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Show The Salt Lake Tribune Monday, Nimoiilwr i lYI Lyman Claims He Has Support of Salt Lake County Workers By Jack Fenton Tribune Staff Writer Democrat Jack Lyman said he would be a more effective commissioner for Salt Lake County than Republican incumbent Mike Stewart because he has support of the 3,100 county workers Its critical to have a committment from those making up the organization," he told a few spectators at the University of Utahs Hinckley Institute of Politics. r Shimizu's bid for a second ooo has endorsements and $5 term, from CAPE The UPEA political action committee is run by Democrats, Mr he said Stewart noted Besides, UPEA represents roughly of the county workers Brian Harris, the association's deputy director, later took issue with the commissioners contentions CAPE is an independent board," Mr Harris countered "It s definitely nonpartisan We backed more Republicans than Democrats this year. What s more, the associations Salt Lake County chapter has more than a figure that com1,300 members putes to roughly 42 percent of the county workers Mr. Stewarts camapign receives $3,000 from CAPE in 1980. And the commissioner admitted he missed the contribution this year Loss of the CAPE contribution loomed larger when the Republican party said it could afford only $200 for the commissioners 1984 cam- . Stewart, seeking his term, has frequentemployees are the asset He questions how much support they are giving the challenger Mr. Lymans first campaign "Thats a big chunk of cash, Mr. Stewart lamented. The commissioner feels he has had a good relationship with the workers and their association. He contends county workers have a benefit package computed to be worth 39 percent of their salaries. one-thir- The strength of any organization revolves around the people who make it up . people on the front line, Mr. Lyman declared Commissioner second four-yea- r ly stressed that countys biggest Challenges Commissioner Seat two-yea- disclo- sure showed $11,000 from Citizen Action by Public Employees, political action arm of the Utah Public Employees Association Chris Beck, a Democrat challenging incumbent Republican M Tom The Republicans implemented new pay for performance and a her forced them a system they say is for workers. And there are bonuses for outstanding productivity. But the employees associatioon is fauer of Whoever wins those $50,000-a-yea- r jobs Tuesday will find the employee association again asking for a supplemental retirement plan, more money for merit raises, bonuses id a 6 percent adjustment when budget workshops open Nov. 13. now. GET RESULTS CLASSIFIED cost-of-livi- The flap apparently came in May when commissioners used half of a percent State Pension Fund rebate ($750,000) to balance this years budget and returned the rest to work ers as a bonus. 3 35 WANT ads 237-200- 0 GET YOUR FIREPLACE READY FOR WINTER! That $1 5 million should have been invested in a supplemental retirement system for employees, UPEA members declared. Republican commissioners, however, said tax limitation imposed by Utah lawmakers several months ear- - strapped Democratic Party gave the challenger $7,000 earmark part "I hope theyll recognize county employees are their employees recognize employees should be able to organize and support whoever they want e angered at Stewart. paign At the same time, a financially to the rebate for services Mr. Harris said thats not the end of UPEAs complaint. The employee group vocally opposed commission decisions contracting out tourist and convention promotion and janitorial services Our employees were laid off, he said Also speaking at the Hinckley Institute, Mr. Stewart said most of the county emjanitors were long-timployees whose salaries had been pushed far beyond the market value of those jobs by government raises On the promotion activities, con sultants said business could do a much better selling job than government Will disagreements hurt employee relations with the governing body if Those Republicans are politicians are big boys, Mr Harris said They know whats going on when they put their names on the dotted line. When the battles over, they probably wont be as excited about UPEA endorsements as they are MODERNE FI.AME SCHAEFER GAS LOGS CHIMNEY BRUSHES r v?nri7 See the Complete Line Final Days! Sale Ends Tues. 7 PM! Double Mark Downs! SAVE GAS! 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