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Show THE Thursday, December 6. 1956 eafefiy Council Declares Open Season on Traffic Deafllns SALT LAKE CITY The Utah Safety Council declared "open season" on highway accidents today throughout Utah as it an- nounced an all-odrive and expanded program to curtail the tremendous loss of life and injury in Utah which last year took a terrific toll of lives, injuries and cost more than $38,000,000. A statewide appeal to business and industrial concerns throughout Utah to "back the attack" was launched recently to provide substantial financial backing to the Utah Safety Council. The increased need for funds by the Safety Council comes from the expanded program to take the lead in the drive to curb highway deaths and other accidents. The funds sought in the drive would supplement thepresent funds already provided the Council by the State Legislature but which are insufficient to meet the needs of the greatly expanded program called for by the San Francisco conference delegates. Such a pro ut gram involves assistance from the state organization to local communities in the development of local safety organizations, and in providing professional, technical assistace to many cities in the annual inventory of traffic safety activities program. A trained, full time professional staff for such purposes is required for this endeavor. The staff also would prepare and distribute factual studies and reports for the guidance of official agencies in accident prevention programs. The Council also would act as a clearing house for all safety matters and provide liaison between citizens and official agencies in furthering safety aims and the solution of current problems related developed by the Council was Utah delegation to the regional conference of the President's com mittee for Traffic Safety held in San Francisco last summer. It follows the incorporation of the rviunr-as an indeDendent citiz ens' non-prof-it organization, de voted solely to acciaent preven tion. Leading the drive is a new Board of Directors composed of 'op ousiness men oi me siaic hoadart hv I. F. Black. General Superintendent, Geneva Works, n TIMES-NEW- UTAH NBPHI, President of Freed Motors: Ashby J. Badger, Utah Oil Refining Com pany; L F. Pett, Kenraetcitt Copper Corporation, and &Francis J. Trust Co. Cowan, Walker Bank Pointing to the hube human and economic losses suffered every year in Utah from accidents, Mr. Black declared: "All of the officers and dircct-er- s of the Utah Safety Council are dedicated to making this drive for funds a success so that our safety objectives can be realized and we can reduce the terrible Utah Highway toll. We need the support of every single individual in the state if we are going to curb highway accidents, and we believe by reaching the employees of every business and industry we can get a good start in the right Section vestment. ACME BOOTS Chapman Furniture Co., Phone 300, Nephl. BEAUTIFUL GIFT APRONS Priced at $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Also whole anrons T.niion Linton. IT RE-NE- WITH mimmmM CLEAN-TIN- The bright new color discovery for faded upholstery and rugs. Tints and cleans in one easy operation, righ tin your own liv- Sizes and Styles for the Entire Family! room. The color-ric- h suds adds color as they lift out the dirt. Just sponge on. Permanent. Guaranteed at CHAPMAN FURNITURE CO, Phone 300. ing direction." A special feature of the Council's membership drive will inFOR THE BEST in plumbing, clude issuance of a "Scotchlite" Green Cross emblem for each em- heating and building see ployee of the member companies. Plumbing & Builders Supply Columbia-Genev- a Steel Division, The emblem will be suitable for Other display on the rear of the em- WONDERFUL trade in value on it s Stpel CorDoration. your- old watch at Nephl Jewelry officers include Charles Freed, ployee's automobileandserveas 4-- D iw - two-pie- ce j - 4-- H I "If" Step right ti'i Ae omost wanted :gift f all. -- Here's your answer . . . colorful Acme Cowboy Boots ... to bring endless hours of pleasure in the exciting world of the glamorous Old WestI Built for rough, tough comfortable wear with fine leathen and Acme craftsmanship in every pair! Who can resist them? ... Chc H ftSof boy It hard on footwear, buy him Acme fcooiW There's comfortable it k p 1 Ml fit and Jotting pleasure In every pairl Slvrdfy built by expert bootmaker. A ftee telecrran tool- AM taw mwmrisd tkt Partnli' Mm-snStal tf Cm- - 6ooU cmC ted4 t4oH yo tfa& of Acxne Cowboy Boots dealer! at your nearest WORLD'S MOST POPULAR COWBOY BOOTS See v " to 0.95 On See Our Fine Selection of YOU saved and slaved for wall to wall carpeting Clean it with Blue Lustre to protect your in- - SPATZ BEFORE YOUR EYES A new German midget car, the "Spatz," features a sportive top for easy entry and exit of the passengers. Exhibited at the International Bicycle and Motorcycle Show in Frankfurt, Germar.y, the Spatz meaning Sparrow has a top speed of about 47 m: is per hour. The car has four gears with one reverse, hydrau.ic brakes and a plastic body. The Spatz will sell fcr about $700. Bonnie Morgan, Layton, and TURKEY GROWERS COMPETE her twin brothers Frank and Bob select their best birds for the Ninth Annual Utah Turkey Show, to be held in Salt Lake City, December 7 and 8. Over $1200.00 in prizes and trophies will be distributed clubs across the state. to junior winners from FFA and Pag a constant reminder to other mot-- ! orists of the need for safety. thereto. While traffic safety will receive the major emphcasls of the Utah Safety Council because it is the major safety problem in the state,vigorous programs in the nontraffic safety field also will be carried out. The expanded program of the YOUTHFUL Two, the handsome assortment |