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Show Section One, Pag THE Two ycivH About NATIONAL UTAH ASOCK IMMIJIH'IIH inoM SIAI Published every Thursda at NeoK, Juab County Utah. Entered at the post office at NepH, Utah as second cJas mail matter under the act of Conoress of March 3, 879. Six months, $2.25. Subscription rates: Cos year $4.00; advance. Advertising rates in are payable Subscriptions on request. A. B. Gibson and Roy E. Gibson Publishers Roy E. Gibson Editor - Manger Office: 9f South Main Street, Telephone STEEL FURNACE Condition Stoker . . - Complete -- For Quick Sale 1 only, Good withr blower and . PRICED TODAY USED STOKER Nephi, Utah 196, - - iSQ.OO in good condition - Only Bureau president Charles B. Mrs. Ben C. Kohrs, Ladies from National representative Douglas, Wyoming; A. V.. Smoot, State Farm Bureau president; Charles Butler, undersecretary to Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture; and Mark JE. Petersen, of the Council o fthe Twelve of the LOS Church. Entertainment was provided by the Farm Bureau Talent contest from throughout the winners state. The Juab County Farm Bureau will toe respresented at the Shu-ma- n; ... National Convention to toe held tit Miami, Florida toy Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ostler, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Ingram and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McPherson, Mr. Powell statMrs. May Wankier entertained a group of ladies at her home last Wednesday afternoon- - The time A lunch was spent in quilting. was served to Mrs. Florence Rose-quiMrs. Edna Sherwood, Mrs. Mrs. Gertrude Mary Sherwood, Shepherd, Mrs. Eliza Morgan, Mrs. Cora Wankier and the hostess, st, but in 35.00 Good Condition convention were Governor-elec- t George D. Clyde, National Farm ed. 75.00 REFRIGERATOR - Used Ateetnding the State Farm Bureau convention in Salt Lake City recently were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Powell of Levan, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Ingram, Mr. and Geo. IL Ostler, and Roy Bowles of Nephi. Prominent speakers at the Wankier. Mr. and Mrs. James Christensen spent Saturday in Salt Lake Citq, visiting with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mrs. COMPLETE LINE OF NEW LENNOX FURNACES KOHLER PLUMBING FIXTURES NEW TRASH BURNER $79.00 Value ... NOW 59.00 USED AUTOMATIC WASHER - New price was - - NOW ONLY 125.00 In Excellent Condition 299.00 Used Less than One Year! New Guarantee! 4 D PLUMBING & BUILDERS 44 West Center SUPPLY Phone 306 NEW YORK The cost to the people of Government in the United States Federal, State and local combined is heading for the $100 billion a year mark and seems certain to reach It in 1958 for the first time. Figures compiled by the U.S. Department of Commerce show that aggregate receipts at all levels of Government crossed the $97 billion level in 1955 to hit a new high. This figure was the equivalent of more than 30 cents of every dollar of the record national income for the year, and represented about $600 for every man, woman and child in the population. All the indications are that the trend is still upward, not only in the Government's "take" out of the economy but in expenditures as well. This development tempers the satisfaction that would otherwise be felt in the fact that the Administration has projected a balanced Federal budget for the current year and the following one, according to the budget message to Congress. In view of the world situation and the heavy burden of defense, a balanced budget would be an achievement of fundamental importance to the economy. However, it still leaves unsolved the problem of the high cost of Government in this country and the twin needs of tax and debt reduction. A balanced budget has been the Administration's objective since it took office three years ago, and its achievement has been accompanied by an economy drive that Mower. Ross and Von Christensen accompanied their parents to cut $10 billions from Federal exSalt Lake City. penditures since the 1953- fiscal ' Mrs. Ella Taylor accompanied jrear. Mrs.' Arthur G. Dstler to Mt Pleasant last Thursday where they enjoyed a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Garn Stewart Mr. nd Mrs. Karl Newton and children were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C A. ClVERYOME READSfli Mangelson. AND USES Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Gardner were in Salt Lake City last FriWANT day. They brought Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gardner home with them. nrf V fU ADSJ Mr. and Mrs. Vern Mangelson spent last Wednesday in Salt Lake City on business. They vist-e- d FOR RENT house, with their son in law and Irrigation water and large lot daughter (, Mr, and Mrs. Vaughn with See Charles E. Stephtenson, phone Mathews. 449W. Money may not buy happiness, but it flavors everything. MAN WANTED for Rawlelgh Sell to 1500 families ni To escape crticism say nothing, business Juab, Millard counties. Write todo nothing, be nothing. day. Rawleighs Dept It's necessary to cultivate good Denver, Colorado. habits bad ones grow wild. BOXED XMAS CARDS styled America leads the world in right, priced right Nephi Jewelry look at the laws we pass. speed tsar CHRISTMAS Mrs. Lucille G. Carter, Correspondent, Phone 181-Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Fowkes were their sons in law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Belliston and family of Orem and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Llewellyn and children of Fountain Green. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Hintze and family were in Elberta Friday as dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Pen rod. TREE ll 4 fit. I CAKE Create your own little festive eating tree during the holidays . . and make it with fruit cake! The graduated tiers are cut from fruit cakes baked in a generous thickness in utility pans. nancy haven A green tinted Powdered Sugar frosting holds them together and is piped around the edges with a decorating tube or bag. A Christmas candle and bells finish it off. 3 cups sifted M flour 1 teaspoon each baking powder, salt, cinna-- ; mon, allspice V teaspoon cloves 3 cups glace fruit mix 1VS cups coarsely cut dried figs 1VS Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burton, Mrs. T. H. Burton and Mrs. Jack Wright were in Ephraim Saturday to attend graveside services for Mr. Quinn. Mr. Quinn was the father of Mrs. Douglas Burton of Los Angels. Craig Tidwell spent the week end in Moroni with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Forris Blackburn. Mrs. Blackburn accompanied him home and spent the day Monday with her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dwane Tidwell. Sunday euests of Mr. nil Mrs Ivan Tew were their son David and Miss Norma Hinsley, BYU students. Mr. and Mrs. Rd P Onv am home after Knfn(ino th Tuict civ weeks in California. They viisted wim jvir. ana Mrs. K. Candrian and family at Mill Valley, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hall of Berkley. Last Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Harmon and Miss Ellen Cole entertained at their home in El Cerito for Mr and Mrs. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Candrian, Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Hazel u 1 4 eggs 1 cup Beet Sugar Vi cup brown sugar, firm1 1 cup melted shortening, cooled cup pineapple juice tree-cuttin- SUCH TRAFFIC! iffiftOOK AT TH05E PEOPLE WITH ON LABOR RAY Y ALL THEIR MOTOR TROUBLES- EVERYBODY OOES m NOW I KNOW WHY THEY CALL tZ Wou-- ricxnc in EVERYTHING FROM AM I A SIXTEEN CYLINDER A. W'ffliK LIMOUSINE TO A 1 THREE f yes it labor, day ?T VWEELEO51nSfc3fe",'4, 5,01 if Ail CARS FROM I ft SbV ly packed Grease two utility pans (8 by 12 by 2"); lins with brown paper; grease again. Sift dry ingredients over iifiawf)iTrriiiiiiili.i"'fli mm', prepared fruits and nut. meats in a large bowl or flat pan; toss and stir together lightly to coat well. Beat eggs well in second bowl until frothy; gradually add and beat in sugars; add shortening. Stir pineapple juice into mixture and. pour over floured fruits and nutmeats, folding and stirring gently until combined. Spoon into prepared pans. Bake in a slow oven (300 F.) about IVi hours. Place a shallow pan filled with water on the lowest rack of the oven during baking. The steam will help keep the cake plump and moist. Remove cake from pan; cool on rack, peeling paper down from sides. When cold, wrap well and store in the freezer or a tightly covered container until ready to use. Makes 5 lbs. cake. CUTTING CAKE FOR TREE Cut paper patterns of squares that will fit best on serving plate. We used an square, square and a square. The g used to make individual fruit pieces left over from the on and decorated with frosted bits of top candied only, cakes, (glace) fruit. FOR LOAVES Bake batter in two loaf pans (9 x 5 x 3"). W il; P7. cups each broken walnuts, whole pecans cup seedless raisins - W. WM ) fR ( V " t fttUtVK WVi ' V. P., P Wi "O TJA I M I VK l &ITTD TV"P Pf BUY THBIO THEIR AUTOMOBILE WORRIES WOULD BE OVER AND THEY COULD CALL tHIS m UTD-151-5- SHOP & SAVE IN NEPHI of the Month Kccipc NEPHI Near $100 Billion A TOIE MDQKIW oy Efliirrv Oarisffoasi: I3lIrWSLIiIrlB Most glamorous car In a generation Tinies-A-Ye- ar Send the Home Town Newspaper to Your Friends and Relatives who have 52 weeks to say "Merry Christmas" and to remind them moved away No extra postage We do all the work! that you're thinking of them And we will send them an attractive notification card so they will know who thinks so kindly of them - ... - - ALL THIS FOR ONLY 4.00 PER YEAR SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER DURING DECEMBER 1 3 1 11;- - Your NEW or RENEWAL subscription A Gift Subscription for a One-Yeperiod ar $4.00 $4.00 ffa man Regular price 8.00 SPECIAL DECEMBER OFFER -- 7.00 YOU SAVE i.OO (Additional Gift Subscriptions at $3.00 Each) The TTiBtraes-IMIe- vjs 96 South Main -- Phone 196 -- Nephi - 9 "i , l ' J" CMWYW-- SARATOOA Omo. AT BCTm y2SSjr Cinderella never had it so good ! COST (IN HAmTTOT. OUT.I. HUOUaHn TATK WHOlC PCRMITTCR' wants to make the lady of, his heart feel loved and cherished beyond all other women, there's nothing that will do it like the new 7957 Chrysler who owns a Chrysler haa always expected . . . and got . . . the world's finest engineering and quality. This year he gets something else in addition. lie gets the rapturous approval of the lady of hi heart. For the 19S7 Chrysler simply wrap a lady in admiration. Ertry ease her heart can desire i Hie man f 956 NANCY HAVEN'S Folks in How Costs People LEVAN EDITORIAL Xetvs About All Government Folks in Thursday, December 6, NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- there i ; ; including the matchless convenience of pushbutton driving and the floating relaxation of the Torsion-Air- e ride. Yes, this year, the lady who is seen in the world's most modern motor car will be a happy lady, for never has she looked or felt as good in anything before! Exciting performance news for men, too I For the tbml year in a row, the mighty Chrysler is the winner of more NASCAR Grind National stock car races than any other car with 50 more wins than PAINTER MOTOR CO. NEPHI, UTAH iu nearest competitor! J WM sflW Kfliil! fijjRj jRfMl |