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Show Thursday, December 6, 1956 THE Nephi Jewelry. Select now and FOR SALE 1 Palomino Quarter-- at our y plan will hold it horse colt gentle and well for you. Nephi Jewelry. a good Christmas developed See RonYOUR OLD WATCH is still present for some boy ald Worwood. worth something on a new Bul-ov- a 2tip GIFTS FOR EVERYONE now or Elgin at Nephi Jewelry. lay-awa- selections still available e choice gift NOVELTY HATS -Velveteen and Woolen Plaids NOW -- ONLY 1. HOUSE DRESSES Regular 3.98 Values NOW --fr- 2.98 Please "Her" on Christmas Morning lYJctudi YOU CAN NOW SAVE Present "The Messiah" $ $ $ $ $ Residents of the EPIIRAIM Nephi area are invited to attend the 23rd annual rendition of Han- del's "The Messiah" which will be held in Ephraim on December 16, at 3 p. m., in the Stake Tabernacle. The rendition will be under direction of Professor H. A. Dean of Snow College. The afternoon performance is being scheduled for the benefit of those from other cities. The choral group of 125 voices includes members of the Snow College chorus classes and the Ephraim Choral Society Professor LeRoy Swenson will direct the college concert orchestra. Mrnnhors nf the National As sociation of Cost Accounts residing in thf F!ast Juab County area will join with others of Utah in attending the annual lax comer ence to be held Friday and Satur Hoxr in 5olt T .alfP PitV. Lee J. Olsen, A, at i nermoiu Western Comany, stated Wednes-Hai- r tVio that vmfprenee is held each year to review state and federal tax laws and to acquaint the public with recent trends and ennz-snt- s nnHpr the current Rev enue Act, and the conference has met with great success in the past and has drawn support from Utah, Nevada, Wyoming aim iqano. - Lingerie - Scarfs - Hose - etc. to Blouses SOCK IT AWAY! Ephraim Groups to ON THE PURCHASE OF YOUR WINTER COAT DURING OUR 9 5 PRE-CHRISTM- AS COAT SALE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF COATS Hear Tax Discussion 5.go om Section One, Page Five Accountants Group to FINE ASSORTMENT OF DRESSES NEPHT, UTAH TIMES-NEW- 0 DISCOUNT DISCOUNT y Pay a Small Deposit on and We Will Hold Your Coat Until Christmas Lay-A-Wa- mm mm STL WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SPECIAL PURCHASE HOLIDAY SCARFS at 1.Q0 these two units. Holders of special doe permits 36 inch Square or Long for the Diamond Fork unit may hunt the unit on these permits this last week end, December 8 A Nice Selection of and 9. Jewelry, Earrings No special permits of any kind Bracelets or Pins Extended season deer hunting weer allowed by the Board for the on the regular license continues Hobble Creek, Timpanogos and WE WILL BE PLEASED TO WRAP YOUR PURCHASES FOR on Salt Lake area. Only those big this week end (Decmber the Diamond Fork, Hobble Creek, game license holders who have AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Salt Lake, Timpanogos, Nebo and not yet bagged a deer and used Fillmore herd units. their regular tag are eligible to IT DOES NOT COST A LOT AT G ARBEIT'S Except for the Nebo and Fill- take a deer on these units during TO BE WELL DRESSED!! more units, this week end ends this last week end. the regular license hunts as set Hunters who may go afield on by the Utah Board of Big Game any of these areas for the- final Control for this year. On these week ends of the extended seatwo areas the season extends for sons were again asked to be sure one more week end, December of the boundaries of the unit they 15 and 16. may enter. These are clearly deHunters were reminded by of- scribed in the 1956 deer hunting ficials that unused extra doe tags proclamation. In the case of the Nebo deer purchased earlier in the seasons Few people would be satisfied after them. may still be filled on the Nebo or herd unit, hunters were caution- even if their dreams came true. Obstacles should be no more than Fillmore hunting areas. Such tags ed that the Utah county portion If things don's come your way it an invitation to take off your are still available, nnp tn tht li J of this herd unit is closed during is about time for you to be going coat and get busy. cense holder, from license agents this extended season. in the vicinity of Deer Hunting Continues Two More Week-end- s On Nebo Hunting Area qjje 8-- 2JSUU32CP GIFT-GIVIN- G - HUNTS 300 can FRUIT 5 for COLORED COCKTAIL! fifl IGA RIPE N RAGGED PEACHES J for No. 2 cans iy2 cans IGA CORN Cream or Whole Kernel for w o j lgg KIX j.QQ IGA CHUNK PINEAPPLE No. WHEATIES 8 2o i g2 CHEERIOS SUGAR JETS ca- - 1,00 Frrit Flavor 303s jj for TRIX l.flfl CHUNK TUNA IGA 100 J tins me PURITY - 1.QQ XTRA RICH JUICE 46 oz l.OQ CAMPBELLS SOUP Meat Varieties 6 FRUIT CAKE MIX X pkqs 4 cans TOMATO 4 YOUR CHOICE BETTY CROCKER BROWNIE BEAR or DATE BAR MIX -KP LUNCH MEAT or CHOPPED BEEF i.aa IGA FANCY HEWLETTS MINCE MEAT Sew 5 lbs oleo .0l or cans 2 89c -- has a gift for making everyone happy! GIFTS. that show your 1 I SHEAFFERS Sheaffer's Sovereign Snorkel Pen SNORKEL PE&S JUNIOR 1 M j $7.96 jm.. clean-fillin- gj 5 pictures in 3 dlflMtlttOfl, $900 performance of Sheaffer's Snorkel Pen. You choose the perfect gift when you give a Sheaffer from our wide selection. Hf R GIFT-PA- .Holds Vitwer and we PackH ir bright gift box. 495 the filling i D D O Q Cash fJChorg. $1 OO PICTURE PACKETS pictwrti) Mickey Mous Club Mouuktletrl Mick.y Mouse Club Circus Vnils Disntyland Walt Dim.y'i Bombi A Christmas Carol. Tht Lon. Ranger Aircraft Carrier in Action In Dorkest Africa . . and many more! (21 tube touches the Ink. SPECIAL - - Two only Revolving Xmas Trees - 7.49 Values - ONLY 2.98 each j You give to much enjoyment, so inex- -' pensively, when you give fascinating, ' three dimension View-Maste- r gifts!' Entertaining, educational and fnn for ' and old. See our complete young Picture Pack-- ' selection of new ets and other View-Maste- r gifts that ' will delight all the family. Corr--e in ... or order by mail. Nephi Drug Co., Nephi, lit. PIum ma4 item cKcclwd. Only PICTURES THAT "COME TO LIFE" IN COLOR AND THREE DIMENSION VIEWER Sturdy plottie, toty to opewi; tnowi g, J $Q9S view-mast- -- WITH R. US R THEATRE thodowboi screen that matchee imior Projtctor. Snorkel Pen VIEW-MASTE- pictures A You select the model, color and point style. You give the smooth writing FAMILY PROJECTOR Shows 1. two dinteesion. Sheatler's Special I & " IHL $12.SO DELICIOUS T BONE STEAKS - per lb - gge FROZEN FOODS onaJ thoughtfulness! FRESH SAUSAGE or GROUND BEEF 3 lbs 1.00 1 14 oz bottles NEPHI DRUG l.OQ GRAHAMS lb pgs 3 for 1.00 PICTSWEET PIES Fruit or Meat -- - g for l.QQ SALTINES lb pkg 4 for M FAMILY FAVORITE CAUFORN-U6 for SYRUP - 24 1 0Q STRAWBERRIES - l.QQ VARNEY CATSUP"" WHOLESUN ORANGE oZj-5j- ladies Shop Exclusive. CHERRY CHOCOLATES LIGHT OR DARK - - C.O.O. Sawyer's Inc. Porttoftd, Oregon or 6 SWEET JUICE ORANGES for JUICE 6oz 7 fori. 00 1,00 2 pounds SCHILLINGS COFFEE i7e (5c Off Deal) llbtinljtt SHORTENING fig CRISCO G E ELECTRIC BLANKETS Heavy weight, Double bed size Each Single Control LIMITED AMOUNT of 29.75 NOW "COMES TO COTY y2 PRICE COFFEE MAKER 34.95 value 20.00 DAILY ONE ONLY SUNBEAM FRYER ELECTRIC - 24.75 ONE ONLY DORMEYER FRI-WE-LL THREE DIMENSION FULL COLOR PICTURES ONE ONLY SUNBEAM ELECTRIC P.M. DEEP 17.Q5 DEEP FRYER 29.95 value 1Q.95 Value, only ft? - rc. jxv Well Disney Productions STORY PACKETS, $1.00 1 (11 pictures with story fold.r) VIEWER. ON1Y $3.00 Now! See the beloved deer from the famous Walt Disney film. ..an enchanting story of the forest, told in r three dimension, pictures! Bambi joins other children's favorites, in new picture rackets 21 pictures in each packet, hour of fun. See them full-colo- View-Mast- Sawyer t inc. ONE ONLY KNAPP MONARH LIQIDIZER LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED COMPLETE SMOKING AND CURING SERVICE PHONE 57 NEPHI, UTAH 56 EAST CENTER LIFE" IN PERFUME and CORDAY SPRAY COLOGNE FLUFFO OPEN 8 A. M. to 6 Two only ONE ONLY - 3195 value - - 27.00 DOUBLE FOOD MIXER AND BLENDER - 49.9s Value di.qc mmiim |