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Show TTiBredoy,- Dteember 6, 956 - THE 1 OTHER WATCHES JACKIE GLEASON f 1Q says: wha'raBeatl'iJ npHI. UTAH Section One, Pag 7C Trade-i- n that's fVlgSSING- - Offer !S5lftlG-ftllSSIN- G illl'Hl WATCH other leading toothpaste? GIVE THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE an Electric Shaver, Wallet, Watch Band. Tie and Cuff Set, Wedding Band or Ruby Ring in every It's Gardoll ntK: uice mcniKi .tJK Diamond Ring, Watch, Wallet, Necklace and Earring Sets. Many 17 jewels, Bwinspring zMH including some beautiful And No Other Toothpaste Helps Protect So Many People So Effectively and So Safely Against Both Bad Breath and Tooth Decay I dishes. WE STILL HAVE A NICE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS wA... XT ,., . t .... ..,A. OH DEER, WHAT CAN THE MATTER BE? Weary hunter Peter Shepherd appears to be missing the chance of a lifetime. Shepherd, tired of stalking deer without finding any, rests up at the County Deer Preserve Park, in Narrowsburg, N.Y. The dear deer, prc'?cted by law in this area, show no concern for his bow and arrows. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carter Mrs. George Selman of Orem at are enjoying an indefinte stay In tended the funeral service of their St. George where Mr. Carter is sister, Mrs. Martha Jepperson in North Hollywood, California last employed. local turkey Rulon Sowby, Saturday. grower, and some associates from Nephl visitors on Sunday were Moronn returned home Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jarrett and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carter and from California where they at at- family of Salt Lake City. They family of Magna spent Saturday tended a Turkey Growers conven- visited with his parents, Mr. and with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tion. They made the trip to Cal- Mrs. R. R. Jarrett and with other Ralph Carter. ifornia via Las Vegas, Nevada relatives. i and returned via Reno. Mrs. Elsie Sidwell returned to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Bai Mrs. Verda Barton of Manti, ley and family, formerly of San her home Monday after spendMr. and Mrs. Robert Barton and Diego, are visiting with his moth ing Thanksgiving in Price with four children of Richfield, and er, Mrs. Alice Bailey, and other Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Newren and two sons. Mrs Newren is grandMrs. Louise Tew and two children relatives. They plant to make The of Salt Lake City were guests of their home in Salt Lake City. daughter of Mrs. SidwelL following ten days were spent in Mr. and Mrs. Don V. Beck, at the Fourth Ward sacrament meeting Guests on Thursday and Friday Salt Lake City where she was the where Mr. Barton blessed the in- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. guest of her son - in law and fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Beck. W. Stephenson were Mrs. Step- daughter, Mr., and Mrs. G. E. Later they were dinner guests at henson's 'brother in law and sis- Mcllrath. She was" accompanied the Beck home. Other dinner ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hatch of home bzy Mr. and Mrs. Mcllrath guests were Mrs. V. A. Beck and Bancroft, Idaho, and Mrs. Wilma and a brother in law, A. V. Borg. McDonald of Salt Lake iCty. Mrs. Jennie Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brtees Mrs. Arthur Scott and her spent the week end in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Belliston .... returned home Monday after vis- - brother and sister in law, Mr. and City. iting in Sat Lake City with rela tives and friends for the past two weeks. While there they attend the Bee Keepers convention held at Temple Square Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. War? and family of Orem, Fred E. Beck and Miss Karen Johnson of Salt L"ke City were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Eugene Beck. CH PC ! For CHRISTMAS, GIVE HER THE SINGER PORTABLE mow only 99.90 down payment minimum This SINGER Portable has all these features: Automatic Bobbin Winder Embroiders, without any attachments monograms Hinged presser foot Attractive brown and beige case Free sewing course - j ASK ABOUT OUR LAY -- AWAY PLAN A Small Deposit will hold your purchase for Christmas delivery! Jrt to Use In All Water Areas! Makes teeth whiter cannot stain or discolor! PHONE 375 NEPHI 7.99 Sizes 6 to 16 (Imitation Leather) - Pastel Colors - Velveteen - Taffeta -- Lace Trimmed -- 1.90 NOVELTY COTTON RUGS Full BATH MAT SETS r' to 6.90 or Waltz Length and 2.90 (Boxed). Back Sizes 27 x 48 - 2 or 3 piece in Variety of Colors - 4.77 . at only 1.90 to 5.97 FLANNEL PAJAMAS - Ladies - 1.9Q - - - Girls I.79 MENS DRESS SHIRTS -- White or colored 1.9Q and 2.79 - - -- NEW PATTERNS qfle, 1.49 (boxed TIES - MENS NEW FUR FELT HATS 7.50 Values only 5.90 Priced Four-in-Han- It turns out that this new '57 Buick is winning the raves with a new kind of going and a new kind of stopping a new kind of handling and a new kind of road sureness a new kind of safety and a new kind of comfort. We'll be specific. When you press the pedal of a new '57 Buick the response is literally instant . . . er miles-per-ho- Because the high-torqpower of a new V8 engine is delivered in the split Variable of a second thtough a new Pitch Dynaflow that's immediate in its ue full-ran- aire many other new things that make this gorgeous Buick a car of limitless wonders from the bigger and more rakish windshield that makes seeing more relieving, to the extra roominess that's so surprising in this beauty lowness. with the sports-ca- r But there's nothing like a firsthand sampling to know how modern the newest thing on wheels really is. Come in today for your meeting with the newest Buick yet. th action . When you brake to a stop, you and the cai stay on a level plane ... Because an ingenious new ball-joisuspension in ebery '57 Buick virtually ends the dip that cars have on sudden stops. When you take a turn or swing into an "S" curve, you still hug the road like a streamliner ? on rails nt DICKIES MATCHED SETS - Shirt 2.90 -- Tan -- Blue -- Grey CHRISTMAS IDEALS.. Pants Green Just Arrived - -- - -- - 1.25 DOLLS TOYS TOYS DOLLS ALL KINDS OF GAMES BOXED CANDY AT BEST PRICES TOYS BEST VALUES 3.90 TOYS ALWAYS... down-in-fro- nt DEPARTMENT STORES Variable Pitch Dynaflow it the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century optional at modest extra cost on the standard en Roadmaster, optional Special. 'New Advanced Safety-Mind- other er Series. Newest Buick Itet - (5 CM SlflKJgfiKIsi ur There ge d Best Colors Because under you is a massive wide-fram- e new chassis that "nests" the whole car inches closer to the road with the lowest center of gravity in Buick history yet with no change in road clearance. And when you sit in the deep comfort of those soft wide seats, you can drive with the pleasant ease of a clear conscience, without watching the speedometer . . . Because only in Buick today can you have an that acts as a ingenious new Safety-Mindsentinel the for you warning preset for yourself. w WHEN nTE AUTOMOBILtS AM BUILT BUjCK Will IUIIO THEM ' Co. McpM Mlwloir Street 105 West Center m FEATURED AT YOUR LOCAL RETAILER WITH THE PEXCO LABEL a car should do turns out that the 1957 Buick is far more than just a brand-neautomobile. 2.90 - Non Skid Many Colors 4JK a Whiz at Everything - 7.99 GIFT SUGGESTIONS GIRLS DRESSES - Sizes 1 to 14 - - Cottons LADIES NYLON GOWNS It's JACKETS Brown Only Nylons per Bosh. BOYS PLAID ALL WOOL MACICINAWS BOYS NAAGAUTE Saving, based en cost ounce of smaller size. Mrs. Leah Bosh of Levan spent the latter part of last week with her daughter in law, Mrs. Hazel SINGER SEWING CENTER PAINTER, All Ages! ... Pay as little as 1.33 per week, after for Children CRFF NEPHI NEWS L L Seven What's New in Colgate Dental Cream from Ask about our generous irs a DULOVA TIMES-NEW- Nephi, Utah I |