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Show 1 m ' (LITTUjX BENNY'S Note Book I y LEE PAPE ft 6 -i I Pop wat smoaklng with his feet up H ind I m setting on the floor looking t the advertisements in the paper to H eep my mind off my homewerk. and H s.,u on,, saying. Be a Draftsman.' Barn Good Money With little Werk. MS thinking. I wonder wat s lr Ms man is? 1 bet its a man that goes H .-rround .putt Ing windows up and down H tor nillllonalrs so they will nt eruff H lr without getting In too big of & Sounding like a good easy job with-?ut with-?ut needing mutch study or txperience, ind I started to practice on pop, H cvawking errouud the room and open-ing open-ing all the windows about G inches .md H Lhen l wawked cr round agen and opened them about 4 more Inches and hen put them all down agen about J H riches on account of the air starting Lo come In too fast, wlch Jest them pop H gave a fears,, sneeze, saying. Confound H It, I Jest got nld of one cold and hcer 1 am sneezing agen. Me thinking. Holey ooamks. drafta-man drafta-man to the rescue. And I quick started to go erround putting all the windows down agen, ind pop sneezed 4 more sneezes with-)Ul with-)Ul '.'topping, saying, Wat In the name. H if lltUatlon are you doing with thoss Sir? Im putting them down. I Bed. and pop sod, Putting them down, vv t B wl.o and wy' end wen wero they p H Bir? I put them up to practice hrirtj a draftsman and earn good money H little werk. 1 sed. Yours the ony one In the werld know.-, wat youie tawklng about, shut f those windows, sed pop. G, pop, thats wat Im doing, I sed, WlcJ I was and pop knp on sneezing, and Bed, young man, youll rue this Well G. pop, gosh, wat is a drafts- Shut up, sed pop. Wlch l did. and pop kepp on sneew |