Show DISPUTE OVER OVE ALASKA boundary question looms large in NeM newspapers papers HEATED discussion RAGES official view in england seems to bo be favorable Favor ablo toward a compromise it Is pointed out that as the united states canidi canada can idi and grent great britain have bava to live as neighbors neither elther IT side can afford to act as it if it was tho the lost last transaction to be ba arranged I 1 london T july q copyrighted coper issa by tile the associated press Tho The Alas Alaskan kaii boundary again looms large in tho the nev spi pers and a IT heated discussion is ia raging lor for and against the last ast suggestion I 1 hat a harbor should bo be leased eased to canada tho the official view seeing to bo be favorable to this compromise as a basis lor for a friendly arrangement it Is pointed out that its as tile the united states slates canada and great britain have to live as neighbors and in their hearts desire to live as aa friends neither side elde can atford afford affo fo rd to assume an attitude attl tudo or act as if it was tho the last transaction to bo be arranged frd and all aa the he main question at lanile lahue lk though almost loht jont to view among the multitude vt of irritating side issues as a means 0 of easy access to the klondike lelond ike the leaah cailo of oc a harbor would 1 atlin to 1 0 be tio the practical need of canada on the other hand the saturday ite ile mew jew olcen tile feeling ot of it ablo able welkin or oc the public in pointing out that by accepting the Lug suggested ile settlement canada annada debars herself from I 1 again raising hu quention qUent lon ot of territorial igat and becomes be colnes al a piere nere licensee abel e blie bhe dealores to become tile the baner 0 tier in fix tee fee simple many think that the comi plon tise will twill to crid endless leos 1 1 lons annoyances a acas Is or of and I nit li attempts it emits on oil one bide to exceed their own ur or lct tile thi other st sides des rights under lite proposed pio posed compromise tho the saturday day thinks i canada ariada aj iada ought in III no lio event to surrender her lights lit in international law unless she concurrently receives concessions ces front froin tho united states on tile hie other questions before the commission I 1 GOES ion FOR UNCLE SAM tile the saturday review I 1 li 11 claim that canada canad i now suffices suHl ce hall both politically and economically and has no further need of the united states that only the file most moat factious policy on the part ot of great britain could revive the annexationist party tn ili canado canada and asks what possible reason the iba canadians could have for involving the country in n the bravest acot international questions the article concludes as aa follow lulls g with thousands shousan Is of americans slaughtering the filipinas whom they want to truth Is concealed from tho the public by methods worse morse than Itus nug us aa an instance of external aggression and with it a reign of 0 terror in cleveland where a tramway strike to la conducted with altro glycerine bombs an aa on an example oc at internal convulsion sion slon there re Is raised tile the eave question of what will mill happen when the present tide of prosperity turns therefore to IQ urge canada to go beyond the bounds of reasonable yea concession would be neither good it for orlier her nor tile empire in connection with the lite alaskan tit dispute right kight lion lien it II H ja asquith formerly secretary of state slate for the home department in a canadian Can adlAn paper recently i re matics which n he had made to a correspond Lit ol 01 of the absac I 1 abed press when mr asquith alls os o s visited by tile correspondent today to ask rt k wherein he had been inaccurately reported mr M r asquith sill said explanation what I 1 said to you was war liala in fit the course of a casual conversation I 1 hivo said nothing tit in public about the alaskan question and have not given leave for any utterance elance on tho the matter to be published any interview I 1 always re rc lse and ilko to lave it in my own worda I 1 uttered littered no sentiment reflect leiff oh canada at any time I 1 there toro c could not adopt the utterances in ill question and when my attention was directed to them I 1 was waa as a public man bound to repudiate what had evidently been published as a public utterance the inrush of americans americana lj IS unabated and an d they are arc to be seen I 1 i they are lavish purchasers ot or everything that strikes their fancy shopkeepers say this Is tile best iLlner american ican season since tile the financial panic of 1396 and declare that new customs regulations seem not to affect Durch asels and the sign conspicuous in many licop windows prices made to meet the american tariff Is apparently super sup er this la is particularly true as le Is bards gard 8 art and curiosity dealers who iho so say y that the american no longer ask tile the price of 0 art an al but p purchase the most expensive objects display TURF CAMPAIGN the return ol of plunger toley riley crannan I 1 11 to london Is believed to foreshadow a is turf campaign by the Ameil lean can contingent and the tact that no on one lien has been able ablo to i lord Will william iain Beres fords horses hors to since the suspension of tod sloan has haa done much to renew faith in him and to create tho the belief that he be will topeat his brilliant successes when ile he returns return I 1 jt t Is a elul to pj botic to see sea how ice the harvard arvard il junner who d lit in the intern at lonal university vity games taken defeat ile ho has hai been jn in bid bd most of the week with mith cramps and acute pains in the stomach ills ili llanes ix Is by the belief that he la is for tho the americans American 1 detent tito the tori cori Lapan impendent dent of the associated so prenta saw flaw him today looking haggard and tit burke ham ha lost four torn pounds within the week but buc lie ho talked in a manly plucky way 1 I had pains all through my training lie ho said end entered tho lite race tn lit li a funky condition when I 1 cavad tild I 1 knew I 1 was beaten grabara hill hal a lot lit in him and finished air on g ag aa a bull you yes know of rn my y e condition 0 n but wo we wr were not 1 J away any tha tico and tie HO I 1 d determined d to do my beat and WAR wan well beaten baten by the I 1 best beat mm inan I 1 ever met ke ile ja IN it a stronger mau than jordan whom them I 1 defeated in ia adellea now I 1 wiy may bood gooby bap to the hei running path I 1 have hav 1 I ivan away my flay pumps pump und and breeches and will never wt laid root foot upon the truck track oguin the saturday deviow u a leading article to criticism of the arnez jean athletes who possess virtues wo we often agan clate with professional training aad cornea comes to in tile the conclusion diat liat t aro are th tile butler better glan tests iland Engil limin n the botter better ath 14 hir ahr Slit tuter ll alf that ill th alir long inie ral IMI I 1 i i 11 in L HOH oil by bv aril ill hinric P 4 I 1 i thant tham t ti nil aln I 1 ili 1111 LIM d ut li it i lr ir hi n n irl ID h am i I 1 i 11 IWI 1411 1 11 J IIA 11 vi il I 1 it 1 I 1 I 1 til PIT I 1 I 1 i I 1 I 1 i to t tit il til 0 tt it ul v nr lilt il IT un 1311 JL it I 1 11 ul lit ta it hi 4 le if to lo ill hi adint nd tit it t thi lh ai y j at all d arc t at F apin ahr llin orua I 1 1 almilli and T tho ih durent ll 11 alti 11 tn hl aoun crisis cr ll hat hai YI t other oilier cals to moot meet but her tremendous w will Bei enable lable lice her to come 0 out ut on top in erlin berlin I 1 met many lead egi men one learns much from such men n and obtains a point of viem le tolle totally i y different front from that of 0 america I 1 found everywhere on the evidences of a continued and broming airov ing rood good will in the boat beat circles and unions among those thoc whose opinion every american values I 1 a month in parts pails and watched tho the french oni the french legislation veth wonderment the infinite lit ot of the french the casual i lew law ti they eay take taho of things thing 0 w lit alch 11 0 anglo anglo emils maxona hang to w with alth ke arlora s 1 tenacity make them n a most fascinating study naturally I 1 cannot bray opinions afi 0 home politics the united states and tho the administration are arc now tackling a I 1 field of foreign politics never presented 1 to or dealt A lilt by any former administration time N all straighten out ehlt tre in eldous problem prevented ted to us u all I 1 can say IM 14 that thai lie e will H solve t mell ell and honorably mr reed need went ent on to say that he had noticed many clag in england there had been he sold a great revolution in institutions and the internal 11 ll education or of the people they know americans better on every side sir air reed held lie he baw signs that great britan was mas on tin the crest breit of a wave of prosperity american ivan aa enJo enjoying enjoy yinT ln a similar experience lvere thing mr air need ned enn concluded eluded points to the continuance of this p kioa we ase only vant ant to get foreign diffin u ended qui eldy and internal pros P rity contin continue tie for 0 a long ions period |