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Show Igalt a k c 4 , tribune Monday, November 5, 1984 Section D Page ft: ; i V, I : Y f 1 1. ; f , A V J4 V--j the Utah Public Education Foundation Donations of tools and equipment and internships are also welcome The Utah Vocational Excellence Awards Program seeks to honor the states top 10 secondary (two-yeaand top 10 vocational and technical students each year Recipients will be selected through competition in seven major fields of vocational and technical education. The vocational Excellence Awards program is sponsored by The Salt Lake Tribune, KUTV, the Utah Public Education Foundation, the Utah State Board of Education and the Utah State Board of Regents, and contributing businesses, industries, and individuals jA VT? ,y - Hi V.-- iyiTr r... .1 ' Other HOUR or auasar Tronic. Panasonic , i COLOR COLOR TV 2$" REMOTE CONTROL CONSOLE TV Cable TV ready Full function remote Attractive cabinet Fully deluxe Channel Cable TV Ready Full lunction remote control 60 min. auto shut off sleep timer Attractive woodgTain cabinet Fully deluxe Compact Lightweight WooHgrain Cabinet Automatic Color Reg. 749.95 othr Your Your il Choice TOP OF THE LINE RE Edu- 1 RECORDER AND COLOR CAMERA Genuine Oak Cabinet 4 speaker sound system A savings oi $400.00 Brightest picture available Remote control LATEST . . . MODELS DISTRICT unnera Complete Package Recorder Features: Fully pcogrammable Remote control SIJNIDAui 45 INCH BIG SCREEN TELEVISION PORTABLE VIDEO Cikf (Tribune 25' rmnot control conaoUi tram ?Wt Choice j Panasonic ntsl or Quasar. 139 & . Dolby ooAm rvductkn system Sail touch oortroU - 19" REMOTE CONTROL PORTABLE . CASSETTE DECK lT' I I- VHS VIDEO TAPES I Ibchn?cs 9 TV 6 K 12 INCH PORTABLE i 0 For additional information, FOR v.-f BLACK & WHITE 6 HOUR VHS VIDEO TAPES rV4 ' r) BALDWIN -- Pcma t.oiie " to JUDGE :T-d-- v Scdopriccxindfc 7 t t' : A' Vv, Help recognize Utah's secondary and post secondary students who demonstrate the achievement of excellence in vocational and technical education through the cash donations We Support t r- - j ,7 Program oty it 4 i5 kri 5 1 Vocational Excellence Awards contact the State Vocational cation Offices, tti I Ji S . .4. f - I M 1 V Features: j tube Weigh only 2 lb. Many automatic feature Low Operate on battery (included Ff 1 Compact & Lightweight VHS format light-Newvic- Severed other also on sale priced from 1799 3RD DISTRICT JUDGE WALLACE L HESS M.D. D.L. DUNN VIDEO RECORDER Till VHS FORMAT Quasar VHS VIDEO Panasonic RECORDER VHS VIDEO RECORDER VHS VIDEO RECORDER This ad paid for by the Re-eleDistrict Judge Baldwin Committee, D Frank Wilkins, Chrmn With Wireless Remote Control IS function wireless remote control SrouplHealthLInsurinca (smms RED Superb notee tree pedal ettecto Several Others on Sale Now y programmer Remote ootxtroi VHS termat LITTON PLANI4 L9 14 O3 TOUCH CONTROL MICROWAVE MICROWAVE OVEN OVEN Reg. 199.00 Reg. 319.00 Oh Ti to Cookbook Variable Timer Litton Quality TV ready day. 4 eyeot r LITTON GO ANYWHERE n 107 channel cable TV ready Video heads Front loading Cable Full Sue 14 day. 4 event programmer - Full Power MICROWAVE OVEN MICROWAVE OVEN Giant 1.4 cu ft. capacity 700 watts cooking power Variable power Keep warm setting Digital touch controls Variable power defrost Digital touch control Large capacity Variable Power Cookbook Reg $399 00 & uTT tJenra-A- iniral ffllil ir CONVERTIBLE presents COOKTOP CHEST FREEZERS t . . . All Metal Interior 175 lb. capacity 30 INCH CONVERTIBLE COOK TOPS PRICED FROM Isnt it your turn to build? Iv DELUXE REFRIGERATOR O7 Large Capacity Textured steel $ fjjlj'1 W & Upright frssssrs also on sale now priced from j TU Kiz 5-- t Energy sorer wash Porcelain on steel interior 3 cycles Multi-ler- el $50 FACTORY REBATE ON SELECTED MODELS rnmss f- - - S peed Queen o m PSTST DISHWASHERS UtiSiSBNsSii Only 32" with self Tentllaticn systsru that brings tbs Qmror of outdoor cookery indoors. G) Oti SMsS1 wide Ice dispenser water in door DELUXE ELECTRIC Continuous cleaning or so Automatic clock Large storage drawer klnrlr glass oven door Lift up top RANGE Whirlpool WASHERDRYER WASHER Regular & Permanent Press Cycle Variable fill Hear duty design Large capacity both for ONLY 2 automatic cycles Family sise capacity Variable water temps. Reg. 379.00 OTHER DISHWASHERS FROM HBKffla ia 2010 STATE 487-061- V I 1100 E. FORT UNION BLVD. 1 (7200 South) 1 4 Men. 9 a.m. to 9 Tues. Frl. 9 cum. to 7 p.nu Sat. 9 a.m. to ( p.m. CLOSED SUNDAY p-- 6801 SO. STATE 561-013- 3 566-324- 5 10 am. to 9 p-Sat . 9 am. to 6 p.m. OPEN SUN MotL-F- ri 1 J 10 am. to 9 p.m. i. Sat. 9 am. to 6 pan. Moru-Fr- CLOSED SUNDAY |