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Show BALL PLAYER IS DAIRY MAN "Dad" Hausen Conducting Modern Dairy at Rupert, Idaho. "From Catcher's Mitt lo Milk Pall." is the title of .in nrticle In the Idaho Farmer featuring H F ' Dvt' II.uk-n igden baseball catcher in the days of the "lobsters." A clipping of the article by Ray W Felton. was forwarded to the Standard Stand-ard -E Tarn in er by Jesse S. Richards, former igden man. now breeder of j blooded atock at Virginia, Ida. It fol- 1 What become of the old time league 'baseball favorites? Kwrv once' in a again At the Minidoka county fait this year and again at the Cassia conn- 1 record. When aaked about hw too-hall too-hall record Mr IUuon eshlbitt a' pair of hand that gave mute evidence m In the Threo-i . ae ,,- ..n, .ran: with the Kansas City club in the West.f ern league. in io he pUv-.l nh Southern league and later to the Ceo-' Three ar ago Mr liauen cam to'' s milk pall, but Dad Mauan ha dem- i nrivtrated hla ablll' to use bvth. t |