk. - ) j I |