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Show WHEEL GETS HARD JOLT II SOUTH RUSSIA Anti-Bolshevik Leader Suffers Heavy Losses; Trotzky in Command ! SEVASTOPOL, Oct. 17. (By the ' Associated Press.) The efforts of i General Baron Wrangel, antl-Bolsnc-I vik leader ln south Russia., tp take , the Kakhovka bridgehead hae result-. result-. cd ln failure, with heavy losses to his forces in killed and wounded and in I material captured by the Bolshe ikl 'The killed included the general com-j com-j manding the Bybovltch cavalry corps General 'W rangel's troops have been thrown back into the Taurlda area, behind tho Dnieper, which they still control. Leon Trotzky, the Russian soviet war minister, la said to be personally directing the Dnieper campaign from . Orel I General Wrangel has signed a law creating local zemstvos which will e.- n io far-reaching powers In slgn-I slgn-I ing Ihe law QenerdJ Wrangel said he hoped civil war would soon end and that the zemstvos would send capable i delegates to the national assembly which will determine the future character char-acter of new Russia |