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Show 100 100 Help Wanted Help Wanted 0O- '00 Help Wanted - Htip Wunted Oun 101 t-- 180 1 School &T Busmen Opportunities 190 fanning Out of State X' f 'x jr" or J'd ft Je jfnoiU ri o p r if f - , to j rece .' Jt i Rf L,e j WrfWf) s ,'tjtji Vita jviutio jnipon, opef Jt fig '(T'ny a Oe s .ee ng ji nai.iauui x jui sort Tf s 1jV Jirs t'jf 'equiies a txoies iionai freephone ptr'so'our, rtr O jjiid background in geoe-fQjt tie unxejofes fapenence ir tied x rotary wing a,iartoo x neo. i comfr ucfion mdusfr , neip t ji out not 'eouif 6d Soies or rrur keting ooogi ouna o definite plus So Dosed on experience ana abilities Please send resume with soai i histo t c id requifenents mh1 J'Htf o CoOe 0 '3fc ir tso 45 mis vjrt of .jre 4S83F ojpef PO fty Ll 64 nes GFNtW&L gal VEOiCAl 1 strktTMpitS sFrpeTARies SruTAifcS O.er V jrders keenly ttons inciuOing m Onton oil toco SOvftr Aest onq Vagna Short ior g term POSSlBl i PfRVNfNT POSH AvAil ABl b Type 70 rtt Shof ttiqfKJ jrxJ die equip epetience t,eiptji No tees e oo keenly for per jXkji interview con ?&3 VjS TF VPtiRAP Ser - e fat i cm gest tunwji'ji ? r'jt BJ.i At CAN PI lOfyS JS Afprri tatu rsfPj'15 J PFTAP nr I om riter C'Oi pinting to FcenerTt some stor telephone typing CX Counting gefierui oftice SMilts irxJustr ience heipfuj Vust be epe lencea jonr 92 JuO r Coil Qi jggresS'ye firm seorchirvg tor an ecuti.e Secietary with BV Pf eiperience and eii.ep tvjoai telephone ehquetto Vust enioy wonung wrth r umoers orl details Aprjve ayeiage pov ard benefits for cons deration send resume to Financial Develop rnent Ass'Xiates 520C Highland Dr Suite 206 SlC, UT 84117 SECRETARY EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Agressue firm seexing highly sxilied executive secietary to pr esident Vust type 70 worn accurately be proficient wrth tronsenpt equipment Familiar wrth basic accounting procedures, ana extremely knowledgobie in bas.c office operation Vust be in appearance ond professional behavior Only those inter ested m a challenging position in a dynom ic environment need apply Send resume to B J Fuchs, PO Box 2249, SLC, UT 84110 SECRETARIAL CPA Office $1100 mo Excellent benefits, presti gious co T ype 65 70 accurately Experienced on personal com pater Need excellent spelling and grammar, otcurocy wrth numbers ond ability to think through problems Professional grooming required J, FIELDING NELSON & ASSOCIATES Temple Eost 532 1616 FEE Employment Agency SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST immediate opening for 0 quolrfied individual working far a south west based nationol reol estate firm Reol estate or related experience desired Must be efficient on the telephone and a polished typist (over 70 wpm) Other office skills helpful Submit resume salary requirements ond photograph to Code 0188 In care of this newspaper, P O Box 45838, Soft Lake City, UT 84145 So 420 485 or 3r professiCM 8 487 Good phone pm 89J3 voice SECRt TAR y RECEPTIONIST Brunch office requires experienced person tor Front desk, type 40 minor plus phones, invoicing, $800 plus 355 540? bookkeeping SEfRETARr Full time, all duties Public relations Upoeot person personalty Good spelling and person office Benefits m typing eluded uaoe f . enifrgs 7 PREPARER 48or 9oB 9b4e 4537 or 4oo 9 To Stotisticoi typing experience necessary Detail oriented, word processing helpfui Efficient worker Good benefits J. FIELDING 420 Eost & So ASSOCIATES Temple NO 532 1616 Agency 972 24 TECHNICIAN 5413 ew can Vr m 4pm and competitive Ing conditions, benefits Respond with resume, Touche Ross & Co, 107 South Vo m. Suite 300, SLC, Utah, 84111 SECRET secretary needed at Soft Lake s finest outomoblie dealership Enthusiastic hard working person that loves working wrth public Has good secretarial skills ond oood selling skills Needs to be oggressive ond able to work some eves and Saturdays Starts at $15,000 Cali Vr White at 484 6181 HAYES BROS BUICK JEEP Call positions for sewing operators No experience needed Excellent health plus other benefits con be yours. Please call or apply ah Pykettes Sah lake Utah City Employer SEWING CATALINA SEWING POSITIONS OPEN For bo'H eper'enced operator 3rd "a ree full co beneHs Apply between 9 3 Monday thru Thros 4380 So 460 West Century Dr ve An equal eppor SECRETARY Part time Secretary, Immediate opening, will work wrth occounts poyoble, payroll, ond other office duties Hours are 9 2 Monday thru Fri Well qualified individuals tunty enployei SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Industrial experience preferred with pocks, bogs or parkas Phone COM SECRETARY Vedicol Secretary, full time, speed writing or shorthand skills, dictaphone, must be able to use word processor Starting $5 50 hr Sod resume salory to Per son nei Vanoger in care of 370 East South Temple Suite 400 Salt Lake City, 84111 If SECRETARY you type over 60wpm, run 0 10 key, ore quid efficient ond good with customers, ond have o good work htstar y We need you immediately Call 266 2545, Von thru Wed 8 lam only for on ocpt Interviews will be Thur and rl SHINGLER experienced. Coll 972 3411 Steep roof SHIPPING PARTS PERSON, capable of learning descriptions and numbers ond filling orders Vust be able to lift 70 lbs UPS experience helpful Call Ned, 972 3165 for appointment SKI LIFT OPERATORS-Nohiring full ond part time lift operators Free employee seoson pass Apply at Park West In the business office, Nov SPRINKLER FITTERS ond laborers needed Apply, 8630 So Redwood Rd SALES TECHNICAL INDUSTRIAL W. RE hOuSERS Needed for duiy ween1 and tong term assign merits must hp.e oeon appear once, telephone oxJ fronsporta Lake City Provo Territory We are looking for someone who has the following qualifications- 2. 3. 4. Sales iold Eost 800 Develop Skills Willing to Work Hard for Career Opportunity A WareshOuSE and DELIVERY Must hovecnoufteurs license Setup ond oenvery of office furniture Start at $4 hr pold Insurance No pnone cons Apply 638 bo State WELDER Solid B3SSIEHT0a J -- inVim itn in'toi 9 tolpm ()u,i! Oppoffumfy f BONUS Vr Everts NTl VES 9am 8pm INCE TELEPHONE SALES Attention Communicators Soft Lake Area Chomber of Commerce is hiring 2 telephone experts Soies or business experience a must Vust be ovoliabie Immediately Coll Vr Hansen 328 4640 X' AT y.ne T IF S to jrvo inter. iew mC lFRF R o s buoi a 2 jd or i snicwet begr housexceu-ri- to 7 t'. I maeu-qt- ' ?0 i' ter es7ea VCLOognlir nas set Nt e Non gnt x Du n Jva'i in vtur hot vou con Quoi'M ings in 6 rrxrtt s7 e.es VOrHfRSnE Rt RS Wonted to be rr Sar c mento Co pytotom Fee tween 1 os Angeies ond Son uS church Higr Diego Near Sena school grad 'efeerxes P' oto ono resume to NPi 800 So E Com.nc Reoi suite 205 Son Cie me toe 9?6y (jmenhor jonn VjmFRS HELPER hc jnter Jtoih ry c e x f 2s8 6 u. Cor y'x eon, sjttjr FinarYadovji Ai.pro,e-- jn with 3 yOungbu.s Df 1. e s license required Sokx , negotiable Tro. f f IREC0 wees 28 52 t inurx ( A C r jr eer ess T ho' No EVPlOVFNT DEMA. ASS ST,G Look mg for challenging career7 today and check us ouh 52 2e j0 SAndiCh UB Schools, CHANGING Utah s complete COMPUTER SCHOOL offers JOB PLACEMEN! ond TRAINING In the foi lowing computer fields COMPUTER REPAIR MAINT $30 000 $50 000 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING $18 000 $35,000 COMPUTER technician $18,000 $25,000 COMPUTER INSTRUCTOR $'8,000 $25,000 WORD AND DATA PROCESSORS $15 000 $20,000 Acceieiated Courses Finish In 4 MONTHS CERTIFIED CAREERS 4 Locations SLC 28 Fast 2100 So Downtown Location Hourly Guarantee and Bonuses IMMEDIATE GFEHiGS 7 208 MIDVALE 47 East 7200 So 208 OGDEN 2661 Washington Blvd 206 OREM Unlv P'Oo 1160 So State 3403 10 HE 70UR5EL1 Bv P'G OTHERS r or o statist-- rg car eer helping nth eis col the Ekymon School ond Inauire about Medical Assisting or Medical Secretary In ust 15 30 weeks te lob ready wrth a new skin that win lost a life time Coll for more Information 521 7830 Finoncioi Aid Available F or f llglbie Students vaa mu repair body Established tum. ,ikvfK 9th year In business Qualify far (X)T In 4 weeks P'oementassIstaiKe Investlgtrto b'ore you enroll t 486 4J77 10 483 VENDING MACHINES Top profit small invest 943 VENDING MACHINE 264 $600 Ctotce 48e 4e 3065 WITH AD newspaper makes every attempt to inform advertisers of the civil rights regulations that apply In rental advertising (801) wolk-i- INDOOR BEDROOMS 4800 POOL AND JACUZZI DR YER HOOK ' cot e MONTH Peeci SEE PARK FREE OUR MODE. WEEKDAYS, 9 6 SATURDAY, 10 EVENING APPTS AVAILABLE ADUl WANT to build wood coblnets or something for Christmas7 will fu. rush shop ond help you Or will lease Shop 484 8 If no onswer con eves PI7ZA l AUNDROMAT BUSlNFSS side by side Good gross nice lease So Calif near Disneyland Sell or trade for Utah Reol Estate 714 Or 714 T established ianrtorial bus All occounts & equip Owner retire 1794 East 4925 South 277-266- 6 jraraun. I' BVl6l'j COLOR TV Rent On of our BRANO NEW deluxe apartment now and tor a limttod time OTd well gtve you a new 13' portable color TV SHADOWBROOK FEATURES: . STUDIOS 2 BEDROOMS OVEN . OAK CABINETS . MICROWAVE . RREPLACE . 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS LARGE FOOL JACUZZI SAUNA LIGHTED TENNIS LONG ing Good opportunity for energet-person or couple or to expand or TO CHOOSE FROM Beer bars, private clubs, combination Of some Terms BH WILLIAM F BRIGGS 0100 i ASSOCIATES. AUTOMOTIVE PAIR Cleon shop INC 538 UP ond RF Well known. In business fix 21 years Profitable $40 000 138 WllllAME BRIGGS & ASSOCIATES INC 538 0100 TUNE NOV . TOWNHOUSE TOWNHOUSE VILLA SUSIE Q APARTMENTS 2 3 BE DROOMS Fully carpeted, 3 levels covered pkg children welOtr cond come From $285 3570 So 300 EAST 2250 So SuC EAST 644 So 800 EAST 26? 5187, 484 5947 262 9933 10 BRC..SMAG carte1 A house tennis court 2 Beautiful txfrm clean nkups 3 Storage, carport 4 Large closets 5 mge Living rm with frp! dm ing area, refrig range NO PETS SEE 8 00am 8 00pm 17 466 1416 2186 SO 800 EAST Office 486 7461 345 East 3300 So . COURTS BRAND NEW CONDO APTS. CONVENIENT LOCATION MIlDOHRKOOk 3060 S. REDWOOD RD. OPEN 9 AM-- 6 PM HOLLADAY LARGE 2 BDRM FROM $375 100 sq ft Washer (fryer hookups, Covered parking on bus line 277 8557 LINDEN COLONIAL 4800 SOUTH 13th EAST TWO WEEKS FREE RENT WITH Ah Y NOVEMBER MOVE-I- N" MANORS THE BEAUTiFUl AND SPACIOUS POOL & TENNIS COURTS Cable or Chonnei One Available B8Q ond Picnic Areas Sauno ond Exercise Room 7400 So Just East of (400 Catalpa) MILLCREEK VILLA FRANCHE SO 5TH EAST SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS & TOWNHOUSES Lovely pool ond grounds Lourxfry Hook ups ond facilities Cable or Channel One Available 850 EAST 3349 SOUTH 1300 EAST ASK FOR JOAN, 466 7600 ADULTS ONLY COZY QUIET SECUR'TY GATES AND DOORS Garden Apts from $285 to $305 Deluxe Atrium Apts on hill $365-o- p ond 2 bdrm opts Excell Eostside loc Laundry rms. eoch floor, 3 pools cov lighted parking, deluxe appliances Dos log topic Buirt in - 571-559- 4 OWN AND SAVE' With all the Income tax odvontoges ot owning you could buy this 2 year ok) 3 bdrm 2 bath mobile home ond write off more than your smoll down payment the 1st year Coll before you rent franc y Drew Realty, 264 8648 r NEED AN OVERLOOK POINT Starting $335 mo Luxury Features: , 2 & 3 bedrooms Microwave in every unit Indoor pool Washer dryer hookups Fireplaces available Carports Easy access to I 215 4700 S. 2930 W. VILLAGE ADULT COMMUNITY Relocating7 Moving up? Come see our spocious 2 bedroom opts ih baths, deluxe krtchen Conve nlent shopping at The Fomlly Center, kjurxfr v focll ond pool Sorry, no pets $365 mo 74 56 SOUTH 10THEAST BROCKStDE APARTMEIS floor plons to choose from' 2 bdrm lb bath, excellent HolkxJay location, hook ups, bakony, covered parking See at 4815 So Kipgs 18 Coll Row Dr (1665 East) Sondy 278 5823 APARTMENT? & Cedar paneling UNION VILLAGE Close ta bus lines Large 7 befrm , louiyfry hook ups, cable TV new pool, new kjurxfry matt covered parking No pets child under 3 ok See ot, 3745 So 900 Eost or call Suson at 561313! 467-202- 3 PAY YOUR GAS COMMUNITY eert B'CYCl E SAt ES & REPAIRS Get In on the big Xmas soes Fcel So ( ast loc , a super lor business Good price great terms 53? 1530 VR BUSINfc SS BROKERS 254 0981 4 ond 2 bdr m spocious living with covered decks, tennis private se room oc whirlpool and tivifies coy parking aw cond, Coble T"v ovoil, to'iv equipped Clubhouse and rtchen tor guttM Ings Pool table and Tv In delight ful clubhouse Close to Cotton wood Mon theaters shopping unc restaurants On bus line Reason abie rates Coll tor info or come to the clubhouse 9 6 OPEN SAT 1?6 OPEN DAIL BUSINESS BROKERS BOWl ING CENTER' SALMON, IDAHO S only Bowling Centor for sole Must sell now Ap proisal price $230 000 Selling price $170,000 Coll 208 756 2640 AD TIL WALLACE ASSOCIATES MGMT Balconies, pottos, coble ond CH SHALEH MEADOWS t down NATIONAL FRANCHISE Premium ice cream and froren desert Shoppe Successful business, Inventory ond equip Must sell QuoUfled buyers only 272 8289 no 8am 6pm CABLE TV bookshelves 966-148- 6 town restaurant large Qross soles Coll tor appt ta get details on this exceptional business Good price, great terms Phone ' AT VR BUSINESS BROKFRS VR paho, APA?TMSMS VO FREE RCNT sq ff targe 2 Boms baths LOundr y rm eoch apt SwimmlnQ Pool, covered prkg or 2 Krds Ok New appi including dishwasher 1300 No Redwood Rood Con 5?i 5687 or 595 1671 100 2 RT Sat Loca'cn - RENT! number 2 BkAyD'A 2 CONQUISTADOR UP terms W 10 mountain and city Breathtaking views E xtro krge l ond 2 bdrms ond townhouses wrth king sue fire closets ond woodburning pioces, 2 pools ond clubhouses, sauna, Steom room, billiar ds, ping pong, TV pit. Bar B Que deck Selected smoll peto wrth deposit Off minutes to Ski areas and shopping An odutt community 2260 Foothill Drive 4000 WEST 3400 SOUTH MARKET-- Ex NEIGHBORHOOD cel Avenue location very cleon Good gross soles ond high net profit A proven winner Great PCCTAMPAMT E $345 Ecs y 5 VS of hoe united txfrm opts avonabie ocr apt rxn full earth tone carpet d'shwosner dlsposol refridg, large wolk In closer and bore on sparkling 9 ft deep pod Close to 215 freeway ond Voiiey Fax Moll For more info coll Karen at 9ft8 1305 or see at 4700 South ??00 Aest Deluxe befrm PFNT $239 UP AT $335 of 45838, EAGT 262 4322 FREE STARTING v Ae tow l ona tOOiCATCL43t CABLE TV HOOKUPS PROFESSIONAL ON SITE MANAGEMENT 467 5 28? In AITH FOOTHILL PLACE PARKING LOT SECURITY nth Fast and 4500 So ASSuC ATfS VGVT crt N f 48 5 3641 FREE 5259 closets, Open SOUTH JPS ADULT or FAMILY COMMUNITY CONVENIENT TO SHOPS BANKS' BUS ' AIRPORT PlONFER HOSPITAL UTAH TECHNICAL COLLEGE Sewing ond Cutting business for sale 60 mochines now working Central Utah loca- S0JTH 3'a BUILDING SECURITY $340 CONTRACT : va:r 9om-5p- FROM WE ESTABLISHFD floral business m Salma, iff now for sole Was pre viously Sallno Floral Includes shop, 3 greenhouses and lrg warehouse ond beautiful older home Coll 969 3826 or GUARDS Come iom us today En Kry the good ufe A or m and Co:v we pay the neat Adult residence souno, tennis, pool table, exercise room cov RV parKIng Decorated studios, 2 bdrms , air, drapes, carpets, apples, some WE PAY HEAT! MANAGEMENT ond ownership op portuntty Must know restaur ont business, have some good forth capital It not qualified please do not apply If Interested send resume ond qualifications to P O box 9'64, NF Corp , Ogden, Utah 84409 Tpni yoneybait ping pong clubhouse putting green cable TV Other amenities and security mountain complex, heated pool, clubhouse, pets Gas pd vc Betfr kXjms NuIujqi pool couit ADUT LIVING Lovely REGENCY term lease ond low rent to e substantial available for Small Business Loon (818) dinar This BR00KW00D of new ur h out plus swimming LAKE PINES WASHER AND AAlLA WALLACE ASSOCIATES MGMT cies for help 2 oy es jF aestheshes lakes woteitui's Le rental columns of this newspo-pe-r serve bath odvertisr ond reoder Rental offers that mlsleod hove no pkxe In these columns Please coll 237 2995, It yog find ony exception. Rental offers through commerkol rental ogen-cie- s will be found in these columns These componles are In private enterprise ond the reoder should be aware that a tee is involved when asking these agen- and Duchesne county Utah smoll Investment y medium sue trucks-Lonis suitable for s frees-fircattle Get away from the shag The ACRES WOODLAKE 416 REV REM CUT TO 485-609- 1 5000 V NE A BR0AN CAR2ET DELUXE BEDROOM new Sparkling clean, air cond Tile bath His ond Hers closets Lrg living rm wrth flreploce forma dining area Refrig, ronge, disposal, dishwasher, carport Ac cess to club house, pool, tennis court No pets SEE 8am 8pm 2860 SO 200 EAST 60 2968 SO 200 EAST 114 2186 SO 800 CAST 17, 3195 SO 300 EAST 17 7736 S Adoms(430 E) Office 345 East 33rd So NOTICE y'No Arejs 6 toav E r 466 TILL NOv ar:a jean 2255 SOUTH 200 EAST LEASE f4 p y FREE 8454,9-924- o e x0 ' Accesstopooi.remodeieddub on Apartments DISTRIBUTION p 9 ike I'ew sCKXKi.fyj hie OCfto g i CKm eh g t uve drs k.cx.Mi i cesv to c.ub r"Ajx pun v court NO Ff IS SF F 8 AV i PM 1900 S f is 4 I?1 x See Mgr Ltoi(e 466 '46' J4S Jv 3Vd k E)H CHILDREN UNDER 5 YEARS WE DO ACCEPT SOME PETS FOR 'Of'gp Au CAR?ET Access to swimm rg pool club house tennis court 2 Carpeted throughout, carport 3 Sparkling cleon like new 4 Lrg lumgrm with fir epioce din mg creo Air cond Disposal re fr'Q No pets 5 Tile h- - baths Huge bcfrrns with His ond closets NO PETS Contact Monoger 261 5377 4545 S Atherton 16(750 W) 487 4?37 ?736 $ Adams (430 17 466 2 3195 SO 300 EAST T4 2&6 SO 8u0 EAST 17 Office 486 7461 345 Eost 33rd So Unfurnished CRAZY COPIES 4 STORES AVAILABLE Cedar Crty Logan St George Provo Orem COME VISIT OUR OPEN STORES AND WATCH FOP THE OPENING OF OUR 11 NEW STORES FINANCING AND TERMS available to Qualified individuals rtt xrtcren! l BLDWOOM 451 rje ,)48 4237 j45 t asf J3rdSo Mon Fndov, WHOLESALE 8f AST (4 to Nt A SRCAN 1523 Rt S J X VILLAGE RESTAURANT ond cfr repair so per terms 968 8173 Exspie Prop Center is being established in Soft Lake City to serve o number of retail stores end protects in 209 motor cities wrthln the United States Our companies have buirt and completed nearly 3000 businesses, offices, retail stores, shopping centers and moils ond are now on another protect which will require wholesale distribution of products and supplies to our stores ff you are qualified in administration and business and hove a line of credit of $250,000 or more you may contact us at rm t g na th AD Tit i NO. 10 .t A hAto, All this tor on, $289 jp DELUXE 2 topics., A rtg . h.s A y a cf h FJ t Si hasfe YYJ rxto to 8AV 5441 ' ,eto ix M Utah $ 35 I. rv dsix-Vi- eurpixt nouse yus Windsnreid repoir krt Cost Socrifice l g jisnusre ? 86 SC) 2'3e Su AkJums 5441 CAFE ond lounge dance floor 55H or 544 8375, Pot Louie tvjf on g 544 SUCCESSFUL Com 00 Lourxfr Soft Lake City 467 9446 VOVT c f,s.rg Dkfrms Io 'ehrg kxahon $tnp 486 x vx ) vi 4 og ies cirntv wto tawing 486 Orer$300 N'Xk fi years 486 NO e ke ie J shop s '1 .Hi rtcxUwjiO BRAND NEW LUXURY APTS EIGHT LTAHPorber Beauty college enroll now I ow cost easy terms, he a Barber 466 0489 CosmeMogist L lounge UBl i HELP It 05? FtELD service loc Owner leaving state this newspaper, PO Box Sort Lake City, UT 84145 CAREERS2 28 onwer alley estaurorrt Non compete lot d'sr 5"'h h ' $'89 RF r eat potential Must B ING OIL x tion Reply to Code 007 Training Of epxxes m .a ijt.ie ve Mgr $4 424 Su ?v N UT 84 157 C UBl We Easy To Learn Telephone Sales Building Circulation Of Salt Lake City Newspapers immea It LEfANS x equipment VIDEO rental Super moll Excel terms Business Opportunities Temple Sc W rt 2'99 94 (x.Jon to u0 U&i BRYMAN SCHOOL Finoncioi Aid Available For Eligible Students Career in Less Than A Year Nurseries POSITIONS sell AUTO $Word Processors! So ec Snap .ocotior gr Work NURSERY SCHOOL, licensed - to Near lAesta 486 -PiZZA restaur ont with take-oa- t dow Snapping center Terms UBl 4d6 544 Call e IYL'Tm Nt Nf 'ss Cozv Estabished excellent income Mta S?Cs Constant con act Tom 8800 Wanted R N wrth family will tend o child WORD PROCESSORS yrs Educational environment need 3 experienced IBM Display Nourishing meals end lots of TLC Writer operators Also need $1 50 hour U of U area Wang Lonier, NBI ond other operators for long and short ter m temp ROSEPARK licensed daycare Excellent references port or 24 hr assignments Top pov, no fees, care for hondlcap call for appt LICENSED child care In our home OLSTEN TEMPORARIES Doys. nights ond weekends 610 E So Temple Phone for appt 243467 5 .qres Mr C ub St Need a tqt BOX 5 JO J44 1 e Rxif e 0t $x $ ft i, SA. 610 E Aixi A Tfc BOi a fte hese i'vVh CAF finanoal aid f , .vpt -- Ajerity i, " x kA vx'fast ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING COMPUTER PROCESSING MORNING 8 EvENiNG Classes A , . cafe rerrt$jS ChQiC F oss nc $Tum. yr VCe jfre uli Vondav thru Sat AQuire tt.e sxiiis and knowtedye demanded at todoys business office to care for odorctiie 7 month ota girl, perform house keeping duties Lovely room '01 or TV, quiet setting, New Canaon Conn Coll WORD f. 532 21)54 Yte Nf S COA i get to je rxeHutio ki,jh N mt to fK .h , koMF pes jr.i, bo'rvreis equuei PR .S V. Sk v 5J2 h R e - g h cjt IX SS, PO .LuSEQJAL iv. j u NF t Du , Sx 66 S'i tc xuxri rue . . e'e ftie Airpjyt ,rup t js hi if A to s Pyx s r,( p WNT ' vxi.tr powtoto. gr if'' vws9 9ov 64' 9 .a ngrbie Stooe to in u,. e f the ess F hti tuu se f eeways a" tt TV u e BT K SchOOi ,d 01 etn t ' to hT is jmO i ig eftes . F. Coii fai VN MX f A NO 48 .n With word prexessng h eluded Be .oc eud, WRt s'totto -- I'll), R PROFESSIONAL F'NDiNG SERVICES Nanny needed for NY City Working vocation to Florida In Dec Good pay Start now Coll Roe m . . hflPER Stonfo'O Tro - '"S e opportunities Cali 2' 88 5o(Jj e.es to or cange Utah itoe-- .iew V Johnson 35 Tongiewooa Gillette NJ 07933 i' j, eto te " ijit ' SANDPIPER e fe Vit 3' Je w 11 V hVhs t a e W or trttol et ' J912 v IS 6l re V - jhurvji 2 jfij esuie w V x jh N e i sud to ue Sftn 4 ir V- AfvMeviie ond bus dstr to Tij fay e it' ec x Out pv.jKov - V- Mir 4 48 js1 t 8 F ep 466 f) 18 n to rx h emting , a 66 4 v ia sue (' eef j ener jet t 'or trend1 New York (IT, toirii, MOTHERS )t Ye gj' v .er'tor ixe e e k date S Dvi.. C4.S4 eto 80 Temporary mpoyw K Vh jt k Gii SJb Processor, experienced, ta activity Nourishing start immediately CPT experimeals Rates Call ence preferred Part time, CHILD CARE, extra special attention hrs. week Please coil pm , for children In my home Jeonnie at Cottonwood area WORD Processor, part time eveLOVING Child Care, close to town, nings, some Saturdays Wong exTELEPHONE SALES Liberty Park, Whittier Elem Hot perience necessary Legal expeNot'l portroft studio Sandy location Meois 2 Attendants rience preferred Call Judy Guar plus super comm and BABYSITTING, My home Ail oges advancement oppts Full part Anytime 75 hour $35 week intime Will froin Coil 80 WORD PROCESSOR TYPIST fants Meals welcome Comm based wpm minimum TELEPHONE salespeople wonted, with production Excellent poten- BABYSITTING, my home approx exp preferred Setting carpet 8 tial and bet 2500 Eost 8200 So Wlllowcreek 5pm cleaning appts $3 50 hr plus cosh area, full time, days only 9437772 bonuses WORD HROCESSOR-Par- t time hours eves Coll LICENSED day care Age Wong, Input ond up TELEPHONE SOLICTORS 531 Diono 8900 200 So 1100 West area Earn exta money, from home or our office No soles, Disabled AmeriLOVING Child Core any hrs nights, or can Veter on weekends, Bountiful PERMANENT Parttime $600 Month TELEPHONE SALES (profit sharing or solory ovoil ) to CHILD core Downtown all oges, Need extra cosh tor Christmas? work for my small appliance TLC onytime Drop-In- s Benefits tickets 6 30 10 00 compony Mon-Fr- l my home, ony p m hoff day Sat No experience BABYSITTING, TELEPHONE solicitors for condos, hours, U of U area nec Company provides trolnlng ourjoc Salary, comm Coll after 12D0 noon EXCELLENT CHILD CARE my TELLER-6mo-years Teller exper home 17th South Coll In a finoncioi Instttution required. WE RE NOW ACCEPTING applications for LICENSE Christmas help Young dovs, yrs.. 45th mo start So 12th West Puota peopie preferred, others may ap2 year min THERAPIST ply Coil this wee only e CRAFTS, stories, lunches. exceptional experience required, Ref $8 dov starting sokry ond benefits. Send Domestic resume to Dr Thorne, Provo LICENSED Sitter Lots of TlC Day Canyon School, PO Box 1441, ond night Over 2 yrs Out of State Provo, Utah 84603 RESPONSIBLE CHILD CARE, 8740 TREE Climbers, exper only needed, So 1558 West, 255 3201 HOUSEKEEPER-ChlldCarfor kxoi free service Mature individual over age 25 needed by LICENSED child care Exper Day, TRUCK DRIVERS night, wknds , ony oge 363 1905 prof coupie to live in and monoge Auto Transport Co needs exper household ond care for three chilLICENSED CHILD CARE, SANDY drivers, will train ta haul cars net 3 to 5 Duties AREA 566 5085 oged dren, Minimum 2 vrs over the rood housekeeping, laundry, cooking CHILDCARE my home 2 yrs ond up exper DOT physlcol card, good ond children Drivers supervising pav We deliver nation wide, 1650 Fenced yd. Kearns area license preferred Home Is locatWest 500 So West Bountiful Child CARE In my West Volley ed In suburban Philadelphia ask for Honk home lots of TLC Coll Please send resume, refs, picture TYPIST Receptionist with Word ond salary requirements to Code 0116 In core of this newspaper Processing Skills, tor Co near Redwood Rd Requires tan personal P O Box 45838. Sort Lake City, UT 84145 or coll tty, nice appearance, long term Work work to ond type commitment, mo Fee paid Cali 60 $900 WORKERS A ANTED Cencor Employ Joan 100 Help Wanted ment Agency, 66! East 400 So We hove day ond evening obs tor men dependable and women wrth phone ond Irons portotlon No fees 01S1EN TEMPORALS 521-207- F cxese v That VWS giadoates enpioed t i' re fuf k voi 5us4 VuKk s R stt , C4U vj 46 Of .t 40 4(v' )N T'Tt t Mf R 46 4 xY E h NE M to CkW if y te L Vh J Shat 2r Von k.3C 5 in soiar etoe-ien- 'illMH. Vv N urti Nk AT ( h AT TH(SC iOl OF T R A . W VONk y NO . to NUvt VMt suu tijix e R S e t'i T't -- 'O LONG ISLAND NEW YORK l-We are looking for 0 Gass A cerh WANTED Mature, fnendly, Moth OF fied Weider to fabricate, repoir er s Helper to live in Long Istand, & DfrVA NY Chile care ond and maintain motor and compohousekeeping Medical Assisting nent parts tor our trucks Must chores Call collect, Dental Assisting hove previous journeyman weidMOTHERS HELPER For 2 adorable Medical Receptionists er experience with 2 to 4 year s of 2 ond 4 Vust Financial Ards Avoiiobie gins, Housekeeping technical school preferred Onlv hove refs Non smoker NY City Now Evening Classes TocF those extensive experienced in suburb Coil Sue at work, 467 V aluminum ond stainless welding 9 12noon, 2388 steel need apply Applicants with TRAEL AGENT only mild steel welding will not be MOTHERS HELPER wanted to be part of our family In Lcrchmont Quality to be a Travel Agent in 8 considered Must be 0 New York 3C min from NYC, os well as proficient Excellent weeks Exciting career opportum near LDS church To begin jonu benefits Including medical dental ties internship that gives ond life Insurance Apply between ary Cali collect (914)834-602on me tob training $695 80m and 4 pm NYC MOTHERS institute of Travel area HELPER, 1535 Please call REMEDIAL READING AND MATH INCORPORATED TRAINING using computer assist ea teaching method for students 11th Floor Crossroods Tower 50 South Vain Street 6 yrs ond older Held afternoons ond evenings Soft Lake Skills Soft City, Utah 84144 Equol Opportunity Employer m f h Center, 431 So 600 Eost WOMEN WANT WALL WASHING, SUPERIOR TRAINING Housecleaning Truck TYPING, ADDRESSING Heavy eoulpment MY HOME Notional Job Ptocemerrt Assistance CALL WOODWORKING TRAINEE Finoncioi Assistance Hiflh 2 smoll GOOD or CARE, School grod $4 00 hour Quality Chikfr-eNURSE Licensed. 467 3592 Employment Agency 4 month program Certification ond LOVING Child care, good rates, ob piocemerrt assistance Coil or lunch Draper area visit Sort Lake Skill Center, 431 So 600 Eost, Immediate positions ovoliabie for DENTAL ASSISTING COURSE experienced WANG, IBM Dispiov Writer, IV Phase, CPT NBI, Wordclass forming Health Profes star, ond oil other makes needed sions College of SLC, 969 4826 Great downLong or short term assignments, jEWElRy STOWE REAL ESTATE LICENSE town location, established over 30 work when and where you want Spencer & Strlnghom 268 3355 Excellent pay-wyears Owner retiring, ond offers employ, no tee at value of Inventory 532 1530 ever' We pav weekly Coll tor VR BUSINESS BROKERS oppolntment and personal Interview ah 2007 SOUTH 1300 EAST SOS TEMPORARY SERVICES Wonderful rinvrore now 263 3883 open Ages WE CAN KEEP YOU BUSY' Come by or coil for Info TELEPHONE SALES We need soles peopie with years telephone soles experience to market cable television Coll Cindy for more information. Equol Opportunity Employer float-er- s TELEPHONE SOLICITORS-n- o Full time position avoiiobie Solary plus comm Experience or will troin right person Established window compony. Call Deboroh .nlfftli iHi (Por- 0 m OR4ta8pm Salary bonus Coll John or Mike, 485 2800 Y .sex 'or coi orK y3o 04V Must Be 18 Or Over Company mprescnlnlivos will ondur t local S Nov intc'fviow', licmnmK Monday, lnliii".lid applicants should all Dave StPip.hr, HOI I, I iLt, stadinp, Monday at 8 30 a m mil , APPOINTMENTS For motor deeming compony j , s C'PPDRTUN'G e A TO CALLER jno Ji jr Jfd vjiCM .jeVeer ..a f jr R ? d.r st Ac.e TELEPHONE SALES-Towoges In Volley for go getters, houly guarantee plus bonuses and comm Full time plus h day Sat Selling Portroft pkyi tor local well established studio, coll SET to oe Jbe to R hAvepOifc , au pair Retirees Or Students We ('Her st.iitniR s,il,ny, toinmission bonus proi'.i.im nnd ,i tump, my Umefit pa, k.ipe f So Le TELEPHONE kjo i Nl rr P' A .. k e .1 ( WAREHOUSE Neeaea for PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE LivE (N 3 smoii children No heavy long short term assignments Register NOW' For Nov 7th Gosses housework Mustcfrive Commit No fees we poy dolly Apply be UNIVERSAL TRAINING St STEMS tween 6 om 2 pm, SOS Tfc vPOR yr Room board genetuus sokx , ARIES industrial Division 26 car travel Near N' C Resume Saturdays $4 hour guar plus bonus trait Plons) ton,, fieri Mornings Or Evenings Perfect For Teachers F xperience Mechanical Aptitude Strong Attitude Nec essaiy to Further An yrs old, mo fi HUk.,eKeeoe' wRt 7 Correct 'Cut yeor Old helpful but not mondttory no handicopoea girl 3 yr cud Do, fees doily or week y pay colt 01 infant Ed Lockground Spec 364 3535 for oppt Cencor Tempo-reear term, starting mia heiptai as 400 Sout- SErvKes, 66 Can Nov References 'eauest WarEhOuSERERSON coiec ,303) 322 4e74 enced m nuts, bolts ond fasteners PROFESSIONAL Coupie needs lUe 20 West Louise Ave 486 5007 In child core for new dot n starting WAREHOUSE Delivery, par time jon 1, Woshingtar DC Sube-Send photo evo 'eferences to afternoons $4 50 hour Bring rt sume ta 3777 South 500 Wes 5i,2 Kimscott Court Annondoie Virgmo 22003 PART-TIM- E 100 year old internationally known and prominent manufacturer of sealing devices and centrifugal pumps which aie sold to industrial end users has an opening for its Salt 1. 21 soilctars, or r Mf i" fi h 'Ci v-- Man CENTER 8om-1- t me e.emrg afto 3 cm Am 17 East 330C So PERFECT A.W. CHESTERTON CO. f tare SALAR We hove m caching Equol Opportunity SECRETARY General Telephone is accepting applications tor the position of secretary Must type 60wpm, shorthand desirable Good storting salary benefits ond opportunity to Odvance Colt Judy, 532 3500 Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY Outdoor Recreational Oigonl ration, United Sportsman Club is looking for on office secretary Vust be at1 to work wrth hunters experience ond oood typing skills essentioi Computer if interested ience helpful please coll 268 9557 between 9 5 p m for appointment Telephone c.T 84321 equo appertorto empiOer SOLICITORS PORRaJ n Duora n .e Ne .r tt. WANU WORD PROCESSOR foTaf tor noon shift 4 00 2 X starts tm can ' ynne 364 3535 mediatoty Cencor Temporary Se vices TELEPHONE NO SALES appointments for tours of foctory direct tarnttare showroom Must be enthusiastic Will train TRAIN TO SEW 973 2200 South 700 West m Mr tress Set 367 h Wh po weekend App be Restourqr Fritz v 10o THE plus SECRETARY For International CPA Firm, mature, experienced, career minded typing skills 70 80 WPV, experience or. Wang Word Processor preferred Salary commensurate with experience Excellent work t vst nu.e ype ex? ers vj '39 . wit R to J. TYGN wAX wOgon TELEMARKETING Immediate openings national (advertising firm needs phone reps for market research, surveys, ond odvemsing campoigns No experience necessary, we tram J4 hr Soft Loke s finest office oc commoaatlons 2 shifts, 10 2 ono 3760 Highlond Drive, Suite 500 Coll 277 8920 Experienced Electrical ond Heating Service Technician Permonent, after ; , Pim nne A Jfd second eets S5jtie' s H.seeeoe fij .f n , . iaeo pr jrjucer Neeaej to worn educational ioejdk proo-- c non Experience with 'ompaer gr xn CS erjrtlrg leduired VuSt be serf mon.ated ono have on e.e tor Quoirr, So.jr es $2iJ(X$X00C based on exene-xSerd co.er lettor and resume to urn AKard Svstontsl impoct inc 2084 No 100 Fast from ona furnish oil leads No flexible hours conversing, cod for Inter BUDGET AR Now hiring service attendants, full time, must oe able to work nights and weekends Apply In person at International Airport No colls SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE port time, needed by National corporation, calling on rental progrom in grocery stores. 3 Days per week Soft Lcke City area Vust have own van All expenses paid Send brief resume to 3584 So West Temple, SLC, Utah 84115 Equol Opportunity Employer time : care to rvxse and t ox) to .rs OKI ana LOrtp tor JTYyt jn rr Jtor jn Rju $5 ue ween jj opporrnto Ijr OuOi ed inq d Sw'Ju,s jna n.'Xjs ch Pysih.x' uoi f med Reuse sesd re ir "luges gjprc 3,j v oeo on f cer If (. '.(Jl some ets pneto and phone no f w ih Idea pr Jducti x ond to ifTems 'to! So Wes7 74tr Compute gr jpns eauired F m Ter'Oie Riortojnun Fl 333 7 or manor eiueerKe oso c v lC viNG esponvb.e pe so' to cure ae ea w AT.CxS Teepnone Soies Specialist reeded for branch office of national car pet cleaning compony Company TELEPHONE CLEANERS-Pa6 943 4094 Jf g w High School GRADS mrougn oge 25 with extensive njtri ona physics txxx ground Excellent pov ond bonuses o all who qualify Con 7 37 Von 547-fn ,0 3 SERVICE ATTENDANT SEWER quOt cSv J lROOV M, PfKJt Hirfl N(j m -L SECURITY OFFICERS Seek ing full, port time ond weekend security officers for the SlC ond TELEPHONE Ogden or eos Must hove previous AFPOlNTVENT SCHEDULING security, military or law enforce ment experience Security officer NO SELLING with current state license pre We need severol highly personable frnm ferred Coll ond experienced individuals that 10 30 a m 4 00 p m daily for appt ore and depend Equof Opportunity Employer able to simply SCHEDULE appts SECURITY for guests to tour The Skiers Lodge of Park Cfty Full or port time from your home or part time eves from our Sl office STOKES BROTHERS IS Excellent compensation Training Positions at Hiring for Security provided Only those interested In our Warehouse Apply 6507 South long term employment need 400 West, between 9 ond 3 30 PM apply, 264 9766 full time position benefits Colt 208 NELSON F arid EChVCA. SECRETARY type 60 wpm, short hand 80 Ex per preferred Apply in per son 2900 So State Tc 20 until Nov 15 ing applications Equal opportunity employer SERVICE to jEnu.stW reaeo 5pm The Drilling Research Laocirator, me 0 tocoi energ researcr nos toe opoortonrt, 0.3 abie for Vechonicoi Techmciorto ossist in labor ator y jper cm or jna testing maintenance ana devel opment of new (frilling systems Experience m mocr.rne ossemeto ea ipmem hy(oulk.s we'ding rromtf nonce nstr ..mentor nn and ooto recording wou'dbe ne p fui Growth opportjnrhes ond ceiient benefits are pro. idea if n tor ested cease controct 54 443 EquOt Opportunity EnipiOrer will stoiHj tryse ,nd jetous - NO SECRETARY Statistical $1200 mo Type 70 wpm C fj UTOf 64 h''T1 e'rts je 4 Xif be part time Pet 188 ,pe Ci A f x SE r re TARY Busy computer service firm Gener of office duties with derto entr y e periexe Accounhng dock ground heipfji Apply ah 415 East 200 South downstairs wrth resume 2 Syf 2 d floor part rKJTj'U fve Need e'T R te AChERS (Pre School) Fun hye 2 year cho ooss Can 48o ojo3 TEACHER port time suDshtoto do smons dvoiiobie S06 377? lx fJhone Aorn - TE eApence 70 time Need to phone tor msur one exxto Tuesday Wed ondThxs UM e'f je ,f S rr ft j st C e. L. tU ' J. to 7j 35 hej e needed EaChERPRE SChOOl fun or part time pcsRons aoii due Coil yhn 9o9 1553 T word proype 60 cessing and or gonizatipfoi smIis 0 must Coll or come to the TROl LEr SQUARE Business Office 521 9877 in southeast corner necessary SrtRETARy tpufg yrs 2 spmtotio oin ry tees TEaChEPS needed for chid ten Start tors Eperienceopreterred immea Von EndOv 8 hours SECRETARY lEGAl For downtown low firm Requires mm 2 yrs prior legal experience Vtost type 80wpm nave good en giish studs, ond fdiow ttwough ab'irty Good solar y benefits ond 521 775' wcMVmg condfhons PETARv a 328 tar 10 jftce shap 8C 0 wpm tnauiduoi who Mood English skills Tr CMiscr iption and dictaphone heiptui Up to Si 4u0 mo Coil Lhris Shelling & Snen ng Employment Agency 2t6 6669 33Si6js 3WC' So 202 B SE tr AGE o e i tai 'empie So 549 2 T A o 'jufi euuxed to'eh'eomi STUNE VASON OwO K,pritK StOfeoniy Secretary t SECRETARIES f'KM if RcTawt Receptomst jte E 6 equ je.r etijr , n 0 sa-iXuvf ei established t a" iua firm Mood sour Defe rts Of id g(Xirg cyndrtions iait Mme Hooge 5jI H77 Tr 'wL yhXK Conitjef atfur g ,e or 1 ttar F"kx iifnt reuoif ed rtue frUity xrtevsof VjM lkt to turn 'os' uno get jkx g it iTte'e'itea Ljf n fox .eitn-n- t &, apo 48 O'? 'ot gor e Dsi yi imng VfOj'' wffr r. t tt ue son Jtiie u- - Unfurnished Apartments 8444 ex grneoi ( 200 D!) h iJ S4 1984 5 Apartments T gr 6X v (g tor ji i 'f ii 'v u f e Jl . tin - u ft v jeutui g & .ft iji ea Min- wjro jikJ 'wott MONDAY NOvlMbtR llnfurni htd Apartment, 200 Unfurnished n jr 200 966-013- 2 , ROBERTSON PROPERTIES Stonehedge Clubhouse with spa Covered parking Tennis and volleyball Heated Pool and Covered Pool Streams and ponds Free Cable T V Adults Only 4150 South 5th East 262-38- 2 |