Show ton fen rollar dollars for best waltzing zing couple Sal Salta saltair tair lr A 0 V U W day real estate sates sales Abi abstract tract of blied flied in the county recorders office salt lake lak city july W L J to P F N stillman war ernnt deed for northeast quarter 0 of nonh capt quarter of section 20 T i I 1 1 south janwa I 1 west S ta T 1 II 11 to G C lambert jr nar warranty ded for rodt rod front mm 2 rods raft of nf corner lot int ft 9 block 31 31 ili alt t A ifa L 11 Amolia contor Co orr to joseph burren nult cault deed for cast halt half lot 7 block A 0 plat A ay A V F lio lilen to 10 state ml quitclaim quit claim deed for op ode lode etc ant ct mountain 1 total 1351 SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE 70 76 wot west second sonah write for nr particulars reduced rata rat a everybody should so go and tako tak thol children to laonora july slot tenth waid ad primary day Bartholo mews horse show continuous performance every day st lagoon 10 cents tor for a 50 cent show the th london ralo graph saltair every evening tree free ati cx r 4 r ar r V 4 r v 7 v r v r va 1 l r 9 r r r r IV v v 91 v W v r 41 r v 91 9 19 y y r ir r y y V 4 r r 4 9 r hirschmann HIR S CM I 1 A N NUA L SHO t SAI t FT 44 4 1 there are thirty tour four hundred pairs at 0 tan shoes of various sorts all complete lines nil all sizes and 4 laj widths the major portion of these goods are duplicate orders that cam cama a in just before the fourth ot of july but the decree has gone forth for a quick reduction of stock and aad the prices are halved in most eases cass on 4 e tan good foods right no now in the heart ot of the season 15 to 50 per cent off minus profit yes and in many 4 cases less than that the purpose is to make sit at the heights of the season a sale of shoes that for cheapness 4 i and magnitude is without precedent the shoes ale aio fall all now new their equals ate aie selling at from 15 to 5 50 0 per cent higher throughout tho the shoe trade genei generally ally the sale includes black as well as tons tans but greatest reductions on OIL tans the shoes ale die new in shape and in style are arc up lip to the very Inin tate 44 ea for the little folks a V this weak many new and handsome JV our newburyport line black sorts j things have bem added to our chil 40 drens nt and by the h tay any included Inc lud luden out our line of medium priced ahil nt not paying so much attention 44 4 4 this la 13 one of 0 the departments line ot of tan fail shoes for children are arc to mack black goods gods and nalle they are sold 4 he c a of goodri goodness Ors desirability weara cara part ments mOnts lit in our store we often licar hrar at a t minus prices so 50 as to induce bailit not thrown Y a vitt together seat koit or e economical buyers there the remark all it coils roils more more to shoe hoe the rhoe but a phie of milt we speak bul line is 13 actual saving 4 one priced boic still all as child than tile the parent and true it hut but hemly of the aytes ns as there are others are mat ked lit in accordance ni dos watch the many to 0 o choose from heres one a 4 it sturdy youngster hot hop dainty pat gattein tein indeed dark shade of ct wolfe bros eillce of comfort goodness av and jump and tills litls 1111 tan figured vesting top a very and vear in fit a large Inea measure ture explain it hand handsome morne scroll pattern ending in fit a childs bazes 6 to 81 orth now but there Is another reason tho the prini panel top V other ther styles lit in plain effects I 1 1 sieb fee a 5 to lo S R an 1 worth 1 l C men CIPRI i one ofle th ho more childrens sizes 8 to 11 worth s are poor to start ecart asizee 81 to JI HM 1 00 voi tit 1 W with it to ie the stirring little folks who bazes 11 lla to 2 ni 1 20 wot woich ill now ena neo tho the best kind alls es sizes alj to north ISO the very you see sec lieres heres a better sort now in front of the cheap john stores nith P r cox coc of 0 ladlow sizes 1 I to 5 north 1 00 department ak alluring prices on them will nill not rochester a maker of now fill the bill there can be no pos possible possibly anve yeats experience of alls misses S es 1 and ami e shoes heres larca the th daan 4 economy in such stuff aboy are made biest in atit nt se rl ceabie effects the new its our constant cons aim to procure for to to deceive orthopedic last and cottage col taff opera and our patrons ns the nue best foo footgear at the 4 0 lowest consistent and to mark we me or of fancy shoe creations havia have camerl this season reason to carry di figuried silk or thern them at a never varying faigin of on a better grade than heretofore alalu kid lopi and the th leather ta in of hi lie profit except during our great semiannual and TO ne would like your encouragement celebia celebrated ted odiel od forderer lel viet and agnalt al shop sho sates sales to push it along are arc 1 I 1 hey ate of I 1 the lie minute and dro are this this I 1 Is one line of the events wr WO offer 4 you a customer priced priced for juick fling shoat nt at absurdly little prices we are tom r of ours if not why not our P cox host ost childs tan shoes struggling gling to close out thic se asnas oboes ere are well nell made good and reliable alze lz fi 5 to 8 9 ore nrc worth 60 stock of goods and this brings brines these 41 tho the kind to make business bubines W sac sa ftp to if 11 nith n mih ith remarkable getting opportunity tot to our I 1 grow 0 we Is win rift e KUC size S le W 11 to lo 2 am n orth 5 patro iu the goods offered this week la not ot allow any d dealer daler aler t to u undersell n der eel 1 are in largo large lots exten she varieties us nil they cant do 30 it wo we want your a and aid bif the a prices rioted noted below aro ari in every trade case lowar than the cost of the making 12 try iry us it if NO c donatl so not please lease you I 1 alone among the th colored shoes are tell us u iwhite TIC no fall these from 30 to go 60 per least olt off prices alwais maryed marked on oil a basis to LADIES 4 AT 1195 p meet or beat competition but during f this our greet S sal biannual annual phoc sal complete lines in mans tan goat it minus sho abot medium bedlum round toe sewed soles prices pr kreoll eoll and t on oil all put tog together ethor lit in 0 a thoroughly good liay itay tin 07 11 goods iso I so than ilia ihal department regular regi flar 2 1 25 AT values vali ses 2315 4 seven complete rom lines of li kens ferlo tan caroly it if ever wits was there a 11 better se pipa pl l lines trimmed as fancy so a you shoes plain vict kid medium wide 4 lecter stock of able high class clara vant nt them or as plain be aa you want french toe dark shade of tan plain footwear than e are showing lit in our them hand turned soles mery every pair of medium french toe oxblood shade amans department light wight low known worth and reliability well and goodyear welt sole 4 and high phen for summer near mear with rightly priced tl 1 75 15 to 20 30 now mans light tan ta 3 50 shoe rhoe complete rom an air of daintiness coolness that sizes front from B to E ki russia calf goodyear iq tempt you to buy on first sight wee a welt mans 5 tan patent leather many styles stylea to choose from th daftness fancy vesting top now 77 st to shape and skill of american designers the biggest bargain all lines cornik te jib and skill of amerlean Ameil Am eilean can mechanics have of this the bunch Is our line this Is AT 2145 tended to make things of beauty end and 44 ina a L line fine of tan goods of regular 3 values 1 I comfort combine for q bulck uc Z be asagi all styles stylea and complete lines to mans tan shoes but three lines left 4 1 d divided v aided all low 6 shoes h e tan and weve 1 this weeks selling louis XV XA to choose from vesting tops alth till dark 4 black in into to four lots 11 one hal half f to lo one Ox forda or do with nith plain or panel tops the chocolate or medium shade of tan an and third off D dorothy rothy nith fancy silk vesting or light tan russia calf also 0 ailigh cut tan shoes aiho conf one fourth arth to ain plain pi bath leather r tops topa mi all sa 3 sorts sons at t 4 AT one third off i c choice of any mans shoe in the store 49 low shoe values the best of all AH except burt packards choose from this collection the boyt best of the new nea 41 7 0 AT sa r our line of ladles ladies oxford oxfords in shapes from the best of the new mj ina the now new man mass tan fail or of alark and the old tried and true sorts Lad ladlis leir blaik black bow strap ban 4 1 brench patent calf Oxford at and kid yuu value mally know 44 4 and buckle hand kole olp oxford avith suell vesting tops top all at full well ell its ine what they ale aie 4 1 let ladies lilack black do da opera too ino with 2 thebe 5 SIX 00 poi duits is at UK 38 patent tip or pi plinn dai common sense 35 4 ladles lan fail Ox folds plain ur or cloth vie top toil all 1 kightly pi iced at al regular price ladies tan shoes 4 1 I now flow boys shoes yol yours sao 1 00 sorts ot at I 1 SS L rs sheely 13 giorl I 1 1 aioo sorts at 20 no we need but mention one 8 sort ort aliv hiv ji r I 1 at ladle ladies un tan and black 0 ox x 32 J ro 50 forts lit t 1 I 1 IS state slate best beet quality boys boya tau shoes akocs fords in all this goods good com and 00 arts at a I 1 1 16 sorts sorta sorts 2 15 4 at 14 17 hirschmann HIRSCH S MANT 1 1 E SHOE PEOPLE ka S MAIN ST A A A A A 1 1 4 11 A A A I 1 1 1 a J t 4 r 0 9 41 4 W W |