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Show THE Section One, Page Eight Thursday, December 6, I9S& NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Boy's FOR SALE two double beds I FOR SALE one dresser, one round table, one bicycle. Also want to buy, small couch Write Box 142 or see at tricycle. Call MaJ. 755 South Third East Modern FOR SALE home in good location Coal furnace with TREES sawed into ft lengths full basement Frank See Parkin, phone stoker stoves or suitable for fireplaces 2Up can have for hauling away call mw. Continued from Page One 302W. alFirst SALE Crop FOR if they were refused the privilege Also banana squash falfa hay of bringing cars to school, it would Perry C Hall, phone 443J in effect be denying them a legal as citizens of the United right SAVE ON YOUR RENT States. One and two bedroom aparemtns The decision was made that the for rent at Nephi apartments PTA should foster oranization of Will redecorPartly furnished. a Juvenile Protection Committee As low as $20 ate for tenant to allow students to form rules for See Rulon Brought per month handling of their own cars. or James P. McCune. call for a PTA meeting on Plans LADIES and Men's Wallets January 7 where a full discussion at on the matter between parents, Also giant size key cases teachers and students will be the Nephi Jewelry. primary matter of business. 26-in- Mummified Insects Preserved Over A"v I 60 Million Years FLEW AiORE THAW 40,000 COMBAT MISSIONS AGAINST THE REDS DURING THE KOREAN WAR JS 3ERKELEY, Calif. The oldest mummified Insects yet discovered h:.ve been brought to Berkeley by two University of California scientists. Preserved in amber over 60 million years, the Insects arc expected to contribute to man's knowledge of insect evolution. . . i.nee CONTRIBUTION I. k Afflaam ei . I WORLD WAR THE NATIONAL GUARD PROVIDED 18 INFANTRy DIVISIONS CiOO.OOO TRAINED MEN; IN ORGANIZED UNITS FOR ARMY OF U.S. AT START OF WORLD WAR Col-vill- Salt Lake City 7 J GREAT GUARDSMAN Entomologists Robert L. Using-e- r and Ray F. Smith found the specimens six braconid wasps during a summer trip to Alaska. The trip was sponsored by the Artie Institute of North America in with the Office of Naval Research. Smith and Usinger found the perfectly preserved 'wasps In am-be they collected along the and Kuk rivers some 150 miles above the Arctic Circle. Alaskan amber dates from the Cretaceous Period, toward the end of the Mesozoic Era. This was the end of the age of dinosaurs and the time when flowering plants first became abundant on earth. Studies of the six wasps and others that may be found In the amber should help unveil the beginnings of the first great evolution of modern insects accompanying the growth of flowering plants, according to E. Gorton Linsley, chairman of the U. C. department of entomology and Farm Pisgsam Stringy Bread Not Grounds for Suit fa. t T- at r fMM B, , TTJMM mm fli 7 SPANISH EXPLORER,ORGANIZED VOLUNTEER MILITIA UNIT IN PUERTO RICO IN 1510. ITS MODERN SUCCESSOR IS 295 TH INFANTRY PUERTO RICO NATIONAL GUARD. SpecM LEARN NEW SKILLS GUARDSMEN TRAINING 15 GIVEN IN THE NATIONAL GUARD IN RACAR, RAPIO, MOTOR MfCHAMCS, PERSONNEL VDRK ANP NEARLY 450 OTHER SPECIALIZES JOBS. Ticklers When sailor, boy would like to show off mis H HIS RUN INTO ANY OF PALS'? NOT ONYOllg.LtFE I! Lm A &L1T (w CS TRYING rHlDE "HIS VISITING :i" aas Plam - -- After minimum down payment, no payment become due until March 15th. This plan applicable to Zenith Televison and Radio, Refrgerat-ors- , Ranges, Dining Room Sets, Living Room Sets, Bed room Sets, Washers, Dryers, Carpeting; t"S TO GOLLSIM PNELOp PK1MGLE, THE WHOLE FLEET MOVES IN Relaxing Contour Chairs, Rockers, Sampson Tables and chairs, PLUS YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER HAM rFREE WITH PURCHASE AMOUNTING TO ex- cellent dairy discissions and special ' Christmas features clur-in- " Kan. "This Dus'nc;3 D'cr.ibr onD vKS!. I!"1'. Mr. !,!,: On lio v'.ay, 10, will discuss the I.co i D. 1' Pre-CSirist- BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS j WHEN 8-- IFioDdBiice By George gLICrV'PAT&,PPS LONDON Nothing so terrible about a little old piece of string in your bread. No real cause here to take the baker into court, England's Lord Chief Justice Goddard ruled. Turner St Son, Ltd., appealed from a Nottingham magistrate's decision that because a customer had found a bit of string in his loaf, the bread was "unfit for human consumption." Lord Goddard quashed the conviction, commenting: "A little piece of string does not hurt anybody. All they have to do is pull it out or spit it out" School Program For '57 Discussed ht $75.00 OR MORE (Jr:-.'..n- f h'i Honeyville mana,TJnie:t dairy furr.i" and on Monday, December 17, Ir. Noel Peterson of Woodland will present a program on frrown of Ladak Clover. Mr. Merrill N. Warnick and Mr. Martin J. Framberer, President and General Manager respectively of the American Dairy Association will review the highly successful dairy industry promotion campaign on December 27. Jeanne Leeson presents Ladies Day facts for the Christmas season, Wednesday, December 19 while the December 24 profrram features the annual Bingham High School Candle Light Service. "This Business of Farming" is presented each weekday at 12:15 p.m. as a public service by th Kennecott Copper Corporation. fabulous Zenith discovery in your hand brings new to TV viewing never f &4ty4lt&4lC& before possible! Just think of the convenience of holding the Space Commander while your hand, relaxing in your easy chair, and being able to completely tune TV from across the room. SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPHI Control NOW yOU Can turn thb set on and off-tu- rn the sound on and off chanoh channels-sh- ut off lono. annoyino commercials while thb picture stays on screen ali while relaxing in your easy dair across the room. It Defies Description IMA SSI W IRKS M COSCS M TIANSIST0U ho accnicnY m Mon mma NO in nxSMKHTS THERE'S NOTHING BETWEEN VOU AND THE SET BUT SFACS NO WIRES NO CORDS NO ELECTRICITY u- - NO TRANS fS TORS NO FLASHLIGHTS NO RADIO WAVES NO BATTERIES it. iiMort contsoi that obsolctes ail orneitst ink, REMOTE TUNiNG j exclusive on NEW 1957 TH1 CAJOISLS Model 21" wwnJt f nlsr 262 tq. pktuft Z004 fOsl aero b.arcs-of fccrasF America's Quality First "200" Spas CosiHEiB TwsmAV 309.95 TV & A 'St '1J i NEWEST Rayon-Viscos- WONDER CHEin glow with new BLANKETS BEDSPREADS NILLE e 100 QUALITY ACRILAN Machine washable. Size 72 x 90 color lustre. Almost Vertical wave motif, fringe and rounded comers. Full bed sixe far 4-i- n. 10.00 00 GIFTS FOR HER 1.00 Candy--1.- 60 Jeans QChristmas Cards 50 - Box -- -- $359.95 1.00 t GIFTS FOR HIM for It 1.Q0 QYYomen's Slips Boxer ONE LOT JEWELRY 1.0C l.Ofl OGirls - vcrail diM m. o4 nenm H- 2i2 w XT mtaf pterin um. 1.00 16.00 - 28.00 Christmas Chocolates -- 1.00 1.00 O Men's Belts 1.00 OMen's Wallets 2.00 OMen's Wallets $.00 OMen's Wallets 4.00 OMen's Work Socks 3 pr 1.00 Mens Hand'chiefs 4 for 1.00 QWomen's Blouses lb Filled THI WOOKWOOO Hold ZVX II i! Men's Ties Womens Short Coats -- OVA Jewelry Good Variety LUXURY lint-fre- e OWomens Long Coats Costume sir 'I of 1.C3 OBoys' Belts Boys Wallets Hydraulic 1.00 Dump Truck - 5.00 rrl and enjoy TV all Now . . . EVERYONE cma kxif without rhf aaoojraacc of jumping up and dow. to tunc the TV The new Zenith jBEEBBEjgQ re-- Jlf 11 THI HOL.HOOK.L McmM zjooi tmU 4tatMl mtm picmf "40V SPACE COMMANDER Control bring! new convenience I TV rirwtag which add immeasurably o rout TV enjoyment . . and you don' I CVH KftVTj as aim it at the tec. Come in tody and let us giit you 20 atoond dVmoratration Zenith Spac Command Tuaang TV cons no more than ordinary TV! A I low J5 J u J269.9J 1 $269.95 I |