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Show amid Cheetah COUrt fff Really terrific savings on mens court shoes! Just name your sport racquetball, basketball, tennis then pick out the pair thats right. Only three styles are shown from our great selection. A. Adidas Century, in 6Vi-reg. 30.00, 22.50 B. Nike Meadow Supreme, leathermesh, in mens sizes 6 Vi to 1 1 , 1 2. reg. 35.00, sale 26.25 C. Our own Cheetahs Sandy, high top style, leathermesh, 6V2-- 1 1, 12, reg. 25.00, sale 18.75 Other styles, reg. 25.00 to 40.00 9, 18.75,o 29.99 sale! all Candies, Lady Verde shoes in leather Choose flats or pumps for casual hours or career building either way, you save! Women's 52-9- , 10. Candie's moccasins, top, with classic details, reg. 32.00, 21.33 Lady Verde pumps, below, with an easy woven look, reg. 35.00, 23.33 Reg. 25.00 to 39.00, 16.66 to 25.99 13 off Mi'rvyn s November 5. 1984 Page ?5 look! 7.01 off the latest in leather casual flats Leather shoes just 12.99? Yes two trendy styles! Perforated ballerina with ankle wrap, shown; also a jazz 10. oxford. Great colors in Reg. 20.00 5-- 9, 12.99 selected Girls leather casuals, save 10.01 on mens fine leather boat shoes your taste runs to classic style and supple leather, now's a great time to get a pair or two! Comfort for casual hours with flexible, soles. Men's sizes 12. 30.00 Reg. If long-weari- 1, 19.99 MERWN'S |