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Show THE Section One, Page Four STUDENTS $1 J Nothing Down 2 lk?J&JJ' J FREE 2WzJfeFIMEST- The REMINGTON Quet-rtfo-NBC IN Watch "Remington Rand Presents the News" Tonight on KTYT - Channel 4 SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLY - Phone 280 - v i Under the direction of the Farm Bureau and in cooperation with the Extension Service, 22 people toured the local meat slaughter plant operated by Floyd and Jack Bosh. The group watched them kill and dress beef, sheep and swine and then toured through the cooler room and held a discussion n, with Jack Bosh, and Ray butcher at Allen's Cash Store, at which a demonstration of cutting a carcas was given and an explanation as to how a meat distributor must price his meat to dispose of all cuts when purchasing whole beef. It was then understood why top cuts of beef sell for a higher price while some prices actually are below cost to the store. Differences between the carcas of a meat type, and a lard-typ- e hog were explained, and the butcher pointed out that trimmed amounts must be disposed of. in if- - NEPHI Wor-thingto- L 119 South Main 11' " Group Tours Nephi Packing Plant Hear Meat Pricing Discussion A WEESIit FIRST PAYMENT FEBRUARY Thursday, December 6, 1954 NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Nephi, Utah NOTICE Due to our increased costs, it is necessary to immediatcharge the following rates, effective work: service and heating ely, on our plumbing service call for Minimum one-ma- n $3.00 Nephi $4.50 Levan and Mona $5.00 Ftn. Green Service Call for: Minimum $5.50 Nephi $7.50 Levan and Mona $8.50 Ftn. Green w r ivri n ni n ii OF A CITY The cannon of a British tank, an carriage, a barefoot Egyptian youngster and the ruins of a bombed-o- ut building these are the ingredients in this portrait of Port Said, Egypt. The city had been the scene of bitter fighting between the Anglo-Fren- ch invasion forces and Egyptian defenders. ii Mona Worker !s Honored for Record of Service 4-- 20-Ye- ar counts) WorkOUR SERVICE CHARGES include the following: men's Compensation Insurance; Workmen's Wages; Workman's Truck, Gav Oil and Tires; Workman's Tools and Equipment; Excise Tax, Unemployment Tax, Social Security Tax, Federal Old Age Tax, Fire Insurance, Truck Maintenance, Truck Insurance, Replacement of lost tools, Rent, Coal, Electricity; Wear and Tear on Equipment . . . and . . . a few cents for the BOSS and BOOKKEEPER to keep them here when you come to pay the bill. - 20-ye- ar 4-- H Concentrate FISH STICKS WHfTF Testing fo Bangs Disease In East Juab Herds 2 cans fr 49 c CHERRY CHOCOLATES - - 47c 2 LB VERY CHOICE CHOCOLATES 5 LB VERY CHOICE CHOCOLATES MIXED CANDY --- Kanosh. 1.69 Yariety --- 3 PINEAPPLE JUICE money can ouy - - 3 29 pounds Q9C 46 oz c . LARGE PEANUTS Cf:: Vl pef pound M rtiltlJiMti - - - 2 for 29c 9c per pound 85t LIBBYS CREAM CORN Regular size tins Q for 1.00 NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL KP CORN LUNCH MEAT 2 33e cans 3 for 89c 2 lb 49c SODA CRACKERS GIANT TIDE package 7fec CRANBERRY JELLY 2 cans 39c HERSHEY BARS h for LARGE ORANGE SLICES - - 39 c per pound LARGE FRESH GUMDROPS rfifled --i- gc FANCY MIXED CANDY per pound -- 3Qc value tlfllKACLE WIH1IP JACK HORNER MINCE MEAT-- 1 lb2ozpkg iqc DEL PURPLE PLUMS Quart size tins, each 19c - FROZEN FRYERS per pound 53c HI WEST PEAS 2 Packages. 29 15 oz cans - -SKIPPY DOG FOOD 13 for 1.00 PSC WINDOW PEANUT CLUSTERS 9Aoz 3 fqriloO PSC WINDOW BRIDGE PSC WINDOW RAISINS - - 12 oz pkgs - - 3 for 1.00 1 A for 39c ROYAL GELATIN SPIC G SPAN CLEANER - - 27c SHELLED PECANS 40 c pkg SHELLED WALNUTS --FR- MIX-10ozpkgs-Jfor- HONEY - 12 oz tins Big by the strongest arguments that Qgc spedcal 2 lbs. NUTS CARNATION CHUNK TUNA A total of 605 head of beef cattle weer tested and vaccinated in 12 herds in the Nephi area durin gthe past week. This Included 468 animals blood tested, and 13 calves vaccinated. Arrangements are moving forward to test as many herds as possible at this time and to finish testing before the animals go on the forest next spring. Veterinariens assisting with the testing are Dr. C. H. Porter of Payson and Dr. George Staples of for Z nackanes OCe r- JS j rWITWW V2 size tins, IKE Progresses, Agent States STAR 3 cans TUNA Regular cans, Each - - 27c UTAH VALLEY PUMPKIN I The man who can't find his niche in this life certainly isn't entiled to a promotion. Graft under cover is supported PLUMBING AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY 4-- D ' ORANGE JUICE b s 95 PINK LEMONADE - Frozen Ina Kay of Mona received a certificate and a leader Club ship pin at the recent Achievement exerciss held in Nephi. Ina has been responsible for outlining the clubs, locating' the leaders in Mona for the past few years, and prior to that time, led clubs in Mona. "We appreciate those who take this kind H of interest In youth programs" County Agent Ray Burtenshaw stated recently. Achievement exercises were held at Eureka Monday and will be held at Levan Thursday 4-- H (ALL ACCOUNTS ARE DUE AND PAYABLE 10th of month following date of work done. Service charge added to all past due ac- TpCoToB I I H j If work is done by the hour, our charges will be as follows: Charge for one man, including truck and tools $3.00 per hour two for men, including Charge $5.50 per hour truck and tools rrri-r- PORTRAIT pound jars -- ---- - EACH - C mi BACON CARROTS 2 LADIES NYLONS - - 47c 5c packages each 19c 59c 3 lb. ROASTS - A BIG XMAS SAVINGS pair W.HHHH - BUY 39t NOW ORDER YOUR XMAS TUICKEY NOW TURKEYS SAUSAGE ROLLS - Pure 3 lbs 1.00 GROUND BEEF -- LEAN FRESH 3 pounds for 1.00 LARD - - PURE - - 5 pounds 1.00 LAMB CHOPS . Very Good 2 lbrl.00 y MEATS FRUIT MIX - PINK GRAPEFRUIT SALT LAICE CITY SPECIAL Kiss- - l'oO 31c AJAX CLEANSER "Foaming Action" - Reg. size 2 for 23c ZEE TOILET TISSUE - )4 Roll Pack) - 4 rolls for 35c PAPER NAPKINS - Assorted Colors - 80 to pkg 2 pk 25c WILSONS CHOPPED BEEF -- 12 oz tins - Each - - 35c PLUMP & MEATY RAISINS - - 2 pound package 43c PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES 17 oz pkgs Each 33c 1 1 1LB--Q9- at. 57( PORK ROASTS - REAL SAVINGS-Youn- g Pork - - LB 43c RIB STEAKS -- BARGAIN FOR THIS WEEK END - -- LB 45c CHEESE - GET IT NOW lb 43c ,0 Ka-J- n t , MM GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES...Phone 6 Nephi, Utah ( |