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Show THE Section Two, Pago Two tion 29 (containicg 0.860 acres). opes must be marked In the lower d corner "Public sale bid. Serial No. Utah. 018868, Sale, King Mill Site No. 3 Beginning at corner number 1, December 20, 1956." The highest bidder will be rewhich corner bears N. 3 12' W. the 1272.9 ft. from the quarter corner quired to pay immediately common to Sections 29 and 32, T. amount thereof. !T Q R 3 W STAT thence N. Any adverse claimants of the d land should file 20a03' E. 497.1 ft. to corner number 2; thence N. 8954' E. 466.7 their claims, or objections, on or ft. to corner number 3; thence S. before the time designated for 2003' W. 497.1 ft to corner num- sale. The Bureau of Land Manber 4; thence S. 8954' W. 466.7 agement has not searched the files ft. to the place of beginning; ex- of Juab County to ascertain evidclaims. cepting and excluding therefrom, ence of any adverse Any contiguous owner claiming however, all that portion of said claim which conflicts with the a preference right must assert right and substantiate the NESWfc of said section 29, such claim by submitting the evidence (containing 4.915 acres). No exclusions, other than those required by 43 CFR 250.11 within set forth herinabove, are made 30 days from the above sale date. ERNEST E. HOUSE. from the said application for patent-There Manager are no adjoining or conDates of publication: November flicting claims shown by plat of said Mineral Survey No. 7270, 15, 22, 29; December 6 and 13, iyob, in ine Times-New-s, Utah. Nephi, I direct that this Notice be Utah. published in The Times-NewPROBATE AND GUARDIANpublished in Nephi, Utah. ERNEST E. HOUSE. SHIP NOTICES. Consult County Clerk or Respective 8igner for Manager, Utah Land Office Additional Information. Attorneys for Applicant: NOTICE TO CREDITORS VAN COTT. BAGLEY, CORNEstate of William C. Andrews, WALL & McCarthy, deceased. 1311 Walker Bank Building Creditors will present claims Sak Lake City, Utah. with vouchers to the undersigned at 415 Boston Salt Lake Dates of publication: October 25, City, Utah, on Building, or before the 16th November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Dec- day of March, A. D. 1957. ember 6 13 and 20, 1956 in The James William Andrews, AdTimes-NewNephi, Utah. ministrator of the Estate of William C Andrews, Deceased. DEPARTSTATES UNITED Golden W. Robbins, Attorney for MENT OF THE INTERIOR, the Administrator, 415 Boston BUREAU OF LAND MANAGE- Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. MENT, Land Office, Salt Lake Dates of publication: November City, Utah, November 2, 1956 15, 22, 29 and December 6, 1956, Under provisions of section in The TimesNews, Nephi, Utah. 2455 R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 Stat., 1274 ; 43 U. S. C. 1171), and Estate of F. Rosella Bowles, depursuant to the application of ceased. Creditors will present Andrew H. Latimer of Nephi, claims with vounchers to the unUtah, Serial No. Utah 018868, there dersigned at the office of James will be offered to the highest bid- P. McCune, Attorney at Law, 53 der, but at not less than $2.50 North Main Street, Nephi, Utah, per acre, at n public sale to be on or before the 19th day of Janheld at 11 o'clock n.m., on the uary A. D. 1957. 20 th day of December, 1956 next, LEO Administrator at this office, the following tracts with the BOWLES, will annexed of the estate of land: of F. Rosella Bowles, Deceased. NtiNWli Sec. 10 T. 13 S., R. 1 Dates of publication: November W.. SLM, Utah, containing 80 15, 22, 29 and December 6, 1956, acres. to Times-NewUtah State s, Subject in The Nephi, Utah, Highway No. 132 and Telluride Power Co. line. This parcel of land, as indicated, wall be offered for sale as a unit. No bid will be PARENTS received for less than all of an left-han- j BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU MANAGEMENT, OF LAND UTAH LAND OFFICE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, OCTOBER 23, 1956. FOR NOTICE APPLICATION PATENT - Serial No. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that General Refractories Company, a corporation, through its authorized agent, Wilson C. Rhone, whose post office address is co Van Cott, Bagley, Cornwall & at Law, Attorneys McCarthy, 1311 Walker Bank Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the King Mill Site, King Mill Site No. 1, King Mill Site No. 2, and King Mill Site No. 3, mill sites, consolidated, situated in district, mining unorganized County of Juab, State of Utah, being Mineral Survey No. 7270, Utah, and described in the field notes and plat on file in this office, with magnetic variation at Sixteen (16) deg. Thirty (30) min. East, as follows: King Mill Site Beginning at corner number 1, which corner bears N. 2324'W. 875.75 ft. from the quarter corner common to Sections 29 and 32, T. 12 S., R. 3 W., SLM, thence S. 8954' W. 466.7 ft. to corner number 2. thence N. 2003' E. 497.1 ft. to corner number 3; thence N. 89'34' E. 466.7 ft. to corner number 4- thence S. 20s03' W. 497.1 ft. to the place of beginning (containing 5 acres). - King Mill Site No. 1 Beginning at corner number 1, which corner bears N. 824' E. 813.3 ft. from the quarter corner common to Sections 29 and 32, T. 12 S., R. 3 W., SLM, thence S. 89 5 i' W. 466.7 ft. to corner number 2; thence N. 2003' E. 497.1 ft. to corner number 3; thence N. 8954' E. 466.7 ft. to corner number 4; thence S. 2003' W. 497.1 ft. to the place of beginning (containing 5 acres). King Mill Site No. 2 Beginning at corner number 1, which corner bears N. 3 12' W. 1272.9 ft. from the quarter corner common to Sections 29 and 32, T. 12 S., R. 3 W., SLM, thence S. 8954' W. 466.7 ft. to corner number 2: thence N. 2003' E. 497.1 ft. to corner number 3; thence N. 8954' E. 466.7 ft. to comer number 4; thence S. 2003' W. 497.1 ft. to the place of beginning; excepting and excluding therefrom, however, all that portion of said claim which conflicts of said Sec with the NEV.SW above-decribe- s, s, offered parcel of land. Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if received at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Bids must be in sealed envelopes accompanied by certifie ed checks or money orders made payable to the Treas-u- r of the United States for the amounts of the bids. The envel post-offic- You may purchase a new SPINET PIANO for as low as $12.50 par month Call VERDA BECK at I42W or HEINDSEL-MAN- S MUSIC 120 CENTER. West Canter St., Provo TIMES-NEW- Nephi Young Lady Aims Toward M. D. Degree Mona Youth Completes Naval Training Phase Special to the Times-NeMary M. Gehres of Nephi. Utah is well on her way to becoming a doctor of medicine. She is in her course third year of the four-yeat the University of Utah College of Medicine. Miss Gehres is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gehres of Grad GREAT LAKES, 111 uating recently from the Great Lakes, Illinois Naval Training Center's Machinist's Mate school is Vernon L. Swasey, machinist's mate fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Swasey of She is one of 47 Juniors In the Utah College of Medicine. The junior class comprises future doctors from five states besides Utah. The class recently elected Arnold B. Gilbert of Bngham City as its president. The University of Utah has graduated more than 540 doctors since the College of Medicine was school established as a four-ye14 years ago. Utah began teach ing medicine in 1905 when the two year medical school was of men from the U. S. and allied w ar with There are 17 schools at the center which yearly trains thousands IF YOU DON'T DRINK WHY help pay for the fellow who does ? "Preferred Risk" for your car in surance will save you money See C G. Hogan, Lynndyl, Utah, Agent for Preferred Risk Ins. Co. I J I CUnVU Tiirwrv IIIIIIIE.1 iJIIUII in onu DECEMBER NEWHOUSE HOTEL I - SALT LAKE CITY FOR RENT flowed 3 bedroom home STRICTLY FRESH THE State Department in Wash-ingto- tang n announced to iU diplomats consideration of an extra allowance to compensate for "the rising cost of loving." What one letter can do! e jm BriMg e fcnoto toby! let mitt af mmj foetrtdsltt that the Legal beagle most expensive kind of clause to negotiate is the Santa Clou. F0KDF-UX- I sfl-loin- W-- )g KKo)Diayip... y Y FORD TRUCKS Corf Less Last Longer It's a supermarket as you walk in, but a stupormarket when you see the bilL truest sardines are one of the few families that consider dad a success when he gets canned. ' e These brisk winter winds are treacherous. A friend got some thing in his eye, discovered It was a foreign sports car. DAYKINS SHOE REPAIR SERVICE North University Ave. PARKIN MOTOR CO. 584 "Provo, Utah Only Ford Dealers Carry FIRST SECURITY DRYER A-- 1 Used Cars and Trucks the Bank for Everybody! HAMPER-DO- R TAILORS THE DRTING 'WEATHER TO FIT THE FABRICI . Oiofc. of 4 drying malted, . Eaduuv. tioa . DrU,HampwDat wWi low-too- t, voknn. nrritrn . Exclinlv. hlghir that makes good sense Tim Uno Central - for cents become dollars 525.00 DOWN 24 Months to Pay DRYER PRICES START AT I39.9S cS Mod. 09 '57 U0EH5E WASHER with DISPENSER WHEEL No gift could possibly give your growing child ' more guidance and encouragement to thrift AUTOMATICALLY MAKES A NEW KIND OF BRIGHTER FOR UP TO 39 CLOTHESI than a First Security Book Bank. RINSE WATER It looks like a book Dispenser Wheel odd! rinse water conditioner automatically Super Rinse Warm or Cold Rinse SoJector New 5 year worronry but actually a bank and is a constant is and currency "minder that success stories are based on ikes coins daily habits of thrift. $25.00 Com DOWN In giv a Book tank to oeh member of your family. Your cheU of colors for each child as well as special baby banks. 24 Months to Pay WASHER PRICES START AT 169.95 Model WS L, 4-- D 11 W Center Plumbing & Builders' Supply Phone 306 I in good location good furnace home easily heated Wo. Put man, phone 102. Utah. K1CXSE KV'HJX J0 Mona, Utah. In a period of vigorous postwar development the Utah medical college has grown in faculty strength and prestige until its research activities now draw more than $15 million annually in gifts and grants from government and pri vate agecies. P. O. Box 4-W- AY o ar 89 '57 Thursday. Dtcombor 6, 19S6 NEPHI. UTAH S. cap agBpop bet Mr MA. Umliii liWNA Wwli leteit lpf |