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Show DEATH OF SON PROVES FATAL TO HIS MOTHER Discovery of her .son. P. JOSlaXl Covington. fatally hurt by a self-Inflicted bullet wound, proved too great a shoc k for Mrs. Maria Louisa Covington. She died at L30 o'clock yesterday yester-day afternoon following n period of unconsciousness since -he fainted shortly after finding her son In a garage at the rear of their home, 1011 Jefferson avenue, Sunday morning she was i T ) ears old Covington who died at a local hospital was an only son Whtlc fhyalcians were working over her son. others were putting forth every effort to save the life "f the .icr.,1 woman without avail. Mrs Covington was born in London. January 1"3 the daughter -of Henry and Mar;a f'enn Newman. She came to (Jtan with her parents when 3 years of age. and lived in Ogden practl-c practl-c illy all of her life. Surviving are the husband, Rernl Co lngto:-and lngto:-and six daughters, a number of grandchildren and brothers and sisters. Double funenl services will be held at the Ninth ward chapel Thursday at 2 o'clock. Bishop W. O. Ridges conducting the services. The mother and son will be burled side by side In the City cemetery The bodies may he viewed at the home Wednesday afternoon. |