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Show Thursday, December 6, 1956 THE - - CASTLE NOW Computers Can Make Decisions GATE COAL Washed ( - Oiled - - by ton or by Slack Truck Load DWANE TIDWELL COAL Phone 578W rs tries. book In the first describing both electronics com--1 the puters and operations research, authors explain why these new developments are so important for ?11 types of businesses, both large and small. They describe dozens of actual applications, including mistakes made in early computer installations and what has been learned from them. SHOP AND SAVE IN NEPH! Winter Goods Reduced Money in Circulation Levels at $31 Million - rency in circulation seems to have billion stabilized around the level since 1952 after its rapid rise from 1939. Factors in this connection are the camparative steadi$30-3- 1 LADIES GENUINE MARY LANE COATS - REDUCED-A- II new styles at Real Savings to you - All Values OFF sizes and colors BOYS 1 00 ness of the cost of living in the last few years, reflecting some ebbing of inflationary concern, and the growing popularity of savings and other thrift institutions as a safer and more productive haven for cash than the "sock." At the end of last November, there was a total of $31 billions of U.S. currency in circulation, according to the Federal Reserve System,, equivalent to around 8 per cent of gross national product for the year. The equivalent ration in 1950 was just under 10 per cent and during World War II was as high as 14 per cent. The current relationship between currency in circulation and gross national product is about the same as it was in iOFF MENS 100 WOOL-MERI- T OVERCOATS - Wonderful NYLON QUILT LINED JACKETS - A Regular 11.95 value The amount of cur- NEW YORK WE ARE OVER STOCKED WITH NEY MERCHANDISE YOUR EARLY SELECTION WILL ENABLE YOU TO GET YOUR CHRISTMAS NEEDS AT BARGAIN PRICES 7.90 Section One, Pag TV ship, train, truck and loads and correctly. You'll be glad you of mail arriving and plane did and happy to know your presthese places staggers thedeparting imagin- ents arrived safely and on time. ation. Every facility, terminal, Here is a way our can port, warehous, dock, and Post help the local Post patrons Office and office is filled to capacity. It is yourself too, during the Christmas hardly concievable how even mail rush. In a now enouh mail sacks alone could be your mailman will few days in your drop to hold all the mail. This mail box, free labels supplied reading "All year, your Fost Office - for local delivery" (Nephi) and ment predicts an all time DepartBy Fred L. Gadd record "All for Out of Town Delivery". Post Master volume of mail for Christmas. So' When you have prepared your the best adviop vnnr fe our nft Christmas weeks, cards several for oast For the f ice can offer to its patrons is to ide them into the two mailing divgroups, face parcel post delivery truck has been j mail your parcels now, wrap them them all the same way, and Dusy aeiivering ioaas 01 paittu and address securely them to the the merchandise plainly and Christmas proper label to each local stores. Our merchants now of stock fine a hand have on goods assembled from the leading markets of the country ready and awaiting our gift selection. Their and ours at the post ofslogan ficecould well be "Shop Early, Mail Earl then relax and enjoy the full meaning of , a happy Christmas." We heer at the Nephi Post Office wish to call to your attention the slogan "Mail Early for Christmas". Parcels being sent to distant friends, relatives and loved ones should be on their way very soon, in just a lew aays now, the "Early" portion of the slogan will no longer apply. Sometimes we folks living in the smaller cities are not aware of the tremendous volume of mail the Post Office Department is called on to handle each ChristChoose his gifts from our choice selection mas season. This writer has worked in the New York, and has of n smar men's clothing! seen the Chicago, Omaha and terminals. The hundreds ,of POSTAL Electronic com-putecan store and "make" many of the routine business decisions now handled by middle management. This Is the conclusion of Paul Kircher and George Kozmetsky ia a new book, "Electronic Computers and Management Control," published by McGraw Hill. Kircher is associate professor of accounting at U.C.L.A. Kozmetsky is director of the Computers and Controls Division 01 j.iu.uu iuui-- LOS ANCJELES FOR NEPHI NEPH(. UTAH TIMES-NEW- POINTERS at-ta- . I top-qualif- Og-de- group. Tie each group of letters with twine. If the bundles are too lare for our letter drop, just hand them in the window. This method will save the postal employees valuable hours of work in picking up, facing and separating the cards, resulting in better service to you. Your cooperation wil be greatLast year our ly appreciated. patrons responded wonderfully to this project nd rendered us a gret help. Additional labels may be obtained free at the Post y, An ounce of prevention is better than an official investigation. 2 itf! RAYON if: Satin trim ROBES -- Broadcloth 1939. MENS QUILT LINED JACKETS 14.98 Values -- XMAS SPECIAL LOT 1 9.9Qea. WASHINGTON - Values to $35.00 gecko, which lives in native houses on the Palau Islands. This creature, about 6 inches long, is closely related to house geckos, which are found as far north as Florida, in the American tropics, and throughout the tropical Pacific Islands. The Palau species is almost impossible to capture by hand. Grabbed by the tail, it immediately sheds its tail This is a rather common practice with certain lizards and apparently brings little inconvenience. to 9.90 WOOL SUITS 100 -- Values OUT PRICE frg.QC S49.95-CLO- SE PRATT'S him a Gift It is a little brown lizard, a MENS 100 NYLON QUILT LINED JACKETS - A Regular MENS Give skin. - - 3.Qg 12.95 Value There is an aniof its own mal that can get out SHORTY WINTER COATS Your Choice PAJAMAS Sizes A D Gecko Lizard Skins Way Out of Danger Certificate SHIRTS AND SPORT SHIRTS BROADCLOTH for a new ? Felt Hat! See our big selection of fine broadcloth dress quality, shirts. Also sport shirts in a variety of colors, patterns SMOKE GETS IN . . . Adding to already clouded world affairs, Indian delegate Arthur'"1 Laii, right, obscures the face, of R. 5!. S. Gunewardene, chief r delegate from Ceylon. Smoke screen maneuver occurred during a lecess from a U.N. session in New York. ; i (T Every individual is the architect of his own living expenses. Civilization is improving some are only half shot at sunrise. The past and the present are closely related to the future. THE TIME BOX is pleased to announce the opening of a Second Store ' in Spanish Fork. Through the additional volume that will be created, we intend to give customers: our Nephi-are- a BETTER PRICES ON MERCHANDISE MORE LIBERAL TERMS LARGER SELECTION FASTER REPAIR SERVICE Mlm Pray Spedcal ; '57 Chevrolet! better in a looking gel You bigger view of the road over that sassy hood. And isn't that new instrument panel a honey! Look through that '57 Chev- rolet windshield and you see how its new, deeper design I gives you better, safer vision. Glance down just a bit t and your eyes rest on the sweetest instrument panel a . car ever had. Then, take the wheel and you'll find the going's even ft . MENS and LADIES .13 f 8 III I I I millllUUII SHOCICPROOF AND WATERPROOF . Keguiar ru-Expansion Band Regular value e - into NEPHI oir uu mv i TPSooo rillTj? s 5.95 $30.90 SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR CHKlo 1 MAS llllll ATCHES Avi better than the looking! 270-h.- ngin olto ovoilobl who cost. ol I (Horsepower ranges up to 245.) Come in and see. Suxet, smooth and Massy! Th Bel Air Convertible with S.95 Only franchised Chevrolet dealers B5(5)K SPANISH FORK jrffijjy display this famous trademark NEBO CHEVROLET CO. 740 North Main Street Phone 433, Nephi, Utah tody by fihr. |