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Show i For all Departments, Call Phone 4o. 2450 RANDOM REFERENCES ' Live Oak Club- The Live 1 1 ik club win meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs, Louise Polkman, r02 Twenty-second Twenty-second street. Moved in second floor 215t 221 i le building Dr v n Petty Dental r.i.i'T Deputy sheriff- J B tiusbonda of Hooper has been appointed depun sheriff to serve without compensation ejtccpt when acmel- employed under direction of the sheriff .f Weber county. coun-ty. The board of county commission" er.- yesterday afternoon awarded the a ppointmshi . I'hunf 602 f.T men:er u 4'ourl No Iv ii niijs ;i iv i " in-held in-held in either division of the district court todayi according to court at- t..i ties. All cases Which were scheduled sched-uled bave gone over until later dates upon motions ( counsel. Choice hulb-. for fall plaining. Grout's Grain store 6t0o Na Bnlisfmenl r J Chrlftensen was accepted at th.- sdeii naval recruiting re-cruiting or ft 04 as apprentice seamai for the ele triclan trade ll went in for three v'ears. Chrlstfepseri's home is ai 812 South Third t. Qrlgham. Preliminary training win be given 't Mare ISliind, Cal. Ogden TypeW titer House for typewriters type-writers and i .-pa Irs 2 1 2 2 Hudson avenue. ave-nue. Phone 236. Clean largo rafcM wanted at The blandurd-Exuminer oltice. g.S3 I'lcad- oi 4;uilt Fnuieie Lyons of Evanaton, v o , charged with drunkenness, pleaded not i;ullt when he appeared before the city court this morning He demanded a Jury trial and his case was set fo; October 20, liail was fixed In rh- sum of T. Z. Brown, 2155 Jefferson a ve-nur ve-nur pleaded Rullty to a charge of drunkenness and was fined $.".0 or 50 days. Wanted Hell bov Reed Hotel. 6122 . I Bazaar at BArrlotl Thursday afternoon after-noon and evening. The M. I. A. will irlve free dance at night Refreshment! Refresh-ment! oo OhICagO has 19"." miles of .streets-ard .streets-ard alleys. |