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Show V Hie DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., March 14, 1969 Mustangs Win One, Lose Two In Bid For Slate Tourney Military Warned On Discussing The Dugway High School Mustangs lost in tlieir liiil to liecomo the first team from Dugway to decision to the North reach the Stale hasketliall tiHiriiaineiit when they dropped a hard fought 35-3Summit Braves in the final niolit of the Region Five tourney. THE MUSTANGS led liv a 1 margin at halftime lieforv dropping liehind in the third quarter by as much as 1 points putting on a last ditch rally that brought them within three points of a state tourney ltcrth. Hie Mustangs got off to an earlv lead and held a 14-- 9 advantage at the end of the first quarter as Mark Ceerliugs led the attack with six points. Ted McIntosh got hot for the Oneway five in the second quarter and scored ten points to help the Mustangs maintain a three point advantage ut the half. 3 with two minutes Mark Ceerliugs made it An eleven outlmrst ning when led by point but Duane the left in overtime St. in the opening minutes of the and Bobby Jolmvm. downed stole the liall for the Supcrncau liv an in score a third quarter was the winning Joseph's Jays and tied it at 45 all with overtime thriller. margin for the North Summit one minute left. The Mustangs of 27 scored the Ceerliugs Braves as they Imilt up a then went into a stall with Johnlead before the Mustangs were Mustangs points in the win while son's shot winning it. shot 15 foot a hit jump able to score their first point of Johnson IN to Geerlings ADDITION olT in the overthe second half. The Mustangs as the gnu went 27 other scorers for the Musled also He for victors'. the then out scored the Braves h a time tangs were Johnson with eight, ten to seven margin the rest of (he Mustangs in rebounding with McBride with six. Ted McInIB. the quarter to cut the leiul to tosh with three, Mike Donnelly Friday night the Mustangs with two 4 .'Mi at the end of three quarters. went points and McEvoy of last half the cold in BASKETS BY Cecil ings and one. with their game with South Kich and Bobby Johnson earlv in the final The Walden Curncy coached 7 verdict to the a dropped 0 liattled the taller So. quarter cut the delieit to Mustangs Dug-wa- y but the Mustangs were able to tourneys eventual winners. Kich five during the first half ad3 halftime held a 39-3- 3 get the basket to tie the ball at halftime but were able to col- to lead by ami the game up. 'Hie Braves widened vantage the height Trojans fiin the their margin to 50-4- 2 but the lect only eight mints of and loss McEvoy Ceerliugs nal IB minutes of play while Mustangs again rallied to make fouls toll. their took on South Kich collected 24. 0 it only against them with The Mustangs were able to IN THE Opener on Thursone minute left but a three point only three mints in the garner the Mustangs came from play by Kerry Pace offset two day third quarter and five in the fifive held a St. the as Joe free throws by John McBride to nal eight minutes of the contest. 10-advantage at the end of provide the Braves their margin Geerlings led the Mustangs athalfat first the quarter of victory. with 13 points liefore foul4 at the end of tack The loss brought the Mustangs time, and out ing early in the third quarof play. season to a close and the final three quarters has 12 with six McIntosh ter. Hie Mustangs took the lead in the last half. Other scorers game of their high school careers minwith four for seniors Ted McIntosh. John for the first time were McBride with 8, Johnson utes gone in the fourth quarter mi McBride, Bobby Johnson. Sam six, McEvoy lour and Donnelly McBride two baskets by John v flcrcini two each. McEvoy, Stan Stir and Mark Free throws by and Mark to make it 40-3llcrcim. rclmmidcr the was leading Sain Bob Breen of tlic Jays and Cccrlings led the scorers with 9 for the with nine. McEvoy made it 17 with McIntosh getting 15. Mustangs liefore a basket by Johnson 10, McBride seven, McDrivers, do you know the Paul Bueller tied it up. Geer-ling- 's two and to Evoy Donnelly (me laws? Do you think the traffic 1 but bucket made it round out the scoring for the a liasket by Tony Berendes with protection they offer is worth Mustangs. 34 seconds left tied it at 43 all. compliance? The State Patrol Dl'GWAYS representatives A last second says your answer to these questry by the Musin the region playoffs won their tions may measure the length of went astray. life. opening game on Thursday eve tangs your overtime In the Geerlings IMrary, Explosives The procedure for Dugway Boy Scouts or Explorer Scouts to oliiain Merit Badges has been changed MAJ Louis T. Bowring District Merit Badge Dean announced recently. "Under the new procedures a lmy will know just what steps he must take when interested in a Merit Badge," MAJ Bowring stated. He will now go through his unit leader for the Merit Badge application who will in turn contact one of the 14 Head Merit Badge Counselors we now The applicant have at Dugway. then contacts the Merit Badge Counselor for an appointment and after qualifying for a Merit Badge the Counselor will sign stated MAJ Bowring. the "We will also have more ceremonies in the recognition future for the awarding of badges and certificates," said MAJ Bow-rin- The Air Force Inspector General has asked all major commanders to insure that all personnel are aware that lighthearted rclereiive to explosives or piracy aboard civilian air carriers, no matter how innocent they mav Ik', can result in heavy fines 2 26-2- 1 and imprisonment. The Air Force said many personnel and their families travel by commercial air carriers each vear and careless remarks could cause serious consequences. Civil air carriers are requested by Federal regulation to immediately to liK'al police ami the FBI any comment pertaining to liomlts, explosive devices. wcuKins or piracy in connection with a flight. The Air Force saiil this policy is strictly 45-4- 47-4- 5 34-2- 6 1 -- Scout Merit Badge Program Changed rt SFC Arthur 1.. King. Headquarters and Headquarters (aniipany has the stripes NEW SFC liv COl. Charles M. Shadle, DPG commander and Mrs. King. denoting his new grade put on Shown at left is 1LT David Maxwell. IlkllC commander. enforced. Auv careless remark related to or overheard by an airline employee is treated as a direct threat to the safety of aircraft and passengers. Jokes and light- 59-4- 42-4- 39-3- le-fo- re g. . The list of Head Merit Badge Counselors are: SP4 Ted Stimach, Lee Pratt, John Southwick, MAJ Calvin Creasy, Dona Lindsay, Don Halladav, David Clair, Vol-ne- y hearted or humorous comments are out of place. Airline personnel are directWallace, Lowell Griffiths. ed not to weigh validity of any Clare Mahoney, SP4 Roy Burt, such statement, but to report Harold CPT Waters, Lawrence it and identify the source for Smith and 1LT Frederick Hurley. arrest purposes. 52-5- lur-lii- S 19-1- 5 3B-3- Vi Price Sale Don-nell- on Remnants 41-3- Fabric Specialty Center 43-4- - 15 South Main Newly promoted SFC Erasmo ACEVEDO PROMOTED TO SERGEANT FIRST GLASS Acevedo, CBRWOC is being congratulated by Colonel Eugene F. Them, CBRWOC Commandant and SGM Eugene A. Maekle on his achievement. WORK WONDERS 7CDlIZ3XZ2XO&C M" TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN RATES: 3 cents per word Regular (light face type) Business (dark face type) 10 cents per word 50 cents per issue Up to one inch (monthly rale) 81.30 per inch Display ads 81 per inch Over one inch (monthly rate) MONTHLY' KATES are for consecutive insertions only, with no ( changes. Except with business firms, and. individuals, who main-- , tain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a classified ad should he reported immediately the paper is responsible for one incorrect, insertion onlv. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will lie included in the DESERET SAMPLER a newspaper distributed to 2,000 Dugway, Utah residents and workers twice monthly, without additional charge. 'DEADLINE for classified iyls is II a.m. day of publication. (fliaaB) FOR RENT one bedroom home DON'T MISS seeing us liefore WORRYING ABOUT you buv or sell. PUFFER SEE THE NEW World Book Eli- - STOP Carport. Partly furnished. Ph REALTY and INSURANCE. and Childcraft. You can earn a MONEY cyclopedia 7 after 5 p.m. CRI 453 N. Main, Tooele, Utah, good income as an AVON Representative. Don't delay. TWO AND THREE bedroom Call now 355-51- 4 REMOVE excess ImxIv fluid with or write with attached garapts 2 liedrooin house FOR SALE Mrs. Cook, Box 52, Bountiful, FLU1DEX tablets.' only $1.49 age. $70 and $80 monthly. We 16 Utah. possible third, will sell my 14 at Hood Drug. furnish Tridg and stove. Ph equity for $I(XX). You take over payments. Ph SET OF DRUMS for sale $150 York Cornet. Will FOR SALE 25 Call Mike Garcia. BATCH. APARTMENTS 4 Cookrent. Phone ing facilities. Private liath, heat and air conditioning. $50 FOR SALE BY OWNER Call CLARINET FOR SALE TALK ABOUT HIGH PRICES all brick. No closing and up. Utilities included. 363 l AND VALUES RECEIVED? cost. Phone East Vine St. Phone 8824)227 If you wuut real value in a after 4:30 p.m. WILL TEND one or two small house broom call Parley SavFOR SALE BY OWNER five ' CRI children in inv home during age 8824)866. liedrooin home, full hascinent. Ph 8824)961. FOR RENT - LEASE - SALE -- FURNISHED APARTMENTS -day. Garage, Hi liaths fullv land2 and 3 rooms. New kitchens Large cement building 70x170 272 North 1st Street,, PFAFF SEWING MACHINE scaped. Male Yorkshire FOR SALE and appliances, including elecfoot. Suitable for storage, ma4 Fred Hamilton. 262 MODEL. THE LATEST sire. Terrier Puppv. Champion tric ranges, automatic gas heat. chine shop, auto repairs or AND TIIE FINEST. TAKE Air conditioned. Large recrea6 or 8824X146. manufacturing. Inquire O. T. FOR SALE 4 liedrooin home, PAYMENTS. OVER tion area. Rates start at $75 4 or Barms, phone room with fireplace, 4 family CRI per month with all utilities nice neighborhood. Close to USED WASHERS and furnished. Rent by day, week, 49.95 three schools and church. PricFOR RENT one lied room house month or year. Linen service Al and Lid Furniture and up. Cedar Posts. sell. FOR SALE ed to Ph available. WESTERN APARTgarden spot and lawn, water Appliance. 54 S. Main. 11 furnished. Good location. Call MENT, 515 North Main, Tooele. Phone Hereford Bull 18 FOR SALE 199.95 and USED COLOR TVS CRI WE ARE STILL IN month: Wheatland Case plow BUSINESS AT up. Al and Lid Furniture and 4Mt to 6 foot. Verv good conTRAILER SPACE - convenient 191 N. MAIN Appliance. 54 South Main. PARTLY APT FURNISHED for dition. Ph location. $20 per month. Call during construction of new 27 offices. We offer excellent $300VATER SOFTENER for PAY WHY VETERANS building lots zoned for aniTHREE ROOM HOUSE, partly TWO BEDROOM APT for rent SKX). Ph home a You RENT? can buy mals 82x2(X). Also 'i acre furnished. Call carpeting, drapes Mr conCRI or larger. 3 new brick homes. with vour rent money. No FURNITURE SALE China ditioning. $105 per month. Ph down payment. No loan costs. Readv for occupancv. make German $160; cabinet, unfurnishAPT ONE BEDROOM Homes for Sale IIAINES REALTY Mirror (Urge) $30; Washer ed. Carpet and drapes fridge 191 NORTH MAIN, TOOELE Grantsville and Dryer, Hi years old, Wiand stove. $95 a mouth. 260 THREE ROOM furnished apt. 4 at Crantsville. Ph " Real nice 3 liedrooiii carpet zard $2tX); Baby stroller $5; North First East. 116 WEST MAIN, GRANTS-VILLand drapes, one acre lot. CRI Fireplace set $15; Polaroid Camera No. 103 with case, 6 EVENINGS FOR RENT furnished apartREMODELED two $60: Doll cuplioard $10; (loll SEE COME IN AND ment. locaexcellent Clean, TWO BEDROOM furnished apt. fenced vard. corrcls, and one hunk lied, $5. Call 882-49OUR LISTINGS' tion. Unfurnished $100. $130. acre lot.'$10.4(X.(X). Inquire CRI 5 after 5 or see 1st 260 North East. Phone Would you ln'lieve a nice clean p.m. 382 So. Main. CRI home on an acre lot all for 20 cents BUTCHER HOGS COUNTRY LIVING -- Ha acres $5,9(X).(K). fiKit. on round n 3 2 or partly rennxlcled 2 room furnished THREE ROOM furnished apt -FOR RENT Tooele Homes 427 S. Coleman. home,, new wiring. 219 4 house. Suitable for couple. BRICK three lu'droom. one thermofor stove, dryer. New $40 month and utilities. liedrooin in full liasemcut. South FOR SALE Naugahyde sectional outside wall stat furnace with FOR RENT liedrooin home. 3 o 21 west section. $16,9X).(X). dining room table and six cindcrbluek wall vent. 1(X) x 30' $100 innuth. Call Doran Hunt FURNITURE INCLUDED large chairs. Oil) mattress. Phone water, with lights, outbuilding real nice 3 bedroom, fenced WANTED corral. Near new pump, 5 vard. $13,9(X).(X). shares Fairfield. water. Only FOR RENT one liedrooin apt. THREE ONE PAIR Girls Ski hoots KEDRIXYM, family $4,800. Phone 60 East 4th North. $75 month PARENTS WANTED please size 7'j. Like new. $10; One and 1 room, carport. fireplace Doran Hunt, attend Babe Ruth Baseball Universal portable sewing ma- Southwest Section. $14.9(X).(X). ' meeting Monday, March 17, Excellent condition 3 chine. VERY CLEAN TRAILER HOUSE for rent 7:30 p.m. Tooele City Hall. brick. Southeast Section. Only $394)5; One portable ed 4 rooms l'A liaths Home- HOUSE FOR SALE in CrantsStereo $!0.(X) Excel$15.XX).(X). 1 ville. Ill stead Trailer Court, 8824)705 FOUR LEVEL with everything. lent condition. Ph 8824)291. 4 House to rent WANTED $22,(XX).(X). Southeast Section. throe bedrooms diningroom, 1 HAVE hinues in most areas CHILD CARE FOR RENT apt. family room, etc., 3 adults, 1 have taken PORTABLE Dish Washer for sale and that prices, Gas furnace. Inquire 259 No. teenager. Plume and in Front loader. 3 wars old $55. trade on my new homes. A BABY SITTING evenings 1st West. 8 Call weekends. Excellent references Veteran can lmy these homes like rent. Or yon can buy out 8824)712. 1 WILL WANTED buy old radiators and my equity and assume the lwltcries and copper and or eve- existing loan al the lower inCARE CHILD Day 65 East1 BEAUTICIANS brass. Ph WANTED -Reasonable. terest rates. ning. Ironing. 1st No. Gladys' Fashion Flair. If in8 CALL DORAN HUNT Ph terested in full or part time AM ISIS - Agent for 7 NEED SOMEONE in Tooele area lieuuty work call WILL TEND CHILDREN in PEDERSEN REAL ESTATE or Guaranteed salury with a first phone. Part time. WANT COMPANY my home. Gall of $20 per week. 25 CRI Reply 884-386- 882-264- 1. 882-121- 6. du-pl- ex - 882-143- 0. 882-467- - d - P-- 882-456- 4. 882-3(X- 4. - BPO ELKS NO. 1673 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. at 61 N. Main. - CRI 882-334- 882-413- 1. 882-389- ORDER OF MOOSE LOYAL NO. 2031 MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. JOE E. IIEPNER, Secv. ' PHONE 882-262- 1. - - 882-353- 6. 882-196- 4 882-039- 5. LEGION POST 17 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th WEDNESDAYS, 8 p.m. CRI AMERICAN a LODGE NO. 11 FficAM MEETS 1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 7:30 p - 882-006- - 882-333- 882-335- 7. 884-504- 6. - 882-192- 5. WANTED SALES TRAINEE - ld 196. 28 ar ride or to join to Hill curpool from Tixicle Field west area. Call 21 884-505- MADE or All fabrics CORDON 60 S. Main. CRI - rug care. Carpets and upholstery cleaned in vour home. Free estimates. Phone PEST CONTROL Termites, roaches spiders yards trees basements sprayed. M. O. Fones Ph 8824)392. 8 WE BUY watches, diamonds, gold rings or trade them in on new REMODELING - basements finished, kitchens patios garages windows doors, etc. Ph PROFESSIONAL 882-465- 4. merchandise. Bateman jewelry. CRI TAPS TOILETS, 882-200- REPAIRED. after 5. 3 30 WE WILL pay you $1.65 for your silver dollar, or better still, get $2.25 in merchandise. Bateman Jewelry Your Silver STore." CRI 88241593. CUSTOM KILLING UNDER STATE INSPECTION CHOICE GRADE A CRAIN-FEBEEF, 52 CENTS; MUTTON, LAMB, 54 CENTS; PORK, 40 CENTS; PRICES INCLUDE PROCESSING. FINANCING AVAILABLE. PHONE GENEALOGY Ph 0. copies 14 884-380- BREATHE EASIER! 884-383- Zeros ed. Ozium air sanitizer II .75; Also industrial supplys. Coleman Industries Incorporated. Free delivery. 8824X136. 4 OUTZEN LAWNMOWER Repair and Sharpening Service. Chainsaws repaired. All types small engine service. Pickup and delivery. RICHARD OUTZEN 14 345 North 2nd West. 884-663- 5 882-356- 884-335- 4. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING -YOUR CORRAL. CALL US WE DO TIIE REST. WHOLESALE MEAT, USD A CHOICE OR GRANITES ARISTO-- C RATES 52 LB. PROCESSED. TOOELE ICE AND STORAGE, 8822601 or 882 1179. EASY TERMS AVAILABLE. ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All makes Steam irons cleaned and repaired. ELMERS, 38 YV. Vine. CRI NUMBER AND NAME SHARES OWNED - BOX' LAKE SALT 1874 CITY, 11 84I0I. - Paying $1.00 each for old merchants trade tokens WANTED saloons, billiard halls, Wilgroceries, mines, etc. Mrs. liam H. Johnson, Box 176, Tccinnscli. Michigan 49286. from P-- 1 21 882-33- P-3- DONS REFRIGERATION SERVICE 882-315- 2. - - FENDER GUITARS ainsp. Salt Lake prices As low as $8 down and $8 per month. Chau-doi- n Music Co., 220 So. Main. Tooele. Phone or 8821081. SS2-141- 1. 884-332- 8. - 1962 Chrysler 3fXl FOR SALE No reasonable offer refused. Call 882-136- 8. ENSIGN Ill CAMPER for sale -- 884-552- 7. SERVICING AND INSTALLATION ON ALL TY PES OF REFRIGERATION EQUIP. DON BATCHELOR 14 8822826. 882-496- 7. -3-l- West-iughou- OIL AND MINING STOCKS WANTED. SEND COMPANIES, OF LIST 882-214- 2. - 882-185- 6. OLD - 882-020- 882-459- 7. 882-496- 7. - IRONING 54. P-t- HELP WANTED receptionist stenographer (typing and shorthand). Write P. (). Box 267,, Tnoele giving qnalificat ions and in resume. CRI experience EXPERT Non-smoke- rs Ixtl-rooi- WANTED DRAPERIES READY CUSTOM BUILT. modern designs FURNITURE CO., $14.-900.(- Uncqualcd opportunity and security. Guaranteed training allowance. Up to $600 monthly with highly respected life insurance company. Ill Mnrrav 266--4 882-139- 884-336- 2. 882-459- 7. KENNELS BOARDING SMALL DOCS - CATS. 75 DAY. INSIDE KENNELS. 882-106- 5. 884-504- ROCKY MOUNTAIN - SAGE 884-348- (gBtlfi fillip y - S82-43A- - NOTICE'S (GEBgBBi) FOR SALE 882-4(1)- - 66 Opel. Phone p-)- 3 P-- 884-552- 7. - 1950 FORD 2S - 68 Honda. Call 884-348- 4 882-383- 882-192- . - i 882-335- 7. Evumc iiaii 882-474- 0. 8H2-496- 882-447- 1 882-304- 882-456-- 882-144- 1. ADS TREE TRIMMING and removal. Free estimate. LOST and FOUND dark male Siamese cat. Vicinity of Parkway. Reward. 8821683. LOST FOUND Huh caps west of town. Identify. 8823159. WELL kept carpets show the results of regular Blue Lustre spot cleaning. Rent electric shainpooer $1. Cordon Furniture, 60 South Main. EXCELLENT, efficient and economical. that's Blue Lustre carpet and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric shamponer $1. Western Auto. |