Show RESTORE U n thu rip i r i quickly cary cwi vt it no nor tuua or dl ahlf uh n J mosa lol Iain BiO in noo c a J 1 I IM li 1 I 1 la ilIn to esry A arle nulo nj kopd I 1 1 I 1 i vi 0 4 af or r i v ha r C N I 1 d C h I 1 t a j r h of to AI A anja I it BEFORE AFTER all U 3 uio bujo HO 4 vivin vivo the ui luary ail EM ft h tho 0 o am am not ra m arol by ninety ty r r 1 w ten V ith 1 et N h 0 o 1 lu V 1 1 1 t A burt a n d m return arned li if wit I 1 deba not nob A per IJO els urOr COb tall 11 bil for and 1 DAN orope ja d chii FT Willy DRUG CO SALT LAKE cl CITY LY Z n C illse A doar cured mo me of chronic thee a 1 M I 1 suffered jetkins re tor cat mill and at times the iho pain WM was dreadful sine 1 ms yam 0 king allu budyan ay iy a n 1 I havo no more no moro more achoo ach no it lind I 1 lw fact letter ihan hin I 1 hate haio for yeam H pain had cured a friend of trine mine and lie he recommended it to 10 mo me you may bert ai hadya I 1 shall algava speak wolf of budyan j tv hartlow SAMS lf if you nu havia pains in limbs rain in joints joanta gaill in shoulder th 0 or r it 11 you TOU K from cural gh acl iura lumbago or tin euma ism in any torm form then take brud kiil ILU will cure you permanently perman Antly budyan removes from tr am tho no blood aidie 1 l I 1 poisons polin pois ns mat cause the above troubles ca hudean Is 11 tor for sale by ello it package or six for tiido am it your 0 4 1 larl t avic coca not net keep budyan cludy a send dirt to tho iho badim an no nn co aj cor us k kion on ellla ellis and markot bis ate san an francisco franciaco franc laco calk maj M it YOU MAY CONSULT THE DOCTORS ABOUT YOUIL CASEL caan caln FREM OP OF CHARGE CALL OR WRITE specialists in the iha cure of 0 catarrh and lift all i az CIlI tONIC und end FRI 1113 eases STRICTLY RELIABLE T in it or by letter tro firo fir o and confidential aers f you uvo live out of oc town write for or symptom and receive expert adice WE TREAT AND CURE catarrh catal Bron bronchitis cLitis neuralgia I 1 1 PRIVATE W we to 1 cure v erv disease dyspepsia skin disi barged veins aul found on the h ln left olde in SS erse tac blood diseases rheumatism one tek su ture tart and files cured without vain minors Ml norS or do nervous diseases kidney irom from busin business bruss fitted circumcision without plim ftak IN diseases female complaints insorn ania inflammation lon ant i rita dysentery paral atis rickets I 1 all lit ty ot of it a private nature a lvin scrofula consumption in n first tot ste stae all 11 private ot of men liver diseases diseases ot of ta abo to babela dlinn chow lasur our good faith aud sull WE AVE to WILL WILI NOT ASS roa FOR A DOLLAR office hours 10 to 5 evenin 7 to 8 I 1 UNTIL vre CURE YOU SHORES harmon 1 block bialt lake city cita SHORES DRS expert elpert specialists 1 0 box aang a WW WH H ff fiRE ff E D dart I 1 R T da GA T tHEriS ff eff S VA WASTE ST atutes V GREAT SAVING RESULTS PROM FROM OF P 0 L dro C VV HIGGINS 1 ml microscopic cro and analytic physician 26 YEARS IS IN SALT LAKE so SALT SAIT LAKE AKE microscopic pic medical institute C W HIGGINS M do ST BT ELMO MANAGER AND ETOIL cor bairt find and 3rd ard south ats t Z lo 10 C X 1 I 1 I 1 4 A AY 91 THIS IS ahe OLD RELIABLE ira itna a bract iced l binigar in ifft t laie rity city tor for tw lw onty nty nac alve 3 icara ears and B the abe no m el ell I 1 eq I 1 alit dished q is res it I 1 haa as el looted I 1 ti it hut tj in a brov ek t th he act e ali by PD tt ki e caples on which his forming al 1 aid of the enables bin to detect deti ct the tha I 1 primary acae auae a ladli il cure cuni etc doctor has cured thousand I 1 of 0 cases or oc nervous debility mendal and physical i weakness Wc aKness and nervous prostration be 1 wib ca to and aa will forfeit tor for any ny oa clu kt jakc ultan n under his treatment cure OR C W HIG GirSS the ablest and most successful greel lint int of the h a in f tl treatment all A inscor of lmh ILU chronic alc nervous and private dim lsuis in both men and women ald del it abe 10 aeo E ir head throat lungs lunga Ston stomach lAth liver abo end and L trouble tB rupture Cit catarrh tarrIl P 1 13 artia pistil in Us its B oral att roAt luaa and ele unfailing success anc cess loo all I 1 catarrh cases treated for a month I 1 medicines free 11 ll L l and dim iasci of 0 wora women n peculiar to ber MX aex 1 young y laid lien ly cured loss LOBS or partial 1059 ut manly power abid bilger esp IP the she tl ti die aged be id on oc old aia nin men deiy fro valara X lne drains which ire descho GC mature i destroy ain 11 tile tho health cause P an n li a taj lysis vala Inn insanity anity and fir Dr dranit enit nil it turf quickly y and pernu stopped irl avato e t of 0 every dilate W ors n tile 11 ed baing aay bad effects apa rt that lot which i arlar Arl t uffer nr lor W blood decays the tha bones and om cauff noro n 1 ital any other hep kno knuuti n disease thoroughly a 0 d fo tore forber reer w cum www treatment call at a t once ard and consult consul t dit dil C W NS write join ya troubles of cr cori I 1 ng aft i ay from tho the ricy ncy thousands Thoua nl a aio re cured at af home jiuji by m tiles nd enco nr cc nna and med reines them I 1 py ofle all AH classes of 0 fisit nt clied tapeworm Tape orm removed with I 1 eat or D hours loura 10 to 3 30 and 1 7 to 8 p m lake city please send tor for a leisg la 13 c 4 questions to dr C W hirzi 6 zat utah I 1 |