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Show 61) NOVEMBER 5, 1984 MONDAY, 040 Personals 040 Personals S KAlU-k- PRIVA Ifc SOCIAL SECURITY PROBLEMS DISABILITY ADVOCATES 6370 (SlC) (Ogden) ports, appt., oca edited. FOSTER HOMES needed tor from Youth Corrections. Job YOU can raise extra money for you organization by selling Vito's Plz-l- For details, call ADULT Day Care and Activity center avoiiabie Dec. 10. A few hours or aii day. Coil tor info. HAVE beautiful noils, for ail occasions, Solar Nolls or silk wrtps, 517,50. Coil Vicki at OIL PORTRAITS $80 160 583-- VASECTOM Coil us today SCULPTURED NAILS 525 ftps 540. 39th St. Solon queshonolre 1. 00. Noll or party, part PC TRAINING: LOTUS SYMPHONY, Wor (Perfect, or Call- ORIENTAL Card Reodings in home. Sandy area EARN extra money selling Christmas toys. r SEASONS-Colo- Analysis trolnlng, cosmetics Show. Rsvp, SQA PTURED Noils 5 years experienced. Lie 520. HELP Searching tor lost relatives. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of T. or N. Thomas (possibly mod-e- n names), please contact Tim Massage coiled anytime at WANT to Get away for the weekend? Loving childcare In my The Kinas Palace Whirlpool, Sauna, Massoge home. 550 per child tor complete weekend care. s aft. 6 ond weekends THE LETTER BOX Your own private moil box. UPS oceepted, messoge se vice, 3353 South Main forwarding. CALL 466-098- 3 Mon.-Fr- om, 3 massoges to choose from Many With Free Souno 60 W. 33rd So. Between Main w. TempieBL630 Now Taking Applications VlsaMC MARRIAGE! CaN MATE SEARCH, SOFT CONTACT WEARERS. Doily 565pr. cludes THE ZODIAC Extended 5110pr. inreodings, solutions. K 972-550- 2 he HEALTH STUDIO offers that mislead have no In these columns. Please coil if you find any exception. ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS pioce immediate openings $460 mo. $920 mo., No exper., ironing provided and others Young people welcome Order toting, distribution, sales, and culinary dept Fiexbie hrv Call openings. 9 am-NOW: pm. Job offers through commercial employment agencies will be found In these jolumns. These conanies In private enterprise and the reoder should be odvtsed that a fee Is Involved when the applicant is poid 0y the applicant or placed the hiring company. Pieose request Infor manor regarding the fee on ev try Interview. ve Person, Union Shop, $130 per heod. Employer will provide room and transportation, will use Australian method of shearing. Contact job Service Office, job Order 1021476. AIDE Reliable woman wfth elderly loOy. find any exception. Warehouse Appoirrtmerrl for Monoger Trainee, and Receptionist, Secretarys Coll Interview. . INSTALLER Full time salaried position Installing siding In good weather, Inside duties in bod weather. Also medical Insurance, profit sharing, fold vocations and holidays. Own equipment not necessary Must be experienced quality Installer. Call Lindsey YEAR $40,000 selling automobiles in sic TENENT DEALERSHIP Haves Bros Bulck Jeep Is offering a sates position and soles training program mat is 2nd to none. To kin, you must be a growth oriented man or woman who Is Interested in not iust o soles "tob", but a SALES CAREER, ideally, you will hove some sales experience, not necessarily 2 APARTMENT MANAGERS mature people, person moy nave full time outside employment. Only those exper. In butkkng frodes, record keeping sotes ond communicative skills. APPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN: 2nd year. State license. Commercial work. JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN: State license. SOS TEMPORARIES INDUSTRIAL DIVISION Equal Opportunity Employer ASSEMBLY COLLATING NO EXPERIENCE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT For coporote pension ond employee benefit planning. INC AGENCY MARRI0T Hiring CPA 522,000 TO $28,000 Idaho CPA firm seeks CPA with 2 to 4 years exper. to CPA firm. Opportunity for growth ond odvoncement. Very sharp people to work with. Fee paid. EMPLOYMENT INC AGENCY ACCOUNTING Local CPA firm is seeking oudlt staff member. Minimum yr experience, CPA no required. Government oudtfing experience desired travel necessary. Sotory negotiable, send resume and sok ry requirements to Joe Pocheco & Assoc., 195 East 6100 So., Murray UT 44107, ACCOUNTANT Loco! CPA firm seeking staff accountant with yr of oudlt experience. Send resume to; Bushman & Associates, Attn. Gary Mivasokl, 47 West 200 South Sufte 400, SLC, UT 84101 ACCOUNTING Senior Accountant Bochekrs degree, plus occounftng exper ed, CPA or VBA a plus. Commensurate sotory. Send resume to: Cummins Irrtermountoin Diesel, PO Box 25428, SLC, Utah 84125 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Bookkeeper clerks, type, 10 key permanent full time. Sotory Bring resume to m man's Accounting )?Q East 2100 So ACCOUNTANT Junior hiring 2 (kiolified Individuals to process monthly flnonciol statements tor Clientele 2 yr accounting degree required Nonsmoker ACCOUNTING CRFDlT PERSONNEL ClERk Geneioi office OK counting gulls, $, hourly Intel mountain Apply Cummins Diesel, ACCOUNTS Pat ABi yts experience, typ. degree, Ing skills, good phone personality Coil Done at 92 4817 U eef nth Jeep h'ne Gui fiivise 3 CJlui th.it you jie ir IjCu'Ol f(0n! and n . .rrfrr "e. Pound divided skirl dress neckline front pppet easy ais! tie Nothing could be more com lortlbte for all your busy Jats Cboose cotton blend knits Printed Pattern 4614 M sces Sites 6 8. 10 12 14 16 18 ?U JJ.7J tv uck pattw. Mi 504 tv axl patten to pottap toi toading. SW to Arm Adams Pattern bep IK 3V Salt fakf Jribunr 243 Ptot 17 St, He Tori. NT 10011. Pnat NAME, 00N5S, IIP, SITE, wi SITU NUMOtl. PAntRN FALL WINTER NEW CA1A10C tor clever women who money as much as enioy sevin Over wearing beautiful clothes 100 success styles. Fiee Pattern 2 to Catalog Coupon Send $2 SO uck AU CNATT NOOKS Nodi (Vito 12Mkntty Crattj fkewtn 12V Petal 121 Pittoa Books and Catalog - add 504 each to postage and handling 31 AM a Walh 'jtiik )' fh.s ihe- h v PJR net kej 3 ffi, tpep !)t ; ,4 ;6 IMC ya'tefn a V e. 4" Nnen TjVrn k v S2 Brighten op our part ot Pip world by Zipping out in j swngy fhis Msh sDOft .M'Fp'n J mg K.i - 8 nci Ajfl for Snd ADMINISTRATOR, Ontoo County Hospital ond Nursing Home Need evtoc afon ond or ft arntng in Hos . prtui Administration, PubiK etc So or v negoticbie Send resume to Onrdo Hosprtoi Bocrd, B Sorenson, Motod Idaho, 83252 Applications oceepted through Novemhe l?th 9fi4 AEROSPACE PURCHASING AcE NT fomiiiar with miikrtary specs, 10 yrs expeirence Technical hockyouno preferred. Fiber-eCoil Don Stone. yrs. experience necessary. COMPENSATION BASED ON EXPERIENCE AND CREDENTIALS, in ou tries and resumes sent to: RMI, 324 South State, 235, SLC UT 8411) or coll for poirrtment ATTENDANTSPART TIME RAINBO OIL seeks honest, reliable Individuals to work 11 om-pm 8 p.m., 8 p.m.-1amv or if p.m.-am. Must be 2) years old or older. Dufies Include cosh handling, peper work, ond keeping the station immocutateiy iceon. Apply at 2322 East 4500 So. 6 om-pm, Mondoy-FrldoAUDIO VISUAL RENTAL AGENT Audio Vlsuol ond Video Equipment is seeking Supplier full time Agents for our Rental Department. Must be responsible, knowl-edgof AV equiptnent ond o good frivinQ record. Good storting pay with possibility of promotion. For appt. AUDIT SENIOR AUDITOR Pattern Books (Kh lor 35 Dolls 134-1- 133 3D 128 177 176 1 a 1 ii j ... All CRAn Ail Number Np i ..'xVs s i r j BOOKS. ee Send nsi-- S2 SO ech SOC and bUtof-i- dd postiff ind hjnditn Clothes On Pirde Quick Machine Quilts Fashion Home Quiltmf Sweeter fnhionv Sim 3S 56 Enietope Patchwork Quilts Athns n Doilies Thrifty Craft) Flowers Petal Quilts A 17S 174(as) Gifts n Omaments 173 Stitch n Patch Quilts 17? Stuff Puff Quilts lTDCiochet Your Wardrobe 119Eas) Art of Flower Crochet UStas) Art Ripple Crochet Gift Booft of 113 Complete IDDSew-Amt (Basic tissue mcl) lOVImUflt Crochet 101 Quilt Booft Collection BANKING AMERICAN Equol Opportunity Employer AUDITOR Night Auditor needed with hotel experience Apply 999 So. Main AUTO BOOY PERSON Large volume shop with lots of work needs Body person wfth at AUTO mon 5 years experience MAACO, BOOY -- 2 preoer positions, Body AUTO Mechanic to do general work on foreign cars. E xpenenoce ond tools necessary. Apply in person l Ngfionqi S1Q W 200 So AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MANAGER Ford Lincoln Mercury Subaru Experience required. Eceieni opportunity - SAVINGS Hos openings tor one full time TELLER SUPERVISOR and several part time TELLERS Teller supervisor candidates should hove 3 years of exper. to new accounts, vault cosh, ond operations with a financial institution. Teller candidates should have six months teller exper., 30 wpm type, and by touch. Computer exper. would be a plus tor oil applicant For appt., call Personnel, at An Equol Opportunity Motors, 30? Coil Jock Fry, Alptne Jackson, Wyoming AUTOMOTIVE immediate opening tor lour neymon auto body mon or pointer Must pe willing lo relocate Contact Mike's Auto Body Rock Springs. Wy (307) k CONSUMER degree Must arsee upward mobility. No pressure tactics used. MOLLY NOW! Sena letter or resume with satary requirements to. Mr Wilkes. PO Excel BOX NEEDED aea flex, hours, BARBER wonted, Utah State Prison, ltah license required. 16 hr per week. Must supply own equipment. 57 per hr. Afternoons ond evenings, time could be arranged. Contoct Harold Welling, ext. 128. BARTENDER dub. Local Call (M Ffc For private experience necessary. BATHTUB REFINISHER, ) auto, body ond spray gun exper. chance to mce up to 5300week tor appt. commission. BEAUTICIAN Stylist, part time, Frl. ond Sat. could work Into fuH time take over neat clientele. Draper-Sondarea, good commission. If noon coll yer Remodeled BEAUTKZiAN-Lkense- downtown salon, fantastic rental or commission. or booth rental, Commission. experience nec. a Some Coll BOILER OPERATIONS Wyoming State Penltentory, Equol Opportunity taking Employer, applications an b for BOILER OPERATIONS LEAD SPECIALIST Mlnlmlmon require ments-vears work experience in the operation of o complex, high piessure steom heating svstem. Must hove knowledge of operating parameters of boiler equip- ment, woter treatment ond conceots of thermo! dynomlc state benefit Sotory ACCOUNTANT 29 Tha State ot Utah Department ot Transportation, recruiting lor Accountant 29. Salary, $28,496 per year. Work experience in the following areas Governmental preferred accounting, theory .mil prar tire with emphasis in transportation t manual reporting standards, financial auditstandards and Internal ing control practices requirements, data processing, public relations and training Qualilir ations Bachelors degree including or supplemented by 30 quarter hours in account mg plus 6 years professional employment, 5 years whu h must have been in accounting H.PA ur MBA preferred) Submit State ot Utah application lorm and copy ot college transcripts to: Mr. Fred LeBlanc, 4501 South 2700 Wett Salt Lake City. Utah 841 19 No later than U 1484. I quji Opportunity mpioyw mf SLC, Utah 841 15 230 EAST Charles Lindbergh Dr. SLC, UTAH 84116 or coil Equal Opportunity Emptoyei experienced commercial weeks, finish work only. 5 5 12 hr. CARPENTERCEMENT FINISHER CARPENTERS; Concrete formers, finishers, and labor CARPENTER. year experience. Winter work. No wimps! CARPENTERS A NO HELPERS Fromlng custom homes. MFVH NETWORK moderate experience. PEOPLE WILLING TO WORK and learn, good physical cond. Change to odvance In residential construction Industry. Long term work for the right people. Coll between CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT San Franscfso based firm doing work In Utah requires individual with 5 years experience In residential ond commercial projects, some engineering helpful. Excellent salary and benefit Coll (415)543-965- CONSTRUCTION: Journeyman carpenters ond electric ion Experienced laborer 3rd and 4th year apprentice electric Ions. Excellent pay for qualified technician Send resume or applications to: Personnel Office, P.O. Box 428, Midvote, UT 84047. Must hove some bookkeeolng experience ond know by touch. Send resume to David Early Tires 3302 South 9QQ East 84106 CHEF. Working position for 140 CONSTRUCTION room hotel In Ogden. Coffee shop, LARGE General Contractors, workfull service restaurant, ers needed In Rocky Mountain rebanquet Coll General Mgr. gion area Laborers, Carpenters, Plumber and e CHILD high student, Ask tor Kathy. school grod. or otf General household duties plus care of 3 CONSTRUCTION chlkfren, oges 12,9 and 2. New Aggressive Individual. 3 Years exYork Cftv subuarb. Send resume perience construction superviplus recent references to L.M. sion. Willing to travel, willing to P.O. Box 251, Morganvllle, physic oily work hard. NJ, 07751 CONSTRUCTION CHILD CARE needed tor 9 mo. ond 2 Form setter, SJmon form exper. Mon-Fr- l. yr. old, MkJvoie. wogestravel nego., Immediately. Need dependability, references Also laborer ond own Iron CONSTRUCTION WORKER, Dry CHILDCARE. Need responsible mowall stocking and delivery. Full tivated person to care tor time. Piece rote chauffeur license oge children In eastside req. Coll home, full time. Must be a loving experienced nonsmoker wfth good (frlvlng re- CONSTRUCTION foundation form setter Residencord. Some housekeeping. Ref tial and commercial. or required. CONSTRUCTION-GooFRAMERS CLERICAL tor residential construction. Coll btwn 9om-1noon. r CONSTRUCTION Plasterers and Hod tenders tor plasterer SECRETARIES CARDIOVASCULAR LAB SECRETARY Monday through FrkJov dov Type 65. Dictaphone. Medic oi terminol- CONSTRUCTION Cement Finisher Wage depends upon qualification CONSTRUCTION Block masons and Hod tenders tor mosons. CONSULTANTS- - "SEASONS" ogy ond previous secretarial experience preferred. Be first nome In color onolysl troln-Insupplies, cosmetics, silk, reo Iko perfumes, career. ADOLESCENT PSYCH CONTROLLER SECRETARY Expanding Soft Lcfce lumber retailer desires experienced controller. Monday through Friday 7 to 3:X e p.m. Type 55. Must hove ward computer svstem being clerk experience. Installed. Sotory negot. based Coil Dave upon Qualification btwn. RADIOLOGY CONTROLLER SECRETARY To work on coll Dictaphone, type Meaicoi terminology required. 70. CREDIT & ACCOUNTANT Computer exper. necessary. Dave 5 U COOK Lunch ond Dinner Cook positions avoiiabie. Snecfcers Club In Park Cftv COLLECTIONS Job Service, SLC, 1234 So before scheduling Main St., an appt. LDS HOSPITAL on equol opportunity h employer-m- l CLERICAL Y H 5VMP seeking full time box office attendant. BOOKKEEPER DATA ENTRY Qualified candidate should have Downtown profe$slonol oftlc bookkeeping typing ciericol A R experience Mmt be toft skins Be able to occeat responsiond occurot Must work well with cobility, sotory 512,000. Moll resume workers. Career posstoie wfth us. to Utah Symphony, 123 West So. Salary based on experience and Tempie, Soft Cftv, UT 84101 skiiis-57- 50 to 5850 per mo (negoClerical tiable tor excel. orospect) PERSONNEL POOL NEEDS YOU! 355-79 for appt. benefits. For temporary assignment Secretaries. Typists, Word Procesbookkeeper SECRETARY Accounts povabe, occounts recelv-ttoie- , sors, Date Entry, or other office skins. We have a lob tor you! payroll and toxes. by touch, type 40 wpm Pari time, GOOO A FEE hoxrs weekly Coll BOOKKEEPER wonted, full time, experienced, occounts recelv-ie- . Experienced office help needed. payable, payroll and geoer oi Type 50 wpm. applicaledger Start Immed tion AM Mondov the 5th, pm Tuesday the 6th. 26?) BOOKKEEPING CLERK-SomSouth 3270 West, south entrance bookkeeping required Musi type WPM Sokrv qt 5800 mo MURRAY Area 10 key experience for cwft nec., prefer occounts receMDie BOO K F E PER UOO mo Full bene Bt exper 56 00 hr Send r eply to P O Jt comoany. Cali now Box 307, MkMfre Ut 84047 todl, Alto View Empiov-meri- t Agency Clerical Filing Clerk, 10 key exper., typing BOO KEEPtRSE CReTafTy Mon-Fhelpful, M time, . Eu1 ftme, fuH charge ?6l 1914 Time Saver Industrial BACK MASONS AND TENOFRS CLERICAL mo. BUT TRAINED $700 wontedj: of' after 6pm NO Experience? Need o ptoce BRKK LAYERS WANTED E XPtT to start? Can rtto Acme RH.NCED ONLY Employment Agency. clerical Ting vper DRYWALL STOCKER Must be strong and agile. Apply 2922 South 300 West. DRYWALL NAILERS and FINISHERS. after 7pm e DRAFTSPERSONSurvever. years experience. Coll DEMONSTRATORS For 2 Food And Beverage Products DRIVERS NEEDED If Working Evenings and Weekends In All SLC CALL FOR APPT. Areas 4857510 have 3 years over the rood experience with (fry vans or reefers, 5 years total experience, ft you hove run coast to coast, ft you are at least 25 years old, ft you have a good frMng record we need you. 25 positions avoiiabie. Teoms welcome, new equipment, excellent pay, bonus progrom. Coll John Patterson collect you Wanted delivery persons Part or full time. Flexible hours and days. Must be at least 18. Must have own car and insurance. Must be able to work weekends. Hourly wages plus mileagt and tips. Approximately $5 to $8 possible. Not An Agency Never A Fee Equal Opportunity Employer DRIVERS-SEM- I MF PROFESSIONAL DEMONSTRATORS For household products. Phone ond transportation required No fee; DRIVERS 11 WESTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA. STATES, Requirements; 25 yr old, Utah residence, 5 yr over the rood, 2 WANTED, night owl cook wanted. See Eng at Coyotee's Bills, 206 So. West Tempie clerical all kitchen help, enced only. Apoiy: Plaza experiRestou-rant- , Trlod Center, II to 2pm COOKS Helper, hr. per dov. 5 doys. Older person pref. CORRESPONDS NCEGENERAl Customer order taking, merchandise explanation, immediate trolnlng. 5880 mo, Excel, lob tor Xmas Season. 8844 Sou 700 East 2179 Highland Dr. 815 East 400 South 3050 West 3500 South 1781 West 5400 South 4616 South 4000 West 6339 South Highland Dr. 11 84 West 600 North 273 West 500 South, 4, BountHul 162 West Parrish Lane, Centerville OPEN HOUSE Data Processing Professionals Hercules Incorporated Saturday, November 10, 1984 The Bacchus Works of Hercules Incorporated, near Magna, Utah, a leader in the development and manufacture of fiber filled composite structures and solid fuel propulsion systems, will be hosting an Open House for qualified computer professionals in the following disciplines: Business ProgrammerAnalysts Candidates should have a minimum of 2 years experience on large IBM mainframes with emphasis on COBOL, IMS andTSO. Experience with ADFisalsodesirabla Excellent communication skills and the ability to interface with user departments are a must Systems Programming Supervisor Requires 5 plus years with large IBM systems (MVS XA, MVS370 andor IMSVS). Ideal candidate will have experience and a technical degree. Systems Programmers Requires basic knowledge of assembler language and 2 plus years in one or more of the following: MVSXA, MVS 370, VMCMS TSO, JES 2 andor IMS Currently operating MVSXA on a 3084Q with expansion program to include additional computer for VMCMS Math Modeling Bill COOKS, tr Apply in person between 4:30 p.rn. and 9:00 p.m. DOMINO'S PIZZA KELLY SERVICES CONSTRUCTION paid week worked yr flatbed Call between 12 noon laborers ond clean up OLSTEN TEMPORARIES ond 4pm, ask tor Bob, workers needed. Immed. open610 E. So. Temple ing Apply today 1 lam and DRIVERS 25YRS. OR OLDER Mon. thru Frldov DENTAL HYGitNiST, Gool oriented UTE CAB CO. TEMPORARY CONNECTION office looking tor exprogressive 180 Eost2l00So. 201 MEN OR WOMAN perienced, expanded duties HyWE PAY HOURLY SALARY or gienist to work Tuesday, Wed Income Must be High Thursday plus. during Tourist season! CONSTRUCTION outgoing, and goal oriented cabs also avoll. FIELD Superintendent for High bet. 10am.-1Noon only School. yr experience. Will ience (discount store). Start need to relocate to St. George 54hour. area tor approx. 18 month Send Apply 330 West 2100 So. No resume to DBI, 603 East 4500 So., phone colls. SLC, UT 84107 or coll HUMAN RESOURCES D6PT. 8TH AVENUE & "C" STREET . tor Interview appt. DELIVERY LADY T uesday and Wed. Must have Utah driver's Ikense. LDS HOSPITAL or Apply Pays 55.50 o hr. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. at A A Carbide. 1818 So. 300 West 8TH AVENUE & C" ST. Equol Opportunity Employer DELIVERY A NO WAREHOUSE an equal opportunity employer-mfposition open. Job requires heavy lifting and good driving record Appikanons oceepted at Utah Bank Note Ca, 134 So. 400 East, DISHWASHER PM. SLC, UT 8 AM-e night owl dishwasher DELIVERY HELP WANTED wanted See Bill Eng of Coyotees Part time at Free Wheeier Pizza, Bills, 206 So. West Temple 54 to 56.00 per hr. possible. Apply DISTRIBUTION In person at 601 East 21st So. WiH train. Openings In Housewares DELIVERY, Maintenance (Trainee). Dept, and customer service and Stable employment. Clean aporder writing. Men or women. pearance. To 55hour. Duality mo. Plenty of overtime. Employment Agency: negotiable. DOCK SUPERIVSOR DELIVERY DRIVERS WANTED MAJOR Common Carrier In Soft Must hove small car. Apply at Mar-to'- s Lake is In need of an experienced Pizza after 5, 180 East 800 So. Dock Supervisor. Excellent sotory and benefit Send resume to ConDELIVERIES for pizza durlro the solidated Freight Wavs, P.O. Box day. Mhe 30349, SLC, Utah, 84130. Attention, Personnel. Steody work. Unskilled month. per BOILER OPERATIONS SPECIALIST. REGISTRATION CLERK Minimum requirements- - 2 vears e COOK Work 24 hours per week and work experience in me operation PIZZA COOK. Part time at Free ond Emergency Room. Type of a complex, high pressure Wheeler Pizza Experienced in 50 Some computer and Insurance steom heating system. Be hand throwing dough. Apply In knowledge helpful. of knowledgeable of boiler person 601 East 21st So, operation, maintenance, repolr We requite o type test be token at COOKS Ail state ond safety benefits. BOOKKEEPER-ASSIST- Needs tools and transportation. State SPECIALIST Immediate opening for an Individual to provide support In the areas of computer network operations and froubieshoofina Systems integration, Systems Programming ond other functions required to operate a 40-- CPU Network consisting of mostly DEC equipment. Send resume to Personnel CMA, DRYWALL NAILER TEMPLE Pert time femole or male to deliver roses to new client One doy o FOOD SERVICE WORKER to work rotating afternoons, 4:30 to week, own transportation outred. Know volley, ask for Erk 8:30 end every weekend Will or CJ. Hayes Bros Bukk, 2280 So. work trayline and cleanup. Call COMPUTER COMPUTER SO. DELIVERY CARPET CLEANING TECHNICIAN CP.I. Corporation, a licensee of Sears, Roebuck and Company, b now excepting applications for he position of carpet cleaning techniEVANS & SUTHERLAND cians in their Salt Lake City office. COMPUTER CORPORATION We will train you to use the finest P.O. Box 8700, SLC. UT84108 truck mounted equipment availPhone (801) able. Must have valid drivers equal opportunity employer- license. Perfect for those wining to CONCRETE FORM SETTERS. learn a new trade. Good benefit For consideration, apply In person 5 years experience using Sat 3431 South 500 West, Soft Lake imons form Only experienced need apply. 59 per hour. Apply In City, Utah. An equal opportunity employer. person, Centerville Ward. 1460 No. Main. Centerville, 0 CARRIER NFDED for Deseret p.m., ask tot Car). News Paper Route, area between 1000 So. and 1300 $o and 1100 CONCRETE WORK. Strong men East and 1300 East, SLC Aporox needed. 45 paper Call CONSTRUCTION CARRIER: Trtoune Carrier needed. SEASONED EXTERIOR TRIMMER In both Installation and Large route. So. Soft Lake crea cutting Contact Bob, with crew monogement. EXTERIOR TRIMMER All Sotory Applications ovoitobie at Wyoming job Service or Box 400, Rawlins. Wyoming (307)328-14412301, teieohone extension 204, ice Contoct Asnworth Transfer doy or evening. DENTAL ASSISTANTS temporary work. Recep- DRIVERS DiESEl tor tong haul tionist and chair stoe. Experigiving. 2 yr (frlvkig exper lence between yr Refer exper. required Musi enced only Com 57 be at least 24 yr of o yt inquire or Ch. Dredge, Syracuse DENTAL ASSISTANT or cheerful and Must be personaoie, DR vERS have ihe aotiftv to work as o team. Forty-nox- r Part time, doy o week. Drive cars week. Far appoint OR 9 over the auction brock. Fun, interment, coil: esting work. Must oe 23 or over. DENTAL ASSISTANT Apply In person, FuN time char side 460 Orange St. (1900 West) 532-43 Experience required. DRIVERS WANTED DENTAL OFFICE part time assisLong haul, 3 years experience, extant. Possfeie wiH train. cellent benefits, 48 stoto, Stewart DESIGNER Trucking. Can e designer to custom de- DRIVERS over the yr. rood, sign closet areas wfth minimal ofexperience Team work own transfice work. Must SANDERS 260 No. Carpenters. 2 man for yr, enced preferred. 1537Q, benefits. good DRIVER Far pickup ond delivery, some typing und general office skin Must pe neat in auuevr once and have o goad oivmg ask tor record CaM lOam-llaRick Hudson Manufacturer of motor hotel funk lure and commercial wood interiDENTAL HfGENiST' ors has openings tor Challenging position In West DRIVERS MILL MEN OWNER OPERA TORS WANTED Valley perioaontai practice Far stakes, flatbed, Irregutcr route competent- career Independent, CAEINET MAKERS City, mmoed person sougnt. Coil operation. Bused in Soft ue AMERICAN SAVINGS Is Seeking 0 b helpers for morning ond consumer loon officer to our equity toon department. We are seek- afternoon shift. Apply 6507 So. 400 West between 9om and 130pm or of consumer lending ing experience as a loan officer with 0 commercial bonk or savings and loan. Successful candidate wiH have working knowledge to all pnoses of consumer loan, credit CASHIER for busy camera bar electronics (rea Must have electronic lending regulations, ability to solicit new loon business and evalusoles experience. 330 ate loan credit worthiness Please Start 54hour. Apply West 2100 So. No phone call context personnel tor confidential Interview at CASHIERS needed Immediately. Equal Opportunity Employer Full and part time. Must be available weekends and evening Ask BANKING for Cindy or Ron PROOF OPERATORS part time, 16 hr per immediate opening for experienced CASHIER, contoct week, Margie at Jim's Proof Operators to work part Chevron, 3984 West 3500 So. West hour Flexible time, evening No colb please. Volley. phone starting hours, 5 days per week. West Valiev toe. Quoltfied appliCASHIERS, full time, salary open 24 cants may apply at 350 Kennecoft hr. operation. 4255 So. 3rd West. 0 Bidg. between am, CATTLEMAN-FARMEto work pm, or coll with registered bereford Must Ztons First National Bonk be mature ond experienced. PeEquoi opportunity employer terson Brothers Herefords. P.O. Box 308, Ogden, UT 84402. EOE, BANKING CHECKER with GENERAL OFFICE yr. retail exper- BANKING Part time clerk teller, coll cumpany, Assistant Progressi--groupractice locking tor 0 self motivated goal atieated individual Experience requeed. Hourly wage ptus bonus Position open immediately DENTAL CRAFTSMEN WANTED Help Wanted IOO Help Wanted 100 Help Wanted IS deoenoaxe peap to upholstery aofe me new Safi City DCOLLECTOR CRAFTSMEN irectory Appro. 4 month work, Well estobhsned ogency needs regular weekdoy working hours. EXPERIENCED Collector. DownFURNITURE FINISHERS This is o canvas, no un, town location; wfth free perking to spray and stain finexperience necessary (no selling). and medical coverage. 5800 per experienced Must hove car good handwriting ishing Good working cond ffton month pms commission. Good pov and benefit Please spelling No telephone cans am fti COLLECTOR Financial Institution applications from to. Jim Watts, 8169 So. State, noon Monday and Tuesooy, needs experienced fuH time colMidvale RJ POLK & CO, lector We are looking for some3443 So. State Sufie )9 one who desires upward mopurty. Equal Opportunity Employer MF Pieose send resume with saury CRT OPERATORS AND INTER retirements to P 0. Box 2377, VCWER, both require occircfre SLC, UT 84 10. typing, 50 wpm, Interviewer oho COLLECTOR PART TIME requires PR experience, interviewer hours 8:30-- p.m. CRT OpExperienced Collector needed CAR PAINTER WANTED for evenings arto erator hous 9.30-- 6 p.m. Monday immediately Experienced, Can Saturday 53.50 per hour Downthrough Friday. Good benefit have town. Free parking. CAP WASHER DRIVER needed for Apply at 295 Jimmy Dooitme Rd, portation. Cali: P.M. shift Must be 18 or older ApSlC international Center. COMMERCIAL ARTIST ply 2375 West No. Tempie Dtwn. ZCMi needs fut! time commercial DIETARY Customer service 2 artist tor advertising department. National poyroH company seeks 2 yr wfth good customer FRAMING. MiniCARPENTERS, experience m design, IllusDRY CLEANERS tration and production necessary. mum 6 years exper .ence on and math skin Payroll and CLINICAL DIETITIAN Coft Drapery t now hiring experiHome furnishings and herd goods data entry experience helpful. rough framing on commercial enced shirt laundry personnel. e LDS Hospital, a progressive 520 bed Coll Gregg protect Only experienced need background desfrcXrte. Apply beDrapery experience heiptoi. Call tween 10 and 2 at the ZCMi Per- DAY CARE tertiary care teochmg hospftcft, apply. 59 per hour. Apply in perfor appointment. hos an opening for a toll time regsonnel Offtre, 2200 So. 900 West. son, Taylorsville Ward 3)05 West Job avoikbie openings or registry eligible Clinical 4700 South, between 7: istered Excellent company benefit p.m. Devlins Child Development Cenwe referare Dietitian, the mar equal opportunity employer ter. 2156 So. 10th East, CARPENTER ral center tor the Inter mountain Five years minimum experience In COMMISSAR Y WORK ER, Equal opportunity employer prt time, west serving 8 western state work Tues.. Thursday, SoL aft framing ana finish carpentry. Pay CARE Aide to work wflh day Appikont must hove expertise in Call dependent upon Qualifications. day. DRYCLEA! DO MR odutts to Bounftfui. NG nutritional support as well as genColl: before 9 or after 6. Coil: eral clinical dietetics, expertise In Wool Finisher. Experienced only. COMPUTER OPERATOR CARPENTERS neonatology andor renal dietet-k- s Monday thru Friday. First Security's Operation Center Is DECK HANDS Experienced finished carpenter helpful. Competitive sotcry VOGUE CLEANING wfth excellent benefit Top woges. Regulor, overtime, For more seeking a Computer Operator Extensive travel. We train you wfth 5 years experience wfth shift work available. Information or to apply contoct Safi Lake 906 SOUTH 200 WEST School aboard Grods ship. High IBM Main area inside work. Frames large thru oge 25. Coll DRYCLEAN6R MANAGER Mon-Fenvironment). CARPENTER, Drywall, Pointer. InEXPERIENCED. Knolwedge of OS MVS and JES 2 terior remodeling. LDS HOSPITAL 6 mo to sunIBM necessary. Knowledge of DRYWALL. Hangers and topers, DELIVERY DRIVER ny CA. References. )ob. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. 3800 printers, TSO ond needed Immediately, )0 8'. (408)446-5)55- , (408)252-- 6 107. VTAMC1CS reoftionshlp desired riorol delivery, afternoons ond Sat8TH AVENUE & C" STREET T apers, finish for knock down tex. urday Must be 21, neefr appeariCARPENTERS Salary based on experie.ice. ng, hove excellent driving record an equal opportunity employer APPLY AT: Experienced Framing and concrete DRYWALIERS and knowledge of city. Apply In mfh work, tor Park Ofy kb. FIRST SECURITY Experience hangers and finishperson 10om-4pCARPENTERS-ExperlenceIn er Piece work. Call: HUDDARD FLORA! CO. OPERATION CENTER fromlng Formlngton-Bounttfu- l STOKES BROS now hlrinQ Coshiers ond Cashier Local bonk has opening for clerk typist and file clerk. Typing skills 45 wpm, general office experience helpful. FuM time permanent position, apoilco fions token at 350 Kennecoft BtoQ. between 8:30 and 11:00 om, 1:30 ond 4:00 pm or coll Ztons First Nartonoi Bank. Equal Opportunity Employer BANKING e Tellers needed. Experi- COLLECTOR Indlviouai with o business Ampmous EXTRA CHRISTMAS Errtoyer LOAN OFFICER 100 Pa i ROLL KJSTiNO tor finance ond sates to Experience wfth govt, reports. Compentenf typing and 10 key Reference. 5VQ0 skefing START EARMNG YOUR BANKING BEAUTICIAN: AMFRICAN SAVINGS & LOAN Has immediate opening for a career oriented person in our internolou-dt- t department This position requires 2 years previous oudtfing or CPA Experience. Supervisory and a 4 year degree in accounting, flnonce or business monoge-meat- . Position Involves planning ond administering oudtts ond assisting wrth ooerafionol department odmlnlstrafion. Conoeto-tlv- e sotory ond benefits pockoge For interview, Contact Personnel least Employer Help Wanted 100 Specialist MS or Phd Physics, Math or Computer Science with knowledge in all three areas Individual will analyze and develop large scale computer simulation systems Must be skilled in differential equations geometry and FORTRAN pro3-- Experience developing compilers and Mathematical modelswill be used for filament winding of asymmetric surfaces with multi-axi- s winding machines gramming 3-- Electronic Engineers BSEE or EET and 2 to 5 years of experience working with control systems to solve automation problems using 68000 or 8080 technology. Experience with assembler and "C' COUNTER HELP Programmers WENDYS Ue NwdiKuft Dept 22? Walt Caky JrtBanr B01 163. Old CMsm SU.. tori NY 10113 Print Nme, Zip. M.FHV booth newer sown in Sandy. Steve to GV Hit's An Equal Opportunity BEAUTICIAN-52- 00 ft'icr B'oaki Address, - College graduate with CPA CLU MBA, or employee benefit experience helpful. employment agency OF SALT LAKE CITY, AND COMPANY- o person with; Working know ledge of accounting and computer skills with 405 INC HALF qualified, forwtrd resume to: SAM ANDERSON City Consumer Servkes P.O. Box 1710 Soft Lake City, UT 84110 No phone coils, please If APARTMENT MANAGER Resident Monoger needed, 53 unit complex In West Jordon. Send resume: 4695 So. 1900 W. 3, Roy, UT 84067 SPECIALIST ROBERT The individuals we are seeking wilt hove a) least 6 months previous successful experience in the areas of first and second mortgooe loan or outside soles experience. person, includes weekends ond hoikJoys. Permanent employment. Coll between ACCOUNTING PROJECT COORDIARCHITECT NATOR. Motor insurance broker-ogOFFICE MANAGER firm is installing comprehenyears experience. Self starters, sive business system nationwide. decisive, utilize people, onoiytlcai, Requires a profespersonable, express yourself well. sional with BS degree In accountFor growing firm, southeast toe ing and 24 yr related experiGood benefits, sotory nego. ence. Experience with computers Send resume to: a plus. Successful candidate will Architect, 6337 So. High lond Dr. hove o brood range of assign104. S0..C, UT. 84)21. ments Including system development, coordinating Imoiemento-ttoand user framing Position requires approximately 40 frovei, pieose send resume to D. Broodbent, JOMS, 26 U So. 1935 ASSEMBLY West, SLC, UT 84119 Need Christmas money? Tempoequol opportunity employer tobs avoiiabie production rary ACCOUNTING through December, up to 70 hours per week for day and night shifts ACCOUNTING CLERK No experience necessary, coil Accounting Dept, of Computer 328-56 for more info. ACCOUNTANT TO $18,000 PLUS BONUS Local company seeks person with B.S. to accounting and 2 years accounting experience. Excellent bonus pions ond fringe benefit Fee paid. Servkes is a consumer lending subsidiary of City Federal Savings & Loon Association. Our continued growth has created several opportunities in UTAH tor commissioned loan originators. ANSWERING SERVICE field. However, you must consider your self o 540,000 a veer person will the desire to achieve more, in odd Won to our outstanding program. we offer a complete fringe benem pckg. including hosprtoi, life, personal demo and more. You may start vour application and learn more about joining our teom by coiling Mr. Green on Monday HAYES BROS 2280 So State ROBERT HALF OF SALT LAKE CITY, SOI- 5500 ORIGINATORS City Consumer Dependable, flexible the automotive In MORTGAGE LOAN ALUMINUM SIDING ACCOUNTING h'M ask for Doran. BANK iNG spend nights to beautiful Sun Valiev, Idaho. Call Wayne Werner (208)788-951ALPINE DRYWALL needs exper sheetrock finishers. NOW Furniture Retail Chain hos 12 openings. Voned positions: APPIY EMPLOYMENT He 22-283- and Assistant Managers, experienced For oppt. coll area. References newspaper mces every attempt to Inform advertisers of the civil rights regulations that apply in AIRCRAFT MECHANIC With A and P license, 2 years experihelp wonted advertising ence required. Move from the city ROBERT HALF OF SALT LAKE CITY, Printed Pattern AVON HIRING BAKERS This NECESSARY Temporary assignments but steody Local company seeks CPA wfth 4 work. Must be neat, dependable, years tax experience In o CPA and willing to work. Apply today Arm. Must be atue to hoodie IRS 1 lam and Mon. thru Frl. TEMPORARY CONNECTION audits, communicate well with 180 East 2100 So. 201 people ond tax pkm for Individuals. Excellent opportunity, WE PAY HOURLY SALARY Knit News! Earn $$ Have fun AVON Cosmetics, Sheerer AGRICULTURE-SHEE- Journey ACCOUNTING Needle Tips AUTOMOTIVE PAINTER-yrs. inquire at Les Jensen Collision Janet The word employment ogeocy will appear In any lob offer listed by on If agency. Please caN you TAX in Action! certified. Most liberal pov pian. Excellent benefit pockoge Including retirement plan. Comoct Mr. Gordon Wiiiardson, Service Manager, Stephen Wade Ponttoc Mazda, 535 So. Mom, (Window Systems) EVANS & SUTHERLAND COMPUTER CORPORATION P.O. Box 8700, SLC, UT 84108 Phone (801) equol opportunity e mp lover - Todays Pattern TECHNICIAN nave immediate opening for technician with General Motor s exper Must be emission We tone-u- Graphics manufacturer needs person to post to ledger, handle accounts receivable and collections. At least year experience required. Send resume to; Great AUTOMOTIVE Con- SEND your self home for the vio video Christmas ctyds. CALL tor CAR INSURANCE QUOTE voir own creation or our cards starring you. We Reese msurpnce Agency cater to the camero shy. Order ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS early! Cat) mVkJeo Info, and Assistance. GIVE TO HELP 0THERSI AIRLINE DISCOUNT COUPONS All items Donated ye Ta BUY OR SELL. VINCENTS feeds 150, MAKE Hypnosis work for you. of No Chcyge, Monday - Sahxduy, Don for Anyone who Is In need Koch, Hypnotherapist 132 SOUTH 300 WEST CARDS, Palms, Psychic, Combo. Also company parties. NEW CREDIT CARD) NO ONE REFUSED) Also, Information on SINGLE? Meet that special one! Coil d with receiving visa, Master DATELINE free: (800) no Credit Check. Free Brochure. PREGNANT? Need O FRIEND? Call Ext. 130. BIRTHRIGHT: nov. 6th, day 5555$ PAID FOR IDEAS FOR TV Organ Loft 3331 Edison St.. 12:30 ShowvCommercIcNs Eto. knch, 54 .56, for all senior citizens and former nightcaps. Must mcAe OIL PORTRAITS $70 reservations coll Organ Loft ALSO ART INSTRUCTIONS or SPORTSMAL L family tennis BASS and Keyboard plovers wanted moke offer for country rock band, aireodv ELDERLY CARE estob. Experience nec. Definite 24 hr. private home. Provo time work. Terry, IBM positive people to eventuony groom into management. call bob. TUNE-U- The BOWLING Teams Wednesaoy. 7 p.m time skit. tact Wasatch Bowl a Trocy, Dcmny. Fir and Scotch Pine Christmas Trees tor sale Whole-sol- e prices to retailers and stores. Mountain Fresh Tree Co., Koiis-elMT. (406)755-850- 7 teiemtrkehng uepurtment Training Bonus program Realistic management growth I'm looking tor enthusiastic and wanted column of this newspaper lists k)b trnes in alphabetical arrangement This is done tor reoder convenience m looking needed for for o particular to b possibility. CHRISTMAS CRAFT ASSES Monkey socks reindeer Bowling pm Santo s, Corn Husk wreaths, Christmas tree ornaments and tts g galore! Call for details day, eves dosses offered DO YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE? Would you like to get o free complete physical far using o new blood pressure medication? Coil this number for a DOUGLAS POKJ our In positions open SOLAR Sculptured Nolls 5 19 50 Holiday special! Gift Certificates! For gurontee, election 4 Help Wanted Canvassers met Most liberal pay pian with excellent benefit pockoge including retirement pan. Contocr Mr Gordon Wiikvdson, Service Manager, Stephen Wode Pontiac Mazda, 535 So. Mon, NO ERERIENCE NEEDED NOTICE delin- quent youth Reimbursement BUY Silver dcXkrs, HXttan cents, gold sets, otd coins. Mormon proa cans, token and script. Rust Coin & Gift, 31) South Main STOP SMOKING) m 5 Doysi Become o No Drugs.' no Hypnosis! No Acupuncture) No rtfthtrowai! SWlCE ADVISORS Wk hnv mTw3ute opening for 2 service oduisors. Must hove minimum of 3 year experience with o strong desire for odvance OPENINGS CAREER 100 Help Wanted AUTOMU rivfe ADVERTISING ASTROLOGYTAROT Personal, yearly compatibility, lucky e s, re- DISABILITY 100 k inn-lt- 2 x Guarantee youRinsurance Money-Doc- dors, room avoiiabie In our Mrs Most 4ft 9m tiome fcx elderly person. VEhiClES to PhUodeiphio and $600 and up. or Phoenix Hoitdoy Dn.e Away FOUNTAIN Of ' System Membership S 8 50 mo. inciuocs tennis. Coll AuTO DRIVE a WA y CO 2o2 3662 Santa doys, 5245 So State St Suite 3 SENTRY AAACON TRANSPORT Seeroi Better than a P O Bo cars going to East Coast Moll Bo and Answering service DA TING SERVICE for LDS ONL Y Professional and business clientele Latter Day laeols, 8 COVERAGE, with pnoto m an your Insured hem Call or write Needs, o Ponded Co. ftp) PO. Bo 5)1320, SlC, Utan, ft 151. 562 Lwc mynts 5275 per person Includes: arfcye, gun tickets, hotel ana transfers Call 3 DISCOURAGED? You hove the power lEARN self for habit control orta hypnosis feeling Defter cfcout yourself, Advanced Hypnosis, viS,rtfcLHS Help Wanted 100 Recreation Resorts, Travel NOW HIRING COUNTER 1 HELP APPLY AT East North Soft lake-(par- t time) 3988 West 5400 South (lunch only) 232 South Moln 3745 So State (part time days) 9286 So. 7th East (permanent posl from) 5820 So State (part time dovs) 56? East 4tt So. 6135 So Hightond Or (doy help) 9)9 West 2100 South 3149 West 3500 So (part time days) 1005 No. 500 2240 So 1300 BS in a technical field with a minimum of 2 years experience in real time applications data acquisition, laboratory automation or robotic control systems Individuals should be experienced with DEC PDP-RTRSXoperaling systems East HERCULES COUNTER HELP Part time day neip needed Apply at Skipper's 180 East feO0 So. Heicuies Incorporated Aerospace Division PO Box 98 Magna Utah 84044 between COUNTER HELP ORANGE JULIUS ot Cottonwood Moll now hlr ing day help Apply in person. Pari time days Apply Clerk 336 So 400 East CPA CONTROUFR Desk Clerk tor tor oe motor lodge For Amer lea's fastest jawing comExcellent business specialist working condition puter franchise Exp necessary, WANTED energetic, goo health, hospital, dental and ilto Inoriented, coil Enfre" Computer Cn-tersurance avail. tor Relief sell motivated Individual shift please oking tor Si C s best business bet lOom-epfiKJrning, evening and graveytvd, 4 day per wk Sal 5335 per hr CREDIT to work in busy youo den MANAGER $11,000 y See Monoger, Scotty Travel Moto! practice f x per lent essential F PAlfy i trw firm (.arrle S3? Kf tor Hotel. 754 West No Ten Far (aji vh VS? 4?M Acme mpKyment Agency 1 and 68000 technology. Hercules offers competitive salaries complete benefits and excellent potential for advancement If you meet any of the above requirements please call Jim Jaquin, Pat NinomiyaorAI 1, ext 22898, ext 22209 or ext 23246 for a Bakke, 250-59reservation to our Data Processing Open House, or send your resume to. Pt RSON, Peito Foma, BUS U.S. Cihin$hip Ruquirtd. An Equal Opportunity Employer K 0 |