Show 4 31 i V ekr DR IL ILIFF IT IFF ON mat ROBERTS ron B E R T S CASE t i rt he talks of the big epworth league con bention ven tion and states his own position y 3 J relative to present conditions rv dr T C aliff returned yesterday i y from frn hit hl evaa beeke aki trip ra in I 1 the bast narn antion called ati liy by a tribune t I 1 frrtz be t sava evan an interesting accald tit rf of bla big epworth league convention ex cx prience p 85 follows follon 0 S the indianapolis international erz north leu league convention was wasa a pro success from every standpoint the orli mat d attendance vas nas from to SOMO not quite so po barge as usual owing to the tent it only m mv V bl sand two scars eara honce ll it will convene in san francisco it aa ip expected that unoo Ill Sat vill cro aroi B the th continent at P r ow n lif 13 11 A itta T C iliff I 1 that thai time braue bc aue of the th many attract lions en ell rotate and lit in if f proper steps tire axe amren reo sud and n no doubt ahey icy will be in title duo time 1 many I a ny thou builds tin ja of t il going to or ean arc from n i S ann francasco Francl ro stop atop ft a doy day or of mole boic in sall lake city hostility TO ROBERTS what about tho the roberts question in the late colv convention 0 ration and in the kaat east it rl rally jt it awakened more mor interest mid enthusiasm than any illch camo came her tile tho convention convent inn the keynote 1 was str struck lack on the I 1 rat aday day 0 of the th fit exercises when coneless man illan elt belr ct watami of indiana in ili his ee 1 oming address to mr ilot arts unequivocally vocally called for hit ex expulsion TITS the audience of probably pro balAy in ili and about till big tout tent manifested mani feted its approval appi app oval loval by IP I 1 heated applause and of 11 ll it must he a done doin tills demonet rat lion alth ith tile the i assistance of the city press made it ay easy c to get the caso case before the contention coment lon the committee on oil resolutions alo u siv marlo an emphatic demand dc mand for ir tats and called upon congress to pass pas ft a constitutional allner forever poleg my lit in any state lie or territory and I 1 making it for any poleg aalst to hold any bolee of or i honor or emolument in state slate or nation th expressions were adopted nith uli out dissen flux bolce hy hv the thice great mass on oil saturday night BIG MEETINGS SENTIMENT did you address addres ft any of these hp ml an et ings was asked it was arranged arran ced I 1 hat I 1 should speak in the great tent teni which nos crowded with jib bome hornc S or r more popl 1 I ho he bhole holc matter mattar conic come hat as a a pur our as it nias os not on the published lph tar lit nie to sn sneak ak but or on priday friday night taft th committee in harge asked mo me to prescot pres prea sent the question of utah and polygamy Y and especially tile the case nr nf C congressman elect roberts the address was listened to attentively at its ilia el cleft ewo asking for Roberl sa expulsion and a constitution constitution a amendment were circulated ganong delegat to he be carried back to their C the chapt chap chapters teis is that to ill h 0 0 pam R might be procured and arf re settled to tho th Congi essmOn of their lr rov aril cral distri cle alon along with there petitions there wen n ere circulated some com 70 or SWO tracts bearing upon the ilia present situation in utah AS aa similar nork to ahli abl i was wag done by the christian endeavor tit detroit and the youns union at Hn limond it Is hoped and believed that thai a general ni among tile or nr of those chrep loading will lie be inaugurated in ili such buch a way as to crystallize sentiment nto into specific action that bill 11 result in the iho expulsion of nt mr roberts from congress the th annual conference of the lie atall M N 13 church eumenes crne nea lit in this city ithe IM IN first church august said and necessarily cessa cespa rily until thon I 1 shall ho he a a busy man lu fit up the ilia oak of the iho year and completing my any anni annual a I 1 ic port dr ATTITUDE what fmc you to say if anything at a as s tr in tile deseret neuss attitude toward you lit in tills roberts font over syr ill the doctor was aked 1 I have seen but little 0 of f IV what I 1 a t is the h nes has had to lo say bay about me are or 1111 lato hence no specific reply need be made however on oil the 1101 ge generally ir alv I 1 was among thi the first 0 of f the non mor ous ubba w I 1 laid ill been active in the old days to cn neou couraR rego the acceptance of presed president nt woods offs manifesto then 1 when tile alist presidency and all the for amnesty and man manifested bested for thern olves and their people parle 1 ji ill such tormy their desire for peace and for pardon par clon proa promising obedience und loyalty I 1 said to my any church adf ami I 1 to file th country give them a hance chance to lo fulfill promises by their ashir works for of it I 1 epars 1830 1 I hald to file lh tui that lie ilia lenders and ilie people be hi faithful to the covenants mado etith illi the Govern government mOnt and country and after that th nomination of mr roberts roberta I 1 conversed with influential men inon and urged that ahr ho be set aside I 1 as aa EL L reason that his election wourl great indiana the iho country and piove giove to ahn heal best interest intel Inte cst iest of the state stale I 1 mr I 1 r no bertas election lit in the light of the fads facts seemed to tf rn to be it defiance thrown into the faces of those of w hn have relight to in liy ity the foundations of 0 pure evangelism and tnie arpa in utah and oil an insult to every amerl can home 1 I inglet exceedingly the file necessity bach reopens tile ohp ild issues but now that the sonic pame is in forced upon us ue I 1 be bc here it ft to be the autv of 0 every lover over or of god home anti and country to va ue every honorable means mean to the of tn in visit once and for all ah |