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Show . ALIAS SUMMONS. ! In the District Court of Weber Countv I tah BoUo T. Gre.nwell, Plainnff, vs Fred Uathyas If not deceased, and If de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees legatees ind creditors lane Pop - Math yas, John Doe and Mary Roe. whose other and true names are to plaintiff unknown, md an and ill persons vho have or claim to have any right, title or interest In or to all or any part of the real propertj described in the complaint com-plaint fihrl herein, defendants The State of Etah to Ihe saj Defend ants: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days -iM.1 service Of this summons upon you. If serv. d within the niniv in which this action is brought, othi rwlse v-ithln thirty days after sere-ice, sere-ice, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure so to do Judgment Judg-ment will be rendered against ou accord Inrr to the demand Ol the complaint, which lias been filed with the clerk of sadd court. This action is brought to obtain a Judg ment and decree adjudging the plaintiff to be the owner of, and quietlnc; his title against any and all claims of the defend ants In and to Ixits Fort three (43) and Forty four (44) in Uichscl's Subdivision of the east hah of i, lock Twenty-two (22). Plat "C" Ogden City Survey situate in the east half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty three (33) nnd the Northwest Quar ter of Section Thirty four (34) Townxhip Six (6) North of Range One (I) West of th. Salt Lake Meridian I'nited States Survcj. in Weber Countv. Utah .IOS E EVANS. Plaintiff s Attorney. P O Address: David Ecclcs Building, Ogden, rtah. 6156 |