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Show 4A The Salt Lake Tribune Monday, November 5, 14 New Book Gandhi Forms New Cabinet As Terrified Sikhs Hide in Refugee Camps By Paul Anderson United Press International NEW DELHI, India Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi named a new Cabinet Sunday and fired the lieutenant governor of Delhi for failing to suppress four days of murder, arson and looting against Sikhs by Hindu mobs avenging the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Thousands of terrified Sikhs cowered in makeshift refugee camps and prayed for deliverance from mob violence that left their homes and businesses in flames and more than 1,100 people dead across northern India. We were the middle class yestersaid Darshin Singh, one of day, 15,000 Sikhs who took refuge at a Delhi secondary school. Today we aie beggars. This is what they have done to us. We have nothing. We are destroyed. - Mother Teresas Appeal Mother Teresa, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, read a prayer asking for harmony Sunday before 2,000 people set out on a peace march through areas of the capital torn by communal violence. Officials said the level of violence across the nation of 720 million people had fallen off sharply since Gandhi was cremated Saturday in a ritual Hindu ceremony on the banks of the holy Yamuna River. An official announcement said her ashes would be scattered over the Himalayas in northern India Nov. 11 after being taken across India in special trains to give mourners a chance to bid farewell to the woman who led the worlds most populous democracy for 15 of the past 18 years. Gandhi, 66, a Hindu, was assassinated Wednesday by two of her trusted Sikh bodyguards in apparent retaliation for an army assault June 6 on the Sikhs holiest shrine, the Golden Temple of Amritsar, that left at least 600 dead. Heavily Guarded One of the assailants was killed by other security agents while the other was severely wounded and is hospitalized under heavy guard. The assassination triggered an explosion of violence by enraged Hindus, who looted shops, set fire to buildings and hunted and killed Sikhs in their homes, in the streets and on trains. More than 500 of the deaths occurred in the capital. Nine more bodies were found Sunday in a local shuttle train at the Maripat Station near Ghaziabad on the eastern outskirts of New Delhi, the Press Trust of India reported. Scores of bodies of Sikhs were found on Delhi-boun- d trains Friday at the height of the rioting. Reports of rioting and death from areas outside New Delhi continued to reach the capital, but the violence appeared to be declining across the country and officials say they hoped the worst of the sectarian violence was over. Didnt Control Rioting Gandhis son and successor as prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, 40, fired Delhi Lt. Gov. P.G. Gavai for failure to control the rioting and reHome placed him with Minister M.M.K. Wali. The security forces have been strengthened and there is intensive patroling in the affected areas, Wali told reporters. My first task is to restore confidence in the people. The capital police and army troops, who have been under intense criticism for failing to act on tough-minde- d shoot-on-sig- orders against rioters, opened fire 102 times during the riots, killing 17 people and wounding 14, Wali said. More than 80 cities around the nation remained under indefinite curfew, but some municipalities lifted the travel ban Sunday for short periods to allow residents to stock up on provisions. Will ftogerti get all heated up over it, and and dissension to this northern Indiana town, but the town board knew what to do vote to forget about it alL The board was at odds this summer with city employees. the town supervisor was fired in August then reinstated two months later, and state auditors found minor discrepancies in Markles books. To top it all off, the towns only er bank branch was robbed this mer. sum- Finally, on Oct. 17, new board member Mick Randol decided that the best thing to do about Markle's recent problems was forget about them. 190-pa- 2, 1924. f And what will be passe in '85? Granola bars, Penthouse and Playd car boy magazines, roofs, USA Today, Cabbage Patch dolls, suntans, romance novels, low- - Selected and edited bv Bryan Sterling. All rights reserved tor the Will Rogers Memorial. We Support vinyl-covere- alcohol beers, beef and happy hours, the authors predict. The book predicts that President Reagan is unlikely to survive a second term. But it says his administrations legacy will include constitu- tional amendments outlawing abortion and allowing prayer in public schools; a concerted attack on the news media led by former Interior Secretary James Watt; and reorganization of the Cabinet, with John Tower the new secretary of defense, James Baker heading up the Treasury Department and Drew Lewis as Reagans chief of staff. In fashion, the '50s look will be popular among men lapels and shoulders on jackets will be a little wider and ties will be narrower. Slicked-bac- k shirts and hair, tropical-prin- t white socks will return in a big way, the authors say. "It's the rock n roll influence, said Long. There even is a mellowing of the music. Boy George has taken off his makeup, and Wendy O. Williams, formerly of the punk-rocPlasmatics is out. For women, sashes, wide belts, cinched waists and bared midriffs will be the 1985 style. Besides foretelling trends, the Forecaster can be specific, too. Its predictions for the 1985 Academy Awards: best picture, Places in the Heart; best actor, Harry Dean Stanton for Paris, Texas; best actress, Sally Field for "Places in the Heart. Its sports predictions are equally nervy: the San Francisco 49ers will beat the Los Angeles Raiders in footballs 1985 Super Fwl, Georgetown University will win the NCAA basketball title, Edmonton will claim professional hockeys Stanley Cup, and the Boston Celtics will repeat as National Basketball Association champion Long and Reim say then predictions are a mix of intuition and hard fact. Take bowling, for instance. The sport is beginning largely to enjoy a resurgence. Figures the authors have obtained show that bowling alleys are being built and outfitted with equipment. The industry is trying to appeal to a younger market by advertising midnight bowling to rock music on FM radio stations. blue-coll- ar k The authors use this research approach for other subjects as well. But in some areas, such as politics, they, take their predictions a step beyond what the evidence shows. "Sometimes you have to be absurdists to expose absurd thinking in the real world, Long said. HELLENIC SHIPPING LINE . . . ORIENTAL RUG SALE 60 DISTRICT TO 80 OFF QUALITY HANDMADE PERSIAN & ORIENTAL RUGS Due to the of the above shipping line & the subsequent late delivery of: BILL OF LADING 108 BOMBAYNEW YORK VIA HELLENIC PEARL V42, we have been instructed to SELL the entire contents plus other fine handmade Persian & Oriental rugs. JUDGE Over 500 Handmade rugs. Sizes range from 2x3 to 12x18. BALDWIN ONE DAY SALE: WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7TH FROM 10 A.M.-- 9 P.M. MANSION HOUSE INN, 999 SO. MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY FOR 3RD DISTRICT JUDGE Examples Bokara Tribal Baloutch Fine Dhurrie This ad paid lor by the District Judge Baldwin Committee, D. Frank Wilkins, Chrmn. Embassy Auct., Inc. Sale Price 10x14 132x95 6x9 5x3 4x6 The above rugs are items subject to prior sale. TERMS: Cash, Check, MasterCard, Visa, American Express Re-ele- ct No Medical Care Many were injured but received no medical care, leaders of the makeshift camp said. They said there were no toilets and no food had been provided, forcing refugees to establish a Size Persian Isphahan Persian Tabriz DAN BERMAN KENT SHED SHEARER A $5,900 3,000 775 85 60 Examples 90L Fine Chinese Heavy Sculptured Chinese Sculptured Chinese 90L Fine Chinese Chinese Size Sale Price 9x12 9x12 6x4 $1,275 825 135 115 85 46x23 3x5 certificate of Authenticity with every rug. Info: u 088 B9p communal kitchen to survive. There are 15,00 people here and 90 percent have lost everything, DarSikh refushin Singh, a middle-age- d gee said. We have people here who should be in the hospital, Singh said, pointing to a row of bloodied bodies sprawled along the wall of a muddy courtyard. "But the hospitals wont take them. They say theyre afraid the mobs will attack them if they take Sikh casualties. 00 D on 0 fl 9 The last MARKLE, Ind. (AP) few months have brought banditry - politicians At Full Strength Gandhi also named nine new ministers to his Cabinet Sunday, bringing his government up to full strength to deal with the task of reconstruction and reconciliation. All but one of the ministers had served in his mothers Cabinet. Like his mother, Gandhi retained the foreign affairs portfolio for himself. Less than 1 mile from the site of Gandhis cremation, in the Trilokpuri district of the capital, an estimated 15,000 Sikhs took refuge from the howling mobs in the Gandhi Memorial Senior Secondary School. brick school and its The three-stor- y fenced athletic grounds, guarded by army troops in full battle gear, were mobbed with Sikh families, driven from their homes with only the clothes on their backs. Town Board Votes to Forget Bank Robbery , Dissension By Joe Wheelan Associated Press Writer BOULDER, Colo. Cabbage Patch dolls and sun tans will fall into disfavor in 1985 and the will flock to bowling alleys and wear white socks and wider lapels, two trend watchers predict in a new book. Also watch for the advent of the plastic razor blade and for the Chicago Cubs to win the World Series, counsels The American Forecaster 1985, which goes on sale later this month. book contains secThe tions on politics, economy, consumers, jobs and education, science and computers, leisure and entertainment, fashion, vacations and travel, health and sports. The 1984 edition sold about 20,000 copies. Authors Kim Long, 35, of Denver, and Terry Reim, 40, of Boulder, also include a list of whats in and whats passe. Whats in includes minivans, scotch, wine coolers, pornographic movies, gourmet mustard, the game of squash, ponytails, gourmet pizza and colorful mens underwear. spout off to you that if such and such is elected, that will mean sure destruction to the whole country. The Republicans are not going to start poisoning all the Democrats. The Democrats wouldnt send just the Republicans into the front line trenches in case of war. They are good Americans both of them and have the interest of this country at heart as much as any man in it. I don't think we will be ruined next Tuesday, no matter who is elected, so the politicians will have to wait four more years to tell us who will ruin us then. Nov. 1985 Give Up Tanning To Go Boivling Instead? American Forecaster Says You Will Elections will be here in a few days and a lot of people lose a lot of sleep and Tries to Erase History three-memb- ... Says ForttW .. H f) II t Q 0 " 0 r tf "Anything pertaining to past Town Board members, employees and citizens is to be forgotten, Randol offered in a motion. That included the bank robbery. Board President Dennis Kreisher seconded the motion, but member David Conner voted against it. The Town Boards silly to take a position like that, Conner said. I dont think we have the power to even do that " But, countered Randol, We got a good round of applause from the crowd when it passed." He added: I felt that through my resolution we'd forget the past and get on with the future. No matter why it was made, it did get a lot of things resolved. LAST 2 DAYS s DYE YOUR VINYL TOP you can now renew CHANOE THE COLOR or OF YOUR VINYL TOP YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAINT YOUR CAR TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER MATCH THE COLOR OF YOUR TOP TO YOUR INTERIOR EARL SCHEIB S PROFESSIONAL SPRAY PROCESS MAKES IT LOOK NEW AGAIN ONE DAY SERVICE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT DflUIDVMlMSOW ATTORNEY GENERAL WE USE DuPONT PIGMENTS & GE SILICONES TIN GUARANTEE AGAINST FiDINQ CAR FADES, ILl, PAINT iclukswhEEis AMERICAS i ooor BtCCESTPAINTINQ TFENOER REPAIRS! FREE 1489 S. BARGJUttl ESTIMATESH STATE STREET 487-323- 1 4949 262-298- 4 275 374-191- 7 V S. STATE STREET S. UNIVERSITY AVE., PROVO d There are 55 lawyers in the State Attorney Generals office making it the fourth largest law office in Utah. Utahs Attorney General must have the experience to manage that office in a professional, efficient manner. David Wilkinson has that experience. Retain David Wilkinson. He will represent all of the citizens of Utah. i 4 J The folloiving past presidents of the Utah State Bar urge you to vote David Wilkin-so- n Attorney General on Tuesday. i |