Show SUMMER CATARRH silently depletes the whole system peruna pe runa the only remedy z nai ROBERT DOWNING THE FAMOUS amon among g I 1 lie greatest creates tit not the greatest of american tragedians is robert downing for years he bo has held american audiences spellbound spell bound with ing his thrilling interpretation of tragedy pow few people what exhaustless energy it requires of a man to keep up this terrible drain of nervous force it if ho he truth borka known it would bo be found without doubt that eliat few it if any of lot tho the lending leading stage artists are without some ionic or nerve invigorator to enable them to keep cep themselves in hi a state of absolute lic alth robert downing tho the subject of 0 our S sketch was recently interviewed by the prom press tin n this his subject mr blar downing promptly and emphatically gave tho the whole credit ot life hia splendid physical condition to peruna pe pc ru na aas ing I 1 find it a preventive against all sudden sodden summer ills that swoop upon one in changing climates and water willer it Is tho finest traveling companion and safeguard against mallar malarial lat influences 11 you yota may notice that persons in poor health always find tho the heat most intolerable to lo tills I 1 avoid lavoltd by using po ru nik na I 1 know by tho the thermometer that the weather li is I 1 lot hot yet I 1 havo have felt tho the heat boat less this summer bommer than ever 1 I the cooling action of po ru na on oil tho mucous membrane makes it invaluable tractors to actors and singers as s it does evilly an ay with that tendency to sudden hoarseness so apt to overt overtake alzo one on emerging from IL a hot dressing room to ibo draugh t ty stage elane to sam it up peruna pe ru na no has dono me 71 more 0 ro good iian than any tonic I 1 have over taken sirs its hannah lind says I iwas Iw astor for many years a victim of nervous pros and neuralgia I 1 would have spoils during which roy my buffering was great all sorts of treatment was tried froan which I 1 received little lilt loor orno no benefit doctors V were final employed aloyed and various kinds of medicines mrs ilan lab lin used except to alast long ht gito temporary tomp ry relief thoro there was ivas 1 no appreciable chan change go in my condition at last I 1 was induced to try a bottlo bottle of po pla ru na and offer after using two of this medicine I 1 found fray belf moro more improved p roved than from fall all the other treatment men I 1 over recia received ve I 1 a always ways try ry to 0 keep pe ra na las in tho the house as I 1 then feel sata safe from my nervous attacks it is a wonderful medicine cino for nervous women and I 1 recommend it to them especially dearia darins the trying weather of tpring ihring and early summer simple stimulants will not cure such chaca aul wul to called nothing but a natural nerv that restores tile tho membranes to li their normal condition 3 permanently such bach c cs ts lka dr hartman vu tho the first physician in tho the united stala to accurately describe sn s cabil th ills remedy re rc ru na tho the only systemic catarrh remedy yet lold lv ld fa f now knonk at a fall all over the civlo I 1 d world A person having tk d rome alonco c can n noar ever f ta persuaded to bo be vi n when in ketai of such midi ka a remedy mb armstrong tho the authorial uvil evil and acil a cnota newspaper woman 0 of new york tho the following letter to dr hartman NEW yong jan 24 ISO IM I 1 street i dr S B II ortman dear sir to la december while conn connoted rith ito st raul paul press iress I 1 n as iden violently fit with spinal menco gitla and for two months my ins ills had bad lint but 1 hopes of my r re oiry airy it rr when men I 1 began to th III y coill me I 1 amut havo have abdo abool luto uto rest for two yean boriff for if I 1 resumed my literary libers labors that time limn I 1 would ifould either cither file dio or go insane A friend induced mo me to try borit ro ru 0 m and to my mk surprise Eur prito botor I 1 laid had ono one bottle I 1 han bin h b in an to grow stronger and sleep bettor battor flights I 1 continued taking takang po pc runa ru na right along until at tile tho 4 aaion of three men the I 1 wad ablo to resume my labors on tho the press and completed a novel upon which I 1 vaa ind MISS minutia engaged on nhen Arin taken ill went trent to tho worlds fair us as now paper correspondent and as ono one of tho the lady acla and neither died nor went insane is as my predicted I 1 have continued writing every day fain einck tCo land and am in perfect health entirely free from all nervous cimpl 4 asi bleed bleep well I 1 cannot bencak too highly of ieraci for a tired worn out ont brain and nio ala and n nervous very truly yours minute minnie I 1 author anthor of tit modern evil pe fc peruna ru na cures catarrh cat alrh loi 10 called As soon as aspe peruna pe ru na tomic catarrh tile tho good COW appetito regular regu larl nerves emesi and trouble vanishes re pe ru ra ens cus we weak nerves C C not by tempo anly tinly stimulating them but by removing the ti cause of weak nerves this thib is the oral only cure that mot lists W it MOTO tho the cause caus nature will do the ret ro pc ru ro na removes tho ilia cause canse write valto tor for a copy of dr u latest book entitled Al cali address dr bartman man faustus faus bus 0 THE ATHE MOKE MOHE YOU SAY PEOPLE REMEMBER ONE WORD WITH YOU YOL POL ANDERSON INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE ACCIDENT telephone P 0 box 1 95 INS SU U RANGE 4 south main st suit lake city ALL OUR COMPANIES ISSUE BLANKET POLICIES S COVER 00 ENTIRE CONTENTS OP OF SWELL DWELL INO ING UNDER ONE AMOUNT NO CHARGE FOR FOB GASOLINE OR OB LIGHTING LIGH TING CLAUSE scottish union and national Nation nl of en england land london Aca lurance of england 1 r hamburg bremen of germany 12 I 1 D aetna of hartford 1 fir iier emens rs fund of california norwich union of england I i I 1 transatlantic royal exchange assurance MOTT motts T they 7 im m 1 an a rENNY ROAL PILLS omi n to iti 19 I 1 babi 11 it I 1 I 1 1 1 lt OTI or 36 t of they are S t sw AM u alilin aiding biti of or agan an and do u I 1 oral luto known remedy for women wo canals klicin I 1 e it c w ona ia aim 4 imi becomes a 1100 IE V BOX x ity etym m ki t aio olia by vii DR CH L CO JI w vui ini iulo halo by t F 4 i SUi Drue ent it tl kl it ill I 1 K aluk r 1 |