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Show v THE Section One, Page Six Pay, Mrs. Clarence Wilkey Mrs. Allen Bellisotn, Mrs. Harlow W. Pexton, Mrs. Milton Harmon, Mrs. Max Bowles, Mrs. Fred D. Morgan, Mrs. Bert Powell, Mrs. Kenneth Nyman, Mrs. Miles AnFuLavina of Mrs. son is met Club the lie Beta The Literary Mrs. Ernest Wilson, Mrs. derson, was who 29 of Pleasant Grove, November gal Thursday evening, the guest speaker, Jack Ludlow, who and of 1955, Mother Americin Mrs. Roy Hanson, at the home of and the hostess, Mrs. Mrs. Beard, last Club Beta of a the was L. guest with Mrs. Othel Pay, president, Hanson. r. was read yea presiding. Club collect Candidates for the Nephi Mothby Mrs. Max- Bowles. Business matters were taken er of the Year are in process of Mrs. Paxman Hostess to care of and discussed, and anl being chosen. Mrs. aAllen Belliston recent meet- -' nuuncement was made of the club ?:ive a report at Christmas party which will be ins of the club, on the constitution 20th Century Club; Book held at the home of Mrs. Miles and bv liws. Mrs. Clarence Wilkey then in- Report Enjoyed by Group A. Anderson. Mr?. Allen Christensen report- troduced her guest of the evening, of Levan. Mrs. J. Walter Paxman was ed the winners of the Nephi Mrs. Wood row Beard beaut ification project, of which Mis. Bjard gave a very interesthostess to the 20th Century Club drawher shower and first place went to Mr. and Mrs. ing peper evening, November 29, Mrs. Beard Thursday Max Bowles, Mrs. Bowles being a ings on citizenship. a cit- with Mrs. James H. Eagar, club become to in readiness is member. Club B'ta presiding. A d.scussion followed and president, was Mrs. Christenson also reported izen. read by Mrs. Will Litany was enjoythe greatly evening Dr. of recent Ray L. Mrs. Bent R. Bry the and appointment Hoyt, an read the minutes. Mrs. PaxG. Fugal to the American Moth- ed. Those preset were Mrs. Othel man gave a brief but concise re er of the Year Advisory Board. sume ox the book "Inside Asia" by John Gunther. Following this Mrs. Montez Davis Harding of Provo was introduced to the club ladies and she gave a detailed FIELD AND STREAM 1 review of the book. She stated that "Inside Asia' 'revealed Af rica to be the most varied, mys JACKETS AND SHIRTS Horsehide Work Shoes terious and exciting region on the & Industrial Oxfords earth, and also the least known. The author aswers such quesAll th WEAR of touirh-ca- t Created in the land of Hiawations as: Can the white man surNative Horsehide PLUS Buckskin-Sof- t vive in What are the dif tha, where weather's COM FORT Tanned Inj many ferences Africa ibetween the British, the the SECRET Wolverine! out-domoods a make living b rench and British Colony sys Way! So Much Extra terns? What runs South Africa? thrill as well as a chalenge, WEAR Are the Communits moving in on tailSo Much Extra jm wmh have these been garments natives' indepedence parties? and I' COMFORT Which Way does American interored to enhance your appearSo LIGHT on- est lie? Your Feet ance and insure your comfort. After the review, Mrs. Paxman served light refreshments to the You ca be certain that they are ladies who enjoyed the a superior garment . . . that following Mrs. J. L, Belliston, Mrs. evening: Paul E. Booth, Mrs. J. Warrillow NEW they have the outstanding Brough, Mrs. Bent R. Bryan, Mrs. PAIR FREE that have made J. qualities A. Burton, Mrs. C W. Glazier, FIELD & STEAM IF THEY DRY OUT HARD OR STIFF a symbol of Mrs. James 1L Eagar, Mrs. E. J. Wh- - Qri.d of Normal Genres, Mrs. Will L. Hoyt, Mrs. since Gerald superior craftsmanship Worm Room Temperature! Cazier, Mrs. J. Earl Reid, 1871. Mrs. Reeve G. Richardson, Mrs. BOYS SIZES 2 to 6 Made of G. R Judd, special guest, rMs. trie same high quality construction Harding, and the hostess, Mrs. as men's. Paxman. FIELD AND STREAM TRY our insulated high shoes Mrs. Olive Anderson observed they keep your feet warm in ex- SHIRTS her 87th birthday Thursday, Novare constructed for ans-wcold The weather. tremely ember 29, with the following of to trie prayer active wear combining 85 her children as her guests: Mr. wool with 15 nylon . . . makand Mrs. Marvcin Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. TRY THE NEW 4 Gowers, and Mr. Oi ing the cloth wool warm, nylon and Mrs. Burnell Neldon Cloward. Mrs. SADDLE KING JEANS and kind tender-esto the strong t Ernest Brough and Mrs. J. V. Coskin. . . A WONDERFUL oper also called to see her. Vat Dyed Won't Guaranteed fade or shrink can be washed CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR ANY Once mislaid it takes a lot of with other cloths due to the fast MAN . . . looking to find a lost reputation. color More Wear! 60 TIMES-NEW- Beta Literary Club Members Guests at Hanson Home; Hear Discussion of Citizenship Requirements -- Thursday, December 6, NEPH1. UTAH S. 1 4-- , Nephi Local and Social News Items - ill 9S& jwW I i Tho .Tnah Hisrh School eraduat- - lowing were n or Mace nf 1947 held their fifth an Shepherd, selected: Joyce CowDorene S perry Van Ausdal, and Bonnie Vogt oCoper. class reunion Saturday at Provo. The evening was spent enjoying a delicious dinner, dancing and rem iniscing. Door prizes were given. In charge of this year's activities were Erma Chase Braithwaite, Lynn Francom, Clarice Gowers Griffith, and Devere Barnes.. To plan next year's reunion, the fol- - Mrs. Stellman Greenhalgh and three children visited over the week end in Salt Lake City with relatives and friends. Revenge has a way of dealing from the bottom of the deck. GIVE If It't ert--?-r- , lis qpprecfoted I W0LW1R mm Am I i er Big Family LONDON. GOODS FOR PLENTY OF FINE CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO SELEC FROM . . . GIVE SPORTING hone 280 - - France. doctors of Avesnes Church, the away. Representing the local Tower clever reproduction is made of hundreds of apples. Displayed at the Fruit Exhibition, the castle managed to withstand wandering hinds and remain intact for the duration of the show. f- - - Mr. and Mrs. Kennet Steohen Mr. and Mrs. Lester Briggs and birth her father, Charles E. Stephensen, son of Murray annouce theGrand-mt were in St. George on Saturday of a so on December 1. rents are Mr. and Mrs. W. W. and Sunday, November 24 and 25, where they celebrated the 8th Stephenson of Nephi and Mr. and birthday anniversary of Mr. Step Mrs. Jay Anderson of Manti. hensen and also the 25th wedding anniversary of his son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Thompson of St. George. On Sunday they also attended the farewell testimonial for Mr. and - OPENING Mrs. Thompson's son Edward, who leaves soon for the Mexican mis sion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs of El Centro, California accompan ied them to St. George and then continued on to their home. JANUARY For i ' ' tA 'mm Bert's Shoe Repair at 20 East Center Street, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ander son had as their guests Sunday, Mrs. Anderson's brother in law and sister: Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Pratt and son David of in 771P building formerly occupied by Clyde Christensen Shoe Shop. Save your shoes for expert nnrl Prrm Hotter vt . . . n,uciTicauy BUY FROM YOUR DEALER UTAH POWER LIGHT CO. A England old woman, the mother of 15 children, was recently jailed for three months on charges of stealing a cardigan sweater, five underslipsJ 38 pairs of nylon stockings, six pairs of men's socks, five pairs of boy's socks, six pairs of jeans and two skirts. SPORTSMAN'S SUPPLY 119 South Main -P- 5 nmampntal - Inwpr in Frasnov. anni bnii-ioacti . r TMs 7 nrrLL should be a monument to health, if apples a day keep Nephi, Utah 48-ye- ar V . . . choice elections . still aval labJe gift APPUANCES SPECIAL SUNBEAM lOinch the thriftiest truck vou buy! ',. T?ntHit; , . P NOW . . MILLION-DOLLA- LOOKS R Boulevard styling boulevard-g- o spirit sets you apart in traffic The FAMILY will love to bt teen in it! f)0N off - Regular FRY PAN , aiiiC too ,ei SUNBEAM 11 inch " 16S : " FRY PAN -- 19.95 Regular 23.95 NOW . . 20.4S SUNBEAM 12 inch FRY PAN - Regular 26.95 NOW.. $22,95 GRILL LARGE WAFFLE AND SANDWICH i1 -- It1 tar - Regular 32.50 NOW . . $27.75 - ONLY 21 Q5 45-Spe- MIX MASTER - Regular 34.50 NOW . . $37.85 RCA VICTOR RADIOS 11.Q5 and up - - AUTOMATIC CHANGER ed ed and up && QC RAC ATTACHMENT 20 95 RCA VICTOR Hi Fi MARIC V Regular price WONDEFUL BUY HOTPOINT 5.95 TV... SILVERWARE 21" Hotpoint Table Model Ebony-finis- h automation-buil- t service-fre- e metal cabinet for practically operation; Auto- matic Focus; Dyna- power Speaker. See Them Now! Both For $199.95 RCA VICTOR CLOCK RADIOS GMC for '57 Money-Malie- is -- Set ut, too, fvt TrlpU-Cktck- td uted truck PAINTER MOTOR COMPANY 140 SOUTH MAIN STREET K7HI M.Q5 and up CASCO STEAM IRONS Regular 15.95 ' NOW.. $12.95 A QC TABLE MODEL WITH ONEIDA in SUNBEAM A MANUAL PLAYER ed YOUR APPLIANCE AND TV CENTER |