Show I 1 sl 71 0 il I 1 I 1 k 1 haidn 1 lif ional pew peace C con oil I 1 booss at tho harn doc leaped closed WHAT IT accomplished I 1 baron de Ue delivers livers tile the I 1 farewell address HE THANKS THE DELEGATES i I 1 I 1 while tile work was not so complete as might bo be desired he said it was sincere wise and bract practical ical sixteen states signed the arbitration convention fifteen the other 1 two conventions seventeen the declaration prohibiting throwing Th rowine of projectiles or explosives from Mal balloons loons sixteen prohibiting the use of asphyxiating Asphyxia ting gases rif fit teen tho the declaration prohibiting the use of expensive expansive bullets gathering disapproved ressi pessimistic forebodings 4 I 1 I 1 A L I 1 the july sa 2 3 the international peace conference met for its final sitting today aben ft hen it was aass inon allon sixta sixteen states had signed tho arbitration convention fl iteen the other two tivie conventions seventeen ilia declaration prohibiting the throwing throw ins Ing ot of projectiles or ceplo alves front oni ioni i balloons sixteen the declaration prohibiting the use of 0 asphyxia asphyxiating ting gas and fifteen tile the declaration declai decla allon tation prohibiting tho the use of expansive bullets A letter was road read front from the queen of 0 31 olland holland to the rope apking ai alne hla big moral a 0 the conference the popes icely aich was wad read promised co ater atlon recalled reca llod the fact that lie ho had many times performed the function tion of 0 arbitrator and assured tier lier majesty 2 that in spite ot of his big present abnormal ib normal position the rope pope would continue to seek the advancement of 0 ell claron aaron do de steel delivered the farewell address tho the representatives cepres ot of foreign orel Kii states ire he said the work accomplished while not so complete as might be desired was sincel eite tf ellse ise and practical the great principles principle of the sovereignty of individual states all and inac solidarity ap apparently parelie so BO of josang josl ng had been reconciled by I 1 what they had accomplished he affirmed time tame to come abich holcli hal had their origin in the need of concord inn ton ford cord would be tho the dominating ln lit fluence and that thus thua the work of oc tit tho conference confer enco was truly minister Il Est eurnell and dr beaufort follow allowed oll owed edthe tho latter latler saying that 1 if I 1 lie conference had not realized realised reali real sed lAed dreams nevertheless never theles ss it find and iba lh banu effect would more borc all and d more influence publio orli opinion flon and ed aad d una to rohe questions auci allons of oc tit III n of 0 which stilt PI III re i nain FL a dource of grave consideration for or of 0 all countries baron ile hi steel lal then declared the conference the th three conventions clealan g with the laws and customs of 0 tar i ar and the adaptation of fit tile the geneva to naval ewie w a not lewd d by germany austria j f allina alna kneland and llull japan perg sorva switzerland or turkey rhe states only the ilia ILI aahl hi thallon and that under re rc forve arviL also made co serva tims the three declarations the 1 10 vang ot of explosives from balloons I 1 iho be ilse or if a P joules and ills iha dumdum dum dum duni bullets we sighed ly hy germany ati austila atria hungary T china england Rii gland italy japan luelem ihirg 1 urk servia or switzerland a and rid the ted states signed only tile the declara llon ilan le gardinor the alne of 0 lvcy from rom balloons |