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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., March 14, 1969 Corner Chaplains by C1I (LTC) Gerald E. Jones There Is A Solution day. An old fable tells of a frog who fell in a ehuni of milk. At first there seemed no way out, and alxxit the only thin); to do was to accept it as a hopeless situation and give up. But instead of doing that the frog started kicking to swim and keep his head above the milk. After a time of refusing to give up. his activity churned the milk into butter and he was able to stand on it until he was rescued. Tims he dealt with the problem at hand in such a way that a solution was found to his dilemma. We all face problems, frustrations and what appears to lie hopeless situations at times. We have difficulty in seeing how time and further actions oil our solupart can possibly bring a tion. WE SEEM to forget that "The way out is the way through, step by step and day by day. This is the secret of dealing with our difficult situations, living one day at a time and living it to the fidlest. This secret was found by Roliert J. Burdette, who writes: There are two days in the week upon which and about which I never worry. One of these days is yester Yesterday with its cares and frets and all its pains, all its mistakes, and blunders, all its faults, has passed lieyond my recull. It was mine, now it is God's. The other day that I don't worry about is tomorrow. Tomorrow, with all its possible its burdens, its adversities, far is as my maslieyond perils, tery as its dead sister, yesterday. Tomorrow is God's day, it will lie mine. THERE IS left for myself then, but one day in the week today. Any man can fight the liattles of just one day. It isn't the experience of today that drives man mad. It is the remorse of what happened yesterday, ami fear of what tomorrow illicit bring. These are God's days. Leave them to Him. Christ points up the same truth in the Sermon On The Mount: Dont worry at all then alxnit tomorrow. Tomorrow will One day's look after itself. trouble is enough for one day. Be like the frog - do what you can alxmt the immediate situations of tmlay. Trust God with your licst given to each day as it comes, and the tomorrows which, are in His callable hands, will be bringing the answers you can't see now. -- HjBgSjp-- 1 For Prep School New Community EM May Apply Service Available In Washington Enlisted men who aim high may find the challenges they seek at the U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School at Ft. Belvoir, Va. The U.S. Continental Army Command's 1969 goal of 24(X) apis aimed at almost triple the numlx:r for 1968 of the plicants I'uder the sponsorship liest most qualified candidates highly motivated, Arinv Community Service for providing the W'ash-ingl- o for this select schooling. of the Military District FOR MANY young men, the new program has been . . initiated which is aimed at the Prep School is the first step more than 22 years old on 1 July West Point and a comof the year he plans to enter incoming enlisted Army person- toward nel who are mi orders to Wash- mission in the Regular Army. At West Point, unmarried and not prethe Prep School, a cadet candiington for duty. date receives instruction and viously married, a high school graduate (four Rccogni.iug the need for a training to help him qualify in more personalized greeting and academics and physical aptitude years of English and three years referral service to benefit this for entrance into the U.S. Mili- of Math are recommended), and medically qualified. group, ACS seeks to contact these tary Academy. This learning also AN ENLISTED man meetservicemen and their families becomes his liackground for Acathey arrive in the Wash- demy work once he obtains an ing these requirements can begin the application procedure at ington area, so that ACS may appointment. USCONARC officials explain offer to channel any problems which their move and newcomer that the Military Academy seeks any time in his military career, interests even before finishing Basic Coma man with status bring about. a man who is proficient aca- bat Training. His first step is If, for example, a sponsor demically but also involved in simply to submit an application with has a handicapped dependent student affairs and sports. So, (using format in AR 350-55-), who will need special schooling generally, an EM who graduated his CO endorsement and a copy or medicare financing; if he is in the upper half of his high of his latest medical examination, interested in Ixirmwing small school class should consider the to the Commandant, U. S. Milihousehold items from the ACS Prep School even though he may tary Academy Preparatory School, landing Closet: if his forcigu-Ixir- u not feel qualified for West Point. Ft. Belvoir, Va. 22060. (This also wife anticipates language The Prep School will get him serves as an application for nomination to the Military Acadifficulties in her new home area; ready. The application period is 1 demy at West Point.) if other personnel or financial As a second step, the appli- needs loom as potential crises. January - 30 June each year, with ACS with its trained social work- classes at the Prep School run- - cant should arrange to have a ers and volunteers would like ning from August to the follow- - copy of his high school academic record forwarded to the Prep to liegiu working with the fam- ing May. EM School. His acceptance will dein ONLY active duty licfore to their even arrival, ily School for status Prep pend on an evaluation of this may apply miiiiinie the problems which confor To be record, his proven physical fiteligible afterward. occur training. might ness and leadership ability. sideration, a soldier must be Additional information can be g citizen of the United found in AR 350-5- 5 and DA Pam States, 350-of good moral character, AT LEAST 17 and not - Shown are personnel from III1C PERSONNEL BEFORE THE E-- 7 AND E-- 5 BOARD E-is E-to Left Board. and 5 right Sp4 Robert Jonw, AnthMy IIIIC before going before the Emil Ronald Bittner, and SSG Earl Edwards. Albert Miller, Tingley, Paone, Everett Rice, 7 m it e i fEi& lUli Hii t9 iQ - STAFF SERGEANT JOSEPH RICHARD RETIREMENT-Colon- cl Paul W. Sheffler, U. S. Army Hospital Commander congratulates SSG Joseph Richard upon his retirement from the U. S. Army effective Feh. 28, 1969. Also shown is Mrs. Richard. Only at Hinckleys 10th South and Main Dugways, Pack 517 Hosts "Blue and Gold Award Banquet, Feb. 24 1.1 .f I. The leaders and committeemen of Cub Scout Pack 517 wish to express their appreciation for the Family and Parent" participation in the annual Blue and Gold Cub Scout Banquet. Program Chairman for this year's banquet was Captain William J. Martin, III, who works in the Biological Division, Vet Svc., Dugway. The opening ceremony started with the posting of the colors by Welx-loand Cubs with their song the Pack." The Official Opening was given by Dr. Kenneth Brainier, Banquet Chairman for this year. FOLLOWING the official lVIotlPV opening was the invocation gi- ven by LTC Gerald E. Jones. Post Chaplain (Protestant'. The Official Charter was presented R stran8 to the Institution Representative Bernard Sabato bv Carl Peter- - tha,the nation leadin8 hea,th (30GD QE0OD (tom $5X07 Gtraro (JfcpoaiG WHEYS HOT FOUR CHARGER 426 HEMI. T disc Automatic Transmission, power brakes, console, 426 C.I.D., 4 BBL Dual Hemi. Engine, hood mounted turn signals, power steering, black vinyl roof, fiber glass tires. Total Price $4495.00 340 SWINGER No. 29-1- DART 88 Big 340 transmission, with radio, automatic power steering. Jet Block. C.I.E. Total Price $2791.01 CORONET 383-- 4 BBL torqueflite, steering, F70 SUPER BEE engine with heavy duty power disc brakes, power x 1 4 white wall tires. "OTAL PRICE $3150.93 CORONET R-- T COUPE Plush performance with big 440 C.I.E., 4 BBL engine, tack, power steering, vinyl roof, red streak tires, sport wheel. TOTAL PRICE $3679.06 r ' son and Sheldon Grav both of tire Salt laike Citv Council who in turn presented the Offic ial Charter of Cary Hanson. Cub Scoutinaster of Pack 517. Guest speakers at the Blue Cold Banquet were Col Charles M. Sliadle, Post C,,,,,. of DPG who spoke on What Is A Bov?" Sheldon Grav on The Role of Scontii,;. in This Changing World," and Wilson Curran! on The Great Salt Lake Council and extended greetings to the parents of the Cub Scixits and guests. were ,w. badges Activity Kilted to Michael Hvnl. Cl.uk Brauner, Mathew Mastis,,.,. Tony MaCann, Richard Wilkins. Marvin Hawkins, Taggart Andcrtuu. and BovdPurvwT A It only takes a Minute for Low Cost Financing and payments tailored to Yoill lilUIILj WflplsS rTllpl FnstPI YOU Special financing for Service Personnel! KEM (sEnwamtaa .rnm" n Light Scientist Award went to t!,, Ricky Glasgow. Receiving Rear award were Phillip Dvcr and Jilui Secs. Aceeel in'g the Wolf Awards were Kan Curtis Haskins. Smith, John Castagno, Iain Mastison .md Gunn. Candle light awards the Bokal's" went to Wa.k AeIio and John Houle. TIIE MOST activity badge was presented to Clark Brauner and Michael Byrd. The Crab-maAward was presented t i Tony MaCann. The wiunei for wearing his iiiiiforni most con servatively was Jim Nears. Mans Ciinn received the Cold and Silver Arrow Point'' during the recr'Ppl,,8 Pro) e,n ; ives little attention in the press. Even lef atte,ntion, is ?v?n for what is being done for the handi- capped. The Pro',le,n crippling d tua,,y affects at least "e famil.v every five, and those it fects- - need professional help. e THE EASTER SEAL fllnds t0 Provide ll,is ' PaiK" critically needed help for the crippled. But the work Easter tloes as a, res,,lt of ev,ery Senem,is contribution is what do,n hea,r al,,,.t; so,ne fo,k Easter Seals help a crippled child t0 wa,k' fr ,he V"-r ,he7 r,nft li,,,e for the rehabilitation of a man or woman who has lieen felled a s,n,ke Hr a ac-an- cam-spok- f No letter example of this is our feeling alxiut the helpless child, handicapped liy a birth defect, a crippling illness or a serious accident. A Awards Office for youngster struggling alone on braces or crutches, trying to keep up with his friends, obviously eager to lie part of the child's world around him, stirs in all of us pity, sympathy, compassion which indicate very clearly the manner in which the employee's performance exceeded applicable standards for satisfactory mance. A statement that perfor-priate-d mance of all other duties has )en not less than satisfactory, The justification may lxs typed un the reverse of the DA i256, nomination for award form, in narrative stylo, and more important, the desire to do something to help.- - Fortunately, our feelings can action, speedBecause there Society. The has the knowledge, the experience, the personnel and the facilities to give the crippled youngster the treatment he needs to assure him of All employees, lxith military the greatest possible development and civilian, are urged to par-t- o of his abilities and of a chance to make his own way in his own ticipate in the suggestion pro-e- d world. remindgram and supervisors are r ed of their responsibility to Onr own position? A courage participation and generous contribution to the Easter Seal nize deserving employees, Campaign. perfor-suggesti- find expression in ily and effectively. is the Easter Seal Easter Seal Society en-o- s, processing. supervisor. I The time frame for submission has lieen changed. Nominations must lie submitted within 30 days after the period covered and is days more are allowed for concurrences and approval. Nominations must lie received in the Incentive Awards Office not more than 45 days after the period cited to lie eligible for processing. Documentation for the nomination will lie concise and con- We specialize in social printing for all occasions. You can depend on our work to be correct to the last detail, always in good taste. sist of: BRIEF LISTING of the of the employee's duties major position critical to job success. 2. A very brief, factual statement of actual performance of the majority of those duties. 1. A Tooele Transcript 58 North Main Street P"1' w,,rks' thr,,,,h bring hope to the handicapped. The patients s,,ffcr!,,K orthopedic are. thoM 'romiiscular conditions. a,,d1 cerebral palsy, speech and liear- Your Easter Seals . inR - d,s,,rill'1rs- Plio ta,ion' n,HStl,lar . . slrokt'-Han- rtllrl,11s- - "iphy, T,d"lld ,,fW'- - an.pu-fo- s r ,)rai" OT?lVE-K- J "i"? a,,d a '"I:Most are complex conditions, requiring complex and often prolonged treatment. Some require 197 West Vine continuing treatment extending over a pcriixl of years. SERVICES OF such dimensions call iqxm ever)' resource of the Easter Seal Society. The demands are great. To meet the demands for PrtW"n a,,d !a'r; presentation. Pack Committee Cliairnun for this war's luu.quct was SI'C Rolx-r- t "? , "PP11 Glasgow. Tins war's Dm "ng the next year, the Mothers for the extremclv Urn adul,s-E. Mrs. are Ncarv. Dm ,x,ck A,,d No. 1. Mrs. J. Castagoo. Dm w,,1.SIM,ul owr No. 2. ami Mrs. R. M. Mas. thaty.x.r money. 5 onr money works to help the of all ages . . to There an- - approximately 21 a fl,r lMUtr, Cubs ami alxmt III Wcbclos ulxxit a quarter of a million this puck as of now and it still growing. Someone once said that our feelings are given to us to move us to action. If disapproved, the nomination is returned to the originating s R-- For Action review recommendations for out- standing performance appraisals or for considering or approving awards for nonappro- fund employees. Author- ity to disapprove suggestions, to approve suggestion awards up to $50.00 and to approve other designated lower level awards based upon documented evalna- tions by concerned units, has been delegated to the Incentive Awards Administrator. Authority approve cash awards for adopt- suggestions, up to and includ- ing $300.00, without reference to approval by incentive awards has lieen delegated to directors and office chiefs. Suggestions which pertain to the suggestors work area may lie submitted directly to the supervisor for approval or disapproval, as appropriate. Suggestions not related to the suggest-or'- s work area will lie forwarded to the Incentive Awards Office for processing through standard procedures. SUSTAINED Superior Performance Awards and quality salary increases are initiated liy the immediate supervisor and forwarded through channels to the Director of Office Chief for approval. If approved, the nomination is sent to the Incentive (jfeEib (5P s Undergoes Many Changes Incentive Awards Committees will not lie convened or used to MHO, 'uterfe t- - A cases. T Time Incentive Award Program A new look for the Army Incentive Awards Program has been instituted. During the last week in January nine courses were conducted to inform supervisors of the changes. SUPERVISORS AT ALL LEVELS are responsible for for appropriate awards for achieverecommendations initiating ments, andor accomplishments or special acts or services, encouraging personnel to develop suggestions, and for taking expeditious action on suggestions submitted for evaluation. One incentive awards committee will lie established to consider nominations for cash awards in excess of $3(X).(X): consider nominations for honorary awards; consider nomfnations for awards whieh are primarily competitive; to assist in planning incentive awards program activities; evaluate the effectiveness of the program in organizational units; and consider difficult, complex or controversial USED, i tv f Across from High School Foot Long Hot Dogs with special Top Spot dressing 15c Saturday Only Free Pepsi with each food order We invite you to try out other speckis such as English Fish fn Chips, Malts, etc., etc. |