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Show 90 Antique Vehicle N T'l 6? TRAvFt All, mint wrth ovefcri.e spa, 4 61 cond, 4 910 Sports Cars 91 I' 80 7131 ChR YSifcR CONveh'-i&.E-Moffer oornrooe 60 FALCON Mechanically lent Needs body work 5 ChEv Sedan DetKy v. make otter e(.y 01 81 81 Rx Mon MAZ DA teon GSL, exiepftonoliv extras Sunroof am tm stereo cassette 4 extro tkes and rims, chrome strips (tap and bottom). bra fug lights, sneeprtim Best offer W-njMAZDA RX7 GSt Morn yr MAZDA Rx7 or best offer coil loaded, Ar survaof jffy $7,jOO 6 MAZDA RX7 GS Beautiful sell Betow whotesote Must MAZDA RX7, two tone, iow mites and 0 sharp car1 Reduced FORD LEASING 679 low Down Payment Low Monthly Payment ir ESCORTS & RANGERS CAU. PAUL BEAN APR HENRY S. DAY 3899 '84 S. CO. Rwom 5000S' AUDI WAGON 60 '80 MAZDA RX-Light blue 833-PKtw mi Sham 46,795. Easy Fora Motor Qeoft VAllEY FORD 5500 So. State St 79 MAZDA RX 7GS Beouttful cond. t! Loooed. 45295. bring It to you. 79 MAZDA ni val R perfect 7, 10,000 $299 80 ClARK LEASING LEASE '82 MERC LN7 43,400, MAKES & MODELS WOODS CROSS EXIT ON 75 prof, customized, cond. Extras. 45300. 77 84 PONTIAC FIEROSE 6800 ml, 513,000 Sports Cars 780 Z, to PORSCHE excellent cond., offer prime '84 2 59995 offer spd. loaded, 10 dk power seat, power door locks. Detco shocks, engine oil cooler cruse control, 5.7 Liter ve trons with overengine. drive. 255x5C VR 16 steel betted tires. rod lots c musk: Heavy duty radiator, performance handling pock age. Rear window defogger, Red finish. Dark red DATSUN STANZA, 2 k , X hatchbock, 5 spd, AM FM cass., tm, ok, cruise Extra shcrp! 55,645 or offer DL1122. '82 '82 DATSUN 200SX outo., snow tires, 16,000 offbatcmce blue, ml. Pay Datsun Stonzo 4 door, blue, auto. 47,895 Wogstoff s 4400 So. State DATSUN Stonzo outo, air, hatchdock, amfm excellent 45,800. Da SUN 200SX SL 4 Pkg. Must sell '82 DATSUN Maxima diesel wogon, 46900.RepO.778 $. Main. 215 MANTES CHEVROLET SLC no. CHEVROLET OLOSMOBILE 23 So. Mott in TOOELE, UTAH Corvette red, loaded 9,000 miles. Strongs Porsche Audi CORVETTE. New cond. AH opt 26,000 mi. Gray. 412,900. 80 CORVETTE All opts. Good cond. C8, automatic tram. 42.000 mi. Red exterior, block Int. 410,995. '81 FORD cellent cond. Kirk: Coll 79 PORSCHE 924, 5 spd. roof, cruise, dean. 46,950. 79 PORSCHE 928. excellent cond, extras. 79 PORSCHE 91 SC Targa, 930 conversion, 78 PORSCHE 91 lent cond, low or SC TARGA, excel- ml, full leather. PORSCHE 91 IS, olr, must sell. Jeff dean, low 76 PORSCHE 914, Auto., Mops, Bill 48500. sunroof, 2 ffr. 65,000 miles, air. luxury pkg. 57100. sil- 76 CORVETTE, 51.000 ml., white with red leather Interior, iooded, excellent cond. Always garoged Drive all the rest, then (five mine. eves. 76 PORSCHE 911S Targa, Immoc, mint, 511,900. 75 PORSCHE 914 low mileage, good cond 44800offer. 74 PORSCHE 914, excel, condition all opts, Plrrells, Sibies, 220 waff Sony, etc Immoculote, Brett or Brod 75 CORVETTE, block, leather new custom point, Eogle GT's, Alpine stereo, sharp. Must 71 PORSCHE 914 block, excellent sell! 47,950. cond Call after 5. '68 CORVETTE 68 PORSCHE 912, perfect cond, new Convertible, 2 tops, block on block, 4 Int, cass, 46,900, spdL, 327, original. '67 PORSCHE 912. 59,000 OS Is '66 NOVA Sport coupe, 350 cu. In., 375 hpv 4 sod. Custom point, int. ond whls. Super clean street , 71 TRIUMPH rebuilt motor, Don't miss this one Must AmFm cass., 42,000. see to appreciate. aft. 5 . 70 TRIUMPH make offer '68 442 CONVERTABLE Excellent Must sell. condition Int. VET IE maroon, leather, power, new GTs 413,600 '84 DATSUN 300 ZX Turbo, 50th Anniversary Edition. Perfect cond, 8,000 miles. Coll Jody, '83 DATSUN 280ZX, Iooded, perfect cond, must sell, 414,000 or best offer. '81 '82 DATSUN 280 ZX Iooded everything, excellent cond New tires. Must seiii Below book. 410.750 or aft. 6:30pm best offer. DATSUN 280ZX GL, must sell. m 280ZX GL, T tops, 5 spd, sharp, 510,200offcr. 82 DATSUN 280ZX, excellent coll aft. 4, extra Foreign Cars '84 AUDI 500 S miles, lieve. pretty Turbo, Iooded, 6,000 cor, must see to be- '84 AUDI TURBO EXCELLENT CONDITION 2951601 '82 '81 dl. dr. Sport Coupe. Sale fell through. Averoge retail 410,500, must sell 57,500. dl 2793 AUDI 2 AUDI 5000S, 4 beige, dr diesel, leather kit. sun roof, air. You should drive this cor. cond, DATSUN 84 cond 52,000. '80 DATSUN 310 GX, wheel drive, 52800. 4 MAZDA 83 Rx-- 74 PEUGEOT 504 rtogon diesel excellent cond, ftrst 42200 Will trooe 2d. Dll 122. MAZDA Rx7, must see, excellent cona, loooed 59799 ar best offer. or '82 MAZDA RX7 GSL, 5 spa, excellent cond, loooed new tires, block, 510,500 Call '82 Mazda GLC 4 door Wogon. Tan 5 speed wrth ok 46,295. Wogstaffs 4400 So. State 81 Mazda GLC Sport. Sunroof, 5 speed very clean. Must see. Only 45,995. Wogstaffs 4400 So. State GLC amfm cass., AAAZDA front whl. , 626, excellent cond, amfm cass., stereo, radiols, WAGSTAFFS 5000 West 235 235 West 5th So. '80 MAZDA GLC, sunroof, cond 52,999. 702 excellent Sa Main '80 AAAZDA GLC Sport, 5 spd, rodlai snow tires, Priced to sell 79 Ike new. GLC, 4 51650. 2565 So. Man AAAZDA 78 dl. GlC runs and looks great! MAZDA GLC, 51,988. CLARK BUICK DATSUN BMW GMC, Woods Cross Exit on Bountiful, 41,575, 78 4d, 5 spd, dir. AAAZDA GLC, 4 or miles, 51795. 77 MAZDA GLC, needs work, 5 1500 offer, '85 MERCEDES 500 SEL, Europe) mooel, looded, 444,950. '84 MERCEDES BENZ 190E, 4 door, aula, sunroof, ok. Under 600 miles!! Perfect cond. 522,350. DL1122. rock, 36,000 ml., auto. Looks good runs great. 52,500. 328-- 122. 77 FIAT nice looking sporty car, good gas. 4905 So. Avarrt Cirle. (2635 West). 42,000 or offer. miles, 539,500 offer. Call '83 500SEL AMG, 10,000 mi., mint cond 'S3 4spd, low miles, looks 82 immaculate cond ., 5 Spd, omfm cass., excellent cond. rf. 59400. '81 AAercedes 380 SL excellent condition, must seeiSfrongs Porsche Audi '84 HONDA Accord sedan, gray, full warranty. Call '84 HONOA Accord LX-- 4 ., outo., Immoculote, 510,500. '83 ACCORD, 5 spd, dr. Like new! 57,525. DLI171 '83 PRELUDE. Red Fully equip. Low ml. Like new. 510,900. 82 HONDA CIVIC Station Wogon: Excellent condition! Lfce new! OR '80 AAERCEDES 300SD, excellent cond ond maintenance history, full leather, personal car, 51900. '80 MERCEDES Benz 500SE. Loaded! AMG pkg. Excellent cond 431,900offer. '80 AAERCEDES 300CD white. 48)00 ml, excellent cond 515,900. Call: 5th So. excellent cond. 4400 So. 83 MAZDA 82 cond RX7, excellent 5 spd, mony exMAZDA RX-tras, low ml, beautiful car 47900. CoH well, The State Ultimate Sports Sedan." Call Kirk: '83 BMW Perfect Cond '81 8? MAZDA RX7 GSL eauoilzer, sun root and 23,000 miles. Coil John: '81 GSlf, outo.. Iooded, must sell. Wholesale. Perfect. 9671558 82 .MAZDA 82 RX7, 26,000 ml, show cor sunroof, stereo, 48,900. cond spd, BMW 3201, mint cond. 38,000 ml, looded must drive and see to after 5pm. appreciate. BMW 5281, AAERCEDES-8EN- 78 HONOA CIVIC, 51,000ml, or offer. looded best offer, 52,000 or offer. aft. 6pm 76 HONOA Accord minor Interior, 5 spd, ok, good body damoge, EDI- Authorized Soles and Service Bean Chevrotet-lmport- s Ave Ogden '83 MITSUBISHI TREDIA 4Only 26,000 ml, auto, front wheel drive. Just 46495. best offer ask tor AAox: or AAerrlll 3535 Wall needs overhaul, 4600. 76 HONOA CVCC Wogon, good economy car, great In snow. 4650 offer. aft 5 73 HONOA CIVICS (2), In p1s or whole. Must sell. 79 JAGUAR XJS. Excellent 77 BMW 630 CSI, EUROPEAN TION. Show room cond 51450 77 HONOA Civic new engine, air. '02 BMW 7331 For more Into coll: or hard miles. Call for appt. 12,000 5 All opts. Air, '83 BMW 3201: sun roof, oliov wheels, AMFM etc. offer. Mcke cosy 82 MAZDA RX7, GL5. outa, air, sunroof, cruise. 48.991 DL1 122. olr, top. 5331, body 51700. New tires, bra 51400offer. Under cond ACADEMY HONDA NISSAN 1983 LIMITED, JUST LIKE NEW, SEE TO APPRECIATE. 46900. FUEG0 RENAULT CHOOSE FROM New Ccrs At USED CAR PRICES. (Based on September 84 NADA Book value.) FULL WARRANTY. TURBOS. 2 TO YOUR CHOICE 96 WEST CENTER TOLL FREE 85 MAZDA GLC Great Selection 3 drs & 4 drs Front Wheel Drive OREM MORRIS MOTORS '83 RENAULT Alliance 4 L model, less than 9,000 miles, nicer than new Only 55995. '82 RENAULT LECAR, gold, excellent cond, runs good 53700 or mcke offer. '80 Renault LeCar, front wheel dive, economy ctr. jreot shape, only 51,995. Call ask for Larry or Kevin. Dk. '83 SAAB 900$, iow miles, looded, Like new. Must see. Coll aft 6pm. Ogden '83 SAAB Turbo 900, white, 4 excellent cond, must see to appreciate. '83 SAB excellent cond, 511,300ofter. after 2pm '82 Saab 900 S 5 speed, ok, roof, casOS, sette, excellent PorscheAudl condition. Strongs Turbo 4 k.r white, loooed, excellent cond $85COofr 277 059 81 SAAB '80 SAAB TURBO loooed! Ike new! So Moin 486-- 2 157dl 55995. 2695 76 SAAB 99 LE. ok, stereo cass. red Very good cond "SAAB" Authorized Sales. Service & Parts GARFF MOTOR CENTER 575 So. State 75 SAAB Coupe, 4 speed. 4 cyt. Runs and looks super. 52295. RIVERTON MIDVALE LOT 74 SAAB Sonnet excellent must sell! after 5 cond, n m. '85 All SUBARU'S new 4 wheel drive wogons, Sedans and 2 wheel drive wogons and Sedans, to stock NOWS Best prices In state. Like Never Before on All Datsun Models! Big, Big Selection Big, Big Savings!! Datsun 4608 So. State I 262-552- We Sell More, You Save More Ukca 4528 So. State 1 Mazda 266-003- 3 GmC 81 West 7200 So '82 Toyota Corona A agon 5 peed. Silver, low miles Great family car 57,695 Aogitoffs 4400 So State 11 CELiCA Shode. 5549s GT 5 spd offer z68 p s., sun 88IOdk ALLRED 144 Se- 53475. 3228, 550 65 VW best S500 West offer 11 TOYOTACeltcaST coupe excellent cond, snow ffres. whee's, 50,000 mi 55,800 or offer 11 TOYOTA Corolla Coupe deluxe, beautttui 54300 Pwr e offer BAjA offer 446 tx WE SELL RABBITS) Sort l uke s best selection of used RctaOiTs and Sckocco s C see our cas before vou buy 8244 So State Sf Call ore BRONCO lT fully looded, Vl. outo, oir, cruise am frn coss, 5Goo0 low miles 5 yr ps. pit, mile warranty Extra wide fire, custom rims vOlvO turbo seaan. 4 ar Loaded! Sunroof, ak, auto., cruise $11,300 weekdays, 225-378 weekends ond eves. 82 VOLVO DL, 2 dr , bur gundy tan kit. ok cond am frn casv, sun roof. 4 spd with overdtve, radtai snow tires $9800 84 FORD BRONCO Xl T outa, 80e61 513,450 tm, cruise sharp, Rick Warner Truckind 84 FORD Bronco, cond Best offer 'll 12 600 duel port eng. See 0 apcrec 6 make offer See dovs of 3075 So 9th fe 12 VOLVO 242, 4 spd over ckive, Sunroof, low miles, mint cond 54,999 80 Tom See it on the at Wogstaffs 244 DL ak, sunroof, excellent condition. Strongs Porsche Audi 77 VOLVO 2440L, ok, auto, excellent cond $3,200 VOLVO Authorized Soies Service Merrill Bean Chevrolet-import- s 3535 Wall Ave., Ogaen FORD 82 5757 5th 76 W 82 FORO to Ton 4x4, outo, ok, tanks, nice! 80671 $9495 at Rick War ner Truckiand HENRY S. DAY FORD NEEDS YOUR CAR OR TRUCK HIGHEST CASH OR TRADE PRICES PAID CONTACT GARY FERGUSON 3899 So. REDWOOO RO. XL, 4x4. 6 cyl 4 sod, new tkes and stereo, rims 58600 or offer '81 FORD BRONCO WANT TO BUY oW Trucks. Coll ACME, West So. 7200 FORD F350, 4x4 Van, taoaed believable offer Friendly So. State, AAAC Jeep Wogoneer Blue, Ike new ok cond, locking hubs, 4x4. 56,995. Wogstaffs 4400 So. Stale 14 BLAZER 4X4, V6, 5 spd rodio blue and white, om-frass. tinted windows, rer defog-per- , less than 3000 miles. $11,200 silver block Int 53295. or reasonable offer. 79 TOYOTA Corolla $R5, low miles, '84 BLAZER Siiverodo, loooed low real nice, 53200. Coll miles, AmFm coss., power windows doors. AAust socrlflce to buy 78 TOYOTA Corona 2 Jr., 4 spd, house. runs great, 52200. 84 BLAZER 77 CELICA GT epe, mint cond, Jood-e4x4 Bluesliver, 5 mos. old excellent cond Pay off r, 943-- 1 42 offer. Must sell this 511,900best 77 TOYOTA COROLLA or week. Call BEST OFFER. 79 CELICA GT Coupe, 5 spd, mint cond, new tires, omfm stereo, Utah Central GMC JIMMY, Tahoe pkg. Fully iooded! Still under fact warranty!! Must see and rlve. Friendly Motors, '84 GMC S 4x4 Jimmy. Stick 6 cyl. or $12,500. '83 GMC HEAVY h, outo, 4x4, ga propone, 12,000 ml. Looded Must sell. 510,750. kode '82 aesel JIMMY, 11 GMC (Jimmy 4x4), Sharp kuck 5829 5 80 GMC ak, 80 V8, 4 y nice. spd, ps, pt. dk. W, 4x4, outa., 55600offer. GMC (Jimmy 4x4) Super nice. 56895. 78 HONDA Odyssey, to to list. CaH for Info., 4 73 CHEV Shortbed, rebulff high 350 ond kans., new tkes. tm 215 or bmt Un- Motors, bids, 74 SUBURBAN 350, headers, dual exhaust, 51500 or offy. 2n Ton tntynahonoi 0000 22 ft steel hotbed, wffh neodocne rock Excellent condffton. Cali CARGO VANS 11 CHEV 55500 12 DODGE 57295 '80 FORO 54395 WHTE MAN'S spd., ps, pb dk. many extras 84 CHEV to Silvyodo, 511,000. '84 CHEV SJ'vyodo, ton, crew cab, dual wheels, iooded $14,500. or '83 Chev. Pickup Silvyodo, sky blue, 510,095. Wogstaffs 4400 Sa State pickup 4x4, top, looded 4:30 pm 76 TOYOTA Corona wgn. Good cond $1,500. 76 TOYOTA COROLLA SR-- Good afty 83 West 7200 So. 12 CHEV BLAZER, 59800. iooded Ike new, 82 CHEV $10 shortbed pickup, tooksrum great, priced to sell only 52995. Ph. '82 CHEV S10 Tahoe, V6, power outo, shell, excel, cond 12 CHEV S10 Pickup. Tahoe Pkg. Nice kuck. 55995. dk. 6724 So 2200 NATE WADE SUBARU Sa Main . 3557571 W excellent Ton 350 eng. cond 510S0.offy Call. '68 CHEVY PICK UP New motor Best offy. '64 SUBURBAN, $900 Offy. 2 , V6, BLAZER SILVERADO, outo. 1? spd, excellent cond 14 4 speed 4 pi), 1. p.& DATSUN Pickup, shell, AM-F4109-Cass. 55995. Easy Ford Motor Credit. VALLEY FORD. 5500 So. State St. '84 NISSAN Spt. So. Moin 1207 W. dl JEEP CJ-soft tap, AmFm 11 CHEV 4 WHEEL Dr.. W ton. outa. cass. New tkes and wheels 58,695. Ok, hubs, real nice 56095. 1207 CHEV 69 SUBARU RIVERTON MIDVALE LOT 510,500offer. ALLRED 144 1975 350 engine, V, ton, compy shell. Good tkes. New shocks $1,350 '69 CHEV Vt TON wffh compy shell, taw mileoge, very good cond 70 CHEV truck, taw mi. $7800, best offy. afty 7 pm '82 CHEV pickup, L WB, 5 speed 12 OATSUN Pick Do, white, taw 4 miles, 6 cyl. economy, new rally wheels speed AmFm, matching shell 54,795. ana tkes, supy sharp. 55295. NATE WADE compy (307)789-462- 84 55875 pert Very 71 CHEV to ton ps, pb, dr, extro tor s, $1595 leave msg. 13 CHEV Scottsdale 4X4, outo, cruise. Clean. 59995. Easy Ford Motor Credit. VALLEY FORD. 5500 Sa State St 79 HONDA Odyssey, good cond $1500pr. or make offer. 35 mpg. 12 CHEV. outa, CHEV demo, 4x4, SWB, 5 75 SCOUT 4X4, new point snow 77 TOYOTA CORONA snow tires, cruise. Like new. ak, p.s.p-b.V6. Tahoe, ok stereo, cruise, spd, tkes, dives great. 487-- 487. Beaut, blue ok, pood cond, 51850. Drango pockoge. mogs. Gory, 73 INTL Scout II, 4x4, good cond., 54,999. Hiller est 76 CELICA GT, runs great, body '84 CHEV 4x4, Siiverodo, Wton, SWB, extras, 51800 or offer. 12 CHEV. good, AMFM, spoke wheels, exSilvyodo pocklooded, 511,950. cellent, 52495. Coll 5327908. 12 JEEF WAGONEER, white with oge. Block and gray All options. clean! Make tan Int., loopand offy. Very Broughom pkg, 76 COROLLA Wogon, 5 spd, 32 ed. WAGSTAFFS 235 West 5th Sa 11 CHEV to ton mpg, good cond, 135,000 mi., 4x4, p.s ok, pi)., 4 spd, winch, 10' campy. good tkes, 51075. 56,500. 13 CHEVROLET 4x4, short bed, WIN sell sepyate. 84 JEEP Scrambler white, Safari, 5 76 TOYOTA Corona wogon, stereo, AU the extras, outomahe pick-uspd, less than 4,000 ml.. Very 79 CHEV Vi tan shortbed $3,900. snow tkes, dependable. Just tranSv pwr. door locks, tiff wheel, 6724 So 2200 W. dl sharp Truck. WAGSTAFFS 235 Inspected $1250. cruise, low miles, roll bars. mogs. West 5th Sa 11 CHEV 4x4, canopy, 8 tkes and Don't miss this one. see at 76 TOYOTA Corolla wgn. Excellent '84 JEEP CJ7 mint stereo system, rims. Jensen Larodo cond HERITAGE HONOA 4646 So. cond 68,000 ml. $1,650. shortbed. 25,000 miles, 57, 50. Call flit 5 spd omfm cassette, State. 6:30 pm. Best offer eves 6. after afty BLAZER 76 TOYOTA COROLLA SR5 11 CHEV LUV wffh matching shell, 12 SILVERADO, outa, P S, pi), 4 '84 WAGONEER Limited 50,000 amfm rodk, ok, runs good fully looded immoc ulate mog wheels. Very clean. 52,995. spd, excellent cond $1000.best offer NATE WADE SUBARU condition, 516,250, 76 TOYOTA COROLLA SR 5: 1207 So. Main CHEV IUW 4x4 82 83 JEEP CJ7 Loredo, hard top, 5 Good condition! 51500. CHEV 11 ton, dual wheels, p.s ok, standard trans diesel ena, shell, sod, 6 cylinder, p.s pbv cruise, 76 TOYOTA Corolla, blue, 51,600, tilt, omfm cass., other extras. low miieooe, silver. Serial 3282. pi 4 spd 56,500. 2 t $1500 Heavy Duty 6.2 Diesel pwr looded wffrte. '83 CHEVROLET and 74 CHEVY Luv, reoultt engine kom Needs work 5800 and Trucks 7V cond. taking Credit union. 84 Motors hove over 40 4x4 trucks. Broncos. Blazers to choose from!! 2848 So. state. offer 75 CHEV h. VI, auto., 4x4, rum, kxks great1 52495. 43 10 Sth E Dk XlT cyl., standard kons ak cond., power steering, power brakes, tow mi., block, serial 3304 58990 6 Cars auto 75 CHEV to ton. 4x4, new point, new tkes, excellent cond, 53,000 or '82FOROF1SO price, call 4x4's HONDA HERITAGE shell Low mileage ChVY Luv 4x4. 283 VI, tkes. 350, 75 CHEV 4x4 h ton 28,000 ml. on new eng. AN new front end New point, tkes and brekes. Utti. bed tarty rocks 55,300 offer So. '69 BRONCO 302 7. '80 TOYOTA Tercel, front whi. ckive. 52200. Call aft. 5. West 235 FORD b Ton 4x4, outo, 80614 $7395. at tanks, longbed, Rick Warner Truckkmo 487 5491 78 FORD Bronco, r eposes sed, good Tile, VANS RUDY ton, 4x4. automatic WAGSTAFFS 12 Friendly eves. 1RXK CAR OR Ogden. (2), 5 spd, ok, coss., dean, 54795. 79 offer F 250 79 FORD 4x4, shorfbed s teas toe Must see and drive to appreciate! Accousticai 76 Chev 1ton tow kuck, Holmes 480 Rigger, 454 V6, 4 spd, all accs. ask tor Peter. 76 CHEVY Luv Mfc ado wrth custom FOR YOUR 79 BRONCO XLT, automatic, ok, coss , 460 56950 offer '80 TOYOTA Cellco SANOWICK AUTO, CASH CALL Me 24' 78 LUV Lontoed wrth shell, 4 spd, ak, steel rodiois 52295 77 CHEVY 8 pickup, to ton, 4 whi. klve, repo Ann, 77 CHEVY LUV Pick-U- p wrth shell. Mcm offer ar Marty 298 $! e3 BRONCO 73,000 ml auto, looded! ALLRED Coroiio SR5, hatch coss. stereo, ok cond, must see to believe. See at HERITAGE HONOA 4646 So State AM-F- CARS AND TRUCKS excelled cond SlQ,x0 Am-F- Wogon showoom floor 4400 Sa. Stale 70 CHEVY LUV, yellow, low miles, rum peat 40 channel C B toclud-e52250 best offer, 9o8 6 109 dk DL DL USED ak, roll ber, mags and only 28,00u ml Reody for the ski season Wogon, brown, autocoss, luggage WAGSTAFFS 235 West 5th So Volvo ChF v to ton pick 14), excellent dl cond $2995 '70 CHEVY to ton pickup Cond fok, needs some work 5000, can 97 0889 8 IX) pm during the week FOR CLEAN looded excellent GMC 7200 1 WE PAY CASH See Gcr Aest LUX BUICK So ALLRED U4 RAWChaRGFR Dark blue Loaded Best offer or trade Cali 702 So. AAom VOLVO bm.v c CHEV PICKUP stonaard tr ans., topper, low mileage, wnfte Set K3I JvJ. 5J450 13 SCHETTIER WILLIAMS '80 78 CLARK 5 spd wrtt cond, free bet S FORD Bronco v6, over (five, excellent tease Cali p.m as for janeff ml on 500 9J0-Tr- Kli a B'ja :atsu 84 Bata VW Autoi Wontftd 4X4 guud 74 DOOGE Power Wgn cond 5 1800 or offer 31 19 975 cord Must Excellent LHjOGE see io iMxecwte1 D17 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1984 rrye (XXX3E Club Cab 4x4 5495 CuM 260 1836 dk '80 TOYOTA bock, FM-F- '80 TOYOTA Coroiio, excellent cond, outa. trons., p s., pi)., AM,-Fcoss recr window louvers. 53,800 or best offer e k ton 44, outo offer 6 DOCK 144 '80 TOYOTA Cellco. 2 k outo., red, new point, 49,00c mi., must sell, 54500 or offer. Days Offer 5pm 80 TOYOTA Celica, Super nice with lots of extras Now only 54695. DAVE STRONG'S VW 679 So Main SLC ugon, 4x4 (Xto HX-- 0frt)S 79 Volvo 7200 So All Terrain Vehicles offer '75 84 BJKX-GM- 11 CHEV LUV 4x4 20,000 ml $4675. 7695 So Main 83 JEEP Grand Wogoneer LW, elec 76 TOYOTA Corolla Very depend-able- , It CHEV to ton. 4 psd, 6 cyl. With 11 CHEV BLAZER Siiverodo, 6 cyl., sunroof, all opts, equalizer hitch, best offer. dk. compy. $4895. Coll AM-F4 speed, p.s like new, still under 50.000 ml nice tape, CELICA 5 75 11 CHEVY 4x4 deluxe, p.s pi), Toyota low miles. spd, good 5795. warr, 516,500, color, cond 5 200 or best offer. SANOWICK AUTO, 5757 Sa State, automatic, ak, styeo, '83 JEEP 07 6 cyl., 5 speed 1845 NO. MAIN, 10GAN after 7. carpet, dual tanks, ail season 75 TOYOTA Corona, 2 dr, new hardtop, soodte bogs, mud and snow rodlaK, excellent cond 56900. mogs, new exhaust sys, 11 CHEV Suburban 4x4, to tan, p.s rodiais, 59200.569-128cass stereo, good cond 51,700-bepi). New tkes, runs great 56,995, 13 JEEP CJ-- 7 Hardtop, toodedl pay offer, outo'80 CHEV to ton pickup, 84 SUBARU GL wogon 4x4, sliver, 4 NATE WADE SUBARU off balance. aft 6pm 1207 So. AAokl mahe, ok Silvyodo, pwr. doors, 74 TOYOTA Colled mechanic spd, great ocnd, 4 tiff, JEEP windows, 4 12 pwr. cruise, sliding Scrambler, cvL speed, special! Needs timing chain, must 11 CHEV Vi Ton 4x4 '83 SUBARU Hcrtchbock, 4x4, low outo, siirear window, dual tanks, pretty 2 like new, 55800. be tawed, 5600. or best offer by ml., AmFm cass. Great for winverodo, sharp. 80631 58495. at tone point, tow miles, much more. 4 Nov. 8th. aft. 6pm 11 CJ5 JEEP, omfm tape, new Rick Warner Truck lond ter snowstorms. Only 56,995. NATE WADE SUBARU RIVERTON point, chromed $7500 or best of78 V.W. Bug Convert. Very rare. See fer. frodes welcome. 530-1207 So. Mata 17 Dl. 1 it on the showroom floor at WogMIDVALE LOT 4400 So. State staffs 11 CHEVROLET Suburban, 4 wheel, 11 CJ7, tow miles, HARDTOP, excel'82 SUBARU 4x4, GL wagon '80 CHEV Vi Ton LWB 6 cyl 4 spd, lent cond, 56500. ckive, only 47,000 miles. 4 spd, ok '84 VW SCIROCCO, under 10,000 ml., AlplneBose Stereo, cruise. days, or 53995. weekends. cond, 0 real Hunters creom. See 55,800 or best offer. ak, om-fcass, kJlvers, bra, Of HERITAGE 79 CHEV CIO pspb, V8, outa, tape, HONDA 4646 So. mint cond, 5 yr. 50,000 ml. '81 SUBARU GL, 4x4 wgn., 4 11 JEEP CJ-45300 spd, State. heavy duty chassis, no dents 510,450. stereo. Suoer clean! 54,425 or ofColl $4,800. '80 CHEVY Vi tan, 4x4, outo, ok, nice fer. DL1122. 14 VW RABBIT Ike new, iow ml, s W JEEP CJ7, excellent cond., 41,000 79 CHEV Diesel, to Ton, outo., ps, truck. 1 lid! '81 SUBARU 5 spd, wogon. Excellent reo, offer Irode octuai miles, 4 spd Must see and pb. Runs good, 52000. BLAZERS. Friendly AAotars condition drive to appreciate. 1st 55500 43 VW GTI. excellent cond. red 79 CHEVY shortbed Plain Jw, 6 have 5 to choose from. 4 speeds, takes. Call Dan days: K) SUBARU GL 4x4. stripes, ar, sunroof om-fcoss, Loaded, no ok, autas. Excellent seiectioa 2848 Sa eves: cyllndy, outa- - excellent cond, bet. 2 pm. wkdys bra must see, 53895. Coll must see. Low book, State. '80 JEEP CJ-hardtop, rog top, ps, 12 VW SCIROCCO, root, ok, cruise X) SUBARU Brat with extras. Below 79 CHEV. LUV, shorfbed 4x4, 4 spd, AMFM, new tkes, extras, 462O0 79 CHEVY to ton, 4 speed, new tkes, and cass, only on retail. Excellent cond excellent shell. AMFM or offer. Call Extra sharp cass., cond, 53700, this one! In ond outl 53,975 or off er DL 79 SUBARU Brat 4x4. new eng, tires, 22. '80 DAVE STRONGS VW 79 CHEVY. Luv, 4x4. Reolly nice, JEEP CJ-- tow ml, like point, extras. Must sell. 679 So. Main SLC 53595best offy. Coil 1 new! offer trode lid! 78 SUBARU BRAT 4x4. needs noth-ta79 CHEV. 4x4, 4 spcL shortbed, lift 12 VW QUANTUM WAGON 6 cyl. 4 spd Nice. JEEP CJ-a real beauty. 52100. kit, monster tkes. AAust see to ak, 17,000 ml, 57875. Dk. 54,495must sell. Friendly Motors, 2695 So Main 78 SUBARU 4x4, red, new engine, WAGONEER. Clean; new 78 CHEV Blazer. SLCs nicest! 77 JEEPnew tires, great cond 52495. 12 VW Jefta, 4 air, stereo, tkes. point, pspb, ok, pwr. tacks, Cheyenne excellent cond 56750. 77 SUBARU, 51000 custom paint 76 JEEP Cherokee Chief, excellent pfcOv mag whts eves. 12 VW VANAGON, a great low mile for snow, new motor, new brakes. new sheepskin seat covers, 454 family car with an oux. heater. 74 SUBARU GL wgn 4X4, cu. in. with 8.000 ml, Best 52,495 or best offer. 988223 Now only $9495. offer over 56,000, still avail. See at: good economy. 5695. Easy Ford 76 JEEP CJ5, 6 cyl., bikini top, buck-e- t DAVE STRONGS VW Motor Credit. VALLEY FORD. Cycle Inn, 7480 So. State, before 6. seats, 54500. 679 So. AAoin SLC 5500 So. State St. days 75 JEEP CJ-- Excellent. Must sell. 74 SUBARU, 82 engine, )ew poinL 11 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit Diesel, 4 A 52,900 or offer. Can 78 CHEV. SUBURBAN 4X4 runs great In snow. 5875. Julie, dr., 4 spd, iow miles, d 71 JEEP Commando, 4 whl. klve, or 11 VW RABBIT convert.. 5 spd, Auto, V8 engine, propone conv. new taw top, A hardtopsoft brakes, AMeFM coss. New point. Recaro 73 SUPER BEETLE. Good shcpe $6,300 miles, amfm cass. radio, $200, seats. Lke new! 57,785 or offer. aft. 4pm. Asking 5850. osk for Mike DL1122. MORRIS MOTORS 14 72 SUPER BEETLE 70 CJ-RESTOREO."Better Than 11 VW Vanogon 9 pass., excellent Great shape! 51800. 77 BLAZER, ok, tilt, cruise, stereo, New Brett condition must see. Strongs Porsnew tkes, 54,300. or '84 Toyota Comry LE, looded, needs Audi CJ-che 70 JEEP V6, new top, big tkes, to take over small someone post, looks great, runs great. sunroof, 77 CHEVY SB 4X4 with shell, monthly payments, one payment '80 JETT A 4 Climb anything. mog Must sell this 54200 Sam assumes! Call Kevin or Larry at wheels, outa 53,500. or weekend!! 52,000offer Dk. eve-- ' after 6pm. '80 RABBIT Custom, excellent cond, offer JEEP Wogoneer, 4 whl. drive, 70 looded! 53300. '84 Toyota Cel lea GTS. block with 76 CHEV. 4x4 Siiverodo. 4 spd, to needs work, 5500, aft.5 sunroof, digital AM FM cassette, ton. New point. Excellent cond 80 VOLKS Jetta, fun, sporty outo. leather, only o tew months old, Must see to appreciate! Frlendy 12 MAZDA, 626, Sliver blue. Excellent cond New engine with save 51000s. Call Kevin or Larry automatic tram, ond looded InAAotars, year warr. Must sell at once. at cluding sunroof. 22,000 miles. A 76 chev. luv 4x4. V6, 5 Spd $1,649 very nice luxury car. WAG'84 Toyota Tercel's front wheel 4169 SO. STATE '80 VW DASHER STAFFS 235 West 500 So. dive. see why you can't ok, Very dean! 76 CHEVY Blazer, needs '84 RAM. Charger. 150 Royal SE. buy a ood car at Wogstaffs 4400 57dl $2475. 2695 So AAoin 5900 os Is. So. State LlghtDark Blue with 2 tone blue 80 VW Sckocco. Sharp! Excel, cond, Interior. Looded A nker 4x4 SUBURBAN. Good 76 condition, 84 Toyota Corolkj's front wheel whitebiock Int. Ak, AMFM tape, would be hard to And WAGblue. $2650 or best offer. drive. Come see why you can't 54500. STAFFS buy a bod car at Wogstaffs 4400 75 CHEV 4x4 Siiverodo, iooded, new 10 VW Rabbit Diesel, 2 door, cruise, So. State 83' SUBARU DL Wogon, Blue. 4 6 eng, and trons. 55 mpg, $3200. Call eves. speed, 4 wheel drive, 18,000 miles. '84 TOYOTA, Ike new, beautiful. o 74 BLAZER. Low miles, new point. A super car for this coming winter 10 VW RABBIT, Ak, cassette, GT, 5 speed Call Excellent cond 54250. 277-- 162 WAGSTAFFS DAHLES SUBARU 1 12 DATSUN S.B. ok step bumpy, 7 top, runs great $4200, 10 Datsun Pickup, 5 spd, very nice, $3,288. CLARK BUICK DATSUN BMW GMC, Woods Cross Exit on Bountiful, 80 DATSUN King Cab, 5 spd, shell. 1 Ok, $3600. 78 DATSUN, 5 spd PU wfth campy shell. J 1,000ml.. good cond., 78 DATSUN p.u., sheh, mogs, new point 52200, ofr 78 DATSUN Klngcab, shell. Good cond 51,500. 77 DATSUN pick up wffh shell, new tkes, great styeo, lust inspected $1800,968-7496- . 77 DATSUN Long Bed shell, clean, dependable, tow miles. '77 DATSUN King Cab. Good condition. $1795. 76 DATSUN King Cab. good transportation, $1450 or offy. 7 DATSUN wffh shell, skaight, runs good $995. '67 DATSUN wffh shell. 5700best of- fy. Coll 40 mpg. Beautttui '83 DODGE Lke new, 4 spd 4 cyl. tang bed 54444 or offy 79 DODGE RAM CHARGER 4x4 tow miles, excellent cond Must sell. 79 DODGE H 4 ton, taw ml., new 78 DOOGE spd.. 6 tkes. 52950. cyllndy, bed step spd, good cond, Ton tong Vi side, 6 cyl., 51950. 4 Ken 77 DODGE Kory Van duel wheels, 12 ' body, new point and motor. Must see. Ford service truck. New point, special built. Mr. Froman or 75 DODGE to ton, good cond 51500 or best offy. 73 DODGE Club Cab, to tan, V8, new trons. and tkes. Runs good 51250 or offy. Caff '68 DODGE, to tan, new tkes, new taw miles, brekes, new tune-u51000offy '66 DOOGE PU, 318 V8. 4 speed Needs repoks, fkst 517s SAVE YOUR CASH Come to Rkk War ny Ford and lease a new Ford truck wffh no cosh down and taw monthly payment. CALL AN EXPERT Rkk Warner 650 So. Moin. 15 FORD F250, XL 4x4, looded NISSANiTRUCKS FINALLY Truck At Price!! d, See And Drive The All New '85 4x4 Standard. '83 TOYOTA Corolla 2884-- Low miles, 55495. Motor 5500 FORD. '83 TOYOTA TERCEL 4x4 WAGON '83 TOYOTA Corolla Ifftbock. Desperate to sell. Auto, ok, best offer. im SUBARUS ON MJE LARRY HJ MILLER SliDiUll 5680 S. STATE 262-266- 1 roof, Easy Ford 79 VW Rabbit, Credit. VALLEY So. State St. OPEN nu. 9:00 PM SAVE door, standard fruny on cond sun roof, tow mileage dux Serial 3294 56375. condition. 5900. GOOD SELECTION! NOW ;:cxa.; '82 TCYCTa 2 77 t'J4 363 fccrrHn penoutwc j 1 Rusl iJt runs yuod, cm rent BUG VW 66 te 81 $8,775 yellow 5 spd, ok, 25,000 miles, get a FREE 3 year or 50,000 must sell. 10 after 5 pm 1 warranty with your purchase '83 TOYOTA Cellco GT, 5 speed, regardless of the price. IN excellent condition. ALL MODELS looded, STOCK Strongs Porsche Audi 5319900 WE ARE DEALING 15,000 mi. Mr. Hole. yjpe t 11 TOYOTA Supra. Looded No. 891-Must see 58,995 fcasv Ford Motor Credit VALLEV FORD 5500 So State St Do you mile 79 WAGONEER 910 Sports Cars RENAULT ALLIANCE. Tcfce over lease '83 TOYOTA Tercel, 4x4 Wog yellow 5 spd, amfm ok, super mpg. Great winter ctr. WAGSTAFFS 235 West 5th Sa ONLY AT fre 46 YW rmn-- $ vfxzpe 550 46 hn 5650 'dn, greof oOO OP ftuS engine Oudv i?40 v 5 83 TOOTA letka GTS. U.eOO miles, '83 TOYOTA Tef( el wiyun 44 oM 5 spd, excellent tuw 7i 3oo "82 CRfcSStDA, ikt r miles, towv looaea 41 V00 Show room cond 84 MERCEDES 300 TD wogon excellent cond 526,500. AAERCEDES 380SEL low miles, jouwo, SJ0 000 '83 TOYOTA SUPRA, loaded, mus sell 83 TO'OTA Coioiio 4 ij 57 000 or Pest jffer rial '80 or wessoo, '81 TCvCVe-ce- l Bronze, stonaoratrans, sunroof looded 0 after 7( runs excellent, 51200. '82 MERCEDES 500 SEC, thistle Ford Custom Van. Auto., olr and green metallic. Only 2,500 mlv custom block paint. 59,995 at fully equipped, Ike new, 542,500. Wogstaffs 4400 So. State Call eves. '84 HONDA Prelude, ImrrxJbulate '82 AAERCEDES 2400, excellent 4t00 olr miles, looded, cond, cond AAetalic sliver. cond, dark blue. Must sell. 46 matic, ok, RIVERTON MIDVALE LOT p, '83 MAZDA RX7 GS, 5 spd, sunroof AMFM cass, air, cruise Extra nice! 410,575 or offer. DL1122. $5 972 MAZDA 626, gold, 5 spd, wrth or a nice cor to drive. WAGSTAFFs 79 DATSUN 200 SX, good condition. Coll anytime 79 DATSUN, 5 spd. great cond, incl. 6 snow tires, 528O0. 79 DATSUN, auto, air, offer, after 6, 2411 East 6600 so. 78 DATSUN 210 Wgn excellent cond, front whl dr. amfm stereo cass, olr, 51500. '84 MERCEDES 280SE 78 DATSUN B210. Good cond Bargain price, pwr. windows and sunroof, factory warr. or 51,400. '84 MERCEDES 500 SERCS 77 DATSUN good tires, needs New and used Excellent prices. Coil engine work. 4400. S08. collect 8 Larry 77 DATSUN 710, olr conditioning, '84 MERCEDES 300SD Sacrifice at 51,600. like new 76 DATSUN B210, 73.000 miles, 4 '83 MERCEDES 500 SEL European spd, good cond 51,150. model. Sliver, velour Interior, 79 FIAT Brava Sunroof, olr, looded, Pketli tires, 30,000 original 4 deal- 44800offer. '8 xt exteMeri umji speed, m duG, ffirs MORRIS MOTORS 36 '81 '81 AUDI AND AlliANCE 17 to choose from at or below er's invoice jr hotcftock, excellent cona MPG, '81 2 '82 HONDA Prelude, olr, outo, AAERCEDES 3000, perfect cond omfm cass sunroof, low miles, Sunroof. excellent cond 57750. '80 AAERCEDES 240C excel. Must amfm stereo cass, air, Lt. tan '82 HONDA Civic 1500 GL 5 Spd, AM-Fsell, 512,500 or offer. velvet Int. Must socrmce at 46,000. cass, 55150best offer. Coll 79 AAERCEDES BENZ 3000: '81 AUDI 5000S block, great looking, '82 HONOA Accord coocL, Tan with tan leather. Low miles. Exceptionally clean! 516,500. Iooded. low miles, excel-ten- t rear sunroof, louvre, 47,000. bra, 79 DATSUN 280ZX GL; 5 OR spd, air, cond 57,950. '82 PRELUDE. Excellent cond In point, louver, excellent condition. '81 AUDI 400(Mow ml., stereo, ctss and out. New tires, amfm cass 5 79 AAERCEDES 300CD diesel cote. 48,000 ml., 47,200 or offy Silver with blue leather Interior, excellent cond Coll spd, blue. Below book. 451-- 7: n9 DATSUN 280ZX, 22 GL Ike new. 514,949. oockoge, excel, cond Must sell. 30 AUDI 4000 S. Looded. every op- '81 ACCORD, 4 dr., 5 speed, olr, tion avail. Mint condition. Must AMFM casette. High miles, well 79 AAERCEDES 300SD Turbo Diesel, 45900. Kim Must Sell. 51600offer. 7 maintained Excellent cond In sell, moke offer. Coll 79 DATSUN 280ZX; Sod! Must sell and out. 55500offer. 78 AAERCEDES, 450 SEL excellent '80 AUDI 5000$ mis beautiful car. 45991 cond. 53,000 ml, 519,000. Kent auto, olr Iooded! excellent car! 77 DATSUN 280Z, excellent cond 45775. 2695 So Main Mar 00a '81 HONDA Accord. 4 ai r cond, 78 AAERCEDES 450 SL. Dork blue, 79 AUDI Fox, silver, great cond, 76 280Z. Iooded Ifce new. Must sell. cass pwr. steering, am-fPolomlno Inter. 523,000. New tires, 43500. 2565 So. Main real luxury In an economy car. dl. after 5:30 p.m- aft 6 pm. Drive and See at HERITAGE 76 DATSUN 780 Z, low ml., mogs, 77 AAERCEDES 450 SL. 67,000 orlgl-nHONDA 4646 So. State. 79 AUDI 5000S, air, sunroof, looded, cass. stereo. louvers, miles. Leather Interior, mog-nuexcellent cond 54495offer. Ill '81 HONOA Accord, maroon. 5 spd, 74 DiTSUN 260 L 4 spd, 4,000 ml. wheels, 2 tops. Decker stebring ttto you. amfm stereo, excellent cond reo, brown with doe skin interior. on custom rebuilt eng 43200 or 79 AUDI 45995 5000, excellent cond, Immoculote condition. Call Bob at offer, NATE WADE SUBARU 55,000best otter. After 5 and 419,500. 1207 So. Main 74 DATSUN 260Z very good cond! weekends, 77 AAERCEDES 780SE, sunroof, low 43200. Coll: 79 AUDI 5000$ Diesel 5 spd. looded '80 HONDA Prelude, excellent cond. ml. Excellent cond 49900. 72 DATSUN 240Z, omfm cass air, low miles, sunroof, standard great mileage, moving! 74 MERCEDES 450 SEL loaded, trons. 45,499. ski rock, extras, 41500. 78 AUDI 5000, excel, cond, new Call 59900. good cond., 72 DATSUN 240Z; olr, needs body tires. 43,700. 73 AAERCEDES 450 SLC Block on work. Runs well. 51, $00. 702 So Mrrfn 76 AUDI 100LS, 4 dr., pi.. pi, block. 57,'. 00 fkm (needs 43000 70 FIAT Spvder Convert, new top, good cond, 51200, will consider front end body work) HONOA Prelude, AM-Fcass, rodtofs. and point. Looks and rum any offer. power roof, FWD, excellent cond 73 AAERCEDES 450 SE, excellent eves. great $1600. 45295. SANOWICK AUTO SALES 74 AUDI 100 LS, ike new, excellent cond, 49800offer. 4 MUSTANG SVO, hooded going after 7. cond, factory sunroof, automatic 73 AAERCEDES 450SE, excellent, trons. on mission. Balance of contract. 10 HONDA Accord 4 .. 45,000 mi, olr, like new, 45700offer. 72 AUDI Nice running little car. 5650 70 MERCEDES 280 SL, deep red, or or offer 9694646 tan leather, 2 taps, ok, outo, '85 BMW 7351, 433,500. '85 528E, '83 MAZDA RX76S, 5 sod, 18,000 complete restoration, new point, 422,000. '85 3231 Convert, 424,500. 79 HONOA Prelude Sports Coupe, mint cond, 63,000 orig. miles domiles, a reck sharp, sharp car. One stereo. power sunroof, AM-Fcumented Serious inquiries only. of a kind See at HERITAGE silver with red Interior. '84 BMW 3161, immocukjte condition. HONDA 4646 So. Stale. Orlves like new. See at with gold red Completely looded '57 AAERCEDES Convertible, HERITAGE HONDA So. 4646 '83 Mazda R X 7. Limited Ed 5 speed, good BBS wheels, bra, much more. State. running cond AAust sell this weekair, super EQ stereocasseffe, veMust sell. 5 5,800. 48500 firm. AAay be seen at end lour Interior. Special 14" wheel, 78 HONDA Accord, ok, 5 speed, 2736 East 2100 Sa '84 BMW 7451 less than 1000 mi, chompoone sliver. 4 2,995. runs work. needs DATSUN 5 Spd, olr, etc. 48,000. 80 DATSUN 280ZX coupe, Annlver-sarleather. Edition, 58,685 or offer. DL1 122. 1984 RENAULT ENCORE y AAAZDA 81 TOYOTA ; 920 foreign Cars 1 44 '82 TOYOTA CeKo JT redifftpock outo wtth OX) cruise fit AV-FA yeo rioe AaoSTaffs 235 West 500 So MAZDA GLC, 44500 or best offer 82 83 144 STARTING cRCm 91 emo Ts 8J Ovou Son (Ml Of Aopitaff' Stare fJ ?A0 ALLRED '82 MAZDA GLC, 2 Or Hatchback, 5 spd, AM FM, dr Excellent cond 43,985 or offer DL 1122 front 78 Mazda 79 DATSUN 210, 2 aoor Haffhback. Low ml. Excellent cond 52,450. '84 HONDA Accord, excellent 75 PORSCHE 9 IS Coupe cona, $14,000 best off Edition 5 MAZDA GLC, spd Good mileoge Nice car' 53,995 ar offer 78 MAZDA GLC, 131, VW desel, uvoot, 75 PEUGEOT 504 new tires, 197 5 GlC, front whl (five great economy Must sell o sene divorce 43850 ar offer 82 82 DAVE STRONGS Sa AAoin SLC MAZDA 79 Datsun 510, green. A must see car at Wogstaffs 4400 So. State 76FIAT PtuGfcOT Augon erv clean ana etonomka VJ595 75 PEUGEOT 504 diesel, 2.000 miles on repuirt motor, 5400 - Limited Luooea 82 41195. door, '7I 372 5663 Main 702 So MAZDA Rx 7 GS, excellent cond low ml, 512,000 or ask tor Susan 210: '80 DATSUN 210 good or Bruce Call '82 528E BMW, 28,000 miles, automatic trons., excellent cond Must sell. 49,900. 82 7. Datsun B210. 4 door, auto., air cond, very clean. Great on gas. Only 55,695. Wogstoffs 4400 So. State 80 79 PORSCHE 928 Silver auto, ok, cruise, amfm cass, low ml. ex- 77 at Wogstaffs 4400 after '81 AHiiAU$ : js'1 Vo- 4ov9 Sell. jL jvJw '345 Sc 52000. West 90th So. 78 PORSCHE 928, excellent cond low mi, all extras. Any reas. offer 79 CORVETTE, auto, iooded, nice considered car. Trodes considered. 49250. or DATSUN 200SX SL Faslbock, power windows, cruise, AM-Ftape Priced below wholesale 44795. SANOWICK AUTO SALES 79 PORSCHE 924, open air roof, ak extra clean, must '80 DATSUN 310 GX excellent conditioning, sell!! Strong P0r&cne.Aijdl BUTTERFIELD END SALE PRICED TRADES WELCOME '81 Cj!1 to Pat or Nkk '82 Nissan Sentro Wogon, auto, super nice, 54,888. CLARK BUICK DATSUN BMW GMC, Wooas Cross Exit on Bounfftui, VW PORSCHE 944, 17 000 ml, tinted windows, leather, 5 vr warranty, all opts, immoc, 416,500, 82 PORSCHE 928, 13,000 ml, flaw less. Low book 529,400. '80 PORSCHE 928, Quartz brown, leather, auto, loooed 32,000 mi, owner. Offer excellent. YEAR 82 Nissan Sentra Wogon Blue, front wheel crtve. Great family car Only 57,995. Wogstaffs 4400 So. State C . 79 46400. Jim red and leather leather bucket seats 77 Chev. Corvette. ver. Only 49,795 $0. State 83 i orx p in ejne jff 6 505 foreign Cars 91 tin dtesei, 4 door, sunroof power totks wn Oowy tow mites. ntmac pi ked over S l'JO oetow kw book Must Be; Pxe 8 veds jffe Rt ixfcOT 81 DAHLES HONDA 83 CORVETTE 78 CAMARO Z28. Tan, ml. Kenwood stereo. OATSUN MO ZX turbo, loooed wfth Mops, stereo wfth tape or, p s., low miles, excel condition 702 513,599. So. Mom, '83 DATSUN 200SX light blue metallic. Must sell 57,800 82 911 Coupe, fully optioned wrth only 14,u00 mi. RuOv DAVE STRONG'S 679 So. Mom SLC door hatchbock coupe. '84 seaan miles. aoor 7,000 6 p.m '83 13,000 83 PORSCHE red, LOOK! NEW Electric sunroof 49 400 aft 82 TRANS AM, excel shape, ml, 513,000-beoffer, 14 point, 4 Tfi ThE 78 BMW S30I, mmacutafe, low miles, Sun roof 84 DATSUN 200$ X Turbo, 4 3,600 or pest offer Stanza f'frvde-- Acco'ds Gtf W 633 Sunroof excellent 46,U00mi 51 1,900 78 BMW 5301, oil options, clean, must sell, 78 BMW 320i ImmocuKJte, Leather, stereo, sunroof Cali NISSAN y 4 56650 offer 84 V;;rds C.iCS loooed, must sell 3 TO 10 LOWEST LEASES ON 1984 Mercedes Beni Moaets! KEN GARFF IMPORTS m 79 B MA eves.weekends. MGB, OrlQ. owner None cleaner 29,000 ml. Quod Radiols. 10 PLYM Arrow 2 cars. outo. and 5 spd, both nice cars. 42850 ea DL sunroof, air cloth Int, 320I 6T u VM) ' HONDAS foreign Cors 1 3Pfl 'f? 16, oOO excellent, loooed, Lite wrtn uetoe rVhrte 79BMA 82 ALL EuftOPtAN 91 foreign Cors 1 BMrtf 745J S er x'fr ar special wnee and rtres, ABS brakes, 78 000 ml, CallKrk, 80 169 73 MERCEDES 350 SL, mint condition Goto with hard top and mocha brown soft tap. 58,000 mi. 415,000 70 MERCEDES 280 SL, deep red, tar leather, 2 tops, air, p.s, auto, complete restoration new point, mint cond, 63,000 orig. miles documented Serious Inquiries only MOS. plus tax and license DAVE STRONG PORSCHEAUDI State 1045 So. So on this one 46695. Dave STRONG S YW Mam SLC new 91 Foreign Cars 1 nice. 2 dr, 4 speed, extra Kevin or Lorry at Coll Dk. 74 CHEVY 34 T, 4X4 corrletely rebuilt engine. $2,600. '80 DATSUN 4x4, $4500. 79 VW BUS, 7 pass., sunroof, very good cond, best offer. 84 79 VW SCIROCCO Original owner, best offer over 53700. Dennis: 13 DODGE Ram Charger, 8700 mlN ok, standard block and sliver, Provo. SLC, or 78 VW Sckroco, rebuilt engine, new dutch, many extras, looks treat, runs great, 53,000offer. 77 VW BUS good cond $2600. offer 75 VW BUG, New engine point and seats. Excellent condftioa 74 VW Super Beetle, gokt sunroof, great cond, must sell, $1700. Leave msg. Loyne, ?96. 74 VW SUPER BEETLE. Good cond $1,600. 74 VW Buq, good cond, red asking 52000 or best offer. 73 VW BUG, mechanic oily sound, body needs work, 51300, 73 VW Super Beetle like new Inside 'out. (208) aft 6pm 79 VW RABBIT looded surroof, 5 spd, ok, 53300offer 78 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent cond. olr, sunroof, stereo, alloyed wheels, good tires. 52500. eves weekends weekdays or 73 VW Super Beetle. New uphol stery 5100best offer. 72 VW Karmen Ghla, convertible, good condition. 71 VOLKSWAGEN Red, new Interior $1,500, 71 VW Bus, 2nd owner, new Mres and battery, ok, very clean. 51650trode. 71 VW BUG, new eng., Interior rodF ats, brdxes. Smashed front end Great tor Baia, 71 VW GHIA, 1600 dual port enQine. Part or all. 70 KARMANN GHiA Deluxe customized 53000. 70 VW BUG, mec honk: ally sound, body rust, 5600. 70 VW BUS, clean, runs fine, snow tkes,Z WsUl400,ufftr,ja5- - f w VW for 70 sole make off off 6pm. art for Wendv '69 BAJA, new point, new running heatw electric ton, no gear, mogs, rust. Must sell. Make offer. or I DOOGE Romcharger Royal SE looded low ml, ofr trade 83 DOOGE 4x4 tkes, '80 pick), new DOOGE Club Cob pwr. wagon, heavy haft, tang bed, 4x4, auto, taw ml., 440 eng. ok, cass new tkes, excellent cond Must sell! 56975. 3, SNOW GOERS YOU WONT GET STUCK IN THESE '80 BRATT 4x4, 52800 or offer. perfect ski vehicle, '83 SUZUKI 4x4, soft top, 4 cyl., 4 spd, great little 4x4. Just In time for skiing. WAGSTAFFS. 235 West 500 So. We Sell More, Save More!! You tffaee'd Datsun '84 TOYOTA 4x4, show '00m cond, mony extras, $10,800. '83 TOYOTA, Celica, GT-block with block and grey Interior. Sunroof, ok cond, 5 speed Come In and drive this beouty. WAGSTAFFS 4608 So. State '83 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER WAGONER, blue, 4 wh. (ktve, clean, IM new, ok cond, am-frodto, chrome wheels, custom model, 513,250. 82 TOYOTA $R5 pickup. 4x4. 5 Spd, new point, chrome, omfm, tiff, extra-lomiles. 57700. low Today's 262-55- 21 esl-prle- gas piokupft H or diesel! 12 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER WGN for more Info call: 77 TOYOTA '83 360. V8, Wagoneer limited, auto, air, full 76 TOYOTA Londcrulser, many 14,995 84 S-- Blazer. V6. auto, tahoe package '83 Landcrulser. All orlo. Good shape! weekdays; weekends and eves. equipment. 54100.268-111- JEEP, nn 52900. 79 TRAIL Dusty 4 WD. Automatic, PSPB, AMFM casette, deluxe Interior, Chrome wheels, excellent conation, 42,000 miles, 51500 afty QQC 5 pm. Automobiles INCLUDES: Wanted S SPEEO RADIAL TIRES CARPET TINTED WINDOWS BLAZER Sundown Silverado. 12,995 BLAZER 18auto. 6,495 Silverado '80 BLAZER vh.o.0 TOP PROS BMW MURRAY r79g5 473! SO. STATE GUS PAULOS New" Used lot W. 3500 So., 3757 969-822- OPl S JO ID 38 27 40 32 WE NEED 8V YOUR CAR OR TRUCK VB. oo P u WE NEED CARS. TRUCKS HIGHEST PRICES PAd MIODLEKAUFF Lincoln Mycury 3469 So. State B?200D$I $ EST MPG est Nwy moa 5,593 Ute d UTAHS Pius SALE PRICED 6 2000 BASIC MAZDA DEALER 1 trant. EST MPG dir retailed opbant, Uu 4528 SO. STATE 266-003- 3 & he I |