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Show save more on two sleepers for infants and toddlers These cozy, footed styles have gripper waists and adjustable grow feature. Flame resistant polyester knit in sizes 6, 12, 18 mos. and 1 Reg. 8 00, sale 6.29 each two-pie- ce 3-4. 2 for 2.00 Big girls vests, shown, in cotton sheeting to match with fun pants. Sizes 7 to 14, reg. 20.00, sale 14.99 Big girls pants, shown, cotton sheeting in gathered or pleated looks, more. reg. 17.00, 12.75 Little girls' fashion pants in pastel tones feature oversized pockets, sale 11.25 paperbag waists. Little girls jeans have pocket embroidery on polyestercotton denim. Sizes 4 to 6X, sale 7.50 4, "1 savings on socks for your toddler size girls and boys Packaged crew socks, anklets, for both; girls fashion anklets, knee-hi'-s. Shown, reg. 3.25 pkg.3 prs., 2.60 pkg. Reg. 1 .35 to 3.25, sale 1 .08 to 2.60 20 sale! girls vests, pants, jeans with lots of details save 7.01 on girls warm winter jackets Find quilted yokes, ruffle trims, sweater inserts, corduroy touches. Some with hoods, convertible collars, more. Easy care nylon or polyestercotton in bright colors. reg. 28.00 reg. 25.00 4, 17.99 20.99 25 4, off girls rain slickers, sizes 5.99 to 8.99 reg. 8 0, off sale! roomy diaper bags for babys essentials have carrying Canvas, quilts, nylon, more; many handy compartments, pockets, built-i- n changing pads. Shown, reg. 28.00, 22.40 Reg. 1 2.00 to 28.00. sale 9.60 to 22.40 20 off attractively boxed layette sets for baby shower gifts Find useful assortments of baby needs, washcloths, towels, sleepers and more. Newborn size. Shown, reg. 15.00, 11.99 Reg. 3.00 to 20.00, sale 2.40 to 15.99 20 off save on infants nursery print bedding coordinates Receiving blankets, sheets, and crib bumpers come in pastel and primary color prints. Receiving blanket, shown, reg 7.00 pkg. of 2, 5.25 pkg. Reg. 4.50 to 24.00. sale 3.37 to 17.99 zip-quil- 25 ts off Care Bears'. c American Greetings Corp . 1982 seats and booster seats on sale all our infants car Seats are from famous makers. All meet exceed Federal safety requirements or Style shown, reg. 63.00, sale 50.40 Reg. 24.00 to 63.00. sale 19.20 to 50.40 20 off on infants car seat covers, reg. 12.00 and 16.00. 9.60 and 12.80 Save 20 Mervyn s November 5. 1984 Page 13 MERVOTS |