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Show Notice of Bond Election NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT UTAH COUNTY, UTAH PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY HERE-BY GIVEN that a special election will be held in Alpine School District, Utah County, State of Utah, on the 16th day of October, 1975, at which election there shall be submitted to the qualified, registered voters residing within said district, the following question, to-wit: Shall "the Board of Education Ed-ucation of Alpine School District, Utah County, State of Utah, be authorized to issue and sell bonds of the board in the amount of $12,000,000 to mature serially in not more than twenty (20) years from their respective date or dates, and to bear interest in-terest at a rate or rates not in excess of 9 percent per annum, for the purpose of raising money for purchasing pur-chasing school sites, for building or purchasing one or more schoolhouses and supplying the same with furniture and necessary apparatus, and for improving im-proving school property under the charge of the Board of Education? Said election shall be held in the five (5) school representative represen-tative precincts in said district and the following places within said precincts and the election judges and alternates who have been appointed to conduct the election are as follows: First School Representative Precinct Voting Districts 35, 12, 28, 11, 13, 27, 21 : Polling Place, Cherry Hill School, 1650 South 250 East, Orem, Utah:'Election Officials, LuDean B. Alder, Evelyn Lucas, Karla Brereton, judges; Mary Day, alternate. Voting Districts 31, 22, 50, 10, 29, 30, 9, 8: Polling Place, Hillcrest School, 651 East 1400 South, Orem, Utah; Election Officials, Grace Allphin, Joan Hemenway, Arlene Bascom, judges; Colleen Stewart, alternate. Voting Districts 36, 15, 34, 26, 33, 14, Vineyard, Lakeview: Polling Place, Westmore School, 1150 South Main, Orem, Utah; Election Officials, Lorna Burgess, Edith Kinghorn, Edna Leavitt, judges, Carolyn Fourth School Representative Precinct Voting Districts 16, 17, 18, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42: Polling Place, Geneva School, 665 West 400 North, Orem, Utah; Election Officials, June Sorensen, Jean Bishop, Carma Ferguson, judges; Willa N. Davis, alternate. Voting Districts 5, 6, 7, 23, 25, 32, 43, 44, 45, 51, Provo Canyon, Edgemont: Polling Place, Scera Park School, 450 South 400 East, Orem, Utah; Election Officials Clara Baugh, Betty Richardson, Nadean Bellows, judges; Colleen Marshall, alternate. Fifth School Representative Precinct Voting Districts 2, 3, 5, 6, 8: Polling Place, Sego Lily School, 550 East 900 North, Lehi, Utah; Election Officials, Lornell Bateman, Fern Johnson, Virginia Moore, judges; Glenna M. Oldham, alternate. Voting Districts 1, 4, 7, 9, Cedar Fort, Fairfield: Polling Place, Lehi Jr. High, 154 North Center, Lehi, Utah; Election Officials, Donna Cook, Margaret Thomas, Shirley Jean Tripp, judges; Geralee Glather, alternate. Voting Districts 6, 5, 7: Polling Place, Forbes School, 281 North 200 East, American Fork, Utah; Election Officials, Evelyn Wimmer, Jean Chamberlain, Dolores Sanders, judges; Dorleen Talbot, alternate. Voting Districts Alpine 1, Highland, Alpine 2: Polling Places, Alpine School, RFD Alpine, American Fork, Utah; Election Officials, Bessie Rasmussen, Joey Guyman, Alice Carlisle, judges; Shirley Miller, alternate. The voting at such election shall be by ballot, which ballots will be furnished by the Clerk of the Board of Education of Alpine School District to the judges of the election to be by them furnished to the qualified voters. The polls at each polling place shall be opened at the hour of 7:00 o'clock A.M. and will be kept open until and will be closed at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. There is to be no special registration of voters for such election and the official register of voters last made or revised shall constitute the register for such election, except that the County Clerk of Utah County will register at his office during the regular office hours, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and except during the ten-day period immediately preceding the bond election, any person who on the day of the election will be a qualified elector eighteen years of age or older and will register such person as provided by law. The County Clerk will make available or will cause the registration agents to make available , at each of the above described polling places a registration list or copy thereof listing all registered electors entitled to use such polling place. Notice is further given that on October 21, 1975, that being a day not later than ten days after said election, the Board of Education will meet at its regular meeting place in American Fork at 7:00 o'clock A.M. and canvass the returns and declare the results of said election. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Education of Alpine School District, Utah County, State of Utah, has caused this notice to be given this 4th day of September, 1975. HARVEY E.SMITH President, Board of Education of Alpine School District, Utah County. State of Utah. Attest: KENT J. ABEL, Clerk, Board of Education of Alpine School District, Utah County, State of Utah. Published in Pleasant Grove Review, Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 1975. Barton, alternate. Second School Representative Precinct Voting Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 16, 11: Polling Place, Greenwood Green-wood School, 50 East 200 South, American Fork, Utah; Election Officials, MaxineRoundy, Ruth B. Meranda, Norma Shumway, judges, Maxine Greenwood, alternate. Voting District, LindorT 1: Polling Place, Lindon School, RFD Box 304, Pleasant Grove, Utah; Election Officials, Bette C. Millar, May Jacklin, Verna Bean, judges; Annalee Walker, alternate Voting Districts 9, 5: Polling Place, Pleasant Grove Jr. High, 85 East 200 South, Pleasant Grove, Utah ; Election Officials, Carol B. Loader, Evelyn Schoonover, Mary Brailsford, judges; Alta Nelson, alternate. Voting Districts 19, 20: Polling Place, Geneva School, 665 West 400 North, Orem, Utah; Election Officials June Sorensen, Jean Bishop, Carma Ferguson, judges, Jerri Madsen, alternate. Voting Districts 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15: Polling Place, Forbes School, 281 North 200 East, American Fork, Utah; Election Officials Evelyn Wimmer, Charlotte Hartle, Dolores Sanders, judges; Dorleen Talbot, alternate. Third School Representative Precinct Voting Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 24, 46, 47, 48, 49: Polling Place, Windsor School, 1300 No. Main, Orem, Utah; Election Officials, Judith Burmingham, Flora Cook, Kathleen Lund, judges; Ruby Larsen, alternate. Voting District, Lindon 2: Polling Place, Lindon School, RFD 1 Box 304, Pleasant Grove, Utah; Election Officials, Of-ficials, Bette C. Millar, May Jacklin, Verna Bean, judges; Annalee Walker, alternate. Voting Districts 4, 6, 7, 8, 10-Polling 10-Polling Place, Pleasant Grove Jr. High, 85 East 200 South, Pleasant Grove, Utah; Election Officials, Carol B, Loader, Evelyn Schoonover, - Mary Brailsford, judges; Alta Nelson, alternate. Voting Districts 1,2, 11, 12, 3: Polling Place, Grovecrest School, 200 East 400 North, Pleasant Grove, Utah; Election Officials, Faye Moore, Virginia Slater, Alta Mae Wood, judges; Edna Fraughton, alternate. |