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Show -- te 81) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1934 MFCHANK. Tire rrountiroy pefson for Duly Goodyear store toll 78 4446 ask tor Ike or Howard must be MECHANIC, full time exper in contour otion and engine work good trouble shorter Cull lk:h In Kaysvlfte ilerhq-ft- MEDICA1 overoging Will work id hours per week evenings ond alternating Scitur days Must have Medical Record experience, medico! terminology and tronscnptlon experience with typing skills of 30 worn Knowledge of PAS computer at) stroctlng preferred Pilose come in Immediately out an application and fill Humon Resources uept 00 Fast 9660 South Sondy Utah 84070 FquoI Opportunity Employer time, rotating dovs, afternoons and nignts Requirements Include 7 yrs college with a heavy science background Experience as o Bood Gas Tech preferred Posi- tion ovaliobie Immediately Please call for Interview appt EKG TECH To work In the EKG Lab On coll Must be flexible EKG experience heiptui IDS HOSPITAL ses aides full and put time and on can i cxA it ft is SJV0 wfttKAit exper and $4 10 wftti 6. pet utter yMjf 18 do s paid teuve during you nest year Educational os si starve program Apply cti 4 South vuO ( ost Si C, ur cull SJ JSV Nut Jordan Volley has an position Please ext coil John Bolierlng 3)5 (1) Full time position (2) To flil tote night coll between 10 pm and 6 om Musi be registered medical Hosp-tto- f preferobly In person. HOLY CROSS HOSP. 84102 SCRUB 402, SLC, UT 84102 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONS 34 years experience Competitive pay and preferred benefits Contact Personnel FJ fme doys HOSPITAL MEDICAL The Utah Society tor Respiratory Care Is now accepting resumes for Respiratory Care Procttttoners for the following positions. ICU Proctltloners-00hour Non ICU Proctttioners-S900hou- r For more Info coll MEDICAL RECORDS Coder abstractor, full time day shift Needs basic anatomy and physiology medico! temlnotogy ond experience In ICD-- coding manuals Solary negottble Apply at Personnel Office, Doxey Hatch Medical Center, 1255 East 3900 So. MEDICAL Administrative Asst 6 mo medkai exp bookkeeplng-relmburse h fee 30 dovs-t- $1000 Joy's Employment Agency MEDICAL ASSISTANT-Expe- r Der- matology bock office assistant needed for month Coll 268 9672 MOLDING TECHNICIAN Utah Medlcol Products, lrc , o rapidly growing medkai manufacturer needs a Plastic Injection Molding Mochlne Operator Applkonts must have the to do some mochln and molded part trouble shooting Coil MONEY ROOM OPERATIONS AND COIN WRAP POSITION OPEN Part time position longterm Must be able to pass o thorough Investigation Apply in person between 8 5pm Wells Forgo Armored Servke, Rio Gronde 359 7636 220 So MOTHER'S HELPER, housekeeper, Loving and patient Room, board, and salary Time off Non smoker Rets nail Artist for new nail shop expe rience necessary Mldvoie-Sondarea Coll Sharon or Joe at or o NAILS new salon, Experience necessary will neg. booth rente! NURSE RN 48 5 2392 IPN DIALYSIS Must be licensed LPN with current Uteh licensing Primary care nursing Involving care of Incenter ond home dlolvsls patients Inten slve crfticolcareor dlolvsls expe rience helpful 6 months training period will be pr ovided on tee lob Mondoy through juterduv days and even'ngs on coll otetion Contact1 UMURSl'Y Of Ut PERSONNf L - 58 6?07 Annex Building, CD 0044 SofttakeCfty Utah 84112 I Qudl Opportunity mptovet NuRSt Uteh Eve institute needs on RN Clr Culater for operating room Out Inclined going ond mechanically will troln excellent salary and wixk wrfh fringes Rewarding 101 good staff ond surroundings please coll Pom l esik at 80 266 2283 for Interview NURSE 06 NURSE 11 7 shift f xperiencea plus but will tram Solar y negate) ble according exper Ruruot 4. hi s to Soft t ake bed hospital Close te Skiing water spurts fo comping Nice community families Contact Car tent Jensen 22 46V1 DkeCiOr vr Nursing, NUF $FA iDTSneeoed PurTCTi weekends only ond AiDt Jpm or S 7 ur nursing REG NURSE, relief during Dec Days, P.M s, ond nights R N full or parti time nights, skilled nursing focliity 27? 5261 Good benefits, and scholarships ovaliobie k Employer Equal Opportunity this position we 2 or eduction equivalent typing 60 wpm with good English skills Must work well with a variety of applicants hove a pleasing phone pefsonoirtv and nice appearance Duties include greeting people and general oft ue work, typing, preparing reports, and corresponding with applicants Non smoker preferred y Christmas money7 Need Tempo- - uf't socy d wrte f'RESSMAN wonted fxier A B Dk k 30 pmss Must have oduft attitude orgonlml clean win be dea'ing directiy wfth cus tomers App'v n per son at Npi Int Punt 7141 V State V dvule SSM AN v ior ye ? esses UuOlftV H'ress In'1 55I PSYCHOLOGIST time position rjaiiubie for psv Chiliv 1st F'M) i icense ie ( r Lft)A Olier Re Qiire 034 ito g.'xxal Vei1tul CtrM 5uv v c f 80 ' soonei j 37 ?V.I all PWi f xe p'xH coif 6J No f 4(H f tof it jr j : lv r' m J South 1367 ovoltabte Employer 8TH AVENUE & C' STREET 321 1861 Lake Asea stores, pius Coil Sue Soft Trolnlng ovalktote employer in RESTAURANT Woiterj, waitresses, One orf the cooks, dishwashers. nation s teoding restaurant cholns is mow hiring for weekend and night shifts Excellent oges, Insurance, profit sharing, and savings plan, paid vocation FuN or part time openings, with great working conditions mov be yours If you see us now Apply in person 3 pm to 6 pm at 401 West 7200 South. MkJvote or 420 West 4 MX) South in Murrov Our employees are important to us. DENNYS RESTAURANT Equal Opportunity Employer RESTAURANT k k k k RESTAURANT STOP- - te 2 SALAD DEPT. ull diui p.ut f),iy arid evi'iiinj1, stuff I timt stxrfv jnd ' l( i i'v'j kJ s Sarnia vHl nt eateonol (K.OlKonte to Fer twnie rn fi de ( f MR BRIAN ft pc. 'I TRAVEL ,'n ftjnfty ert Apply .it 744 ' ,ft'l 448 rnpin.r r.:' Eti PF At I iir nxxv-- , CTV' tXfti W TI.JN1 rd (igr'itx tenefft from 5 A F foci ft, ji q.iiits New need Fast stijrt ft. jinlny iogrom ( ofi Iqr In te ,iew Mi i i x vm va8 e'tslve Ikrnsees i k v ( HPS ( . ist 4th South Monday thruiip.ii 1 tu ir, day, 9 jp m DlrecHrs Marketing NEW DIRECT SALES, levfl marketing M) ( 0 (PTiONAi ihf 0m PCFNTiAl cxftveftising Off'g North Amertian Mixketing In AlnKJfXX ond sote of independant GrGONGRAFiK We will interview only ftyne with a proven ftrxk record In direct vKvl Ml M Urorjp prevento Mom Nrw orvi pr'virte fitii r joJ Interviews heto Vtit In Si L 364 7717 GOODS SCHOLARSHIPS Of up to $40 000 for college avoi table DOWNTOWN SOUTH MAIN ST December high comm , fast full training, no In- SALES. Watkins part time Products, full or for appt SALES Earn extra money selling Chrlstmos REPRESENTATIVE toys SALESBXK STOVES Need experienced Demonstrators, Due to recent expansion. SEMTECH OF UTAH, INC, A SOLAR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION has openings for 2 manufotfurers representatives theft are enthusiastic and career minded. Soles, and Installers State St Sandy 10481 Management growth personal Interview call between eft sion Contact John SALES JEWELRY positions open for per manent foil and part time soles peoote Solary pius commission Experience preferred but not necessary If you are highly motivat ed, apply in person Oak wood Jewelers, Cross Roods Plaza SALES-FIN- CAREER Immediate OPPORTUNITY WHAT HAVE to otter Is no need 2 more people to gimmick, me help operate on Insurance office In the Safi Lake City area for o nationol company OFFER a tine career for the right person in soles, servke ond management No experience necessary We will train the right time Culinary SALES-Fu- TELEMARKETING compony seeks professoles, motivated person fringe benefits. Vdkrta, Mexko SALES INSURANCE Tired of the replacement problem Sell the no hassle life insurance Leod system available Excellent fringe benefits Call naturol reluc SALES Lkensed Insurance salespeople Loco! company, local under writ ng, local ciolms Sell one of the finest medicare supplement life Insurance plans and over-og- e progrom available Leod system Excel fringe benefits and refreshing people not paper Coll' am. 4 p m. SALES" FRED MEYER JEWELERS 5504 So. Van Winkle Expressway SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH SALES MANAGER TRAINEE A management con be position yours after 6 mo. specidlzed Earn up to trolnlng comm, a year In monoge-men- t with a Fortune 500 compony We will send you to school for a min of 2 weeks expenses paid, froln you In the field with a min. guarantee of $ 1,200 first mo to sell and servke established disability occounts You need to have a good car be 21 ond bondabte, be ombmous ond oggressive Benefits, hospitalization, dentd, profit sharing, etc Cdl Mr Colllster at Job for Wednesday Servke, appt Equd opportunity employer a few qudtfted red estate ogents, both new ond experienced. We have three outstanding office locations. Eost Fort Union Blvd 4900 So Redwood Rood 2019 Eost 9400 So Our trdnlng progrom, plus o highly motivated "TEAM" effort can make vou a success. Cdl Doug McAffee for o confldentid Inter 942 2111 view 1385 - MAJOR COMPANY EXPANSION Hiring Into depts. experienced ond marketing frdnees needed. Full or part time, selling electronic control devkes, on demand water heaters ond omer energy products Excellent benefits, paid vocation, car diowonce. Insurance, Guaranteed ckfthlng ollowonce $1,000 first month commission Complete trdnlng free For per sond tnterlvew see Mr Azlzl at the Quolfty inn, 4465 Century Dr (45th So 450 West, Murrov) 2pm Monday, November 5 SALES-- for career oriented people to i S22000 ARE YOU? you have a strong enough desire to Change and would like to mdie $500 to $1000 comm weekly, hours o days, give us working Mon ond lues, 9 ocdl 5 We II froln quoi filed appiionts who hove that desire to succeed and the ability to team, to sell our photo servkes ond equipment SAiFS DIRECTORY ADVf RTISING' Rious 1ALFS P OPIE ONI Y! Small upcoming compony Is search Ing for 2 grxxl soles people We we tired of those who say they produce but never do ft you serious about soles and Jeslre at least $X 150 000 per yew In com let's tdk Interviews missions, held Mondoy and Tues only Loll D T for appolrrtmnet S6? ?44 Wad processing desirable Submit college employment appiko-tion- s by Nov 9th 1984 to UTAH TECHNICAL COLLEGE PERSONNEL SERVICES 4600 So Redwood Rd. PO Box 31808 Soft Lake Cfiv, Utah 84131 Phone SECRETARY Smoil, fast poced reseach lob looking fa full time employee, 2 yeas secretarial experience equivalency, 45 wpm typing required 70 wpm typing preferred Dictaphone, aoonizationol skills ond a wad processing experience ferred. duties. apply Will pre- work wftti o valefty of Must Sokry negotiable In person. UNIVERSITY OF UTAH PERSONNEL Annex Building, Soft Lake Cfty.Utoh 841 12 Eouol Opportunity Employer - 101 7 fill executive sales positions: WE OFFER: INDUSTRIAL SALES ft a MURDOCK CHEVROLET is interviewing SALES 4pm functions Professional Sales Position CENTURY 21 McAFFEE REALTORS occeptlng applications for 9am duties and provide ond cither llbray Mln. qualifications yr cterkaioffke exper yea oc odermc study beyond high school, type 40wpm, some knowledge of library functions ond budgets reception Infamotton I sales Mr Adcock fam THE CHEVROLET TEAM 9om-9p- Le SECRETAR YLIBRARY Part time to assist Library Media Director Prepare and type reports, correspondence aid fa ms maintain records ond files, per BE PART OF BLANKENBAKER Prominent 1 5 year old Fortune 500 company, is iooklno for on career oriented sates person This Indusfrid c hemic oi ond brush division offers a good solary plus commission Excellent company benefits Territory Soft Some soles experience required Coll toil free 800 Weekdays ask for RECRUITERS Employment Agency " Wests largest leweter 5 new stores will open In November Due to our ropld exponslon management trolnee positions must be tilted Immediately The people we seek will have o successful background In jewelry sates ond be looking for a career in a stable environment If you ere 0 highly motivated sotesperson pteose apply In person between J 268 9240 PROFESSIONAL SALES AAA NAGE MENT Serious minded people only fi you hove the strength to be part of my SECRETARYReceptionist, full time and want to earn organization position avdl , $4 50hr starting $l0.000mo commission In heafth woge, general office skills, apply and nutritional field, coil at 955 West So Temple SALES MR Call TOOAY NO FEES CARLA KELLEY Trucking sional wftti superior telephone and pub-Irelation skills for full time posiOpportunlfyAffirmatlve tion Send resume and sokry his- Equal Action Employer tory to Personnel Monoger BOX SECRETARIAL 30666. SLC, Utah 84130 Equol Opportunity Employer ADMINISTRATIVE person GUARANTEED INCOME while trolnlng, then high commissions thereafter FINE JEWELRY WORD PROCESSOR $8 $ 0HR 10 AM 6 PM mens clothing sotesperson 0 hrs per week Generous pay ogalnst commis- For Appointment Scott Christianson Mon thru Thors. encereq Piece rate SECRETARYlEGAl Top commission for selling eieclron-- k Instrumentation ond servke Growing representative for test equipment mfr ond service organization needs oggressive, experienced sates rep Coll for appt PROVIDED DO NOT LET your SEAMSTRESS, experienced Serger Operator Needed 2 yrs expert year (comm) No Downtown law firm has IMMEDi expedience necessary Fast adATE opening tor o iegol secretarivancement, FULL TRAINING, NO al wad processor Legal backINVESTMENT1! Send resume ground with experience on the PO Box 520456 WANG system Is preferred TypSoft Lake City, Utah 84106 ing skills must exceed 80 WPM 600 to $800 comm per wee Paid training program Trip incentives Heoith and Dental Insurance right person. SEAMS TRESS, part time 25 hrs per week Mena, replace buttons, zippers, all alterations Apply Monday 115, Tuesday 11 6, 2253 South 5th East SIGNS WE OFFER pm 2024 , K 4728 om-- call Sc Motion Pictures, Adv $50 $100 K MUST BE IMMED By appt SALESComm-TV- SATACT Tests must be tcen by November 26 Sylvia for For information Coil advancement, vestment Gary APPOINTMENTS deodlne tor applica- tion. MANUFACTURERS y INC fhv AND GIFT SHOPS SALES Vocuums. Is SAMTATI0N VORFERS South iond Food Center 5850 West Amelia Ear hart Dr Soft Lake City, 841 16 Equal Opportunity Employer m SHAPIRO $130,000 ond up appt INDEPENDENT (Ml EX1 13'9 my Ill J6 )i iuu ( IWi. A wonted tor VUl T NOON Wanted, experienced reol estate sotesperson in condo s SEE Party Plan Susan Friday 10 A M 10 APPLY SALES 10 the Home on Wicker SALES-Sel- l LOCAL food monufodurer looking tor sanitation workers to clean m USOA inspected facility Monday through Fridoy, 10 pm to 6 30 am Applications accepted 8 00 am to 4 30 p m Mondoy through stnas ana 15? SALES Notional Suf,9unding$, A,anafc.e LULL ES THREE Great tun! Full time positions with special promotion tor American Ski Assoc De"er store in FUTURE11 WERE EXPANDING j'.1 "V iCihM CAREER NIGHT (aj thought about an exciting cmd rewcrdlng career In red es tote or are vou dreodv ikensed? L eai r wbeft real estate offers you I rxxn what CENTURY 21 McAF-FERF AL TORS Offers you ni"TKjr V00 Cart get storted PLUS Ychk opportunity to meet and tdk with professtonois and monagers on o ft tendiy. Informal basis NO LOST Or obligation Date Wednesday. Nov 7, 1984 4900 S Redwood Rd Pi AFX 7 30 to TIME pm CINTUPf 21 McAFFEE REALTORS has 3 offices COTTONWOOD TAYLORSVILLE AND SANDY WF COVFR TF46 VALLEY Let know ft you are coming DISHWASHERS needed (giassi no needed American SALESPERSON for Fabric and Sewing machine Cindy 572 14 12 for Down Oothlng Down Comforters, Down Pillows Apply at Utah Bedding one Down 29 West 800 So Betwn 9om 4pm wrapping Chr CALL A' CO OF UTAH, INC 544 WEST 1300 SOUTH, SLC Insulating windows and doors For RESTAURANT HOSTES- S- PART TIME DAYS SENOR PEPE S, 216 SO STATE Eauol opportunity employer RESTAURANT Bortender, waitresses ond cook Must hove 2 yrs experience Coll Romln between 2 5pm RETAIL Oil F.irt time i vemnj.s experience - WE OFFER COMMISSION EARNING 35 000 MINIMUM $77?,??? MAXIMUM DAILY CONFIRMED APPTS. PAID TRAINING 25 YEAR OlD COMPANY MONTHLY AUTO ALLOWANCE GROWTH WITHIN YEAR END CONVENTION McDonald's ow hiring day ond night shifts ppiy at 916 West No Temple SAL 6 SALESPERSON opening ot casher service Also TUNITY AVAILABLE TODAT J J 3838 higr quality rrercHandise, benefits most profit able direct sales opr or LISTEN- jes congenial LOO- Kat the finest ALL Hoe uwrtg Prxli qv Hlnnt sol v and W COME SEE US t0om-3p- rTstauran- i.irni kuaiun for (Xt'vtef-- t j tfi s ''hi .i 264 9281 retail stores ANSWERING THOSE DEAD END BLUE SKY, GET RICH QUICK SALES ADS Employer village CHUCK $3 50 hr Department SAlES, Culimj-openings, SALES SALESPERSON over an existing Needed to food service route Noexpeoence necessary we wtii train Far oodi call 972 ly fional information between JGpm Fuii time Musi SALESPERSON hove knowledge of trucking in Ousfry Sokry plus commisSKX Cali John 467 9012 ke time call full MANAGEMENT Netw 5 hours per wee people wor with hetidti food eftsft ibuto Part time $2V4 fuM tme i 10 uuO commission, 484 j8j9 for growfr in T y SAt F Rental uxjusn y base pay plus comm Apply in person 183 West 2100 South, Soft Lake Great money 12 f tj RESTAURANT time dov STORE CLERKS xftrber help wanted Some Heavy EARN CHRISTMAS MONEY' fitting required Coll LOrrv or kefth, 2ft 2888 for epot Full time ond part time positions now open for Cashiers. Floor RESTAURANT Clerks and Stock Clerks. Con ieod inn to regular enjoyment Apply In Now occwptlng tpoficohons for an Assistant V)nogee Rapid grow person Pk N Save. 5650 So 900 fc ost Murray 404 West 54 5 So , Ing CO wftti good bene tits Apply in pe-- son Mon cmd Toes ?pm Kearns, 3320 So 1300 East, SLC 1025 West Norte 5pm, Tenrpie ROOFER, exper ond tColl wood ond osphoft shingles 488 2161, leave nome ond number MANAGER Established toll service restix art Aggressive ond movo-fivSupervise 43 rekx. teon to Nevodo ootd Oy CO To J25 000 RV RFPAiRMAN F uii time position, Snel'lng 6 SneHIng EnHjrwment Experienced In Agency, 52 9?ft3 repolrs, oppllonce Installation, hitch ond wiring work Apply at RESTAURANT Slizler Stock, sea Burt Carsons RV Sales ond SerfCXJ Ond soiod. Is now excepting vice 90n So State St dppl'cotions for counter service and dishroom F uli time and part time positions ovoiktote dov or CENTURY 21 night Appl r between 3 5 pm Aftti South and State 5ft eet M AfFEE REALTORS ider tion sft u ioi br " BOA A Division I An uikjI SALES Kppies p m. Central 4 30 3 ReoJ ITS YOUR for A RAMA . Lti merl Perl time position. Wednesday ond Thursday 3pm-8p- In In small olso nursing forllfty Fill 1050work ok 972 5434 West 700 on equal opoortonfiy m f h )rr , fi i - to MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIST Cc BC- otd Denver Co specializing in Gift and Houseware lines after lines SERVICE accepting applications Kitchen monoger, cooks, waitresses omong positions to be tilled Apply at Park west Resort, Mondoy-- f 9 5, Sat 9 Equal Opportunity RADIOLOGIC a NEW choke of days NURSE ASSISTANTS All shifts, good benefits, schok ships FOOD aEST RESORT Now PYKE Utah and hours Pod, Minimum I year experience hospital, nursing home or home heafth ogency Coll Margciet Hal, NURSE Aide, part time AH shifts SNFICF 730 Eost 3300 So Coll k restaurant Please CTe Pur V BOSS Coll City UT 84145 PROJFCT MANAGFR POLICE OrFiCtR DEPUTY SHFR SAUDI ARABIA ronge $15 600 to $23 271 will be An examination FR0JECI MANAGER odmmistered on Saturday, de cemper 1984 to establish oreg Candidate will be required to coordl note oil aspects of equipment in is ter for enftv level police officer stollotion at tee Riyadh Inti Air sted deputy sher iff Those irn In applying to teke tte examinaport rftlcx project nxjnogement tion snouio apoly with one of the experience required Protect will iart aporox following par tit Ipating agencies year Send resume LOGAN CITV PERSONNEL 61 stating solary requirements to Wert Isf No., Jetwoy Pet sonne Dept P O Box ogon, iftoh uSU 9368 Ogden uT 84409 PERSONNEL VS 115, logun Uteh CACHE COUNT SHf R PROPERTY MANAGf MENT if F S OFFICE, 50 Wesf ?ra Norte Ncrtioroi reol estete firm has o cur Logon Utah ond BRIGHAM CITY rent opening fur on experienced MAYOR S Ol F i( E, 20 North p opei nxnoger in the Si C and Mam Br ghom Utah The test will su'HXindtr jreus individual de consist of o written examination, e ifuNe Lxxk sir ed must rxr.ea ond profile physical psychoicgkoi m commercial office ground ugiiftv Applications must be sub building property management mftted bv November 12 1984 Others ped not Jpplv I PM Of Equal Opportunity Enployer RPA Jested celtent future T A R m eMe OR PRESS Compensate! cwj employment vertkle letter press Experience PKkngi lot nr rerSiX'Jte wftti ex In number ing, etc ne per t n. i qu)ii u ns Send ' m pmesyj'cx N ght left wftti o si 'ft current oetells call Rocky Mtn Bonk Note references and ftistery to 537 1040 ext 232 Code 0 v0 in car e of tois newspaper PO Box 458 38 Soft Lake PRFSSFR I ftv, UT 84U5 Needed fix ck. wirtown y c leaner 2 Bonun.'O Ueores, 355 36 ' business fur audio stsud proouc ticn tampan, 484401 SALTS REPS MARRIOTT HOST SLC INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Marriott Host a teoder In airport terminal food ond beveroge operations currenfty has Openings in our new operations at the SlC international Airport We are seeking shock bar attendants, cafete-- r to line aftendonts with six months cosn handling experience Qualified applicants are requested to call 539 2600, Mondoy through Friday, 2 to 4 for Interview We offer o competetive sokry, comprehensive benefits pockoge Eqoqi Opportunity Employer PARK Help Wonted 100 Help Wonted Glass rary production lobs available Services through December up to 70 hours Sokov Open ask fa per week for day ond night shifts! RECEPTIONIST 'SWITCHBOARD RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT David No experience necessary, coll Betty Light type, 10 key, excellent ad328 8 156 tor more info vancement opportunity Some Established restaurant choin seeking quot filed ond experienced & Snellmg helpful exper Shelling SOS TEMPORARIES management personnel for famEmployment Agency, 521 9263 ily dining house LAB ORTHODONTIC Specializing In INDUSTRIAL DIVISION RECEPTIONIST Must be willing te relocate to pies. with Looking fa person experience front desk ond Poclflc Northwest needed, Experience Prefer exper Equal Opportunity Employer in study models ond applionces. In pie restaurant operation Excellight bookkeeping $600 mo Cali Will train the right perse i Sotcry full benefits ond lent plus salary negotiable Cali 264 8666 Insentlves Send resume PO Box RECEPTIONIST for industrial dis87, Lake Oswego, Oreoon 97034 PRODUCTION tributor, typing , filing, Inside sales PARTS COUNTER HELP RESTAURANT ability Contort Goll at Immediate opening fa experienced REFRIGERATION AIR CONDIpart counter person to work 5 NOW HIRING (PERSONALITY) TIONING REPAIRMAN Grode days a week, 8 30 to 5 30 Excel Looking for bote full ond part for $8 84hr Utah State Prison lent fringe benefits ond room fa EASTON ALUMINUM following posfton. Must have a thorough knowledge advancement Must have dealerWalter 4 of in control work elec, person ship experience Apply years Sporting goods manufacturer needs Bar Only oggressive to Brod Holt, Clines Mazda, 4600 full time TEMPORARY exper as a Journeyman refrl-producond enthoustic individuals need air cond repairman required. So State tion workers tor different types of al the Steak Seafood-Soioonly apply Broodie Jones, Director at Mainopenings, oil shifts avoll Excellent PARTS Puller to remove parts oft of Bar SiZZLER 371 East 400 ext 400 for detenance, No apbenefits, wrecked faeign cas MechaniSo tails Equal Opportunity Employer pointments necessary Apply 7 X cal ability ond tools necessary om-30 pm 5040 West Her old RENTAL REPRESENTS National, 510 West 200 So RESTAURANT Getty Dr (575 No ), located West Market Street Grill is now occepting PARTS Chaser Full time of Sait Loke City Airport, Salt pm Must know city, have certain applications for Breakfast ond Lake Infi Center Lunch Servers. Apply In person, of knowledge parts John Equal Opportunity Employer Tuesday thru Friday, 24 p.m. PRODUCTION ASSEMBLY SUPER 60 Post office Pioce PATIENT ACCOUNT VISOR One year exper (Wood RESTAURANT HERTZ Products). To $2,000 mo Quality REPRESENTATIVE Positions open for dishwashers, bus Employment Agency 487 5831 (BILLING DEPARTMENT) persons and cooks assistant Coll IS HIRING Answers questions related te hospifor interview, 4858510, Romeos Programmer Analyst tal bill and servkes Reviews Italian Restaur ont, 166 Brickyard CAR RENTAL credit bokmces ond oudtts patient Rood, Brickyard Plaza 30 000 Minimum accounts. Answers mollcontects COUNTER REPRESENTATIVE RESTAURANT Date Nationol Processdepartments Insurance corryxn-ie- s Progressive ing Consulting firm opening Soft We have on Immeidate opening Ex- Dees Fomily Restaurant at, 535 physic Ions, etc 2 years genEast 400 So , has openings for AM Lake office Immediate opening perience helpful, but not required. eral office experience or equivaNeat personable, ond able to comHostsHostesses for 5 Programmer Analysis with Experienced lent education and experience with public Excellent municate 4 yrs of EDP ond 2 yr of at preferred, but not necessary. least 5 wpm required plus typing to benefits. Send resume Apply anytime fringe not necessary IMS Relocation Experience with putUk preferred PO Box 1108, Soft Lake City, RESTAURANT Salary negotiable with exp Ability te use adding moUteh, 84110 APPLICATIONS are now being occhlne and CRT terminal preROBERT HALF Equal Opportunity Employer ferred Accepting applications for cepted for dishwashers. Please INC SALT LAKE OF CITY, review UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, apply In person between 4pm 801 ond 6 p m. at Marie Callender's Equal Opportunity EmEMPLOYMENT AGENCY ployer Restaurant, 1313 Foothill RESTAURANT PAYROLL yrs experience RENTAL AGENT Coffee shop, must understand payroll, payroll For targe apt comolex Able te meet MANAGER. Ogden Need exper taxes Ability to work well with tounge, banquets. the public Neat appearance Conbote front ond bock of house Coll others, ability to interview Some bookkeeping skills helptol PROGRAMMER for tact Diane at 972 4817 appt GeneralMgr Full time, able to work weekends, Staff Programmer, System38 shop PICTURE FRAMER ART SALES good benefits Apply in person RESTAURANT looking for person with at ieosf 3839 So West Temple, Suite 2A Dee s Family Restouront at, 55 West PERSON Small guarantee plus yrs RPGHI background. Salary commensurate with experience REPORTE- R500 So Bountiful, has openginos comm Must own car, 364 3900 Contact Lee Horne, for AMPM Dishwashers. Apply Souttern Uteh Daily Newspaper pilot after 2pm PROGRAMMER ANALYST seeks oggressive Reporter wrth CORPORATE PLOT photo skills Inquire at POBOX RESTAURANT Florida, southeast A professional took Ing tor a challenge with any of Soft Lake City based corporation, 1568, Cedar Cfiv, UT 84720 Day ond night cooks ond dishwashthe following, IBM, IMS, Frlme, ers needed. Apply In person at experience required 4000 hr s to tel tirrv, 2000 mufti, 1000 turbine, Unix C, Model 204 Coil coilea RESPIRATORY The Fashion Cessno 441 time preferred Coil 0375 or send resume to Place Mall Jim, devs 972 4817 evenings ond Daftonlcs, 1310 Boyer St. RESTAURANTS Florida 32750 weekends, 876 3115 RESFRATORY THERAPISTS Experienced Cooks ond DishwashPROGRAMMER ers needed. Apply between 730 To work full time rotating nights APPLE PROGRAMMER to 7 om Registered or registry p m and 4pm Mondoy througn PILOTS Must be on expert In Applesoft ba Excellent rotes ond Friday, 300 Trolley Square eligible pay Pitots wonted lor dally flights In sic Must be willing to relocate benefits restaurant CASA Aircraft In tee SLC area Send resume or coll for appoint COOK PART TIME also CASHIER Send resume with current times ment in Sait Lake Cfiv Westware LDS HOSPITAL part time days Apply Hardees te Code 0073 in care of teis news Inc 2455 Southwest 4th Avenue 12600 So Redwood Rd, paper P O Box 45838, Soft Lake HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT Ontario OR 97914 503 881 1477 p am 8 30 restaurant and a RECEPTION general for company near airport good appearance ond some typing, short and long term assignments, good pay, never o fee, call Lynn 364 3535 Cencor Temporary PRODUCTION 100 Apply in person 47( South 900 East 9 am to 4 o m Thursdoy November 8th LOOKOUT We after a conipetitive solar shong beneffts pockoge coll or apply uf environment helpful but not necessary, Reply to Code 0041 In care of this newspaper. P O Box 45838, Soft Lcfce CHy, U i 84145 k Help Wonted 1193 BURGER KING Soft Loke Engineering Office seeks a highly motivated, enthusi- is looking for enthusiastic, astic, experienced with excellent hardworking people for day shift commune lotion skills Potential Cook ond Counter help Apply for advancement Must hove BURGER KING 3259 East 3300 So word processing exper and type crt least 55 wpm plus accurately Previous exper In an engineering 4o0 West 2100 Somti Soft Luke City, Utah NURSE or 97? PERSONNEL RECEPTIONIST-SECRETAR- MATTHEY 100 PROFESSIONALS RECEPTIONIST JOHNSON be accepting educations on Thursday. Nov 8iti tar ail positions F all and part time ONiT Equal opportunity OPERATORS NEEDED Automated Phone Exchonge, Inc o totally computerized 24 hr toll free answering service has over 30 full ond part time permanent and temporary openings on all shifts $3 35 to S3 55 per hr to start All trolnlng provided Former employees are o o encourooed to crt 575 apply Mon Friday, East 4500 South or coll fa an appt CEDAR CREST Convalescent Center Is seeking RN LPN and Nurse Aides Excellent salary ond be eftts Pteose apply In per son or 722 24S6, 87 West con for appt Coil 7X require years oencoi experience PRODUCTION Resumes may be nurse-lp- P0R7r0N2 RECEPT Can Will to ex lorjiirig jpportunrty and would entoy 0 career marketing quolfty new homes at terms well oeiuw current merxet rules then coil Lorry Fisher for a confidential Interview it NURSING ASPEN CARE CtNTf R is now inter vie wing to ini the position Of director Of nursing If you love strong leouer ship anl car ing atiill ties, and are irrferested m oemg involved in expanding the ser Sal' Lob Oty Utah vices of on extended cur e facility pteose contact us B S N required Excellent opportunity fa oggr essive experience in Medkure Medi Production Manager of electron cciid regulations preferred Coil ks compony with national sales 328 951 J or con lb 2)25 Modlsnn distribution Must have proven Ave. Ogden, for on atpitcation frock recad wtiti 5 yeas expen Inter and view appointment ence in manufacturing manoge ment Advanced degree or MBA NURSING Nurse AideHomemoker, full or part nme to wor K for Home desk able Send resume with votaHealth Agency must hove ry history to Code 01 13 in cue of yr this newspaper, P o Box 45838, experience Hospital Aide or Soft Lake Lfty, UT 84145 equivalent Solar y plus benefits Cur and valid drivers license nec essary Dovs or evening work Call Margaret Hart, 486 2186 Submitted for Interviews to P O Box 268 Bountiful Uf 84010 PRN Arf 'GnSUJANT ceil For y78 28JV 3D0 1100 or 11D0 700 The Plantation Convalescent ( ft 266 835 Vine St, Murray Equal Opportunity Employe' NURSf Spectality hospital has opening fry Director of Nursing Position ue qukements are lr with odminsftu five capabilities ond personnel e Logoon NURSE AIDES Rb. i you oe RECEPTIONIST port Orderly time wkdoy ni must work weekends t uli time St , Roosevelt, ft SECRETARY 3 "00 perlence RESTAURANT AND 191V 534 OYSTER CAFE Expenerced I cuor offset press Must u able ii yr xluce pe ess wrjrt quality 4 coijr it Help Wonted Do you want to be your own boss setting you r own goals keeping your own schedules, earning an Income Unified only by your efforts? You can do lust that! And with no investir.en You can represent ou 50 yecr oto company Semng high performance to commercial, nous trial ond agricultural buyers. For more information and to arrange tor o personal interview, coli SEAFOOD FRESH East a certification, plastic surgery experience required, part time flexible hours, resumes only with salary requirements NO PHONE CALLS. Dr Dingmon, 1060 East SHttNfRS SJy 6U47 Pre ssrrjr gxJ wages and wanted Experience required Full Time Tues Saturday Opportunity Employer So OCEANS PRINTING NURSE S A'DE bountiful area Call Park View Nursing Home ?V8 2234 tor NURSES AIDES needr-bait Lake DD Center Apply m pci son buslriess during fiours, 2 52 So OPTICIAN Utah 100 bene'm In k 1045 East 1st South PRIVATE Area onoger Project Munuger Soies Associates orr m spfts to pyt r ontests n ips eta ius Realty Lifestyle inter viewing Operator (utter is NURSES AIDE Certified nurse otdes or indiyiduois piont located m Boise valley in wfir recent equiaientepedence louto Wage nrguhbie plus excel or e 'reeded rt bountiful Convenes ient fringe beriefts Vnd resurre tu ( uxtori Printers cent Center ft you are currerrtiy 0 inquire United PO Box 0C Caldwell employed m ttiis field and hove idu U6u6 6 4$v 42I excelled refer ernes ytxj ntuv quo tty for a S5 experience bo- PRINTING nus Iberal benefit park age win Needrd person graphic arts a'so be part ol your rewud Call sorre exp on Mrs HTihoft, 298 22V tor inter Coli Mr Horn at 359 computers view appt I4o0 fur furttier mtor motion NURSES AIDES PRINTING Camera, layout stripMature experienced jnd yersatlle for commercial printing firm ping 455 South 9th Lost Exreiient opportunity for skilled Equal Opportunity Ernpoer Call John 972 3 100 professionul Dept Human Resources Equal bournt ftef A re Operator Kluge jpefrtur k MEDICAL TECH Our UT Printing YDl'P BE SI 000 MONTH PRODUCTION Employer Pays Fee Professional appeorance Poise, for reliable person able to personality Word processing NURSING LP positions Part time, Opening Shorthand 70 or more Enthusiasdo heavy lifting Must be 18 or old Long term care focliity Apply tic phone voice Variety of duties er Will train Storting salary J5 50 Personnel Office, Doxey Hatch Good speller Career oriented Good benefits hour per Medical Center, 255 East 3900 So WonderTul office group Fantastic benefits NURSING RN release, every other Applications occepted 8 30 a m to 3 Company needs now Coll Mov Klein 487 8127, Ail weekend and PRN, excel com p m interviews bv appt only Employment Agency pensation HighlondCare 278 2839 REGISTERED Salt Lake City, jyressie trr 100 SAitS DA.ED t, lor vire PklNINO Pr A.fTArE eponsror creates oppatum NURSING RN positions avoll immedlotiey Rotating shifts Apply Personnel Office, Doxey Hatch Medical Center, 1255 East 3900 South HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT 8TH AVENUE & C ST. 32M861 an equal opportunity empiover-mf- or apply R , Help Wanted 100 Help Wonted 100 RESTAURANT Mum MANAGER BiOODGAS TECH To work in our Pulmonary Lab, part MTASCP) Coll VO CW,, Mb' NURSE time, HOSPITAL technologist k H1 500 VIEW ALTA Kelp Wonted 00 ) booound jrJ ANALYST Port time position noyn-ryi- PPiNFIPb Pressman for uuuiffy must fcive cuu wuk uUhtef e per Ckxxj sukir y and benefits Jli Bonnie 46 4W Epeftenced Mt CHANlCS Construction Equipment eper need only apply Htlp Wonied 100 Help Wanted 100 w tk j t Top Pay Plan Complete Training Insurance Program Paid Vacation Factory Incentives Management Opportunity Security Fastest Growing Chevy Dealer in Utah Come to Little America, Monday, November 5 from 9 p.m. or Tuesday, November 6 from 9 a.m. to 12 Noon without obligation and inquire regarding this very interesting auto sales position. Anyone may apply. No experience necessary. See girl at reception desk for information on the rooms being used for interviewing. 6-- an equal opportunity employer ry TMitni itrior' iyw |