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Show 'GRAND JURY 10 RESUME HEARING Baseball Championships of 1919 tn Be Threshed Out First; Witnesses Called CHICAGO. Oct 19 Investigation by the special grand Jury of the al-leged al-leged fixing" of the 1M worlds j ac-rles, as well as other phases of bose-! bose-! ball gambling, was resumed today. 'The lat session was held Just before I the world's series. At the present aeaaion It was Indi-icated Indi-icated that special attention would be! I paid to baseball pools and the gran l I Jury was epei ted lo make some rec-I ' ommendatton i to whether or not they were a form of gambling liarm-ful liarm-ful to professional baseball. Assistant State a Attorn- Roplogle. In charge of the investigation, .vild It' I was possible there might be Indlci-moots Indlci-moots In addition to the eight already 'played In the major leagues In l.'o' IWOUld bs in.il.ifl on |