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Show Holdup Out-talked I by Late Pedestian "Stick 'em up or 1 11 blow your i brains out.'' Confronted bj a man armed with an automatic pistol, who was dressed In .i pair of brown pants, a blown Ik K ril mackinaw arid i cap, Harry , Marshall, returning from town to hii home, m weal Twenty-first street, complied with the command of the; holdup. The attempted robbery orcurred on Wall avenue, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third streetsat U':40 this, morning. , Marshall, by talking to the bandit. convinced the man that he was without money, a watch, or any other article 6f value, and the robber, aftr a mo- ment's Indecision, turned and fled Marshall Immediately reported the occurrence to the police. oo |