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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., March 14, 1969 Dugways Intramural Volleyball Schedule Dale March 17 Time Teams 6:IX) p.ill. Met Team vs CBK H1LC vs Officers No. 1 0:30 p.m. March 7:00 p.m. 19 Olficers No. 1 vs Civilians 05th MP Ar Hosp. vs Officers No. 2 Met Team vs Civilians HHC vs Officers No. 1 CRR vs Civilians 05th MP Ac Hosp. vs Officers No. 1 Met Team vs HHC Officers No. 2 vs Officers No. 1 CBK vs HHC 05th Ml Ac Hosp. vs Met Team Civilians vs I1HC Officers No. 2 vs Mel Team CBR vs 05th MP Ac Hosp. Officers No. 1 vs Met Team Civilians vs 05lh MP Ac Hosp. Olficers No. 2 vs CBR HHC vs 05th MP Ac Hosp. Officers No. 1 vs CBK Civilians vs Officers No. 2 HHC vs Officers No. 2 Met Team vs CBK Ofiiccrs No. 1 vs Civilians 05th MP Ac Hosp. vs Officers No. 2 Met Team vs Officers No. 2 HHC vs Officers No. 1 0:(KI p.m. 0:30 p.m. 7:(X) p.m. March 20 6:X p.m. 0:30 p.m. March 25 0:00 p.m. 0:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. 0:00 p.m. March 20 0:30 pan. 7 :00 p.m. 0:00 p.m. 0:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 0:(X) p.m. 0:30 p.m. 7:(X p.m. 0:(X p.m. 0:30 p.m. 7:00 p.ill. 0:00 p.m. 0:30 p.m. March 27 1 April April 2 April .3 RATH CEDARFARM 7:00 pan. Top Ton Players of Intramural llaskcthall ram lander, juicy Norfcest Budgetwisu turkeys make delicious, thrifty meals everyone is sure to enjoy . . . shop Albertsons to be sure of tho right choice. 6 Rath's Cedarfarm bacon, extra lean for more flavor and good anting in every single slice . . . perfect with eggs, now at Albertson's for much less!' LB. SLICED LUNCHMEAT .... PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS Bar--S Vac Pac Assorted 3 6. $ Pkgs. Rath Blackhawk Pure Pork . . . . 3-BREA- I STED .39' 3-LEG- GED 8. Rufus Balkcoin 9. Stephen Czaja 10. Phillip Harvey The DTC Deseret Sampler FRYERS FRYERS Morning Fresh Grade AA Medium Total Games Team Total Ave. Plaved Civilians 359 22 16 HHC No. 1 355 14 25 65th MP Ac Hosp. 355 16 HHC No. 1 354 16 22 Officers 314 24 13 HHC No. 2 21 294 14 Met Team 15 270 17 CBR 258 17 15 CBR 255 17 15 IIHC No. 2 242 15 16 Names 1. John Sonthwick 2. Curtis Johnson 3. Charles Reeder 4. Collins Williams 5. Sherman Williams 6. Lee Harkins 7. Charles Hamilton ft Waal la of Um City mX Degirey HeHaa fro CaeM, Sail Uhe Cma ttlisiay, 1 wey ew itMaUANMaMtMMMij visas rf.OM UamaaAaWt i Doi. to Cs, i toa Is aal X W saMsh Creamy-smoot- Now h Isa Tto aaM snap! toa oimImIii tl ha Tax Rules on Children Covered in IRS Booklet salad dressing. at Albertsons ml ha M NaaW Msia, Tassit, ar FA Ma Is pUss Al pitosm ere aMd 111 Amgr ftoapafi low pricol exemption may be taken for a baby 1mm anytime the year as long as certain tests are met, Roland V. Wise, during District Director of Internal Revenue for Utah said today. One of the basic requirements for claiming a child as a dependent is that the taxpayer provide more than half the childs support for the entire year. If a child is bom, or dies, during the year this support test has to lie met for the months the child was A $6(X) alive. ANOTHER TEST for depen- dency is that the child must eith- er lie related to the taxpayer or lie a meinlier of the taxpayer's household. The child must also lie a citi- or resident of the United to lie claimed as a depen- dent. The exceptions to this rule for a child who is a resident Canada, Mexico, Panama or Canal Zone. would claim his own exemption on the return he was required to file and his parents would still lie entitled to claim his exemption on their return. Publication 501, Tour Exemp-ze- n (inns and Exemptions for Depen-Statwhich fumishes more de tailed information on this sub-ar- e jw;ti may lie obtained by drop-o- f ping a post curd to the District Director, Internal Revenue Ser-Mr. Wise said the requirement vice. Salt Lake City, Utah, 64101. that a person cannot have inDo you feel sorry for the come of 9600 or more a vear and driver you see , lie clam ed as a dependent by ,6vation? es ause another taxpayer does not apply to a child who .s ether under 19 a the end of the year or a e student for some part mn Accident, and handj the State Patrel. A broken meln Hfe- - Drive within r vio,ation? fi.ll-t.m- UHEN Tiir viyier i under 19 or is a hi time s udent h.s exemption could lie claimed on different tax returns. The child for lhe driver u chi!d because fee, , . . . -- W Open Tonight SNOWED IN ON 43 !UICs,",sr' FOOD a?. T TISSUE YOUR 14 3 1 r Let H A R BLOCK Come To The Rescue No need to get lost In oil tho details of tax preparation. BLOCK will quickly prepare your return and M BOTH FEDERAL AND STATE Us accuracy. Make tracks to H & R guarantee BLOCK. eUARANTEI preparation of every tox return. ar If wa make any error that cod you any penalty interest, we will pay the psnejtyorjnterest. COFFEE w guarantee accurals hr Hills Bros. Cof- fee, AB grinds save with this couponl 1969 Coupon expires midnight March IS, CLIP AND SAVE YOURE ALWAYS WELCOME AT ALBERTSONS PRICES EFFECTIVE THUR., FRI. & SAT. 227 N. MAIN - TOOELE i :-i- c0- - i Americas Largest Tax Service with Over 3000 Offices 453 North Main Weekdays 9 a.m.-- 9 p.m.; Sat. 9-- 5 Ph 882-401- 1 No Appointment Necessary. |